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Member, Administrator, Moderator, King Jeff


  • The plan is to find Corbett, tell him about the piece Robinson will need for the glove; find Rue, ask her about Jones.
  • "Definitely Sun," Robinson says. He doesn't know if she's running with the scavengers Thirds suggested. Her loneliness might suggest otherwise but Robinson knows firsthand that lonely isn't the same as being alone. "Funny thing. I don't think she me…
  • - Who made this? - What strong emotions have been most recently nearby this? - What has been done most recently with this, or to this?
  • Things Speak. (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 10)
  • [Robinson] Robinson looks on while stoking the fire, greasing the pan. There's no such thing as a free lunch, but information is good trade. It's useful to know where traps are, where bandits are operating, and Thirds is good at providing updates. …
  • "Routine stuff," Robinson says to Roark with a shrug. Robinson sees him out politely. Robinson is never servile, or obsequious, or even particularly friendly but Roark is a good reliable client and he doesn't bother Robinson, just lets him do his t…
  • "Your heater's in bay two," in the far part of the garage, where the garage door opens obliquely to the rest of the workspace. "As for the power source, find it as soon as you want to get paid. I'm putting the client on it, too. You can sit it out i…
  • "Not really," Robinson says, and returns to his work on the outboard. "I'm going to need a small, compact power source. Same kind I used in the last few detectors. You know the type. I was going to ask the client to look, but I thought I'd put you o…
  • Thirds is here. Good. "You made it," Robinson says, hunched over an outboard motor as Thirds comes in. Roark has an aluminum boat he keeps tied up on the Hudson and the motor needs work now and then. It's a solid way to get around, and critical wh…
  • Good, he's gone. When Corbett fades into the night Robinson really gets to work. He's sketching on his notepad, trying new layouts, mockups, so on. Oh, he'll fix the glove, alright. He'll fix it so Corbett's sister will think twice about mindfuckin…
  • "Standard rate," Robinson says, 1-barter for this kind of work. "Extra if I need something specific, but I'll let you know." He takes the glove and goes out into the workshop, killing the light in the kitchen. There's a work table in the garage, su…
  • There's no big show to Robinson's maelstrom. I described it earlier, briefly, as a half-remembered dream and I think that may be the most accurate. Details coming to you during your morning shower. Deeper truths, stuff you know instinctively, stuff …
  • Things Speak (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 4)
  • You misunderstand. Robinson isn't defensive about his stuff or even his work. It's the weak vocabulary he finds objectionable. Shit this, shit that, this thing's fucked up, etc. Robinson navigates the local vernacular ably enough, but the lack of pr…
  • [Robinson] The kitchen's in a cozy wooden extension at the back of the workshop. There's a daybed along one wall, under a clouded window and a crowded bookshelf, and this is where the boy sits if he's trying to stay out of the way. Opposite the d…
  • Alternately- and I admit that I'm pulling a 180 on what we've been trying to suss out, and this is probably not for this game, but food for thought- what if these few big anomalies we've seen are signs that they're getting worse? Reality is decaying…
  • We know them by what's left behind [...] a.) A really neat principle to explore in AW b.) The title of my debut sadcore post-rock album.
  • I like the idea of anomalies being rare but also subtle, and a little sinister, and very seldom the tornado of destruction that we've experienced so far. We don't need anomalies that can smash the world- after 50-odd years of apocalypse, buildings a…
  • [Robinson] Anomalies are not all huge, obvious demonstrations of inexplicable force- not any more than suggesting "rain" signifies a hurricane. Some anomalies are as simple as a misdirected sound, like at one overgrown golf course just south of Mon…
  • An uneventful drive is a good one. Robinson considered pressing H for information, maybe finding out what Stopsign's deal was, but once he got a rhythm going it was easier to stick to a good pace and cover the distance. Outside of the real urban s…
  • [Robinson] Alright. "And be careful," he adds. He returns to the Range Rover, studies Rue's face briefly, and is ready to go when H is.
  • [Robinson] Stopsign gets around, mostly appearing at the landmarks, lean-tos and crossroads where travelers tend to meet, rest, and trade news. He's a rumor-monger and sometimes opportunist. Robinson doesn't know him too well: he once bought some w…
  • The most pressing question is: what’s wrong with this, and how might I (or Thirds) fix it? But also, what happened in the moments leading up to their appearance here: what strong emotions have been most recently nearby this? What words have been sa…
  • Things Speak: (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 13)
  • "Well," Robinson says. He doesn't continue the sentence, instead lifting the truck's crumpled hood and peering around inside. Everything on the front of the engine- radiator and cooling, belts and pulleys- might have suffered in the collision. The…
  • "Square," Robinson says. More than square. He doesn't mind at all to be taking a box or two, or a passenger or two. It was the idea of piling everything on and taking on their risks, accordingly, that he had balked at. He reaches into the Range R…
  • [Robinson] "So you get a big-ass truck with some ... Izat a water heater? You get a water heater, and we've gotta leave all our shit out here for some other fuckin' scav — or you — to come back and get?" "Uh, yeah," Robinson says, like, no shit. I…
  • Plenty of room in the truck? "Not THAT much," Robinson says, unenthusiastic. Not everyone will fit, meaning the truck will be overloaded or limited to a walking pace; beyond that, Robinson is fairly selective about who he'll work with, and that di…
  • There's a whole lot going on that makes the savvyhead wonder. Who are they that they're traveling in a truck like that? Why were they traveling at that ridiculous speed? What kind of panic are they in that they would run headlong at a group of armed…
  • The wheeze of a starter and the Range Rover shudders to life behind Robinson, only moments after he shut off the engine. He turns, pivoting at the hip half-incredulous, and fixes Thirds with a stare like he's just spit in the soup. "Turn it off," h…