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  • I look up at Missed's derision, realizin' I've been a little too comfortable in this conversation and let somethin' perhaps a little hurtful slip. Ah well, too late now. "Yup, despite all the barriers, I loved the academic life. Taught classes, went…
  • "Imagine how stingy I'd be if you had sixteen weeks in lectures to learn half this shite." I grin back. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the lecture format but try pushing for an alternative to that at University, let alone a ramp to the speaking pla…
  • "Hmm. He'd be hard-pressed to find someone better. We'll see. I do still get to operate the clinic, so long as it gets second-place in my efforts." I end that sentence sourly. I suppose the intake of augmented chum, all goes well, is somethin' wher…
  • "Sure, his delivery was important but him, slightly less so." I rest my chin on a hand and pull fire through the last few millimeters of my cig. "I suppose I'm tryin' to figure out what level I've landed on, whether I'm disposable or not. A steady …
  • "Mm, you noticed that, too? I don't know the full story, but I've heard similar.." Missed gets a grateful nod from me. It occurs to me that I have enough right now to report at least a couple of things to the palace..but perhaps I want to gather mo…
  • I shrug over the expense. "I know you're good for it. You can crash here, especially if you're fixin' to fix some things." Grunting in soft appraisal of the strut, I nod. "We'll do just that. I'd prefer Bee Bee spend most of her time with me, actua…
  • I take in a drag and let the smoke plume lazily out of my mouth. "I know from some hassle today, to be sure. Fat Man picked me up to do some Feed work. Which means, by the by, that I settled your hock with him. Consider it a thank you for helpin' me…
  • "Why, hello there, Missed. I'm working on this antenna, it's a high-voltage multimodal affair, and I need to calibrate and configure it for a special job. I also need to make sure it's not bugged to high heaven, or else usin' it could really fug up …
  • Since I don't really know how to limit myself when it comes to workin', I frame out both of the projects I have in mind. The first project is the most immediately promisin' - I've already mugged the augury antenna off of Gnarly, so it's a matter of …
  • Remote suppression or identity-editing of the livin' Feed. That's some spook-level bullshite right there. Gloriana wants to visit in the flesh. Or do something kwong-juh duh on the outside. Or, hell, why not both? I can picture how I would do it, t…
  • Phew, it's like a weight, the Feed-enhanced attentions of two people livin' as one, directed at me in this space. "Juice must have led a very interesting life. Wish I'd had a chance to talk with him about it in more detail.." Twenty six years..I cou…
  • Once I'm left to my own devices, I'll be checkin' in on Kikilala and doin' maintenance for them. Perhaps they've come up with some data on Gloriana's relationship to Parcher - that would be profitable. I'll let Roth and Bee Bee know where I'm goin' …
  • "You may see me again as soon as tonight, dependin' on how my work goes. I won't leave you in the cold, I promise." I lend her my usual cool firmness. "Please do, I quite enjoy your singin'. Though I think I'll pass on offerin' up my style of croak…
  • "Good girl. We are always playin' the game. TFM has dealt in - he wants me spyin' on Gloriana over the Feed. Keepin' him a step ahead of her, findin' blackmail material, that sort of business. I'll be askin' you questions about these dignitaries fro…
  • "It was bound to happen sooner or later." I say lazily, with my hand braced on my crutch. I smile lightly, though it doesn't make it to my eyes. "He'll treat you according to what the situation demands. I emphasized with him the value of letting yo…
  • "We'll work on it. I'll close the connection from here, darlin'." After a final moment to receive any goodbyes, I do just that. Back up to the room I go, lookin' around to see what I can see, plannin' to get to the little parts of my mornin' routin…
  • I tip my hat to Kamikaze and pass through the door. There, walkin' into the halls of High Rent, I let out a throaty chuckle for no apparent reason. "That was a good plan. Probably they want to make sure we don't leave with the rig, though it may pa…
  • "Very true, very true." Is Kamikaze sweet on me or are there more hopes at play for my work with TFM than I know here? Ah well, can't say my mind is on it at the moment. I stand up and roll my shoulders a little. "Thank you for the escort, Kamikaze…
  • "Hm. Strange that he's gone so long without. Well, all that's goin' to change." I glance at the ignition and lean to look at the battery packs, wonderin' how he charges this little fugger here. "Sure, just to High Rent. I ought to get started and e…
  • I can't roll sloppy here like I did with Gnarly - two men could hardly be more different. "You're quite welcome. Oh, while I still have you 'in hand' - how would you like those fruits delivered?" I fix him with an earnest, curious look. My own grip …
  • I wonder if he's fixed on a memory of Gerhardt or Metallica. Still, I recall the biometric devices that scanned me before, the exceedin' interest in the truth as experienced and presented. "I appreciate that. Between the two of us, what luxuries are…
  • "My mobile unit happened to come with a ward. Bee Bee's just a child. Roth, on the other hand.." I take a breath to think. "I've covered her costs before. I'll do it again if I have to. I assume your house includes Depot and any place policed by yo…
  • "Near you." I give him a slow, old-fashioned look, then let my eyes wander up to observe the corrugated metal roofing. Back to the small bandage on his face. "That's probably for the best, all things considered." I lean back in the chair once more…
  • "I'm well aware, and therefore I understand her value in..creating irritation in Gloriana." I have another sip of water, then lean forward, foldin' my hands together and restin' my chin on them. "I believe it's important to her well-bein' that she b…
  • "I'll cover that amount for her and she can settle with me separately, I'd like to keep this tidy as possible." I lean back and lazily replace the cigar in the ash tray, looking at it, and then back up to TFM. "Sierra is my student and I'm deeply c…
  • Like I was ever goin' to hide a rig in Depot. I smile back. "I've already got Gloriana's Feed frequency. I can leverage it immediately in return for your current terms, plus your word of honor that you won't interfere with my people. That means Rot…
  • I just tilt my head and make a mild face when he mentions how a bloody nose might not be enough. No mention of how the last time I gave someone a bloody nose they also died. "Fair, I've thought similarly. People like her, they tend to get excited an…
  • "Mm, I'm interested in bloodyin' her nose on principle. Gloriana has been misbehavin' with her power over DVFP for a long time." I tap ash off of the cigar and into the tray, sparin' a glance at the corner. "So I take it you want to gather insight a…
  • The water is most certainly called for, I savor it despite its simplicity as a pleasure. I'm displeased that Parcher's affiliation was what would stop TFM from working with him, though I suppose that affiliation does account for much. I watch the s…
  • Things fall into place in my mind, things I can expect him to know, more or less. Everything else is a matter of fit. "The only dangers truly worth pursuit in the DVFP are extreme. Just as it was on the outside, really. And here we are, jostlin' ov…