It's late morning and Sasha is scratching at your door, again. Another emergency that doesn't have the decency to wait for a respectable hour.
Do you lock your door? Someone's in your bed this morning.
Who is it? How did they end up here, and how do you feel about it? They stir slightly, but don't get up to answer the door, unfortunately.
What does your bedroom look like? Any pictures on the wall? Any curios around that you're fond of?What do you do?
There are no windows, or anything like that... When you walk in, the bed's on the left, the desk is on the right, and the far wall has a book-case I made out of scavenged wood, filled with oddments I've gotten in trade that I couldn't bring myself to part with... Books in readable condition, the skull of a sand-snake (all cooked up, and emblazoned), the rusted-arse piece-of-shite knife I used to gut that fekin' fipper arsehole who tried to stop me from takin' JD and the girls out here to the Irons... Random shite like that.
I've also got a bathroom with a big-arse tub I sometimes let folks with lots of jingle use with a pair of ladies... It costs a pretty penny, considering the disruption to my privacy... I like my setup. It comes on the heels of a long life of doing other folks' dirty work. This place is mine in a way... JD's too, in part, but we built it. I'm proud of it.
Of course, it doesn't matter how pretty a room is when you're dragged kicking and screaming from your sleep into the waking world... Sasha'd better be holding someone's decapitated head in her hand. I don't take kindly to business waking me up unless it actually is an emergency.
I wake up next to Wanda — our resident girl with curves-extraordinaire. She's somehow managed to wrap herself in all the sheets, leaving me with none, and sleeping on her belly, crooked, and sprawled out. I'm a little fuzzy on the details — 'cause those drinks with Cinch lasted a little longer than 10 minutes, and JD and I stayed up late helpin' Rufe clean up blood-stains — but I seem to remember bein' disappointed Sierra never came back to take up my offer with my room, and beckoning Wanda to come fek about... I think I needed that, 'cause I'm not as pissed as I was last night — wasn't anything to write home about, though.
I kick her feet back onto her side of the bed, and reach for the bottle of swill next to me, taking a big chug to wash down the gunk in my mouth. I get up, and walk over to the door, unlock it — 'cause I always keep it locked — swinging it open wide and cringing at the flood of light that pours in from the bar. It doesn't even occur to me that I'm stark naked.
Then she gets down to business, "Esco, Ziggy set up a roadblock this morning. Right outside The Irons. Her gang is charging entrance to the mine." She glances past you when you hear Wanda groan and start waking up. "Motley's crue came through, and Gigg is with them. And, well, some Amazons, too, but they look like they're riding with Motley for some reason. They're coming to see you."
You spot Motley's crue immediately. As early in the day as it is, they are covered in road dust and eager to wet their whistles, perhaps enjoy what else is on offer. Sasha is talking at Gigg, and Motley isn't far off. You also spot a few Amazons mixed in the bunch. How are Amazons as customers, normally?
What do you do?
Gigg and Motley,
Esco is here, coming down the stairs to the bar. He's headed towards you.
" 'Lo Esco, I need to get logging for my crue but thanks to Fugging Ziggy and hers, the last of my barter has gone to that. On the plus, that allows me and mine access in and out of her roadblock for a time.
Do you have any gigs you need doin' Maybe stuffs that need taken through that roadblock? Blaze, we aint that picky and we got a good size to accomplish near anything you aim to do.
We could do something in exchange for a place to shack up temporarily. Only until we can find a more permanent place. We could even offer a little protection should you need such a thing."
"Hrmph. Will you even be open in a month, Esco?"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 7)
"Uhhh. I don't mean nothing Esco, nothin' 'cept I don't have to pay no toll rolling up at the The Depot.
Esco, Gigg, and Motley,
Last and her band are getting drinks and chatting up girls and guys. One of them, a lanky brunette, has already left with one of Esco's boys, heading for a room. Last probably encouraged her to get a move on.
As you're chatting, Sierra comes in from the outside. She looks confident as she strides in, a sense of purpose, which looks rather good on her. Her robotic owl flaps in over her head and lands on top of the piano, then waits. And watches.
When you come into the bar at Diamond, you spot Esco chatting with Gigg and Motley. Motley's gang is all in here, drinking and chatting, taking up four tables. It feels like it might get a little rowdy soon. How do you get along with the crue? any of them you find interesting or have chatted with before?
Oh, and as soon as you come in, this woman:
She looks at you, then a few other girls sitting by her, says something you can't hear, which causes Last to chuckle. Then, she hops up from her chair to head up to you. She's moving to intercept you, like she wants to chat or something. She meets your eyes and she isn't moving like she's threatening.
What do you do?
I smile at the boys and start heading in their direction. The bar is busy today - which is to be expected with the Crue in attendance.
My first interaction with the crue was not under the best circumstances. I was super green, just a few days in to the DVFP and the crue had stopped by to let off some steam. Something must have happened out in the scorch because they were rowdier than usual. Esco was frack knows where, and JD could barely keep up with the drink orders. That's when I saw a few of the guys being rough with the girls. When I saw Roses pull Claudia back by her hair after she tried to leave, I got angry.
Honestly, I don't know exactly what happened. I said some harsh things, acted a bit out of line, scolded might be the term I would use. But, they listened, they backed down and Motley got them back under control after that. Motley is a decent fella. He has his work cut out for him though, dealing with all these misfits.
Other than Mots, I like Sis, she's fun, always tells good stories and works to protect the crue. Guns and Roses, though, they have short tempers and look at me with that hunger stare. I try to avoid them when I can. The others, I haven't gotten to know so well, but seem alright to me.
I watch the girl watch me and see when she makes her move towards me. I always look for new eyes in the Diamond, and hers are new. My initial reaction is to turn tail and head to the bar, avoid being intercepted, but I don't. I look her in the eye as she moves into my way and forces me to stop.
Running my hand along the edge of my short ivory leather jacket, I quirk my head to the side. "Hello."
Pretty faces are trouble... Why the blazin' hell can't I ever remember that?
I turn back to Motley, and Gigg.
Farthoom, I don't know what to do. When she calls me lovely I blush. Lovely isn't a word I've heard lately and the way she says it has meaning. "I liv..." I start to answer, intending to smile and move on, but stop when I notice her arm.
I sidestep just out of her reach, my body turning into itself, making itself smaller. It was an automatic response. Cinch grabbing my hand to help me up and this stranger aren't so different, but to my instincts she might as well have been handing me a gun and telling me to shoot.
I try to relax my posture and smile a bit. "Sorry, just not used to people touching me is all..." I give a shrug and straighten out, try to appear normal. "If you're looking for some company, one of the girls might be a better choice."
I let my arms fall naturally, hoping to appear casual. "I play the keys and sing sometimes, but that's the only work I do for Esco and JD."
Her curt nature catches me off gaurd and I laugh a little. "Honestly, I have no idea what my type is. I've never really thought about it...
It's been months since someone touched me like this and years since it's been so sweet. I'm tempted to stay, but I made a promise.
"Name's Sierra," I say, meeting her gaze. "Tell you what, I've got to have a conversation with boss man over there, and I may have to play a few tunes, but if you aren't busy later I may take you up on that drink."
That leaves you free to step in on Esco, Gigg, and Motley, like you promised.
I'm smiling to myself when I make my way to Motley, Esco and Gigg. Gigg, I have only met the once. He's an unusual character to say the least, not sure what he is doing with the other two. I didn't even know they knew one another. Well, everyone knows Esco.
"Morning, boys" I say with a smile and turning to Mot I add, "Watched your crue come through the barricade this morning. I'm sure Esco's mentioned, but it is looking like we could really use your help."
Esco, I consider you a real friend. You do good here giving the gals shade and jingle, even the ones with little teeters and sprouts, and bein fair square with 'em. And you helped me out once with something that meant a lot to me. So, when Chaz told me that Ziggy was takin' over the Irons, I came straightway to offer my help.
If you think playing cowboys and indians out in the scorch is best, you're the Pops here and I respect that. But, I don't see a reason why not just hightail down to the roadblock and let me take that turret while the rest of ya clean up the rest of them cowboys. With your own turret, won't no one likely mess with ya again.
I look at Esco, it's his call. The wall has to come down and a turret, that could be very useful, but I don't know Gigg. Could be really take down that thing himself?
I nod at Esco, like Ziggy said, the next one could be worse.
"I agree with Esco, but seeing if we could secure that torrent at the end of all this might not be a bad idea."
I look over at Motley, "The way I see it, we can do this two ways. I can ride out with you and your cowboys, or we can split up and double dog Ziggy. If we split up, I'd be willing to ask Last if she and her cowgirls wanna ride out with me. Whatever you think best..."
I make a quick glance at Sierra with a tiny awkward nod, and look away and down at my shoes, making sure my tie is straight. I'm sure she doesn't remember me from that day in the tunnel markets, how kind she was to me, so I won't make her pretend that she remembers me. "I'm Gigg," I mutter.
He seems almost like a child to me, a shy child. It's amazing that he seems so capable here, but I guess that's what the DVFP does to people.
I listen to everyone's plans, most sound good and getting back at Ziggy for what's been done is sweet sounding. "Esco, its a deal. You want us to fug up Ziggy then we will do it." I stretch out my hand to grasp Esco's arm to seal the deal.
"Esco, how soon you want us our there? We will have to find some gear to make us look like those chums sandsnakes but shouldn't take all that long. We will hump that place so hard!" I smile, this is turning out to be a good move after all.
"Gigg, you want to ride with us I won't turn down the extra muscle. It'll be good to have more riders out there who can handle themselves.... you can handle yourself, right?"
I feel a bit awkward about my initial bravado now, perhaps I should have waited to talk to Esco until after Mot and Gigg had left. But, Mot and I have always been friendly before, well I thought we had. Mot's always been nice to me - maybe they just don't see this as any of my business.
Maybe they are right, I'm new here and it isn't like I have anything to offer in the art of war or sabotage. I don't even recognize half the names they mention. I'm just making myself a nuisance. Well, I could offer some entertainment at least. If these guys are going to go to war for us, might as well send them off smiling.
With a bit less pep in my step I turn to Esco, "Sounds like you found us a solution. Do you want me to play for a while, entertain the crue?" Then softer, getting to the real reason I came down to The Diamond,"Then maybe after we can finish that conversation we started."
Hmm... I suppose there's no rush since this is more of a long con, than a single operation.
Turns out when I'm playing for me, I really do love it. Maybe this can be what I do?
I turn to Mot and Gigg, my voice quieter, less playful then it was with Esco. "Any requests?"
When Sierra turns to me, I realize I was so focused earlier that I overlooked her presence. "Good to see you again. It's been a tense day. I promise my crue will behave this time around. For a song, how the old rock ballad 'We're not gonna take it'? It seems appropriate at the moment." I smile at Sierra, truly glad to see her again.
I reach out to touch Esco's hand, briefly, for just a second, to grab his attention. I swallow, feeling daring and dangerous at the same time. I'm inordinately proud of myself. "I'll come by to talk later."
I move away, but stop with Gigg approaches. He's sweet on someone and for some reason that makes me feel light. "I'm glad you remember me. And of course, I'll try to make it perfect for her." I nod at him and go to set up at the piano.
Artemis is waiting for me there. He spreads his wings and puffs up as I approach, then settles in to watch.
Please go here.