[Junk XIII] Checkout Counter (K 7-7]

edited December 2013 in Junkworld XIII

It's the morning of getting your father out of the infirmary. Who didn't make it that you were hoping would be here? Who are you surprised to see?

How did the little party back at your flat go off? When are you going to talk to Zero about leaving?


  • Rinso didn't make it... He was too busy helping out at the infirmary to take time off. I'm happy that Ma' made it, but I'm suprised doc Janco came. I guess you spend a year looking after someone, you're bound to build a connection to them. The party went as good as it can with two pregnant women in attendance. Vee made this awesome mango juice that was frakking fantastic, and Hump played some songs for us.

    I'm gunna talk to Ma' about heading south after the party's done... I wanna enjoy Dad's homecoming without having to plan for Ma' and me going away. That can wait a bit.
  • edited December 2013
    A number of the patients were obviously sad to see your dad go, he'd become a fixture of sorts here. Most of the long term patients came by or begged him to come over, sharing stories, thanks and hugs. Even here, your father made an impact, brought happiness or hope to them.

    It was a bit scary, but your Dad insisted in walking from the infirmary to the lift. Janco hung back, but she let him do his thing.

    This morning, your mother is in a pretty great mood. A very ragged Zagnut is here, hanging back trying to avoid notice.

    Everyone follows you back to the flat. Anything set up there?

  • Dad's just like that, though... Some of us have to work all the frakking time to get anything done. Dad just walks into a room, and folks trust him with shit it seems. I guess it's the way he is. I shadowed him like it was nobody's frakking business as he padded his way out of the infirmary, but it definitely misted me up to see him step into that lift.

    I was busy running around making sure everything was sorted in the infirmary this morning, so I didn't even know that Vee and Hump decorated the place. There's a huge banner hanging over the window that reads, Welcome Home Ollie — I presume Hump wrote that. The place is clean, the spare bed fixed, the late-fall sun hanging low in the sky paints the foothills a beautiful gold... With Dad here, this place feels more like home than it ever did before. My heart flutters. I can't wait to bring my baby girl here for the first time.

    We've got some food, and I bought enough water so that everyone here should get a drink. It's a special occasion after all... I drag Dad over to the lounge's comfy chairs, and hang around just in case someone pops in he doesn't recognize. I sit, and eat, and drink, and make small talk with folks. Heck, I even check on Zag to see how she's doing.
  • Zagnut tries to play it cool. It's obvious she doesn't know you came by, she just says she's getting sober and it's been rough. She tells you, "You know your Ma is one of the best, right? Maybe the truest friend I've ever had."

    About an hour into the party, and Ollie is singing a duet with Humphrey, when the door chimes. You were closest, so you beat VA to the door. Standing outside is Hublot and Nezzy. Nezzy has a jug of water with her, "Hey, Kiddo. I wanted to, ah, come by 'cause I heard your Dad was getting out today. Brought a little something for everyone." They both stand in the hall, standing friendly - close to each other, but not "together" close.

    What do you do?
  • I put a hand on Zags' shoulder, "yeah, I know. You looked pretty rough yesterday, but Ma' wasn't gunna let you go through that alone. She loves you girls. Just hang tight, yeah? Some bonds run deeper than in name only."

    I keep mingling, and answer the door when Nezzy and Hublot ring. I'll be honest, they're maybe the last folks I would have expected to show up here — shy of du and Santi, or maybe Kodak and Tech — especially considering the rocky start we had, and her voiced opinions about Ma'. The hitch is, I'm in such a good mood that I don't really care. "Thanks Nezzy, hi Hublot! C'mon in! We were just enjoying some music. Make yourselves at home."

    I look over to Ma', hoping she's OK with this.
  • Hublot steps in immediately, hugging you gently, "Gods above and below, it is so good to see your family gathered in such a cozy home!" He reaches into a jacket pocket, his very stylish leather jacket with touches of paint in just the right places and pulls out a small box to hand to you. It fits just in the palm of his hand. "A gift for you."

    You notice your mother sees both of them, it isn't a happy look, but she doesn't seem like she wants you to cast them out. Nezzy is the hardholder, after all. Nezzy comes in with the jug of water, no hugs, but she's there. She walks over to set the jug by the table where folks are standing around chatting.
  • edited December 2013
    Cozy? He calls this cozy? This is a frakking monstrosity of a home! It has a huge window that you open with a button, and a working toilet — well, usually — and a lounge. I didn't know what a lounge was until Ma' showed me this place. "Thanks," I smile genuinely, and guide him into the room as I close the door behind me. I eye the box as I walk back over to Dad, and peek inside just to see what's up. I half expect it to be a the head of a Barbie doll dipped in paint or something...
  • Hublot gives hugs all around, for Ollie, Janco, VB, Zagnut, Zero and Hump, too. He starts singing along with Ollie's song, adding in lots of vocal runs.

    Inside the box is a dainty little stuffed grey fish of some kind. Have you ever seen a manatee? Its quite docile-looking, almost adorable, in a homely way. It has big glass bead eyes that look up at you, begging for affection. Maybe it's the pregnancy, but the damn thing really pulls at your heartstrings, Kiddo.

    Nezzy slides by Zagnut, the two of them chatting quietly. You realize Nezzy hasn't moved far inside, like she doesn't want to overstay anything. Maybe she's juts putting in an appearance, or maybe she's just trying to stay on the good side of two pregnant ladies. Who knows?

    Janco comes over, says quiet, "Thanks for showing me your lovely home, Kiddo. I feel better for Ollie now. He looks so happy."
  • Awe... It's cute! I dunno what a manatee is, but I slip the it onto the windowsill in the lounge for now, letting the little glass beads glow in the sunlight. I've gotta be sure to thank Nezzy before she leaves — even if this was an appearance, or something, she still came. That means something.

    I smile at doc Janco's compliment, and pull her into a tight hug. "He could never have gotten here if not for you. He'd have never lived long enough for me to get my act together, find Stitch, and drag our sorry asses up here. I can never repay that debt — but whenever you need something you come straight to me, yeah?"
  • Janco brushes off the compliment. Standing here, in street clothes, she looks so unlike the doctor who ran the infirmary before Stitch showed up. In fact, her confidence shows little cracks. She pats your arm, "Just keep coming in regularly for check-ups. And keep Zero doing the same. This place will be much better with two beautiful babies in it." She glances at the door, "I appreciate the water and everything, but I should get going." Unless you stop her, Janco will head out.

    Nezzy is watching you two talk, by the way, even though Zagnut is making some joke about something. She sees you've noticed, and she gives you a polite smile and looks back at Zagnut. Zagnut is totally hitting on Nezzy, touching her arm, smiling. Its funny how quick she is to turn on the charm. She doesn't stand a chance, but hey, she probably realizes it

    Hublot is trying to pull VB up out of the chair to dance with him. VB's giving her "back off, frakker" look, but it doesn't seem to register with him. If he pushes it, theres's a good chance she might make a scene, she really doesn't like it when guys can't take a hint, as you know.

    What do you do?
  • I can't stop Janco from leaving, but I wish I could make her feel better... Gods, she looks like she's been through the wringer a few times. "There'll probably be another party once she's born, so don't go too far away — I want you to meet her, OK?" I smile back at her, and nod to release her.

    I was about to head over to Nezzy when I spot Hublot pushing Vee to dance — I lift a finger, asking Nezzy to stay put a little longer while I deal with this, and head over to Vee and Hublot. I gently place a hand on his elbow, and muster the sweetest voice I've got. "Hublot, sweetie — Vee's been on her feet for the past 2 days planning this, why don't you get Nezzy to dance? She's been working way too hard lately."
  • edited December 2013
    Hublot gives you an odd look, like dancing with Nezzy hadn't crossed his mind before. He releases V'S hand and prances over to grab Nezzy, who gasps in surprise and doesn't fight him. She actually looks a little excited for a moment.

    The pair dance a little close dance, not moving around too much to avoid bumping anyone. VB snickers at them, but you know your dad loves it when people dance.

    Mamba, Starburst, Chunky and Kitty's girls Amazon and Mirage show up, too. They say they aren't staying long, but they wanted to see how you and Zero are. Of course, it seems a little tense with Chunky and Zagnut in the same room, but Zag 's cool about it.

    Eventually, the party winds down. People start coming up with reasons to go, some hug on their way out, others smile and nod. Then it's just you, VB, Hump, your Ma and Da. Together, like you'd always wanted.
  • By the time everyone's come in and said their hellos, checked on Ma' and ma, and wished Dad well, I'm about ready for this party to end. I happily see everyone out, and close the door behind the last of them. It takes me a few minutes to realize that I've finally got my family together, in our new home... It still feels like we're missing someone — other than Rinso of course; but he's not missing, he's working.

    I collapse into my favorite chair, and look over to Ma', "we're gunna have to go grab that baby stuff from the place back in Boomtown soon... Before we get landlocked, for sure."
  • Zero looks over at you from the love seat, "Yeah, we oughta. Can you drag your ass away from the Council and your little operation for the ride?"
  • I smirk knowingly, and kick my feet up on the little lounge table thingy, "I've already booked the time off, and got us a truck. Heck Star even volunteered Svenja for the ride."

    The way I see it, telling Ma' about reaching out to the candies can wait until we're on the road. If not for Svenja, and the truck, this would be like old times.
  • "A truck?" your mom asks with a raised eyebrow. "Too fat for a bike now?" She chuckles a little.

    After a bit, she says, "Did I ever tell you I was riding with you up till a month before Doc pulled your screaming ass out of me? Hell, you were never so calm as when we were out riding. I knew you were born for a bike."
  • Really? Now Ma's calling me fat? For frak's sake... "I suppose you're going to tie the crib off the back of your bike then? Keelhaul it the 100 clicks back?" That might actually be a sight worth seeing. "If you wanna ride the when way there and back, I won't stop you – but I don't wanna get caught out in a fall rainstorm. Stitch said I need to stay healthy, cause the baby's hogging my immune system or something."
  • Zero laughs a belly laugh at that. "Alright, Kiddo, you win. We'll ride in a damn truck then." She ends up wiping her eyes she laughs so hard. "It'll be a great trip. Just us. When do we leave?"
  • "Tomorrow," I answer, "or whenever. A night with all of us here would be nice."
  • Your mom looks over at Ollie as he shows Hump a way to hold the neck of his guitar without getting a cramp.

    "Tomorrow, yeah." She says. She drops her voice and says, "Fair warning, Kiddo. I aim to get laid tonight." She winks at you.
  • edited December 2013
    Awe... And I followed her gaze over and everything. Son of a bitch...

    I close my eyes and shake my head violently, like I'm trying to buck the image of my parents boning out of my head. It's not like I've never seen it or anything — I just don't want to see it now. "Thank frak for those partitions," I mutter, chuckling to myself. I guess Dad deserves a little action, given he's been waiting for Ma', patiently, for almost a year now...

    "Just don't expect me to high-five you after the fact... I may have Rinnie up later, but I'll kick him out early and stick Hump on the couch in here." Then squinting, I jokingly add, "don't break him, yeah? It was hard enough curing the cancer — Stitch would never forgive me if I sent him back, the day after he checks out, with dehydration."
  • Zero grins real wide at the thought of breaking him, but she says, "I promise he won't be complaining none, Kiddo. I'll be sweet as can be." She sits back in love seat, rubbing her belly and looking at your dad like he's a juicy piece of meat.

    "Did I tell you this one is a boy?" She asks suddenly.
  • Some things never change... I suppose I should be thankful for that. I shake my head, and reach for the half-finished glass of water I put on the table. Baby girl's awful thirsty today.

    I look up surprised at Ma' for a minute when she mentions I'm gunna have another brother. It's kinda messed up that my baby girl's gunna have an uncle roughly her age — I guess there are weirder things though, like having a brother for a father or something. Hump turned out alright though, so clearly Ma' knows her way around raising a boy... Or at least Dad does... I smile, "how do you know? Are you craving dried fish again, or did Stitch do that crazy ultrasound thing?"
  • "Dried fish. And the way he sits. You'll figure it out after a few." Zero answers with a confident grin. She asks, "Working Rinso back in? How's that goin? Why'd you break it off anyways?"
  • Looks like Dad's gunna be looking for some dried, salted cod again. I chuckle, and cross my hands over my belly. "Rinso's history with Cherry got a lot uglier than he ever admitted; and as luck would have it, I found out he "maybe sorta" had the death penalty in a few places within a few days of finding out I was pregnant — and I was kinda ... emotional about it."

    A hint of regret at what I almost did dances across my face — but as if on cue, baby girl hoofs me in the gut, and I add, "ok, I was really emotional about it — I freaked the frak out, and told him I wanted to sort it all out before next season so we could focus on getting up here to help you guys out together as a family. So the next day, I wake up and he's gone... Off to deal with everything on his own. I tried to find him, but couldn't get a lead — so I grabbed Vee, and came looking for you guys instead."

    Of course, it's a bit more complicated than that, but I don't wanna bore her. "He says he's done everything but deal with Walmart, and considering we've been taking our fair share of ass-whoopings up here, I'd say they're the least of our worries right now. Vee and me tried letting him back into our bed back in Trench... It was nice." I look down at my belly, and rub it gently, "I think baby girl scares him, though."
  • edited December 2013
    Zero listens, real close, like this is something she is real curious about. At the end, when you mention Rinso's discomfort, she rolls her eyes, "Most guys suck at being dads. It's one thing I always loved about your dad. He was so good at this parenting drek. He really stepped up, when you all needed him. And all the times I was gone." She says the last bit like she isn't proud of it, it just is.

    She tilts her head, looks at you serious, asks quietly"Aren't you worried about them two without you around?"
  • edited December 2013
    A wave of discomfort pounds into me when Ma' mentions "most guys" suck at being dads... I'm not sure which of my Ma's are talking right now: the Candy Bar, or the Ma' who never told me about her Dad — and from what I can gather never knew him. All I can do is nod, knowing Dad is indeed good at this parenting shit; Rinnie's mentioned a few times that he really respects Dad, and I can only hope that means he'll take a page out of his book... Presuming he can get away from working the overfull infirmary at some point.

    Ma's question catches me off guard, and I look over to Vee with a worried smile. "I always worry about those two... Vee's really come into her own recently, though, and I trust her to keep shit in order here. Rinnie's big and tough enough that I don't really need to worry much about him. So long as we don't have another attack, I'm sure everything'll be..." A thought bounces off the back of my head, "wait... You mean, like, what they might do without me? Like, sexy stuff?"
  • "Well," Zero says, looking over at VB as she cleans up. "You an I both know how much Vee has had the hots for Rinso. And if you're gone, and he's got the green light in this little thing you have going... I dunno. Is that okay with you?"
  • I shift uncomfortably and shrug before leaning in closer to Ma' so I can whisper, "I love Vee a lot. She's the bedrock I found when Rinso leaving swept everything else away — but I'm not stupid Ma'... Vee's not into girls — let alone a fat, bloated, overly-emotional, highly sensitive, and occasionally weird one. Now I know she loves me, and she's got more right to call herself a parent to my baby than Rinso does — but she needs a man in her life from time to time, and I'd much rather it be Rinso than some random asshole down at Proper's."

    I look over to Vee and smile, "but if she's just putting up with me for the apartment, and she and Rinso fall in forever love while I'm gone, and decide they don't need my bloated, emotional, hypersensitive pregnant ass, then I guess I'll get what I deserve for believing my own bullshit... But Vee knows where I'm going, and why she can't come with, and she knows I love her more than warm Zoodles on a cold fall day. Unless I run off and birth this baby in the bush somewhere, I'm pretty sure what I've got with my Honeybee is worth more to her than all the men and women in this hold put together."

    That's the truth, too.
  • As if summoned, VB comes over to sit on your lap, Kiddo. She plants a sweet kiss on your cheek and rubs your belly affectionately. Zero shrugs, like that's enough for her, she wasn't taking you to task as much as... catching up with you? Your answer seems to sate her curiosity.

    Anything more at the end of this party? Anything significant with VB or Rinso?
  • Ma confuses the crap out of me sometimes — but I'm glad she's in a good mood, and Dad's finally out and about.

    I don't think there's much left now that the party's done... I'm just gunna cuddle and nap with Vee, then maybe go see what Rinso's up to later on. I'll have him check in on Vee from time to time, and make sure she's not too bored on what's sure to be at least a week long trip.
  • Let's skip head a bit. I want to see how the conversation with Rinso goes. Is it just you two? Are you waiting until he is out of the infirmary and back in his room in the brig?

    Rinso's not in love with the idea of you taking off. He shifts a bit, "What's so damned important that you can't send a truck back to Boomtown for? We just now got things working between us three, and you're leaving? Did I do anything?"
  • I dragged him back to the apartment actually, under the guise of helping me put the partitions up between the lounge and the bedroom — we didn't actually need his help, it's all run on power. Vee's with me, and Hump's out... Doing something. I told him to scoot for a bit.

    I'm sitting on the bed next to him, holding his hand and smiling. "No baby, no! I swear you didn't do anything." I lean up and kiss him on the cheek, "I've got some extra work I need to do down there that needs to stay hush-hush, and Junker's still staying with Brillo. It'll be a week, two at the most, and I'll be right back with enough baby shit to take care of baby girl for a little while. I wanted you here tonight, to hear this, so that you know I don't want to leave, and that I'm going to come running back as soon as I'm able, OK? That I'm not leaving you. I know how much that hurts, and I don't want to do that to either of you."

    I pat his hand and look back to Vee, "I dunno if Vee needs someone to keep her company while I'm gone — but if she does, you're the only person that should... And I think we could all use some time together before I go."
  • "I can't let you go out there by yourself, Kiddo," Rinso says urgently. "I'll come with you..."

    "And abandon Stitch and the infirmary again?" VB interjects, sliding up on the other side of him. "No, Rinnie, we both got drek to do here. I'm waiting for shipments of water, and keeping an ear out on the Council, and with Janco on leave, you're helping Stitch keep things running. And keeping Omo from frakking up again." She takes his other hand, kisses his other cheek..

    He's definitely interested in some time together, but the idea of letting you go so soon after finally reconnecting is really not appealing. I think you're trying to seduce him here, right? Let's see some dice.

    Oh and by the way, the partition is a great sound barrier, and neither Rinso or VB react to it, but you swear you just heard your dad moan a bit.
  • OOC: Let's sort that Seduce out first. Roll+Cool* (Easy to trust). +1XP.
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 14)
  • OOC: That was advanced! I think it's pretty obvious Rinso's a Lover, so let's go with that.

    I smile over at Vee, happy she's on my side. It makes this easier. "Ma's coming with me baby, and so is Svenja — two pregnant chicks and a Candy that's as cranky as one? We're gunna be fine. I want this place, our home, safe. Dad's gunna be here with Hump, you could come up here and keep him and Vee company, make sure the place is safe and sound, and ready for our little girl."

    I inch closer to him, and am about to touch him when I hear dad moaning on the other side of the partition... Damn it. He's got that reduced lung capacity too — what the frak is she doing to him over there?

    Wait. No! Nevermind. Focus on Rinnie and Vee.

    Right — the inching. I slip my hand on his leg, and run it up his inner-thigh. "I'd be really sad if I had to leave without a night of fun first... Momma needs to unwind, and keep that stress down for the road. Can you help me relax on my last night in town?"
  • Rinso listens close, letting you fill him in, and ask for his help, which you know is a sure way to enlist him in your plan. Then you put your hand on his thigh and he watches your eyes after looking down to see. VB follows your lead, rubbing him in mirror. He's powerless against your assault. "I'm happy to help you, baby."

    Fade to black?
  • OOC: Fade to black! Sex move! Roll+Hx with Rinso, I guess.
    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 12)
  • OOC: Questions! Yay!
    • Who/what threatens Rinso's safety/happiness?
    • How can I make Rinso more comfortable with my body (especially going forward)?
    • How can I make Rinso more comfortable with becoming a father?
  • Rinso's job in the infirmary threatens his safety and happiness, more than anything else. It will give him a sense of accomplishment and well-being, but the long hours and constant pressure will wear at him. Also, with the Water Cult and others, the infirmary is a prime target and he will defend the place with his life.

    Getting Rinso more comfortable? He's so attracted to you, Kiddo. He's only worried about hurting the baby. The discomfort thing, that's in your head. You finally see it, he loves you as you are.

    The issue with being a father, its his ignorance that makes him afraid. If you could help him learn about babies, he'd dive into that. Baby books, stuff that isn't some older woman telling him he's stupid, that would help him immensely.
  • Knowing that Rinso is attracted to me like this was an unexpected surprise. It put a little extra bounce in my... Uh... Bounce? Tonight was fun. I took his hands and guided them to a comfortable spot, then rode him like a stallion. He's not going to hurt baby girl — she's tough — and he deserves to know that. Once Rinso's had his fill, I turn my attention to Vee, and give her my "goodbye" present — which turns into promises of more when I finally come home.

    The pillow talk after the fact is more sedated. Rinso being afraid of older women telling him he's stupid as me a little confused — was that Cherry, or Ma'? I really hope it's Cherry, so I can put a bullet in that bitch's head. At one point I idly mention to Rinso, "When I get back, I wanna talk about you moving in with us, and maybe taking a more permanent role working with Vee and me once the infirmary calms down a bit."

    I run my fingers over his chest, "You should talk to Dad, too... Not right now, obviously, but when I'm gone. You know he loves you, and he's really excited about baby girl. You don't have to go through this daddy stuff alone. Frak if I know how to be a Ma'... We can all learn together."
  • Rinso sure enjoyed having a front row seat to you and VB. You think he may end up remembering that nearly as fondly as the stallion ride.

    The pillow talk really puts him at ease. "Aw hell, Kiddo. You're a natural at this drek." He smiles at you, patting your head softly, "I'll chat with Ollie. That's a good idea. Thanks, Kiddo." He kisses the top of your head, "I love you, Kiddo. I'm gonna be a good dad for our girl, ok?"

    VB pops her head up from the bed and asks, "Hey, you think it'll be weird that you two are frakking her auntie? That won't mess her up, right?"
  • edited December 2013
    I purr, and snuggle up alongside Rinso as he kisses my head. "I know you will baby. Relax. Baby girl's going to love her daddy!"

    I giggle and shrug when Vee comments about us frakking her auntie, "I told you, Vee — you're gunna be a Mommy, not an Auntie; and besides, Ma' and Dad invited Ruthie back to the bedroom a few times. I don't think that messed me up..." I pause a minute, "well... Definitely not as much as that shit that happened with Kodak."
  • Rinso quirks a frown. "Kiddo, I know Kodak was a real ass. It still bothers you, doesn't it?" VB leans in, slipping a hand onto your body, just being close.
  • edited December 2013
    Does it?

    The thought gives me pause. I'm not sure I know how to answer that... To this day I feel weird about myself, and insults like "slut" or "fat" send me flying off the handle. I mean it's not like I particularly care what Kodak thinks of me anymore... I'm happier now than I've ever been, and Kodak's influences had nothing to do with that — good or bad. I wanna say it doesn't — 'cause I know it shouldn't — but then I know that it does still bother me.

    I squirm uncomfortably, and and shake my head. "No... Yes... Maybe? I dunno..." I pull Vee closer, and nuzzle her forehead lovingly. "It does, because I know that just about anyone can make me do stupid shit just by pointing out a flaw in my character — and I hate that — but it doesn't because I've got two wonderful people in my life that make me so much happier than he could ever make me feel sad." I smile, "and soon I'll bring a beautiful young girl into the world, and we'll be a family, and Kodak can do whatever the frak he wants, for all I care." Maybe I need to let this shit go...

    I feel a little foot poke out against the inside of my belly, and a smile spreads across my face. I grab Vee's hand, and slip it onto my tummy where baby girl's foot was. "Can you feel it?" I whisper excitedly, looking up at Rinso with wide eyes, "baby girl says hello!"
  • edited December 2013
    VB giggles when she feels baby kick, "This girl has a bigass foot! I hope she's a runner! I need somebody who can keep up with me. Hey, what're you two gonna name her?"

    Rinso reaches down to put his hand over VB's, feeling more of her hand than baby's foot, but it's not like he's going to shove her out of the way. To her question, he shrugs, "I dunno. We haven't really talked about it. What do you think, Kiddo?"
  • Vee and Rinny aren't the first people to ask me that... And it's not like I haven't thought about it – I just haven't picked a name yet. I mean, what if baby girl comes out, and the name doesn't fit? "The are some folks I really respected that I thought about naming her after... Ruthie, and Harmony... And some names that only really mean something to Ma and me, like Bega, and Jemma... And a few names I just like, like Elena, or Alison, or Leah..."

    I rub my belly affectionately, and shrug. "I figure something will speak to me eventually... What do you guys think?"
  • edited December 2013
    Rinso answers "Harmony is a good one. I miss her."

    "You only like Harmony because she was your first crush!" VB accuses. She answers your question after teasing Rinnie. "I like Leah myself."
  • I smirk at Vee's tease, and answer, "Harmony was definitely a pretty lady — inside and out. I know baby girl will be like her... I want her to be kind and thoughtful, strong and capable; but I want her to be her own woman, too — not live under the shadow of someone, and have all these expectations put on her for no good reason other than being her parents' daughter..."

    I smile, "Leah is a good name..." Baby Leah...
  • VB smirks at Rinso as if she just won some contest, and he chuckles and kisses both of you, agreeing, "Yeah. Leah works just fine."

    --END SCENE--
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