When you lie with a man to conceive a child, take +1Hx him now and roll+hx.
On a hit, you’re pregnant. On 7-9 also chose one:
• it is the last child you will bear
• you will endure grave harm during pregnancy. (2-harm AP with proper facilities, 4-harm AP otherwise)
• the child will be born strange, sickly or marked
On a miss, your partner is sterile — and they know.
When you are physically intimate with an artificial person, roll+weird.
On a hit, fire off your Sex Move like normal. But also, choose options.
On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+ choose two (you can double-up on option three if you wish)
* You've learned something about yourself and the bounds of humanity. Mark an XP
* The two of you form a bond, and they have very long memories. Take +1 Forward when dealing with them
* You have 1 hold over them, per the Skinner's Hypnotic move
They can spend your hold, 1 for 1, by:
• giving you something you want
• acting as your eyes and ears
• doing something you tell them to
On a miss, the intimacy was "nice", nothing wrong with it, not really. It's just, you know, adequate. Take -1 Ongoing with that android until you two have a long talk about it. Your Sex Move did not fire.
On a 7-9, choose 1 to be true:
* You either drop a jingle to find it or fight someone for it
* The bloke who pointed you in the right direction needed a favor from you
On a miss, you run into someone you never expected to find here. They might be looking for you. Name them, and the MC will set up the situation.