[SWAW] Commissions (25)



  • Panaka pauses for a moment, then nods. Seki opens a console in front of his seat at the round table and keys in a message to the command deck to begin calculations.
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    "A few other things. With General Reekeene's permission, I'm appointing my first mate from the Margin as Command Master Chief. He'll report directly to me, and his remit will include not just actual enlisted but anyone that's not a former Imperial acting in an enlisted capacity. I'd like to get him an office, since I know we've got space open, and access to whatever files we have on the non-officer crew. He's military to the core, and he'll be a big help to me as I get adjusted." I look around for objections, then continue.

    "Also, before we leave, I'm going to send the Profit Margin on a mission of its own. I happen to know where we can pick up quite a few droids without any expense. I'm going to send the rest of my former crew, with the exception of Hosk, and would like to detail the Chiss pilot, Dart, as escort, since the Margin doesn't have weapons yet. I need someone to command the mission, someone with a light touch, since the rest are new to belonging to an organization with this much structure." That's putting it mildly. "Any suggestions?"
  • Lens-header
    "I've reviewed Hosk's record of service." Lens says in a very matter-of-fact tone. "He was an excellent soldier, decorated twice for bravery. It's a bold choice, but I see no reason to object. Sergeant Blackwall will fall in line." None of the command staff objects.

    "We're rather short staffed, Captain Vos. If you're relieving Captain Darkal Vos of his command of the Rebel Transport, perhaps he would accept the mission?"

    Lens gives a soft shrug, "Roughnecks are along for the ride, so he's cooling his heels if you don't send him. Your call, Captain."

    What do you do?
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    "Excellent idea, then. Darkal it is. I'll let that team know when we're done here. As to resupply, we're trying to move fast, so I'm going to plan on making one of our first targets either an Empire-friendly merchant likely to be carrying what we need, or something with enough value that we can buy our supplies. Since we're on a schedule, we'll keep an eye out for escape pods on the... ah, secondary market for now. I didn't expect that to be solved before we left the flotilla." I look around the table. "Am I missing anything? Especially anything obvious... that's embarrassing. Please, speak freely."
  • The staff mentions some ship maintenance issues, specifics. Lens tamps it down, assuring them Mikka will work with the crew, mentions a new engineer names Tadavv, a Sluissi with extensive experience working on large engines.

    The rest of the meeting is filling out details on rosters, executive decisions that have been back-burnered, lots of bureaucratic work that these guys seem to really dig into. How long do you stick around before heading out? And do you delegate the work to someone when they object, or end the meeting entirely?
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    Once it's clear that we're into detail issues, I hold up a hand. "Ladies and gentlemen, I've been handed a lot in a short period of time, and I need to let the forest sink in for me before I can focus on individual trees. Please continue, and find me with your consensus recommendations for anything that requires my approval, along with the reasoning behind the recommendation. I'm going to get the 'droid recovery team' working toward getting underway, and speak to Sergeant Blackwall before I give Hosk the all-clear to take up his new duties." As I stand, I add, "And thank you, all of you. I look forward to serving with you."
  • You exit the meeting, Lens sticks around with the staff, leaving you some time to talk to your team...

    "What do you mean, Lieutenant DART is our escort?"

    "You could let Dart fly the Margin, and fly your X-Wing." Squall offers helpfully.

    "And let her blue shebbs stink up my pilot's chair? NO WAY!" She looks at you with pleading eyes, "Cap, you gotta get the turbolasers and the turret back online. She'll get us killed!"

    Amarath cuts in with, "I dunno, Jo. She's a zeng pilot, really."

    Jojee whirls on Amy, glaring at the cyborg, "She is a selfish, egotistical bitch. I hate her, and there's no way she should be our escort."

    Hey Ladro, is Dart with you during this briefing? Have you asked Darkal to join you?
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    I hold up a hand. "Jojee, you know I love you, and I know we've been together through a lot, but you've got to learn to distinguish between an order and a request. This is the former. Darkal and Dart will be here in five minutes, so I suggest you take that time to adjust your attitude and get with the program."

    I turn to Squall. "Squall, you probably spent more time with the droids than any of us, so you'll be my... emissary, I guess? I know most people won't agree with my approach, but I want this presented as a request, an opportunity, and not as a demand. Consult with Darkal if you need to negotiate any incentives—he'll have a sense of what we can offer from this end."

    "And Amarath, as always, I'm trusting you to keep everyone safe."

    We'll wait the few more minutes for Darkal and Dart to arrive.
  • Jojee
    Jojee's eyes flash with surprise, "Darkal? He's coming on the mission?"

    "I will wear my tiara... sir. To be a proper emissary."
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    To Jojee, "Yes, Darkal will be commanding the mission. A small team like this is a little below his paygrade, but he's got the availability, and I want to keep my command staff on the Far Orbit so I can get to know them. Is that going to be a problem?"

    When Squall brings up the tiara, I can't help but smile. "Be sure to wear the formal tiara, Sergeant. It's my understanding that droids are suckers for a formal tiara."
  • Jojee
    "No sir. Not a problem at all." Jojee says as she pushes a lock of hair behind her left ear. Squall grins at your suggestion of a formal tiara.

    "I'll make sure they're safe, Cap. And... since Grumpyboots won't be along, I'll," Amarath looks over at Jojee and smirks, "Make sure we follow regs." Squall pouts a tiny bit at that, but snickers when Jojee scowls.

    "I'll make it work, Cap." Jojee says finally.

    Anything else before Darkal and Dart show up?
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    While we wait, I head to my cabin and pack up the few things I really want with me on the Far Orbit. After a few moments to consider, I pack the klava setup and my dwindling supply of klava and spices. I'll have to ration myself, but it's become too much a part of my ritual to leave behind.

    I wonder how Ahji Dar is? When our orbits will cross again?
  • As you're putting the last of your gear and the klava machine on a dolly to move it to your new quarters, Darkal and Dart come walking up.

    "Ladro!" Darkal says as he jogs up to you, throwing his arms wide around you and hugging with the joy of reuniting with his brother. Dart trails up behind, obviously uncomfortable with all this open affection.
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    I return the hug briefly but affectionately. "Brother, it's good to see you. Unfortunately, I'm about to send you off again. Hope you don't mind?" I nod to Dart with respect. "Lieutenant." I call for the rest of the crew to join us.

    I lay out the mission again, briefly. "I don't feel I need to interfere in your planning, or delay your departure. We'll rendezvous in the Bormea sector. Check with Far Orbit navigation for coordinates. We'll drop a passive comms buoy at the spot with orders if we're not still there. The code will be baba's birthday in Old Republic calendar notation, followed by the name of that lizard Farla kept as a pet when she was eight." I look to make sure Darkal's got it. "Make sure that gets coded in and secure, in case something happens to any one of you. Good luck. We're counting on you."
  • Darkal-header
    "I'll take care of her." Darkla says, meaning the ship. Then, he grins a little, "I'll take care of all your girls, Captain Vos." He claps your shoulder, "I'll see you at Bormea. May the Force be with you." He heads towards the loading ramp, Jojee, Squall and Amarath giving you waves as they head.

    Then Squall turns and runs up to hug you. Because it's Squally. Ze squeezes, then heads off. Amarath waits for zir at the top of the ramp, shaking her head at the Rattataki.
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    As they disappear into the Profit Margin, I feel a shiver of, what, change? Squally's hug feels like goodbye, in some way, rational or not. I raise a hand to wave, but they're gone. I look down at the grav-pallette with my measly belongings stacked there. Several suits of clothes, the calligraphy kit I won't have time to use, a few mementos, the klava setup. Trivia. Nothing compared to what I've given away for a larger command.

    And yet, I check ship's comms. I need to speak with Sergeant Blackwall before I surrender to introspection.
  • The Profit Margin is quickly off, flying out of the hangar, closely followed by Dart in her Clawcraft. There's a pang there, seeing them go.

    In short order, you have your things taken to your new quarters and head to Troopers' quarters. You find Sergeant Blackwall chatting with some of the troopers. She's showing them a holo on CQC, a few tips on boarding actions. You notice that there are no non-humans here, only the Imperial Navy.

    As soon as someone spots you, they yell out, "Captain on deck!"

    Blackwall, followed by everyone else, quickly snap to, turning to salute you. Even the few troopers who were lounging in a corner and chatting, they stand up and salute. Blackwall addresses you, "Captain Vos! What do you need from the best damn trooper squads in the whole galaxy? Sir!"

    What do you do?
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    I return the salute, then say, "At ease." I'm going to have to have Hosk coach me on all the protocol soon. "Sergeant Blackwall, can I have a moment of your time?"
  • The troops relax, but nobody returns to their duties until Blackwall walks off with you. She heads down a barely used corridor as the sounds of conversation return in the troopers' quarters now that you're gone.

    "What do you need, Captain?" Blackwall asks in a crisp tone.
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    No need to hem and haw here. "Sergeant, I'm going to speak plainly. I'm new here, and the Far Orbit is a rather unique proposition, given the mixed nature of the ship's complement. I'm going to be relying heavily on your tactical experience and the experience of your troopers when it comes to boarding and ground maneuvers. However, I need someone to help me integrate the entire crew, and so I've appointed my former First Mate, Hosk Fey'la, as Command Master Chief. He will be senior enlisted on the Far Orbit, ultimately responsible for all enlisted personnel and 'civilians' acting in that capacity. You and the various section chiefs will still retain operational authority in your respective areas, but Hosk will coordinate. He will report directly to me." I stop there, wait for the Sergeant's reaction.
  • Blackwall_header
    Blackwall responds quickly, "Understood." She walks for a few more steps, "Are there any more planned changes in the command structure, sir?" Her tone is neutral, professional.
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    "To be fair, Sergeant, I've been here for just under three hours, and every last minute of that has been taken up with tours and talking. I'm certain there will be more changes, and some of them will probably be unsettling. I'll be trusting all the senior enlisted, as well as my command staff, to keep me honest."
  • Blackwall_header
    Blackwall gives a curt nod. "Aye aye, sir. I'll notify the troopers and schedule a walk through with... Master Chief Fey'la." She walks with you for a moment longer, then asks, "Is there anything else, sir?"
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    I turn to look her in the eye for a moment, trying to catch the undercurrents beneath her professionalism.
  • Read a Person, spending 1-hold for a +1

    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 14)
  • Is Blackwall reliable in the face of whatever changes might be coming?

    What does she want from me, as her new commanding officer?

  • Blackwall's reliable, as long as her troops are treated well. She wants supplies for her troops. You call them ground-pounders, but they are also the ones who handle boarding actions, keep the ship safe during incursions, they keep the peace and the law on board.

    Lens is right, you can count on her.
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    "Sergeant Blackwall, thank you. That's all for now. I'm relying on you, as is the whole of Far Orbit." What do I say now? "As you were."
  • Sergeant Blackwall gives a curt nod, salutes, then marches back to trooper's quarters, leaving you alone. In the distance, you hear some people in the galley, eating and talking lightly.

    For one moment, you're alone.

    What do you do?
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    I allow myself a few minutes to just breathe. Count the breaths, even. All the way to 100. Then I find the way back to my ready room and see what needs doing before we can start off for the Ringali Shell.
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