It's a new day.
Last night, you picked up on things easily. There's a certain quality to the wind that let you know about the big space on the other side of the rise, a sound that's more felt than heard. It unsettled some of the Caravan enough, camping at dusk. Good thing, too. At first light, some of the scouts came back and everyone got it in gear. Over the rise, this is what you see:

There are some grumblings up and down the line about the added delay, and the family in front of you looks worried. There's neither hide nor hair of man nor beast, though. Some of the Caravan thinks to head through the cars instead of around.
Deg, where's the next stop for the Caravan? Why the hurry? And what does your little chunk of the Caravan look like, anyways? Where do you hang your hat?
Isis, why is that stretch of cars so dangerous to salvage? Who in the Caravan is most excited about this prospect? What is breakfast and breaking camp like for the Caravan, as a group? What scares you most at night?
Wisher, who did the Caravan pick up at the last stop, and why? How did they react when you brought out your instrument? What supplies does the Caravan need most? When was the last time you saw a Wolf?
What do you do?
Next stop Sparks.
I hate Sparks.
Call it that because they actually generate elec there. Most places don't do that. Some got a little. Some got more. Sparks is all lit up. With elec. It's unnatural.
Folks there are weird too.
To me at least.
Others probably think Sparkies are norm. Somethin about them seems sideways to me though. Not sure why. Can't put finger on it. Maybe just me.
Look around.
I trade off with Half Pint. Sometimes he's up front. Sometimes he's in back. Me vice versa. Right now I'm in front. My cart is usually up here. Sitting on the roof. Feet on the hood.
Call her Horse. Call her that because someone told me that carts like this were called hearses. Don't know that word. Know what a horse is. Horse seems right. Close enough. Lotta room. Curtains. Like that. Private. Like private.
Things are quiet.
Hurrying cause we saw some evidence of some scavers on the road. Small campsite. Half Pint and I took a look. Placed their numbers low. Not low enough. They'll be faster than us. So we been moving. They catch us might be a fight. Not one we can't handle but one we don't need.
If I have to eat deer meat for one more day...Remi the hunter (or at least that's what we call him since he packs a Remington and he won't tell us his name), caught a deer. We are now on day three of deer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At least we get some eggs with our breakfast meat. Guess I better go tear down our tent and get ready to head out. Our tent is pretty small for two people...doesn't bother me much though, I don't sleep much anyway. Sleeping leads to dreaming...and dreaming...well, let's say I'd rather not do that. Sitting under the stars with a bottle of 'dreams-be-gone' is better. That's what I did last night while Wisher was snoring away in our tent.
Stopsign was just telling me how he had his eye on a cart since back when he was knee-high to a grasshopper – some people romanticize these things, and I think that's healthy. He told me how the whole village scrimped to get him a cart, so he could represent them on the roads. You can tell he's ecstatic to be out here finally, but he's anxious not to mess this up. I'm trying to tell him he'll do fine. No sense in worrying about what might be until it turns into what is...
Between you and me, though, I was up way too late last night... I was drinking, and then someone mentioned that I play the viola, so that had to come out, encouraged Flower to keep singing so people would keep dancing, had another drink, asked Isis to dance, struck out with Isis, shrugged it off, and called it a night. Everyone was dancing well after I got to bed though, so I think I may have started something... People were slow coming to this morning, and that's always a good sign. Sleep is good after a night of partying.
I may have dunked my head in the trough for a drink before officially passing out, and then again when I woke up. Just don't tell Isis that...
Anyway. It's becoming painfully obvious that the caravan needs a better supply of food... Not that Isis and me haven't picked a moose dry over a winter, or eaten our weight in potatoes, but this is a damn caravan! Where's the veggies? Where's the spices? Some variety would be nice! My sourdough only goes so far without butter... You don't want to get too close to the bottom of the barrel, when it comes to food. The Wolves feed on fear and desperation. Seems they always show up when you think things couldn't get worse... Last time I laid eyes on one was back up in the Snowcaps over the winter, when we were snowed in that little hut we found. They didn't find us, though... We got lucky that time.
I'm trying to listen in to the conversations going on with the scouts coming back... Did someone say metal graveyard? I love those things.
Here's Flora and Fauna:
Deg, Half Pint pokes his head out the little sunfaded curtained window and squints. "Whuzza holdup?" His voice is still muzzy from sleep, but his eyes are sharp. He glances behind the Caravan. "Why're we stopped?" Remi is nearby, using a scope as binocs, chewing on deer jerky. Do you know what happened to little Prim?
Here's Half Pint:
Here's Remington:
Wisher, Stopsign is staring at that metal graveyard and you know he's thinking of his own not-full cart... but also that an ox don't run for very long. Now that you think about it, some of those car trunks might very well have some canned food."I wonder what those big things are? Could be boxcars full of jingle. What's the worst that could happen?" You overhear him talking to himself.
Here's Stopsign:
And his cart, and ox Belina:
What do you do?
Either way, I think Stopsign's got the right idea. I make my way over to Isis, boiling over with joy, and say, "please tell me we're going down there!"
Prim? Nope. Liked Prim. No idea what happened. Heard she's gone. Didn't want to know.
Liked Prim. Don't want to think about it. Couldn't help. Don't want to know.
Look at Half Pint. Shrug. "Don't know much. Cars blocking way. Twins wanna scav. All eyes."
Even though the caravan doesn't have a leader in the strictest sense, there's an old dude named Rocco that seems to have everyone's respect. People listen to him. He's over talking with Remi, hashing out a plan - I think they are related somehow.
I have a bad feeling - I'd just like to keep moving around the graveyard....but the Twins, Stopsign, and Wisher are all too eager and I'm not about to let them go on their own. That could be disastrous.
Wisher comes up and pleads that we go have a look..."Fine..." I say grudgingly, "After all someone has to watch your back."
What kind of history went on between those two, Half Pint and Rocco? Any bad blood there?
Remi's quieter, and points. "High ground. Lookout." Man spends his words like he could only use 'em once. He has a shrug like he can handle anything. You know that look, Isis. What's it mean?
"Ok let's get this over with." I say to Wisher as we make our way down the hill to the carts. There are way more of them than I expected."Stay close...and just pick a couple to look through."
There's a whispering sort of quiet in the metal graveyard, the oldcars lined up in their columns neat as can be. You pass a red van has a tree growing through it, roots seeking out the open doors like hungry fingers. Black gravel crunches under your feet as you wade through the grass. There's dozens, maybe hundreds of these. A body could spend a lifetime going through these, and you certainly see a few oldcars look like they've been picked over. Most look just empty and abandoned, with a haunting lack of a sense of purpose.
Wisher, it sound like you want that brain of yours to be open. I'll address that in just a sec.
Isis, are you actually doing any salvage or searching, or just watching out for Wisher?
Deg, are you headed down also, or do you have better things to do up top?
Feel free to roll that move, too.
To most people, I probably just look lost in thought. Nothing fantastic. I often get lost in thought, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Last time I got "lost in thought" I walked clear across four fields to this tiny little brook... We'd gone almost a day and a half without water, and I could have sworn I heard a little girl splashing and giggling in the distance. I like to think of it as a water spirit, guiding us to her in our time of need. The spirit was shy, and disappeared as soon as we found the water, but I left her a little offering of bread in thanks. Maybe it'll bring an animal to keep her company.
Now... About these carts...
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 10)
When you scavenge in the ruins, roll+sharp.
On a 10+, choose two and find an oddment worth 1-barter. On a
7–9, choose one and find an oddment worth 1-barter:
You walk past the carts, your fingertips gently thumping on their metal and fiberglass bodies. The wind seems to pick up, echoing the empty taps and thumps, speeding it up faster and faster to a steady impossibly fast staccato rhythm, landscape flying past you faster than a fast horse's gallop. You're sitting in one of the carts, holding onto a wheel, adjusting a dial to make different music. It's like it's brand new, you're driving the cart.
The sun glints off the mirror and you glance to see a shadow behind you, creeping like mist, thick tendrils looping and swirling to the other new carts. There are people there, real live people dressed like the beforetimes, carefree and oblivious to the shadow... even as it takes them, leaving nothing behind and the carts slow down, slower slower, you can hear the creak of the rubber tirewheels as it settles. Then in a flash, you see the cart settle down as the tirewheels lose air, the paint peels and fades and cracks, plants grow and die and grow and animals sniff pass, dust and pollen and bird shit accruing over the years. You sense the wild spirit of the cart withering, lonely and fading away to nothingness. It may be a powerful beast spirit, but it gets hungry and needs its hurts tended.
It's gone. They're almost all gone, the cart spirits. The plants, a lush green wall of inevitability, watch quietly.
When you snap out of it, you hear the buzzing of bees.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 4. Total: 10)
Watch Half Pint go.
Like Half Pint. He's smart. Strong. Means well.
Rocco? He's okay. Half Pint tends to be no nonsense. Like me. Rocco likes to please people. Why people like him. He's nice. Smart. Good. But can't please everyone. Please everyone, eventually please no one.
Follow Half Pint. Back him up when he talks to Rocco.
"Hey, Pint. Wait. I'll, um, come with. Help out. With Rocco."
You find it quickly.
You find an item that is valuable.
The trunk has been scavenged already, but I decide to look around in the front. Not everyone thinks to look in the compartment between the seats and in the one at the foot of the left...uh I mean right...hand side seat. I find a small box, and in it is a beautiful emerald pendant. I'm not usually one for jewelry...but this one looks real swell. I put it on and call over to Wisher "hey, look what I...."I stop mid sentence as I get a very strange feeling after putting it on. It's almost as though it makes me feel safe...protected...
Here's Rocco:
Half Pint has had a good almost a minute to build up a head of steam as he stomps his way to Rocco. A few of the cart-drivers watch him nervously, and one of the horses stamps its feet in an answer as he clomps by. Is he overreacting, Deg? Or is the threat of those scavers that real?
What do you do?
Rocco looks happy. Got good sense. Last time he looked like that we found more food than we knew what to do with. Crisps. Crackers. Cans. All undisturbed. Pantry of a little untouched house. Middle of nowhere. Rocco took one look at it. Made that face. Sat and watched. Looked happy. He just knows. Part of why folks follow him. Gets feelings. Good feelings. Bad feelings. Feelings.
I always get bad feelings.
Half Pint? Worse than me. Jumps at every shadow. Scavers are bad. They are. But he's always just a little more worried than me.
But yeah. Bad feelings. In general. Just not Half Pint bad.
Half Pint and Rocco don't get along. I get along with Rocco. Get along with anyone, really, long as they don't bother folks. Figure I'll start cause of that.
"Rocco. We. Um. We wanted to talk."
What do you do?
Half Pint's gonna rant. I step in.
"Maybe... maybe we should move. Scavs. Scavs around. Not worth a fight."
"We need to get the fuck on the road and dispense with the sightseeing!" Half Pint bites off his next.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
- what's my best escape route?
- what's my enemy's true position
- what should I be on the lookout for?
Alarm goes off. Up on a cart, fast as can be. Looking around. Have to protect folks. Did Wisher and Isis and the twins all go down by carts? Scavs. Scavs.
Reading sitch. That's my job.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 6. Total: 11)
Enemy's true position?
Biggest threat?
Most vulnerable to me?
You know your best escape route- back the path you came to the Caravan, just a little more direct and less wandering in the metal graveyard. The climb up might be tricky if you're being chased or otherwise under fire. Your enemies' true positions are in the metal graveyard itself- there's a medium pack of wild dogs nearish that's sniffing to investigate prey (you), any number of snakes that would not take kindly to being trodden upon, some plants with thorns and poison, and one of the carts is basically one giant wasp nest. Do not disturb, says Mama Nature. As to the last, be on the lookout for humans. They're the worst. They know what the alarm means. Which scares you the most? Oh, and look out for Wisher. He needs you.
Fauna, Isis, Stopsign, Wisher, and Doghead are all down there. You see Isis and Wisher hunkered down nearby. Fauna's got something she's carrying in a sack and is hustling back, Stopsign stumbling behind her, trying to drag something along. Doghead climbed up on a cart to see what the what. What kind of weapon do they have ready, if any? Your enemies are the scavs, the real scavs. You can see heads pop out of carts, the grass. A couple come out the back of a van, guns up. Your biggest threat is the one with the rifle. He's super skinny, like drug-skinny, and has a cookpot as a helmet, but you can see the scope he's got is nothing to disregard. He can get a bead on any of you easy. Any of them are vulnerable to your blade or a bullet, but the one that's most vulnerable to you is the scav who still loves you.
When hunting for visions, how often does it backfire like this?
What do you do?
There's the Scavs and cookpot on the left, the Caravan and pack animals along the bottom, but I've only detailed Deg. You should see the wasp-bus, the alarm car, and the pack of wild dogs.
Doghead, Wisher and Isis, Stopsign and Fauna are in the middle. Assume there's a ton more green all over the place, and those big grassed-over things are down there too.
I call out to Isis, a little more frantically now, "What do we do?"
When was the last time you made a mistake that got someone maimed, or killed? And whatever did happen to your parents?
Ever lose someone in the maelstrom?
Running down. No second thought. Half Pint with me. What we're here for.
Doghead has a hunting rifle. Thank the maker. That'll help. Everyone else, though. Hope they're armed.
Cookpot's the biggest threat. Gotta get to him. That's where I go. Gotta get to him before Vet sees me. Vet sees me, he'll know I'm alive. He knows I'm alive, he'll have questions. He's my enemy right now. That makes things complicated. No way. Get to Cookpot before Vet sees me.
Look... I know what you're saying. The world is a dangerous place – and it is – but you can't go around blaming yourself for every time someone dies around you... Isis and me don't travel with other people, but we have had friends die around us. Like the time I got my foot caught in a bear trap, I was following a snow spirit to a moose we were tracking to make it through the winter. Isis, and this trapper we met, Tipp, lost the trail trying to keep me from bleeding out, and the wolves caught up with us as they were dragging me back to camp... Tipp never made it back. I made a point of putting up a memorial for him before we left camp again.
As for losing someone in the maelstrom... Yes. I've watched someone put a mask on. The transformation is... Unsettling.
I spot Deg and Half Pint running down the hill towards us, and decide we should probably move... I stand up, and make my way to Isis, "Ok, let's go!"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 7)
Deg, you're on a beeline for your target, and you're flitting from cart cover to cart cover to deliver your sting, but you've hunkered down next to a big bus, waiting for the next step in the dance, when you hear a bone-deep buzzing and realize you have taken cover by that fucking huge wasp's nest, I mean this entire bus is a huge nest of those bastards, you can see where these nest itself has cracked through the windows, spilling waves of paper and bulging organic construction and you see a few dozen wasps big as your thumb irritably circling near your head.
I guess that harshes your mellow.
So now, Deg, you can chill by these wasps and let what happen happens so that you can still get the drop on Cookpot as Vet ambles by, or you can GTFO and see where the wind takes you- you could advance on Cookpot and Vet is sure to see you, or back the fuck away and lose your chance to ring his bell. Or maybe you got a better idea.
What do you do?
Can't stay here. Damn. Vet. Gonna see me. Damn. For now, use it. He'll be shocked. No doubt. Hope he won't want to hurt me. Get the drop on Cookpot. Take him out. Deal with Vet after.
No choice.
No choice.
Let's go.
Deg, you slide the fuck away from that nest, and good thing, too- you pass right by Doghead who doesn't know about the wasps. He's got his rifle out and you know he's not swimming in bullets, but he's taking aim on one of the scavs. The sharp crack of the rifle is met with one of the scavs shrieking and collapsing, but almost immediately by a buzzsaw roar of a hum from the nest. The wasps, already cross from the car alarm (which is still merrily WOOOOO woooo WOOOOO wooooo -ing) get downright disagreeable with the rifle noise and go for Doghead. You can imagine where this goes for him, but your focus is on Cookpot and you don't see it.
That rifle, now, is a badass one and you see the glimmer in his other eye (it's brown) as he locks a target on one of your friends. But you're up in his face right as you see the little muscle in his fingertip start to pull back, and the tiniest shift of tendon in his elbow right before you lop it the fuck off at the bicep with a mighty swing of your machete. I suppose the followup is straight to the neck? Either way, goom-bye Cookpot. You see his eyes focusing and unfocusing on you as the hot blood spurts and seeps into the earth. The grass is red.
Vet whips his head around at some noise to see you standing there, in the moment. Rapidly, you see his face melt from murder-rage to human.
What was the sweetest memory you have of Vet? What's Louise got to opine about this kettle of fish you're sitting in, anyway?
Isis, Half Pint is right by you and one of the carts- Fauna is slowed by Stopsign and his whatever the fuck he's hauling, but they look decently far enough, assuming nobody wants to burn rifle ammo. Wisher's words stop you and you see Deg, but also poor Doghead is screaming now and he takes all of yall's attention as a great cloud of wasps surround him. Poor fool has lost his rifle, and has his shirt bunched around his face while he runs blindly, but it doesn't look good. You see welts rising on his arms and thin belly even at this distance. Even if all of the wasps took a coffee break right now, what would you do with him? Unless there's a rolling clinic cart with the Caravan.
"Aw, no," Half Pint clearly wants to help Doghead and Deg at the same time. I doubt he knows about Vet just yet. But all three of you hear Cookpot's wail of pain.
We were lying on Vet's cot. It was hot and sticky out that day, so we were down to our skivvies. Vet was an artist back then, in the colony, before folks all went their separate ways after The Long Night. Things were good enough, then, that there was call for artists and other such people. We lied there, surrounded by his work. Marionettes, mostly. Vet had just finished a new piece he modeled after me. He named her "Louise" and as we lie there, in the heat, he showed me how she could dance when he pulled her strings. She was exquisite. Like nothing I'd ever seen, and the best he ever made. I was as delighted as a child studying the nighttime sky for the first time as I watched him make the puppet jump and move and spin.
Nice memory. Kinda hate nice memories. Specially when other stuff going on. Want to go to Vet. Damn. Knew that would happen. No time. Not right place. Take out other scavs, maybe? Help Half Pint, Isis, Wisher. Go to Vet.
Don't know.
Louise. Help. Need you.
Rolling Norman
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 6)
I motion to Wisher to keep going up towards the caravan, and I go a bit closer to Doghead - close enough so I don't have to yell at him and piss off the wasps even more, but far enough so they don't see me as a threat. "Doghead! Lie down on the ground facedown and cover your head. Try not to move. Wasps attack when they think there's a threat." I say to him while crouching behind a cart.
I'll hang here for a few incase the scavers give Deg trouble. She might need back up. Wisher, Fauna and Stopsign should be back up to the caravan shortly.
Deg, my dear, you always need my help.
I've missed you. We've missed Vet.
You should bring Vet with us.
You always need my help.
And don't you forget it.
I love you.
Here's where we're at.
Isis, Doghead half hears you, he's blind and going mad with the stings. You see him drop down and start to roll, probably hoping to kill the wasps or put out the fire of the pain. Does anyone in the Caravan have the skill to heal? Or do you get on by gut and by god, hoping towns have a medico?
A glance over your shoulder reveals Fauna pulling Stopsign along. She's got her bag quick-tied to her, and Stopsign doesn't want to let go of the thing he's got. They're almost to the embankment and will need to climb soon. Wisher, you're close to them. You could help in any number of ways, or keep running to the group. You think you see Remi's orange hat moving up there, but it's a quick glimpse and you're not focused on him.
What is Deg up to anyway...I'm surprised a ton of gunfire hasn't erupted over there yet....
She's right.
She's right.
Vet looks at me. I look at Vet. Vet liked my eyes. Motion with my head. C'mere.
Please understand.
C'mere Vet.
Come with me. Please.
Deg, he understands. Vet understands you. He always could, Louise can't disguise your lovely eyes. Vet can read you like a book. You see he's starting to lower the weapon he's got, some sort of metal throwing stick and its point gleams in the pretty morning sun and his whole body language changes and somehow gets softer and one of his mismatched boot raises up as he takes a step, not a run, not a charge, just a half step to come to you.
That's when one of the other scavs, the ratty-haired one with the face, pulls his trigger and Stopsign catches a bullet. Poor fool makes a shocked "—ggck?" noise right in front of you, Wisher, and there's a bloom of red splots running all over the big black case or whatever, and Fauna is shocked but still rabbiting, she's waffling on to stop and and help or run back to the Caravan. In this moment, you know Stopsign was sweet on Fauna, but it didn't go anywhere. Maybe never will. Is he dead, Wisher? Do you check?
Deg, a few bullets fly in your direction, badly, but the fat scav with bad teeth and the girl one with the green glass beads are rushing at you for to avenge Cookpot. "Vet, Vet, go go go!" shouts the fat one.
Isis, you know all this is going on. You could help Doghead or Deg or Stopsign or your own ass. You also hear a few yips and questioning barks, now that your ears are sharpened from the gunfire. Must be the adrenaline.
What do you do?
Just a few seconds before they get to me. Where does Vet stand?
reading Vet
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 8)
How can I get Vet to turn against the other Scavs? Least stay out of way while I deal?
I look to Fauna, "help me drag him to cover over by one of those carts!" We can't drag him up there without possibly getting shot ourselves... So we're going to ride it out, and make Stopsign more comfortable. I grab Stopsign's arm, and start pulling him back into the graveyard... "It's OK, buddy. We're here for you! Stay strong!"
I sneak a bit closer to the group, then grab my pistol and start firing towards the ratty-haired scav that shot Stopsign and the fat one who is shooting at Deg, all while trying to keep cover behind a big cart door.
Deg, Vet's in love with you- or as least he was in love with Green, which is more or less the same thing in the heat of the battle. If you want him on your side, give him some hope that he could get back with you, maybe make a life. What do you think Half Pint would say with vet in your life again? Anything there we should know about between you two?
Wisher, your words help snap Fauna out of it. "Look, Wisher, here!" The big flat black thing he was lugging can be something like a sled, and the two of you get Stopsign on it and drag it over the rough grassy ground. Stopsign groans and yells with some of the bigger bumps. You duck back behind one of the carts, its impossibly shiny chrome bumper a startling contrast to its faded peeling pink paint. You're leaving a blood trail, though. Any sort of animal could easily find you. But you're safe from another stray bullet.
What do you do?
Don't want to lead him on. Need him to come with.
Okay. I yell out to him. Don't like yelling. Need to. "VET! KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, FRIEND!" Feel silly yelling it. It's what I said when I visited him. A joke. He had no door. Just a curtain. Couldn't knock. Said it instead. I was funny then. He'll remember. He'll get it. I want to come in. I'm asking nicely. Being polite. Being funny.
Half Pint won't like a new guy. Specially not with me. Nothing like that. I don't have the parts he's interested in. But he doesn't like change. Doesn't like unknowns. Feel bad about that. Half Pint's good. I'll explain it to him. Try at least.
Grip machete. Glass beads and bad teeth. Fuck 'em. Going down.
That's when I notice the trail of blood... Are those dogs I saw earlier getting any closer?
Isis, that sounds like Seize by Force to me, if you're trying to seize freedom. Let's see the dice if that's your goal.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
Deg, he's conflicted. You see it as he looks back and forth beetween you and the scavs. He takes a half step and half-heartedly raises his throwing stick thing. You shout your greeting and it's like a splash into cold water of remembering for him, eyes widened. "Green?" he calls, uncertain. He's rattled and not raising arms. By then glass beads and bad teeth are much closer, and glass beads is shouting wordlessly at you, grief plain on her face. She looks a bit like Cookpot, but that's a little detail doesn't mean much in the heat of battle. They're about to unload on you, and if you're going to help Isis and seize some freedom for you all, let's hear how.
Wisher, Fauna knows a bit of road aid, seems like. "Lessee here," she says, fussing with the improv dressing, holding it. "Hang in there, Stoppy, it's okay, it is," she tells him. You see his eyes rolling and he flinches in pain when the cloth presses firm. He kicks and looks like he's trying to keep his shit in. That's good, he wants to live.
You have your hand in your pack, grabbing for candy or some crap, and your eyes walk up the blood trail, and around the corner of a cart, you see something like this:
There's intelligence in those eyes.
What do you do?
I can't make myself bigger without also exposing myself to bullets, so I do the next best thing... Submit. "Easy boys... Calm. Nobody here's looking for trouble. Easy." I'm hoping they feel the same way about violence today.
I pick these two:
• you suffer little harm
• you inflict terrible harm
No time to think. Isis is shooting. Easier to hit a distracted target. I yell out. "OVER HERE! I'M THE ONE YOU WANT!"
Get their attention away from Isis.
roll to help.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 8)
Disarming Presence
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 7)
With Deg's help I add:
• you take definite hold of it
A lot happens in a short space of time.
Wisher, the dogs relax at the low tones of your voice. Teeth are tucked and haunches lowered. The brown and tan one sits and cocks his head, giving you three a curious look. A couple of the others turn in circles before settling, sniffing at the blood and whining at Stopsign. The black one with patches of brown looks at your hand in your pack, sniffs, then at your face, then at your hand, licking his chops. The matted tail thumps once, hopefully. They watch you.
Isis and Deg, your life is somewhat less idyllic and pastoral.
Isis, you let loose with some precious bullets. Where do you get them? They zip zip zip and find marks in ratty's flesh, the cracks loud enough to startle a flock of parrots from a nearby tree. Deg, you find your sweet machete drinks deep, and often. Bad teeth and glass beads are so much soft meat beneath your might as you strike. Louise seems to approve. Vet is right there, too. Does he know your violent side?
But it's not one-sided. The scavs trade bullets with both of you, and you catch more than your daily ration of lead. Let's deal with harm in a moment.
2-harm from bullets minus 1-harm for armor minus 1-harm for suffer little, and you've got zero harm coming at you. Please roll+0.
2-harm from bullets minus 1-harm for armor minus 1-harm for Rasputin, and you also have zero harm incoming. Please roll+0. Thanks for helping.
2 harm from Isis, plus one harm for inflict terrible, minus one harm for armor, and they've got 2-harm to enjoy.
Vet is not fighting and Cookpot is bleeding out already. They're not impressed, dismayed, or frightened, but they are GTFOing.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 10)
Isis, you've racked up 1-harm extra from something. How? Where?
Poor Vet.
Never seen Deg. Just Green. Sad he finds out like this.
harm roll
(Rolled: 2d6+0. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 6)
Wisher, the dogs look up at the shots as one. Individually, they return their attention to the band of humans. Fauna is still as a rock, eyes wide, and tense. Looks like Stopsign has passed out. He's still breathing, you see his chest rising under his thin T-shirt.
Deg, Isis, the scavs who are still alive break for it. Two are dead, two are walking wounded, Cookpot is crippled, probably dead, but glass beads is dragging him off to cover futilely. Bad teeth is using that sweet long gun as a crutch. The other two are still-warm meat, soon food for dogs or something else.
Glass beads calls out, "Vet! GTFO or they'll kill you too!" but he flips her off, saying "Fuck you, I'm done!" He turns his back on them and shoves his throwing stick into a quiver made of a green rubber boot with a few others. He steps closer, Deg. He's gonna say something, you know how he pokes his tongue in his lips before he talks. A thinker, that one.
Isis, Half Pint is by you, looking at Doghead, who's crawling weakly away from the nest, his head scraping the grass and his jacket pulled over. "That's gotta suck," he says under his breath, sucking air in his teeth in sympathy.
What do you do?
I take an inventory of my bullet left which means I fired four total. Precious commodity. About a month ago Wisher and I came about an old make-shift Sherrif's station. Someone had been trying to create order in the small community of Watershed a few towns over. Some people didn't like that though as the place got raided just a few days before we arrived. I got my gun off a dead guy and found a box of bullets in the station. Have a good bunch left but keep them hidden different spots in our gear since you can never be too careful.
I put my pistol back in my boot and look at the damage on my shoulder. Got grazed by a bullet when I was ducking for cover. Will need to patch it up, but I've had wounds like this before.
All the scavs are leaving or dead except for one hairy guy...Deg seems to know him...I turn to Halfpint: "Do you know that guy? Deg seems to...wonder if he can be trusted?" I look over to Wisher to see if he is OK. Looks like he has those dogs under control...I've always wanted a dog...
"I can haul fool over there on account o' your bum arm." He scowls, looking at the nest. The wasps seem to be bored with tormenting Doghead, but that nest is still a-humming with activity.
Vet. Don't say anything.
"Vet. Don't say anything."
Don't want to hear it. Don't want to know what I look like now.
"Just... come with me. Talk later. Move now."
Things seem to move faster now that there's no obvious threat. Rocco sends Remi and another couple of strongarms to help get Stopsign and Doghead up the embankment. It takes time, and you burn more daylight than anyone wants. Rocco doesn't want anyone else going in the metal graveyard, you lot need to get on the road to Sparks.
Between Vet and possibly a hound, it sounds like the Caravan has a new couple come-alongs. At least Fauna, Stopsign, and Isis got some stuff for all the trouble.
It's gonna be a fair piece to Sparks, and the moon waits for nobody.