The inner Ula camp.

It's larrupin strange here, Wisher. You keep seeing trailers in the corners or hearing the edges of voices in the wind. The maelstrom is close here. You're pretty jumpy, and some of the containers almost look like they have eyeholes, like giant masks. Most of the Ula you see are in their robes, but occasionally you see someone not, maybe servants or slaves or guards or poor unfortunate souls dancing like puppets. Know anyone?
Your lightning bolt pendant from Clarion let you in, but even still you had to fork over a jingle of "tax" to get this far. What'd you lose? Was it irreplaceable? How do most people or settlements do barter, in your experience?
There's a windmill up top, spinning against the wind. Cables are everywhere. No wonder Sparks is crazyhungry for the copper stuff. I hope the Caravan is okay. You hear some music, human babble, see some carts bringing in food, the toughs there making sure you're not a threat, their green roadsign machetes flickering from the lights everywhere. Another cart pulled by a whip-thin muscled fellow clearly has more than one corpse in it. But something through a container-window catches your eye, something running on the wanton amount of elec here that gives you a little bit of hope. What is it?
Anyway, you've got no real idea how to find Isis in all this. I bet you have a cunning plan that's better than knocking on every door and going down on everyone. Or do you?
What do you do?
I usually keep a few loaves of fresh bread around to give away to people around a fire, or local kids, or something... But when this guy came up and started pushing me around for "tax" I gave him some bread, which lead to his friend asking for a loaf, and then his friends started asking... You can see where this is going. It's not like I can't make more – I've just gotta add some more dough to my seed batch, and I'll have some bread in no time flat – but these guys didn't exactly strike me as "in need of food", if you know what I mean. That kind of bothers me...
Barter is a tricky thing... Most people don't live in places like this, right? So the concept of carrying around something some guy in an expensive house says is worth food, rather than something actually worth food isn't exactly common. Most people just trade what they need in exchange for what they have. I've seen these papers around Sparks that people trade for drugs. They're purple, and have the Ula symbol on them. They get traded around like nothing... People who have them seem well off. I guess that passes for barter here... I saw a room back there guarded by four Ula, filled with people wearing masks, and making drugs at gunpoint. They were stocked up on those purple bills, too... Not exactly what I was hoping to see.
I was feeling really uneasy about all this until I got to the living district... I accidentally walked in on a bunch of Ula mothers breastfeeding their kids, and talking about what they're going to do for the lantern festival's big finale. They all thought I was lost, and offered to help me find who I was looking for... I almost took them up on it, but I didn't want to take them away from their kids.
You're going to laugh, but I can't exactly lie, can I? ... I don't have a plan... I'm passing through the halls, listening for quiet rooms, and literally knocking on doors and whispering Isis' name. I look stupid... Doubly so when Tash, being the bubbly young girl from my childhood memories, jumps up behind me and startles me. She looks like she hasn't aged a day since I left her and her brother Tosh — well, except the electric blue hair, of course. I jump back, startled, before laughing and pulling her into a hug. "Tasha? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever! Is Tosh here?"
What's your best memory of Tash and Tosh, Wisher?
I never did learn what those books were actually about... Tosh's old man found out about it, and made us trade them back. He made them do extra chores for a month to make up for it... It was totally worth it, though.
I shake my head, "Ula curse? You're full of it! The moon's wrong, and these guys're just kooks. I met someone on the road... She's super. A real bad-ass, like Melny used to be — we're off to Oru to see what we can learn about the Wolves. Isis thinks we can beat the wolves, Tasha — you gotta meet her!" I look over her shoulder to the dude with the big fudge-off gun, and nod. "New boyfriend?"
"Oru? Wolves? Sounds neat. Wait a day or two and who follows? My feet!" Clearly she means more than just her. Say, Wisher, what's the procedure for when somebody wants to join the Caravan? You think Rocco will have any problems with these extra couple of bodies? Or will Remi get into a pissing contest with Hustler?
I mean, Hustler doesn't look like he cares about Oru or Wolves or cults or bread one way or the other... But that could be the wacky leaf he's a-chawin' on. He spits thickly into the dirt. Maybe it's all an act... That fucker has an assault rifle. Lotsa moving pieces there... Tosh savvy at all?
Has she always rhymed like this? "Well... See... There's a thing about that... My partner? She got took away by these purple people eaters here. I kinda need to get her back."
Tash frowns, and looks this way and that. "Do you know why they took her? Is she that much of a looker? Surely you must know where she's hidden, before they turn her to do their bidding." She puts a hand on your arm, concerned.
Sounds like a manipulate, Wisher? But do you have leverage?
I did a lot of bad stuff with them back in the day, come to think of it. It's a wonder I'm still alive.
She seriously has to think about this? ... This must be bad. There must be something I can do to make it square...
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 4. Total: 7)
... Even if it is true...
I don't have a damn clue how to do that... "You wanna know the truth, Tash? I wouldn't stay here long if I were you. This place is wolfbait, and anyone who stays here too long is likely to get hunted." I look around, "I understand if you don't want to get involved; but I need to help Isis, so as good as it was to catch up, I'd better go do that... And once I do, I'm getting as far away from here as I can possibly manage."
She looks back over her shoulder, and mumbles, "Another life, maybe, and heads off.
You're still here in the Ula compound proper. I guess you could take more time and keep searching for Isis on your own, but who knows how long you have before someone notices you long poky nose. Do you want to bring someone else in on this, or keep flying solo?
What do you do?
This isn't how I expected this to go down...
I'm running out of ideas, and I need to do something fast... It's dawning on me that if I'm going to find Isis, I need to borrow some thoughts – which means listening in on the cacophony of voices the wolves use to stalk their prey...
What else do I have?
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 8)
You hear a woman, who sounds like Deg, crying. There's another voice from the Caravan, but all you get is fear and frustration. You hear Stopsign's laugh, but it's cut off.
Who do you miss, from your old life?
What's your favorite nightmare?
Messed up, huh? To be in a position where all you want's to make your partner happy, even if being with you doesn't make 'em really happy... It reminds me of Esmerelda. I miss her the most. Even more than Lilah, if you can believe that... Esmerelda just got me better. She knew what I really wanted, without me having to say it.
I'm not too sure what you mean by "favorite" nightmare... The ones where I don't get scared are my favorites. I'm kind of a wuss... I mostly have nightmares about the wolves taking on the faces of people I know and love. I like the ones where they keep those damn masks on.
I steady myself against a wall, and retch as I struggle to catch my breath. Once my balance comes back, you bet your butt I'm heading over to where I just heard Isis' voice!
Anyway, there you are, pressed up against the not-badly-rusting side of a yellow and black container. The wires and cables and things are really thick here, you nearly trip and stumble a few times. The wall is very slightly moving, vibrating under your hands, it feels something like a cat's purr.
Do you even know what a cat is? What's the weirdest animal you've seen in the flesh?
At the edge of your perception is a humming, buzzing sound from the maelstrom. It's definitely inside this container.
What do you do?
I want into this container. Is there a door, or something?
So Isis's container, right- there's the one rusty-ass container door on one end and a makeshift door probably cut into the side where another container is shoved next to it.
Look, here's a quick and dirty map. you can see the wires and shit you followed and where they've stacked containers on each other. There's more down at the bottom, but we're not looking there right now.
So I figure you could hop into that courtyard thing, see if there's a a way in, try to climb up to the second floor maybe? Seems pretty exposed, if you ask me. Or you could try to open the actual container door, which you know will be rusty and heavy and loud and fucking obvious, and who know what's actually inside by the door. Or you could come back with friends?
What do you do?
[End Scene]