[Junk XIII] Fancy Meeting You Here (K 6-4)

edited November 2013 in Junkworld XIII

That chair in Ollie's room? It was not made for pregnant ladies. Your lower back hurts. You excuse yourself for a bathroom break, to walk a bit, get some water. In the hallway, you run into the girl Aquafina. You know her because Hump told you about how pretty she was.

She doesn't know you. But she smiles when she sees your little belly. She gives you a nod, "Hey."

What do you do?


  • edited November 2013
    I'm standing by the water dispenser Stitch set up, holding my little paper cup of water when she passes by. I can't help but notice her... I mean she's pretty, sure, but she's also kinda beat up... Like Rinso. It's hard to miss. I eye her up and down before answering, "Hey... Aquafina? I'm Kiddo — Hump and Zero's sister/daugther." I offer her my hand to shake.
  • She takes it. She's not dainty, not a bit. "Yeah, I'm Aquafina. I thought you were Kiddo. Rinso talked about you enough." She smirks, crosses her arms a little, "How far along are you?"
  • If I had a jingle for every time someone asked me that, I'd be a rich woman — at least she didn't immediately reach for my tummy. I'm not a damn dog. "13 weeks," I answer, "that's what the doc said... feels like more for some reason, but I know she's right." I lean against the wall of the hallway, facing her, and take a sip of my water as I look up and down the hallway.

    "So what happened? Rinny looked real beat up... Were you guys travelling together?" I ask, casually.
  • Aquafina swallows, and tries to sound casual, but fails, "I was driving Rinso and Jack up to the Ascendant. We, uh, we were attacked, and they wrecked my truck."
  • My eyebrow raises curiously at that... Couldn't have been the Black Mesas, and there's nobody up north except the Candies... I know for sure they didn't do anything. Wendys? Did they push out near Salt again? That's not good...

    Wait... Where's Jack? I didn't know him really well or anything, but he was always nice to me... I shift uncomfortably, and cautiously ask, "Did Jack... Y'know... Did they take him?"
  • Aquafina looks down at the floor. A frown warbles over her mouth, then disappears, "They took him, yeah. I think... I dunno. They knew 'im, Kiddo. One of them called him little bro. But, he. He asked them to let us go, begged them. Gave Rinso a fuckton of jingle to help us get up here. And now... I don't even know why I'm here."

    She looks back up at you, "My trucks still there, I'm almost broke. I'm frakked." She shifts a bit, "I'm sorry, don't want to dump this on anybody, just... that was awful, Kiddo. Awful."
  • "Holy frak," I mutter, without thinking... Jack's related to a Wendy? ... Holy frak. The girl looks pretty beat up about that... I dunno... Maybe the brother ran off and joined 'em, or something... Jack does not strike me as a Wendy. If anything, he's the polar frakking opposite.

    "I'm sorry sweetie... I didn't think it was that bad... Are you gunna be OK?"
  • She nods, "I'll survive." She offers a half smile, then shifts a bit, changing the subject, "So, thought about names for the baby?"
  • I drop my hand down to my belly reflexively and smile, "some — but I'm not telling yet." I look up at her, and add, "I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but the Doc's telling me not to get my hopes up. The hardest part is slowing down to her pace — she's not even out yet, and she's already a pretty demanding baby. Are you looking to have one some day?"
  • edited November 2013
    "No... none for me," she answers, trying to sound polite. But you sense something underneath. The conversation gets a little awkward after that, like she's not sure how to extract herself from this.

    VB comes out looking for you, Kiddo. She introduces herself to Aquafina, she's a little icy.

    What do you do?
  • I slip an arm around Vee's waist, and try to make her relax a bit when I notice her icy demeanor. I look to Aquafina, and sigh... I can't beat around the bush anymore. I need to know what's going on with Rinso...

    I lower my voice, "Aquafina... I'm sorry if this is awkward, and I know this will sound crazy, but I just spent the last two months dealing with crisis after crisis, and now the father of my child comes in out of the wastes acting like he didn't run away from us a month ago, to deal with his sordid history, with a woman that is — quite frankly — insane." I give her a level look, "please tell me I'm being paranoid, and that what he said about Jack convincing him to come up here and be with us is true..."
  • OOC: Read Aquafina. Roll+Sharp. +1XP.
    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 3, 2. Total: 7)
  • Aquafina watches you calm VB with a touch, then answers you without flinching, "It's true. I was there. He'd just found out you were both gone, and he was miserable. Then... Jack told him he was being stupid, to give up on the list and just come to be with you." She swallows, hesitates, then says, "We left to come here that night. Then.... well, you know about then."

    VB says sharply, "So, Rinnie was gonna stay away more till Jack told him he was an idiot?" Aquafina shrugs, not denying it.
  • OOC: Spending hold to know that's true.
    I know she's being truthful... It doesn't change the fact that he bolted, or that he was going to do that stupid list alone — but... it means something. I take a composing breath, and nod. "Thank you, sweetie... I know it isn't much, but if you need help getting work to get back on your feet, let me know."
  • "Thanks, Kiddo," Aquafina says. She looks at you and VB, together, it seems to make her uncomfortable, unwanted. "Listen, it was great meeting you, but I need to go lie down. And uh, I may need to take you up for work." She turns to head back to her room.

    VB watches her go, then says quietly, "What do you want to do about Rinnie, Kiddo"
  • I smile lightly and nod as Aquafina leaves. I don't wanna keep her. Vee's question though, that's a tough one... I just don't know what to do about Rinny. I pull Vee into a small hug, and rest my head against the wall. "I dunno," I answer vacantly, staring off into space, "I mean, we don't need him here — we've done pretty good on our own, I'd say — but Rinso's not a bad man. He's just ... " Stupid? Careless? "Naive some times."

    I look down at her, "I can't just turn it back on for him like that... Y'know? Like, if I could, I would; but I thought he was a man who would always be there for us... But he wasn't. If I let him in, and he gets close, and then leaves again — I don't wanna do that to you again. I don't wanna be the way I was when he left..."

    I sigh, and bring a hand up to brush her cheek lightly, "I wanna take it slow. I wanna know he's here for the long haul, and that he's really here for us. I would like it if my baby girl could know her daddy..." I give her a little kiss, "but if he's going to break her heart, then I will never forgive him."
  • VB listens, not offering any advice or feedback, yeah. She want to know your heart, Kiddo. She gives you a tight smile at the end, and puts a hand on yours, "I got your back, Kiddo. An if you need me to beat him with a hammer... you let me know."

    She looks past you, and says, "Well, frak... speak of the devil."

    You turn around, because you were facing Ollie's room while talking in the hall. Rinso is walking up to you. He's walking, perfectly well. He's got that dopey grin on his face, like he has some great news. VB slides up to take your hand again.

    What do you do?
  • I smirk and shake my head at Vee's sudden promise of violence. "This sweet girl I fell in love with is such a badass!" I giggle and brush some hair out of her face... Then she spots Rinso, and I slowly spin around to see him. I'm holding Vee's hand back, lovingly rather than panicked this time.

    It takes me a minute to realize that Stitch probably did her magic thiny with the brain ... He even looks better... I brush some of my hair behind my ear, and take a deep breath. "You seem better, Rinny," I offer, my voice a little softer now.
  • "Yeah, I'm feeling better." Rinso says. He drops his voice and leans down a little, "Stitch did her, uh, her magic thingy."

    You can practically feel how much he wants to touch you, Kiddo. He asks, "Hey, can we go somewhere and talk?"
  • Talk... Yes... Talk would be good. I look to Vee — knowing she'll come, but giving her a look that asks anyway — before turning to Rinso and nodding. "Yeah. C'mon — I wanna get dad my music player anyway." We should put that lounge to good use, considering how much we dropped on it.

    I guess I'll guide him over to the lift, and take him to our new home.
  • VB nods, she's good with talking. You realize she's showing a little more anger than she feels, and it's for your benefit. From the talks you've had, she's more hurt than angry. But hurt doesn't seem to fit right now, so she's glaring at Rinnie.

    All the way to your new flat.

    It's looking pretty good now, right? What's the first thing Rinso notices when you enter this place? He gives an appreciative whistle, "This is a great place you have. That's great."

    He keeps looking at you, then over to VB. "Alright. I... I knew you'd be a little pissed that I went off to do the list on my own. But, it was like, I had to do it. And I didn't want to put you in the line of fire, right? I mean, what good would it do to fix all the drek I did if you got hurt? I mean, either of you..."

    "Oh, don't drag me into this drek decision you made, Rinnie. You keep it focused on Kiddo. You and I, we'll settle up later." VB says it with the kind of sure fire that makes Rinso blink.

    He barrels ahead, "I'm sorry. I didn't think I would make it worse, but now... I see that I did. I just. Frak, Kiddo, the way you looked at me that night, after I bared my soul to you both. I wasn't proud of what I did with Cherry! Why do you think I never talked about it? And why I left? I came back then. I came back this time, too. And if you'll let the whole Walmart thing go, and if you'll let me, then I'm here to stay."

    He starts walking forward, towards you Kiddo, saying softly, "I got a job working at the infirmary. Stitch needs some help. Just... just tell me what I need to do to fix this. To fix us."

    What do you do?
  • I'm rubbing Vee's back supportively as she glares at Rinso, trying to calm her down. I know she's not actually angry at him; but she was there for me when I felt hurt, and now I guess I'm there for her.

    I open the door and show Rinso in. Everyone notices the window... We've always got it open, and it's such a beautiful view. I guide him into the lounge, and pull a couple chairs out — the comfy ones. Frak that shit they had up in the infirmary. I watch Rinso as he takes the tour, and don't comment when he compliments the place. Everyone compliments the place. I don't care. It's nice — so what?

    So he frakked up, again. I'd be lying if I said I feel nothing for him... He hurt me, and I pushed him away — I'm not frakking stupid — but I'm just not eager to get hurt again. I'm leaning back in my chair with my arms crossed over my belly — protectively. I give Rinso a level look as he talks, making sure I hear all of it before saying anything at all. I won't stop him from coming to me if he wants.

    How do we fix this? I sigh. Walmart... That was the breakout, and the dead son. I'm admittedly worried leaving that hanging could come back and haunt us — but what really worries me? Cherry, and that kid of hers. If anyone was going to put Rinso, or my baby, in danger, it would be her. The only way I know how to deal with her now, is to stay far the frak away from her...

    I look Rinso in the eyes, and hold my hand out to him without standing up. "I panicked when I found that note you left, and the only thing I could think of doing was finding Cherry... She is frakking crazy. She broke when you left her, and I almost did too." I look over to Vee, "almost."

    I return my gaze to Rinso, my expression grave, "Rinso — I found my Dad, broken and alone in the infirmary here. I found my Ma' frakked up by Branigans to the point where she thought Branigans was my dad — and I killed him in front of her. She's pregnant, and thought it was his child. People tried to kill her because of what Branigans made her do — and I lost my Gramma trying to keep her safe... I was shot twice, and almost blown up. You've missed a lot. If you want to be in my life, then I need you to make a choice: either we're in this together — full up, all the time, no matter what — or we're not."

    I purse my lips, and raise my eyebrows, "I want you to know your baby, Rinso — but if you aren't here for her, then how is it really yours? If you aren't here for us when we need us, then how can we be there for you?"
  • Shock crosses Rinso's face when you explain all that happened. Some of it he'd heard, most of it he hadn't. He takes your hand, he joins you on the sofa, VB on the other side of you. She's more relaxed now that you're touching her, that you're talking to him.

    "I... I can't believe I missed all of that, Kiddo." Rinso says finally, when he's sure you're done. "I'm here for her. I'm here for you, too. I love you, Kiddo. I've got nothing left to hide."

    He sits back, and starts talking with his hands, "So, Jack took all the money I had for Snapple and he agreed to take it as payment for what I did to his daughter. I told Majesta about me and Twix. Twix was there, he didn't know. I tried to work things out with Tang and his gang, we got in a fight. They're all dead now." It all came out in a rush, like a confessional.

    After he takes a breath, he says, "I've never NOT been yours. I love you two, I left to keep you safe. I'm back, to help make you happy. If you'll have me, then I want back in your life. I never... I never had a dad. I don't want our baby to grow up with that same feeling."

    He tries to pulls you into a hug, unless you pull away.
  • The funny thing is — I don't care so much how Rinso managed to tick off those items... They're all bloody in their own way, and I know it must have been hard for him.

    I reflexively hold a hand out to stop him at first, when he reaches to touch me — I'm not entirely sure why — but I feel his chest rising and falling under my fingertips, and I slowly reach up to his cheek, pulling him down to kiss me.

    I kiss him lightly, briefly, on the lips, and look into his eyes, "I'm sorry... I want to let you in Rinny, and I believe you're here for us — but I'm going to need a little bit of time to find you again, OK? Don't go away, and don't think I'm not here for you — I just want to take it slow, yeah?" I smile up at him, "I love you too... I'm glad you're back — I really am. I did miss you."
  • VB does not join your hug or kiss. She doesn't try to hold you back, but she doesn't dive in there. Rinso savors the kiss, despite its brevity. The light in his eyes flickers, that hope that so often buoys him up. "Slow is fine. I mean, I pined for you for a long time before we got together. I'm nothing if not patient. I'm just glad there's a chance. I won't waste it."

    He stands up, "I'm gonna head out, see about finding some place to crash for now. I'll chck in with the Candies, see if they have anywhere I can rest my head. It's been a long day." He looks at VB, then, right at her. "Vee. I came back. I'll always come back. I know you'll get over this. If you want to talk, or you know, yell at me, that's fine. I missed you, too. I love, you VB." He heads out.

    VB watches him go. When the door shuts, she's still watching that space where he was. She doesn't seem to register that she's crying. Its one of those eye-leaking cries, with no sniffing, just tears dripping down.
  • I don't get up and follow him out. I don't comment on his assumption that she'll get over this — but I think he might be wrong. I spot Vee's tears, and I gently turn her head to look at me. I quietly wipe her tears with my thumb, and brush her hair back so I can get a good look at her face. I look her dead in the eyes and whisper, "Vee — this is our home. Ours. Rinso does not belong here unless you say he does — yeah?"

    I smile, and gently rest my forehead against hers. "I love you, my little honeybee," I whisper, "you're my rock."
  • edited November 2013
    "I forgot how much it hurt," she says as she looks at you with this little drowning look in her eyes, "To be second best. And he reminded me. I don't... I don't wanna fight. I just. I really like being all yours. I've given you all I got. I like being your honeybee. I don't wanna feel all selfish, an have my tummy twisted in knots. I feel awful being jealous, Kiddo. I don't want to feel this way! I just got so used to being there for you, an you for me."

    She takes a breath, but she's still looking in your eyes, "Rinnie was always after someone else. An I was just there for him. When we were little, it wasn't like I could run away." She laughs a bitter laugh at that, then continues, "And I was so used to it, that I forgot to notice it. But then, it was just you an me. And I've never felt so special, Kiddo. I feel important. I know you need me. It feels... really good."

    She shakes her head, like she's trying to clear away these thoughts. She breaks eye contact, "I'm sorry. I don't need to make you emotional or anything. It's been a big day all around. Maybe I should, you know, go out for a run. Clear my head."
  • I. Feel. Awful.

    My eyes well up, and my smile falls into a frown. I want to say something — anything — to make this better. I don't want her to be jealous — I want her to be completely certain that she is the light in my life, and that I will always be there for her.

    I need to make this better.
  • OOC: Reading Vee. Roll+Sharp. +1XP.
    (Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
  • I sniffle, and wipe a few tears from my eyes before they can fall. My voice is all shaky. I whisper, "you are not second best. You are the single most important person in my life. I will do anything for you." I try desperately to catch her gaze again, "Vee, honey — tell me how I can prove that."

    OOC: How can I get Vee to believe she's never going to play second fiddle to anyone?
  • edited November 2013
    She softens when you tell her she isn't second best. Her shoulders relax and she looks up at you. "No, Kiddo," she says softly. "You didn't do anything wrong. You've been so good to me. He just... stirred up some old hurts that I put away." She reaches up to wipe away a few tears of her own, sniffs and looks apologetic for crying.

    "It isn't fair of me to demand you prove that. It shouldn't even be a thing." VB says, her voice becoming a bit more steady. "I know you love him. And I kinda still do, too. I think. I don't. Drek, I don't even know what I think about him anymore. I've just been so caught up with being in love with you."

    She steps closer to you, reaching up a hand to your neck, curling her thin fingers under your hair, on the skin, "We have shared so much, Kiddo. I've never let myself get this close to anyone. I didn't even think I was capable. I don't want to make you do anything different, okay? Just keep me close. And kiss me alot. I'll work it out."

    You've already laid the groundwork for her to believe this. Rinso threw her off kilter, into old habits and feelings. She needed to hear this from you. She's really happy that you're drawing a bold line here. This will pass as long as you're true to your word and keep VB close.
  • I smile again, and kiss her lips lightly a few times in quick succession. "Don't," kiss, "worry," kiss, "about," kiss, "that." kiss

    ... kiss.

    I look over to the bed suggestively, "I know you said you wanted to go take a run, but I'm frakking exhausted. I just wanna curl up with my girls and take a nap — can you spare me a little time first, my little honeybee?"
  • VB giggles at the machine gun kisses and it seems to break the tension entirely. She follows your look to the bed, and arches a brow. She slips out of your grasp and runs over to jump on the bed, then rolls onto her back and proclaims, "The goddess of love demands her consort!" Then she dissolves into a fit of giggles. And starts peeling off clothing, unfastening "the leg" and pulling down the covers.
  • I giggle as she demands I join her on the bed, and run over to lock the door before joining her.

    Gods I love this woman.
  • --END SCENE--
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