[CharSheet] Alex Hayes

edited June 2013 in ANN_pilot
Alex Hayes
  • Former professional burglar/conman, wanted by various corps & states
  • Currently running a seemingly legitimate street-food venture
  • Last known whereabouts: Hong Kong Free Trade Zone
Burglar +
Climbing, Tumbling, Stealthy, Hotwire, Quick, Perceptive, Cable Harness, [Wily], [Slippy], [Conceal]

Businessman +
Connected, Informed, Clean Papers, Cash, Local Custom, Trustworthy Face, [Lies], [Insinuation], [Appraise]

Stand-Up Guy +
Honest Face, Guile, Charm, Wit, That Smile, [Something Like Sincerity], [Earnest]

Escapist +
Dodge, Improvised Weaponry, Misdirection, Quick, Dirty Fighting, Vanish, [Hidden Tools], [Reckless]

o Furious
o Exhausted
o Impaired
o Hunted
o Trapped
o Malfunction


  • Key of the Conman
    Alex was a conman by trade for many years. îYou can quit the life but it never quits you.î Earn XP when you make someone believe something that isnít true.
    Buyoff: Admit something youíve done thatís illegal or untrue.
  • Key of the Comedian
    Humor is a defense mechanism and a trap. Alex is a funny guy. Earn XP when Alex makes people laugh.
    Buyoff: Be serious about something serious.
  • Key of the Escapee
    Alex is often caught but seldom kept. Earn XP when Alex makes an escape.
    Buyoff: Get caught (or Trapped) somewhere you shouldnít be.
± Edge: Versatility
Once per session you can gather dice by activating Tags from two
Traits at once. Rearm this Edge when you buy off a Key.

± Edge: Better Lucky
Once per session you can reroll your dice for a roll and use the better
result. Add 2 extra dice to the reroll for your trouble. Rearm this
Edge when you buy off a Key.

A. +Talking or +Fighting
B. +Rough or +Smooth



    Getting and Giving Stunt Dice
    Begin play with the stunt dice in a central ìpot.î Each player draws two stunt dice to start off the game. A player can never have more than 7 stunt dice in their possession at one time.

    Players earn stunt dice when other players award them. Any time you think another player has come up with an awesome description, clever action, great bit of dialogue, or otherwise needs a stunt die, you may award that player one die from the pot. No player can award more than one stunt die per turn. Awarded dice can be used immediately or saved for future rolls, as the awarded player prefers.

    Rolling the Dice
    To overcome an obstacle in the fiction, roll dice. Start with one die if you have a Trait that can help you. Add another die for each Tag from that Trait that applies to the action. Finally, add any number of stunt dice you like from the number youíve got in your possession.

    Roll the dice you've gathered. Each die that shows an even number is a hit. You need hits equal to the Difficulty number to pass the obstacle:
    ï 2 = easyótake out a thug
    ï 3 = toughótake out a trained foe
    ï 4 = challengingótake out an expert foe
    ï 5 = extremeótake out a masterful foe

    If your hits meet or exceed the difficulty, you succeed, overcome the obstacle, and discard to the pot any stunt dice you rolled.

    If your hits donít meet the difficulty, you miss what you were after but you keep any stunt dice you rolled. The GM may escalate the situation, increase the Difficulty, impose a Condition, or any combination thereof before you try again.

    Targeted and Untargeted Rolls
    Usually you aim your rolls at specific goals and obstacles, like taking out a corporate ninja or flying a helicopter through enemy fire. Those goals have specific Difficulties known to the GM at the time you roll and if your hits equal the difficulty you overcome the obstacle or achieve your goal. These are called targeted rolls.

    Sometimes, especially during fights with simple minions, the GM says you can roll first and then spend your hits on available targets. So, if you get 4 hits you could take out two thugs, each rated at Difficulty 2, even if you didn't declare that at first. These are called untargeted rolls.

    Helping Stunts
    If your character is in a position to help another PC, you can roll one of your stunt dice and add its hit to their roll. Describe how your character helps out, citing a Tag on your sheet. If your roll hits, the die goes back in the pot. If it misses, you keep it.

    When you fail a roll, or other events reasonably warrant, the GM may impose a Condition on your character. When you take a Condition, mark it on your sheet and talk with the GM to figure out just what it means in your case and for how long.

    Conditions can impact future rolls. The GM can invoke them to increase the Difficulty of an obstacle by 1 step. You can invoke one Condition to add a die to your roll if the GM isn't invoking it and you can explain how the Condition actually helps your PC. Conditions can sometimes be removed with a successful roll made by you or an ally for that express purpose ó in that way theyíre another source of obstacles.

    Recovery Scenes
    Between action scenes, you can call for a recovery scene during which you can erase a Condition. Describe where the scene takes place and ask what each characterís doing. Travel makes for good recovery scenes. Each player with a character in the recovery scene can erase one Condition from any one character if they can explain how it happens. Your crew can play multiple recovery scenes in a row but each player can call for only one between action scenes.

    When you hit a Key, you earn an experience point (1 XP) or a stunt die from the pot. If you go into danger because of your Key, you get 2 XP (or 1 XP and 1 stunt die from the pot). Hold on to XP and spend them later, even in the middle of an action sequence. Spend 5 XP to do one of the following:
    + Unlock a Tag for an existing Trait (by underlining it)
    + Add a new Key (never have the same key twice; 4 Keys max)
    + Add or swap in a new Edge (never have the same Edge twice; 3 Edges max)

    Each Key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the option of removing the Key and earning 10 XP. You canít purchase the same Key you just bought off to get those 10 XP (but you can get that Key again in the future with more XP). Your character canít have more than four Keys at once and probably shouldn't have fewer than two Keys.
    Alex Hayes once broke into a famed museum (youíve heard of it) because he left his scarf in the Natural History Wing when he visited earlier that day. Heís poked around inside forbidden palaces and hung outside the windows of 90th-floor penthouses to see how the plutocrats live. Also, to steal their stuff.
    Alex wasnít a loyal operative in the Josine heyday. It was case by case for him. Josineís other operatives kept bringing him into the mix to nab precious tech, infiltrate impenetrable sites, or smuggle out vital data. Alex would show up, do the job, get in over his head, and find himself needing Josineís people to save him. Became a habit. Working for Josine was too much like being pinned down, having a boss, but it beat doing jobs for the megacorps, the big criminal outfits, or the Technocrats.
    The Technocrats tried to turn him once. Alex stole the wallet of the agent sent to bring him in and spent a day charging spa visits and hotel rooms to the agentís credit card.

    The modern Alex Hayes is trying to go straight. He just canít get his street-food venture quite off the ground. What would it take to get him back inside places heís not supposed to be? Probably not much.

    Alex knows how to use all manner of tech but he seldom seems to hold on to anything for long before itís used, misused, lost, or stolen back.

    • Alexís reflexes were wired a decade back. Theyíre still quick, but not the kind of quick good money buys today.
    • Spider Harness: Alex loves this series of strong filament harnesses built for urban exploration and warfare. Equipped with magnetic grappling spikes and clamps, these fine wires deploy and retract with ease and can hold more than 500lbs aloft and stable. A cat-burglarís best friend.
    • Laser Cutter: Turn on the 3-inch laser blade and lob this sucker at your enemies.
    Playing Alex
    • How seriously Alex wants to go straight is up to you. Is he conflicted or relieved to get his old life back?
    • Play Alex if you want to be a witty expert of subterfuge whoís always in over his head.
    • The challenge to playing Alex is taking out enemies with so few overtly menacing Traits and Tags. Alex requires
      ingenuity and a bit of luck to play in action scenes but heís well suited to stealth and intrigue. When in doubt, put Alex in a position to offer or receive helping dice.
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