You head away with Pem for the Market district, although a different direction than Kelb and Jazz. Pem is talkative, as always, telling you about how Kelb is a great leader, how Squall is a bit high-strung, but a great way to dig up dirt on pretty much everyone, and of course how Jazz is tougher than a bucket of nails. You reach the hall filled with stalls of merchants selling everything from food, to clothing, to blasters and holovids. Somewhere in here is the stall of Tivudi the Gran.
What do you have to look out for down here in the market district?
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 7)
You should definitely be on the lookout for Tivudi's big friends who are drinking casually at a stall across the hall. The three of them — two Gamorreans and a Trandoshan — could be here in a moment's notice, and would seriously hurt you.
After a few moments conversation with the shopkeep, Pem bows respectfully and your scouting of the area comes to an end. He pulls you aside, "Seems the guy sells something illicit... I'm guessing spice, based on his demeanor. He's got lots of credits... Spot anything useful?"
The Trio look midly annoyed, and the Trandoshan hisses, "go away, friend. We are not interested in your gambling."
Pem smiles crookedly, "Awe c'mon — there's good credits to be made here! Surely a Trandoshan like yourself should know a thing or two about fighting!"
The Gamorreans look confused, like they can't believe Pem just said that. The Trandoshan narrows his eyes, and tastes the air. "Go away, friend. I am not interested in your petty gambling."
What do you do?
The Trandoshan hisses, "Do not play games with us... Why are you speaking to us of this fight?"
The Trandoshan sits up straight and looks down on both of you. "If you could mitigate the risk of this danger, say by purchasing something from our friend over there," he points over to Tivudi, "and if you don't like what you bought, after we've won, you can get your creds back."
Trandoshans don't smile — but if they could, this one would be smiling right now. "My name is Ssissth, by the way. This is Grot and Breg."
What are you going to do when you get the three of them alone?
I consider my options for incapacitation. Blood choke or cranial blow, I don't have any drugs on me. Knock out Sssissth and Grot, jump on Breg and choke him out.
What could go wrong? Sigh.
Pem comes around when they're all on the ground and laughs, pleased with himself. "Nice job, Tott! What are we going to do with them? Kelb said no killing, right?"
Once they're dealt with, what's the plan?
Pem leads you into the building, that is draped with fine textiles, and smells of spice. The dim candle light filling the room makes you feel a little drowsy. You're greeted by a Sullustan named Piri Soti, who lazily pulls you in. "Welcome! Welcome! Can I get you gentlemen a place to sit?"