You set up a meeting with the Delvers to talk about Brillo's debt. Opal sent a note back through a runner to meet at Loots. Who do you bring with you?
They're here, all occupied at the booth in the back. Normally, that's a Libs' booth. Maybe Opal paid them for it?
Primgi the Whip Girl:

As you enter, Primgi is shotgunning a beercan while Krug laughs her head off. Tacoma is watching with a grin, and Opal is ignoring it. She stands when she sees you, and waves you over. She's not smiling, but she's never been the smiling type, has she.
Does Opal know what this meet is about?
Did you ever hook up with Primgi?
Does Krug know you think her nose is too big?
What do you do?
I don't expect this to be a cheap meeting — but who knows, maybe it will be. I've got Brillo with me. Ma' and Svenja are still out ... I'm starting to wonder what the frak's up with them...
I walk over to the table and nod in greeting. "Opal... How's it going?"
Primgi has just finished off her beer, and slams the can on the table. Some beer spills out, and Krug squeals with laughter while dodging the spray. Primgi says, "Frak, Kiddo! I think yet tits are as big as mine!" She stands up and steps in close enough for you to smell the beer on her breath, and smiles wide, "You look good. All glowy and drek." She turns to offer you her seat.
Krug snickers and Tacoma watches, mostly Brillo. You know he's keen on learning and understanding before speaking.
What do you do?
Once I'm sitting, I lean back to get comfortable and look over to Opal and Tacoma — since they're the ones running this business. "Sorry to cut to the chase, but we're not in town very long... So Brillo's in the red with you folks over books or something? How much does he owe you?"
Opal chimes in, "We agreed to three barter originally, and Brillo has already worked one off. That leaves two, of course."
Primgi is standing right behind you, Kiddo. Like leaning into you, her boobs are resting against the back of your head.
Krug is playing with her own hair, but listening in close. Brillo is blinking rapidly and ducking his head, he's not proud of this.
I turn back to Opal and Tacoma, a little irked that Primgi's teasing me with her rack while I'm trying to work. "Three barter? Dear gods..." I don't have 2-barter to spare. I barely have one, considering Kitty's likely going to hit me up for extra later ... I wonder how she feels about real estate.
"Unless you've got something you need done, I can't pay two upfront — but I can pay you in two installments, if you can wait a month for the second half..." I mean, Jingle's gunna come in from the rented loft at some point, right?
"One now, one in a month?" Opal repeats. "Aren't you heading out of town?"
"Yeah," I mutter, "Tech is renting out my old spot over the garage. My cut from the rent is enough to cover the other half. I guess if you really want, I can have him front you the other jingle right now — but you know Tech would feel better if he had the jingle on hand first."
Tacoma nods, like he knew you'd say that. He looks to Opal, who says, "Give us the spot, Kiddo. Sign it over to the Delvers and Brillo is out of debt. I'll even let you pick out something from our recent haul. Got some nice tech, even medical stuff I was going to sell to Kim."
I look to Tacoma, "why don't you show me what you've got, and we'll go let Tech know what's up with the loft?"
Opal flicks a glance over to Krug, and she hops up from her seat. Primgi steps back to let you up, and the rest of the crew moves up out of the booth while Opal says, "Good. C'mon, Kiddo. We got our haul over at an old husk of a ship."
Primgi says, "Yeah, Kids. I heard you and the fake Candies holed up there for a bit. Used to be the Doughnuts."
They're heading out to where they'd parked a big truck with person-sized wheels.
What do you do?
Tacoma interjects, "We will wait here for you, Kiddo. In the meantime, I'll head over to speak with Logitech about our deal. We can sign papers and make it all official and you'll both be free to go when you like. Fair?"
Primgi and Krug are climbing up into the truck.
Man... I feel like I'm selling a piece of my childhood...
... Where the frak is Ma'?
Why do you hate Gobstopper when your Ma seems to like her so much?
Oh, here she is:
They've flipped the bed and Svenja is squatting over some hand-drawn map. It looks like the valley. Over a chair are some bright yellow plasticy-looking suits, must be the rad suits Mallow squealed about.
Oh and by the way, the table on the far wall is loaded down with guns and explosives. Even a frakking bazooka.
What do you do?
Seeing her here is like a flashback into my past... Ma's chilling with the Candies again, and I'm the daughter who never blooded in. You know what? I don't feel like dealing with this right now. I hired the frakking Candies to take care of this — let them frakking take care of it. I wanna get home to my family, and my work, and just frakking move on with my life.
I jut my jaw and deflate in disappointment, and raise my hands in the air in defeat, "Sorry to bother you girls. I'm riding out to take care of something. I'll be back in a bit." Then shake my head, and turn tail.
Svenja jogs to catch up with you. "Is this mommy-daughter baggage or is something else wrong?" She falls in, walking beside you wherever you're going.
It's probably pretty obvious I'm not fine — but I'm trying to make it sound like I am.
A thought occurs to me though, and I turn to point at Brillo, "You wait at Loots though."
Brillo looks a bit surprised when you order him to stay. But he's mollified at having you pay this debt for him, so he just nods.
Saying "no thanks" runs through my mind — but I dunno ... The hormonal pregnant chick in me is soothed by her calling Gobstopper a bitch. I nod, "Alright... Sure. What did Gob do to you?"
You walk with Svenja-Sky and she rolls her shoulders in a shrug, "I'm fine with the North Candies talkin shit, you know? And the older ones, I figure they earned it. But this bitch, she's like, our age, and she comes in all talking trash like she's some badass. Just... shit, Kiddo. I could fuck up her whole world." She's not saying it like she's angry, not really. Just, you know, cranky.
You meet up with Logitech and the Delvers, and I assume sign some papers, right? Then hop into the truck, which is pretty well packed up, but there's gotta be some room in there, and drive off behind Opal's crew in their bigass truck with huge knobby tires towards the place where you and the North Candies slaughtered the Doughnuts.
What's the conversation like on the way there, Kiddo?
Oh and by the way, how are Brillo and Caesar going to travel up north?
Getting Caesar and Brillo up to the Ascendant may be a bit of a chore... I think we'll have to swap out on the bikes for a bit. Maybe keep one in the truck... We can't really afford a ferryman...
There's a moment when you slow down, the truck ahead is working its way through a narrow pass, a possible ambush spot. While looking around, Svenja continues, "I really like living on the ship, Kiddo. If we can fix the fucking water, I could stay there. Lots of tech and some pretty cool shit, too. I guess you want to move out?"
She looks up at the truck, "This Opal girl, she looks pretty badass. Is her team worth a shit? They seem pretty rough around the edges."
I eye the coming pass a bit, suddenly regretting coming out here with the truck. If there's anyone nearby, we'd be a prime target. I guess it's a good thing I brought the boomstick along... I really hope we don't need it on the trip back. "Opal's pretty cool... She's not much without her man Tacoma in the way of smarts, and she probably wouldn't own half of what she did without Primgi and Krug around... But then, I wouldn't be where I am without you guys either." I shuffle my bag to make my boomstick available, just in case. I'm keeping an eye out for any trouble, if there is any...
What do you do?
OOC: Read a sitch. Roll+Sharp. +1XP.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 5)
Here's the big truck:
Primgi is in the back with Krug. They see them coming, but its going to be tight quarters. Primgi's whip is probably useless, Krug looks like she might bail.
What do you do?
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 12)
They see you, and they lose all stomach for the fight. Primgi and Krug yell at them while both trucks stop. It looks like they're going to run. And if they do, you know Opal, Primgi and Krug will gun them down.
What do you do?
What the frak are a bunch of Wendys doing this far south? It doesn't make any sense.
Then Primgi, who'd moved to the edge of the truck bed, cracks her whip right across the shoulder of the dark-skinned boy, opening a line on his flesh. He jumps back, grabbing at the red wound, looking up at Primgi.
Primgi brings her whip back, like she's going to strike again, but pauses when she sees you eyeing those kids down. Krug is behind her, her pistol out, wavering, but aiming towards the kids.
This could easily blow right the hell up, Kiddo.
Gods they're just kids! Half of 'em no older than Hump... "Primgi Stop! Everybody calms down, now! Let's just back up and breathe a second." I look to Primgi and Krug, "Go tell Opal what's up. I've got this."
Here's the ones in the front.
They're obviously unsure about what to do. They've stopped, they almost look like they expect to be shot and burned.
What do you do?
The girl with the bow pulls him back a bit, saying a bit more meekly, "I'm Gravy, this is N'Chips (the girl behind the rock), that's TruMoo and Barqs. We're... we're trying to raid you."
"Big fail!" N'Chips calls from behind the rocks.
I look back to Gravy, and narrow my eyes coldly at her, "well you picked the wrong girl to raid, sweetie — you kids are with the Wendys, aren't you? Why are you this far down south?"
Gravy hisses for her to be quiet, then answers, "Army men tore up the north camps. We're moving..."
Nugget screams, "We want to get the paint!" His hands are balled into fists, but it's impotent fury.
Tacoma is not exactly aiming his gun at them, but you can feel him and Opal getting ready. Even kid Wendys are a threat.
What do you do?
I huff a nervous laugh when Nugget screams he wants to get "the paint" — which I assume is that frakking terrifying shit most Wendys wear. I shouldn't be sending them back there... These kids don't deserve to be messed up by whatever whacknuts are running the show back there. But where the frak do you bring a bunch of kids like that? I need to talk to Jack about this... He's the only guy I know who's lived through an encounter with the Wendys...
Speaking of... Aqua said some of the Wendys knew him by name. Maybe that's an in? I look to Gravy and announce, "I'm gunna let you go — but I don't want to catch you raiding here again, you hear me? ... Do... Do you know a man named Jack?"
Nugger interrupts, "Then ran away with Parfait!"
"Bounty!" N'Chips adds.
Tacoma calls down, "If we're letting them go, Kiddo, we should get a move on. They might be scouts for something bigger. You know the Wendys aren't above it."
Actually, do you know if they are? The Wendys don't hunt this way...
I turn back to Gravy and take a step forward, "wait... Jack and Parfait are Wendys? I thought Jack got Parfait pregnant... What does N'Chips mean by bounty?"
Gravy nods, "He did. He frakked them both at once, big thing. The tribe needed babies, he did it. Then he ran off with..."
"PARFAIT IS HAVING BABIES, TOO!!" Nugget says in shock.
"Yeah, dumbhead. Bounty for them both." N'Chips says as if she knew all along.
I take a deep breath and turn back to Gravy — again, "Ok... I have two questions for you, and then you can go: Do your people want to hurt Jack and Parfait? And where, roughly, is your tribe going?"
N'Chips answers the second one, "We're going south! Warmer, put you Flats people between us and the army men."
I lower my weapon, and nod. "Ok..." I can't help but feel like I should do something for these kids — but I don't think there's anything to be done. "Are you kids hungry, or something? I dunno why you're raiding, but you all look famished." I reach into my bag and pull out some jerky I was saving for the road, offering it to them.
Regardless of whether they take it, I give them a level look and sternly say, "no more raiding here! If you're gunna put us between you and these Army people, at least do us the courtesy of not robbing us."
Nugget nods, seriously, "No, we don't hurt ladies with babies."
Gravy, "We won't rob you no more."
Krug says as they're going, "Ten year from now, those kids might be hunting down your baby for a frakking snack, Kiddo."
... What the frak is this baby doing to me?
I look over to Krug, not feeling particularly up to discuss this right now, "when I want your advice on how to keep my daughter safe, I'll frakking ask for it. The way I see it, everyone walked away from this... I think we're all better off."
Inside the truck as you continue on, Svenja says, "Funny how life changes a person. I remember watchin you waste that Black Mesa girl on the buggy. Now, you're goin all soft. Momma Kiddo." She says it with a grin, like she's okay with it.
I giggle a little at "momma Kiddo" and shake my head, "don't get too excited, Sweetie... That's just the good eats Vee keeps feeding me back home. When Leah finally shows up I'll lay the hurt on anyone who thinks they can touch her, or any of my friends and family for that matter." I sigh and get comfortable as we make our way down the road... This is all really messed up.
I hope this haul is worth it.
Primgi calls back, "C'mon in, grab a drink and look through our drek, yeah?"
You head through the familiar corridors, pass by the spot where you aced Dunkins. You swear you can still see the blood spatter on the dark walls. Then you see Krug and Opal standing by five large hard plastic crates filled with tech, from gadgets to consoles to guns and viewscreens, tablets, everything you could strip off a crash.
What catches your eye for trade, Kiddo? What does Svenja trade for that surprises you?
Svenja let loose one of the girliest screams I've ever frakking heard, out of anyone ever when she spotted a box of old datasticks labeled "Entertainment" — she dropped cred on it and a datapad so fast I thought it might have been another vibrator. She's listing off all these shows on the index, like a kid opening a gift at Reunion. It's kinda frakked and hilarious all at the same time.
As for me? I see a bunch of stuff that'll be worth our time — a crate of meds, some ammo, some rare "GMO" seeds and stuff — enough to buy a house, for sure; and two things really catch my eye: the first is a beautiful violin in pristine condition — something Dad's been looking for forever — and the other is a camera. A simple digital camera that has a datastick slot... I so want these.
As you're leaving, Primgi gently takes you aside, whisper-asks, "Hey, Kiddo. You wanna head back to my room for a bit? I've been missing you, baby." She puts her hand on your back, softly this time, smiling, standing all close.
What do you do?
I'm kind of surprised that I'm so ... surprised, for lack of a better word, by Primgi's offer. I'm really not in the mood for sex though, much less with Primgi. I shake my head, "no thanks Sweetie... I've got a good thing going back home I don't wanna mess up, and I'm not really feeling very sexy now anyway."
... Ok, I blush a lot — but it doesn't change anything. I smile bashfully, and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Prim. I've gotta go... I need to get back to my family."
I linger just a moment longer, then turn to leave.
Outside, Svenja is checking the datasticks with a reader and giggling to herself. She's nearly in tears, really, mumbling stuff like, "The fucking Treehouse of Terror seventy eight through ninety... oh shit, Saw Twelve... Star Trek reboot... Hogwarts the Series... oh my Lord. This... I may never get outta my fuckin bunk again." She looks up, smiling.
I assume you're heading back to the truck. What do you do?
She drives the truck through town to Grande Seville's taking you right up to where the other Candies are. She puts it in park, then turns to ask, "You want me to grab your Ma, you stay in the truck? It's no problem." She's trying to drop out of her jovial mood, collecting herself as she waits for your answer.
Heading back to the truck, you see Svenja walking back out, your Ma behind her. Your Ma has her arm around Gob, like they're besties. When they reach the truck, your Ma hugs Gob, gives her a kiss on the cheek, all warm and drek, then they see you coming up.
What do you do?
Oh she hugs and kisses Gob? I get "what took you so long?" and she gets a frakking hug and kiss? I hate this bitch, and this nausea is not frakking helping.
Deep breath Kiddo. Deep. Breath.
Whatever. I'm heading for the driver's seat of the truck. At least then I can focus my attention on something other than how much my mother loves some stupid Candy bitch with a dumb frakking name.
"What's wrong, Kiddo?" Your Ma asks the question like she just now realized your sour mood. It's been what, an hour?
What do you do?
I mean, Dad writes a song about someone "crying a river" and "dancin' 'til sunrise" — do you really think it's about dancing at a party? I mean, it has the line "baby needs sleep" for frak's sake... He used to sing it to us when we woke him up hungry in the middle of the night, usually because he didn't have any food for us — either Ma' would be out riding, or it was early in Boomtown's formative days and we just didn't have anything — so he'd dance with us instead. It's all about the way he sang it: it's a song about finding richness in poverty. It doesn't matter so much what treasures you find — just that you find it.
Dad is a very rich man.
I jerk out of my focus on the road when Ma' asks me what's wrong. I wasn't expecting her to notice at all... The worst part is I can't even frakking lie, 'cause she'll see through it. I should've just rode on the bike. I glace over at Ma' and bite my lip, "nothing... Just... Frakking..." You were happier to see a bitch who left you abandoned up north for a frakking year — when the Candies knew full frakking well you were riding into the den of a brainfrakker, and couldn't be frakking arsed to come and check on her frakking family, to make sure shit was OK or anything — than you were to see me?
I mean I know they're old friends she hasn't seen in a year, and I know Ma' loves Gobstopper, but why the frakking display? Why for the Candies? Why her and not me? I sigh... Sorry Leah... "hormones... I guess..."
Even with the noise of the truck, bouncing along, you can hear that intake of breath, the quiet announcement that she's about to speak. "Yeah. Hormones are a bitch." The tone is sympathetic, maybe even a kind of camaraderie. She is pregnant, too.
But she lets it slide, Kiddo. She doesn't challenge you, or ask anything more. She turns to look back at the dusty road ahead.
What do you do?
I swallow hard, and focus back on the road for a while. You're right about one thing though — Ma' is pregnant, and I don't wanna push her any more than she wants to push me... After a while, with a hint of defeat in my voice, I break the silence. "So I sold the loft and made a bunch of jingle... I got Dad a fiddle."
Break the ice...
How did that homemade fiddle sound to you?
Speaking of which... I spin around to check and make sure Junker's still tied down to the handle under the window. I don't want him bolting while we drive... So long as he's comfy I guess...
I turn back to the road, and try to get comfy again. "Did you ever figure out where he buried that thing after Ruthie broke it?"
"I did. I dug up the yard until I did. Then Ruth and I doused it with grain alcohol and burned it to the Hells of the Dead Goddess." She laughs in memory. Then, she adds, "We finished off the bottle, and ended up getting frisky with the ashes. Which sounds weird now, but it was pretty frakking hot back then."
Does your mom talk about sex with Ruth? Or is this a new thing? Ruth talked about sex with her, right?
Ruthie would have rode north after Ma' and Dad in a heartbeat...
Ma' on the other hand didn't really talk about her sex life – explicitly – with Ruthie or Dad. Sure, it gets mentioned from time to time, but that was a bit more open than Ma' usually is. I look over to her, my face painted with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, "That's... Pretty frakking weird. I'm not judging or nothing — I mean, Rinso and me have done some frakked up shit too," the wrapped hilt of his knife is ribbed, and I was having trouble napping on the road from Trench to Armour when we were guarding Kodak's caravan, "I'm just saying is all."
See I can understand why Ma' hated the fiddle — but Dad wasn't a bad fiddle player — he just played a bad fiddle. "Why don't you give him the fiddle, Ma? It'd mean more coming from you."
On the offer of the fiddle, your Ma shakes her head no in a very certain fashion, "Nope, Kiddo. That's your gift, from daughter to father. I would have never thought of it looking at a pile of stuff. You give it to him."
Anyway... I frown when she turns down the opportunity to give the Violin to Dad. I won't make her do it. I just thought it might be a good way to make him feel better about us leaving the day after he gets out of the infirmary. I nod sheepishly, and slip a strand of hair behind my ear.
"So are you looking forward to seeing Simon again?"
"Did your Dad ever tell you how he died?" your Ma asks in a suddenly quiet voice.
It was a long frakking time ago... After a second I ask, "what happened?"
What do you do?
I was almost blown up, for frak's sake. I did it 'cause Ma' and Dad were in danger — and maybe I didn't really know what was going on, or maybe I was just being stupid, but I wouldn't do that now... If I lost Leah now... Never be able to meet her, and hold her... I let a tear stroll down my cheek. Oh gods... I can't imagine that kind of pain... My hand wanders down to my belly instinctively, and my heart is pounding like jackhammer.
Dad kept telling me it was nobody's fault, and I believed him for a long frakking time. If I lost Leah, maybe it wouldn't be anyone's fault — but even if I didn't blame myself, it would still just. frakking. hurt.
I blink a few times and wipe the moisture from my cheek, clearing my throat. "Is that why Ruthie and Dad shadowed you when you were pregnant with Hump and Vicky?"
I take a deep breath, rolling my shoulders to get some tension out, and look over to her for a second to see how she's doing... "Well," I whisper back, a little sniffly, "we'll be there in less than a day if we make good time." I wipe my nose on my jacket sleeve, and add, "gods know I've frakked up these past couple of months Ma' — doing shit that might've got Leah and me both killed. I dunno what it is you went through... I can't imagine doing it — but if you need to talk about it, or whatever, y'know I'm here for you, right?"
With a somewhat tentative movement, she reaches over to touch your forearm. At first, like you might be hot to the touch or something. But then, she gently rubs it, offers you a bit of a sad smile.
I offer Ma' a weak smile back and turn my focus back to the road. "Ok," I finally whisper.