His front cover:
His childhood:
His face:
His body:
His silhouette:
His angel tattoo:
His Last Resort:
His Magnum:
Molotov Niklaievich Kalashnikov, the Gunlugger:
On the east coast of the United States, within the state of Pennsylvania, there is a prison (title: The Mill) that survives Winter; it flies the color Red.
Molotov, son of Nickle, is but one in a long line of Ruskies, dating back to the first Chill and the Uprising of the Brothers, when his ancestors seized control of the Mill; the snow-covered farmlands surrounding the prison, forever since, have been sown with blood and terror.
As is tradition, Molotov was raised on the Russian law of thieves, the
ponyatiya; he respected no woman, showed no emotion, and was tattood for each significant crime he committed. His first murder was rewarded with a skull, left arm, inked with a fish hook. His first theft was a grinning cat, right arm, pen-knife.
It has been 15 years since Molotov left the Mill. He was 20 at the time, strong, and earmarked to succeed the Warden. So, why did he leave his Brothers? Who can say, but, perhaps, the man himself, who wanders still to this day; his ink on display, and emotions hidden.
He is: man; scrounged, mismatched armor; worn face; sad eyes; hard body.
Molotov is in his mid-thirties, battle-worn, with the unmistakable look of regret in his large, green eyes. He wears
a black, prison guard kevlar vest, stained with graffiti and blood. This vest is worn under
a poncho, covering snow gear: blow-molded shoulder pads, insulated thermals,
plenty of bags, etc.
The right side of his head is always shaved, displaying
a small, weeping angel. It is one of many tattoos, all smudged and faintly blue. His hair is a ruddy red, seeming to attract a constant grime of sweat and dirt.
Though he'd never admit to measuring, and adamantly holds no stock in
facts when actions speak much louder, he is most certainly 6' 2" tall.
Cool+1, Hard+3, Hot-2,
Weird-1** Highlight
Insano like Drano: you get +1 Hard.
Battle-hardened: when you act under fire, roll +Hard instead of roll +Cool.
Fuck this shit: name your escape route and roll +Hard. On a 10+, sweet, you’re gone. On a 7–9, you can go or stay, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind, or take something with you, the MC will tell you what. On a miss, you’re caught vulnerable, half in and half out.
Pack alpha: when you try to impose your will on your gang, roll+hard. On a 10+, all 3. On a 7–9, choose 1:
• they do what you want
• they don’t fight back over it
• you don’t have to make an example of one of themOn a miss, someone in your gang makes a dedicated bid to replace you for alpha.
NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH: in battle, you count as a gang (3-harm gang small), with armor according to the circumstances.
Bloodcrazed: whenever you inflict harm, inflict +1harm.
• Rossingol+3: ... helped her do something
• Lemma=0: ... she's the
smartest, but also a little
• Hadden+1: ... run a few
transportation gigs for him.
• Sicilia-1: ... she keeps her
true self secret, but she's
• Dice+1: ... he seems a simple sort of guy, I
might like him.
• hunting rifle (3-harm, far)
• assault rifle (3-harm, close, autofire, broken) (
Last Resort)
• magnum (3-harm, close, reload)
• silencer (hi-tech): remove loud from all your weapons.
• many knives (2-harm, hand, infinite)
• hockey gear and prison guard vest (2-armor)
• silver tin filled with home-rolled cigarettes
• 3-barter (from Eggplant)
Special Move:
If you and another character have sex, you take +1 forward. At your option, they take +1 forward too.
6 o'clock
__ get +1cool (max cool+2)__ get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
__ get +1weird (max weird+2)
xx get a new gunlugger move (NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH)
xx get a new gunlugger move (Bloodcrazed)
__ get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlighting
__ get a holding (detail) and wealth
xx get a gang (detail) and pack alpha (Sparekeys)
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
__ retire your character (to safety)
__ create a second character to play
__ change your character to a new type
__ choose 3 basic moves and advance them
__ advance the other 4 basic moves
Never Summer's sword:
The King:
Meet the Gang, Sparekeys of Grease Park:
Never Summer:A gender-neutral, willowy, bespectacled sword-swinging killer. He is second in command. He cut up Carnation, from groin to gut, for being a homophobic prick. I bet that sure showed him.
An old member of the Sparekeys, a bit thick around the belly and skull. He knew Carnation for a long time, but that didn't change much when push came to curbstomp.
This woman is Endeavor's mother. She's got a cockney twang to her voice, but sort of pleasant despite it. She sews the armor and clothing for the Sparekeys, so that's why Endeavor happens to be as stylish as he is.
And speaking of, we've got this little guy. He's quick to the uptake. He acts as scout, quick-fingers, look-out, etc. Additionally, he's sort of grumpy about how controlling his mother is, but who wasn't at his age? Well, those of us who didn't have mothers I suppose.
This one came with Molotov on his first patrol. When the Camaro Warrior was dealt with, she brought Mol his brand-spanking-new hunting rifle. Well, there was a little bit of blood on it.
Got hit by a car scouting 47th for Molotov on their first patrol.
Ice-walker. Enough said, right?
The new crane-lookout for Grease Park. She's a sassy girl with a screechy voice. Not a warm heart like Suitcase, who she replaced, but still a Good Kid.
The King:
Another kid in the Grease Park. He's entitled, and a little self-righteous. But children are a rare commodity and everybody hopes, one day, he'll grow out of it. Or it'll be beaten out. Whichever comes first.
The self-trained 'musician' who wears an accordion around his chest. Not quite right in the head, and it's said he'll blow at the darnedest things.
A pretty-boy with good aim and Never Summer's attention.
The Holding, Grease Park (NOT CURRENTLY OWNED)
• 60-80 souls• for gigs, scavenging, crude farming, and some minor trade
(surplus: 2-barter, want: obligation, desperation)
• a relatively secure house or small compound
To-Do List:
• Is time to sort out people who know too much about Under-the-lake explosion.• Hah. Let's be taking down Carnation for thinking he could fuck with me.
• I am done with the running. Let's make Chi-town home.
• I'm needing medical attention for wounds.
• I am starting to trust Roxy as a person, and plan on having free time for her next week.
• A little part of me feels dead without knowing Last Resort is okay. Let's get it fixed, maybe Lemma can do it.
• Ross needs to know Carnation has been fucked up, and there is no more problem.
• I want to spend more time patrolling 47th. The barter is good.
• And then Silicia. Maybe, I tell her I'm done with ice-cubes. Maybe, she just figures it out. I might like to let her know, one last time, drugs are no good for her. But, is she worth effort?
• I've heard Dice and the Skegs are a tight ship, like I am wanting for my Sparekeys. Maybe, he is having advice.
• Get Last Resort from Artec when she is done fixing it.
• Escort patrons for Roxy. Fuck Roxy. Keep gig going for barter.
• Hadden is good people, he deserves personal apology for explosion.
• I want to secure 47th and keep Grease Park safe.
Motivator: Power.- primarily, he is motivated by the need to enforce his power over others.
Disposition: Labile.
- while on the surface calm, he takes shifting circumstances poorly, and is prone to violent outbursts.
Outlook: Bleak.
- the world is an ice-cube in a blender, nothing will change that.
Integrity: Responsible.
- you fix mistakes and respect the strength in others.
Boldness: Reckless.
- life won't wait for you to get your eggs in a row.
Interactivity: Taciturn.
- say what needs saying.
Sense of Humour: Black.
- life has a funny way of fucking you over.
Quirks, Habits & Oddities:
- Oral Fixation, Holding Gun, Blank Face.
Hobbies & Enjoyments: Bird Watching.
- the animals in the sky escape