Silica the Brainer1-harm (3-o'clock) from being kicked and abused by Wildcat and T-Dog.

Silica is Rossi's little sister. She is known as ice-blooded, one of the rare and insane druggies who fuck up their metabolism in order to live with the extreme cold. Most would call her a loser, blowing her jingle on a high, just another fucked up druggie. But it's more than that. Silica has always felt out of place, not unusual for a teen growing up in this world, but the way she sees people has always been different. Like... your soul is shining through the glass and the only way Silica can avoid getting blinded is to look away. She just needs to go away sometimes.
But people shouldn't take her so lighty, they haven't seen her out in the snow. They haven't seen her push her limits, and Silica doesn't have many limits. Isn't the high about pushing past?
Oh yeah, and the drug, the "ice" comes in these little paper packets, the volatile ice crystals will evaporate at room temperature so they suspend them in silica gel. You pop the paper packet in your mouth and suck on it until it's spent, spitting out the wet paper.
Looks:Silica is a woman in her late teens or early twenties. She wears insufficient clothing for the cold, currenlty wearing a black hoodie with a lightning graphic, and jeans. Tennis shoes on her feet. She has a pale face, deep eyes worn by lack of sleep and the drug, and a slight body.
Stats:Cool+1 Hard-2
Hot-1 Sharp+2
Weird+3Brainer MovesUnnatural lust transfixion: when you try to seduce someone, roll+weird instead of roll+hot.
Casual brain receptivity: when you read someone, roll+weird instead of roll+sharp. Your victim has to be able to see you, but you don’t have to interact.
Preternatural at-will brain attunement: you get +1weird (weird+3).
Deep brain scan: when you have time and physical intimacy with someone — mutual intimacy like holding them in your arms, or 1-sided intimacy like they’re restrained to a table — you can read them more deeply than normal. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. While you’re reading them, spend your hold to ask their player questions, 1 for 1:
• what was your character’s lowest moment?
• for what does your character crave forgiveness, and of whom?
• what are your character’s secret pains?
• in what ways are your character’s mind and soul vulnerable?
On a miss, you inflict 1-harm (ap) upon your subject, to no benefit.
Direct-brain whisper projection: you can roll+weird to get the effects of going aggro, without going aggro. Your victim has to be able to see you, but you don’t have to interact. If your victim forces your hand, your mind counts as a weapon (1-harm ap close loud-optional).
In-brain puppet strings: when you have time and physical intimacy with someone — again, mutual or 1-sided — you can plant a command inside their mind. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. At your will, no matter the circumstances, you can spend your hold 1 for 1:
• inflict 1-harm (ap)
• they take -1 right now
If they fulfill your command, that counts for all your remaining
Lost: when you whisper someone’s name to the world’s psychic maelstrom, roll+weird. On a hit, they come to you, with or without any clear explanation why. On a 10+, take +1forward against them. On a miss, the MC will ask you 3 questions; answer them truthfully.
Brainer SpecialIf you and another character have sex, you automatically do a deep brain scan on them, whether you have the move or not. Roll+weird as normal. However, the MC chooses which questions the other character’s player answers.
HxLemma the Savvyhead +3 (Lemma finds me strange)
Rossi the Faceless +2
Molotov the Gunlugger +3 (Molotov thinks I'm the prettiest, but evidently dislikes me)
Hadden the Operator +1* (I've been secretly watching him)
Dice the Chopper +2
Gear• receptivity drugs (tag) Silica's bodily fluids pass on her tag.
Tagging someone gives you +1hold if you then use a brainer move on them.
• implant syringe (tag) Silica's bodily fluids pass on her tag.
After you’ve tagged someone, if a brainer move allows you to inflict harm on them, inflict +1harm.
• 2 jingle-worth of my own ice
• Clothes on my back (lightning hoodie, tshirt, jeans, shoes, socks)
(X) (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
XX get +1cool (max cool+2)
__ get +1sharp (max sharp+2)
__ get +1hard (max hard+2)
__ get +1hard (max hard+2)
XX get a new brainer move : Direct-brain whisper projection
XX get a new brainer move : +1 Weird
__ get 2 gigs (detail) and moonlighting
__ get a holding (detail) and wealth
XX get a move from another playbook : Skinner move "Lost"
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
__ retire your character (to safety)
__ create a second character to play
__ change your character to a new type
__ choose 3 basic moves and advance them.
__ advance the other 4 basic moves.
xp Log
1. Read a person on Wonky
2. Sex move with Wonky
3. Read Forum
4. Seduce Forum
5. Lie in wait for the snipers
FIrst advance: Direct-brain whisper projection
6. Puppet strings on Grip
7. Crossing the ice with Nose and 1-foot (Sharp)
8. Read One Footed
11. Brain Whisper on Squirrel
12. Sex move on K2
13. Read Hadden In the Train Yard
14. Scavenging the train yard
15. Read the sitch in the dark hardware store
16. Looking for Oakley
17. Sex move on Hadden
18. Lost, calling my sister
19. Brain whisper on Father
20. Bonus for delivering Mel's dying wish to Jester
21. Flip Hx to Hadden
22. Manipulate T-Dog
"One of Frontie's, pretty sure. Tweak's over on westside. I think Grab tagged you. They all bundle up on the roofs, but that fucker has those bluey goggles and shit, all reflector style." Wonky answers. You can sense it, he knows you're leaving, that this time is done. He seems really disappointed.
Sex move on Wonky
• for what does your character crave forgiveness, and of whom?
When Wonky was a kid, his father beat him. Wonky worked hard to get tougher, to be able to withstand his father's verbal and physical onslaughts. Then, one day, when he was fourteen, he beat his father to death. In front of his mother.
He wants his father to forgive him for murdering him. He wants his mother to forgive him for taking away her only source of income at the time.
• what are your character’s secret pains?
Wonky's secret pains are that he doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere. He's part of this badass snowmobile gang, but he doesn't flash up his ride, he just rides. He beats people down for the gang, but they don't really talk to him about anything. Nothing that matters, really.
Also, Wonky hates that he answers with violence. He can't help it, it is his reflex reaction. He has to take a minute to cool off to keep from doing it, and well, most of the people he hangs around don't give him that.
The last two answers come to you at a time of your choosing, preferably when you're intimate again, no roll.
• what was your character’s lowest moment?
You see it, the moment when he broke Union's neck. The guy was begging for it, he'd challenged Wonky like five times and kept losing, then he started shit, even cut Wonky with a knife. Wonky lost it, beat him down, broke his neck.
Right in front of Zeach, Bloody Dracula, Marrow, Flow Darwin and Carpaccio. They all looked at him different after. Nobody told him to go away, but he didn't feel welcome anymore. Union was their favorite. Wonky wasn't. He wandered around alone for months before he hooked up with Dice. Found a place. Sort of.
• in what ways are your character’s mind and soul vulnerable?
Wonky wants somewhere and someone who wants him. Somebody who'll tell him to chill out, instead of get him fired up. Somebody who listens. Nobody gets him. 'Cept maybe you.
Wonky has been tagged with receptivity drugs.
Handplant, she's good people. Helps me find those who need services. Likes to carve little people out of ice, quiet morning person. Cute, but not into dudes.
Oakley, a fast motherfucker, can't stop moving, no fat at all on this guy. Built like an Olympic Marathoner Nubian King. Always has a few extra custom "lembas wafers" in his go-bag.
Molotov is the go-to for a bullet in the head or backup on deliveries. Do not fuck with.
The scene was the same as back at Carnation's, but everything was fucking wrong... The cars were stacked twice as high, there were twice as many guns pointed at us, and it wasn't Carnation up there on that balcony — it was Dad... Or at least I could have sworn it was... I flipped him the bird, and watched everything devolve into the chaos — just like before.
I watch Mol blast a hole through the wall of people, and follow him up the ramp. I feel people tugging at my jacket, my goggles, my scarves... They're trying to unmask me, when the barrel of an old double-barrel shotgun comes right up to my face. The world goes quiet as a gunshot rings out, and I spot Silica hanging from the crane — fucked up on ice. I turn to face Mol, and he sees me unmasked... I can see hurt in his eyes, like betrayal, the way he looked at Suitcase. He raises his magnum to finish off Silica with a loud *CLICK* as he pulls back the hammer... I don't do anything.
Grip craves forgiveness from Nollie, his daughter. It's never coming, since she's dead. She got hooked on ice, they fought until she went out into a blizzard. He found her body days later. She looks a little like you, at least to him.
Frontside Grip's lowest moment was watching Nollie fight his advances. She looked so much like her mother, he couldn't help it. He said he was sorry, a hundred times. Every time after, he said he was sorry.
He's completely vulnerable to you, you realize. He wants to keep you close. He wants to call you Nollie, he's still trying to work up the courage to ask if you'd mind. Maybe he could do it beter this time, and he doesn't mind the cold. It's not so bad.
Silica roams a lot, but when she needs a place to go to there's a few around. The Hall Library building down South, Jones Park Playground near the Doc's place, or any of the big rail yards in a pinch.
Then again, the axe raises, and chops down. Like a replay. But this time, it isn't Dice holding the axe. It's your sister, and she's screaming out in pain and fear and chopping off Jester's foot. You feel her unspoken apologies and her sorrow and hurt.
Like a blood trail, you can track it. You can find Rossi by this. She's headed to Jester's moms. Have you met them before?
You find the following in a small pouch in his pants pocket:
- A small yellow flashlight
- A multi tool
- Small crescent wrench
- A center punch. Wrapped with tape for ease of use with a gloved hand
- A yellow crayon inside a cigar tube