Work in Progress
Ross w/o gear.

Ross w/ gear.
Rossignol a.k.a. "Ross" a.k.a. "Rossi" is Silica's older sister. She is somewhere in her mid-twenties, sports a casual look of hand knitted sweaters, many layers of loose-fitting shirts, and thermal leggings. Her eyes are cold and calculating, befitting her pale skin. Her build is athletic — muscular but trim — and her height comes in at just under 5'7".
Her "mask" is a hodgepodge of winter face-masks, scarves, hats, goggles, and a snowboarding helmet that serve a double purpose: to conceal her identity on the road, and to keep her warm (as she refuses to take the drugs her sister is so well known for). They're a little
battered from the years of abuse out in the drifts, but they still function perfectly. Unmasked, Ross is
Vulnerable (whenever you suffer harm, suffer +1harm), and
Irresolute (When you inflict harm, inflict -1harm).
StatsCool+1, Hard+3, Hot=0, Sharp=0, Weird+1
Hx• Molotov+3
• Silica-1
• Lemma-1
• Hadden+3
Gear• Down-filled coat lined with rubber and leather. (2-armor)
• Sawed off shotgun (3-harm close reload messy)
• Oddments worth 1-barter.
Scent of blood: at the beginning of the session, roll+weird. On a 10+ hold 1+1. On a 7–9 hold 1. At any time, you or the MC can spend your hold to have you at the scene of a battle (a real battle, not intimate violence between a couple people). On a miss, the MC holds 1, and can spend it to have you there and pinned down.
As one: attempts by other PCs to seize your mask by force, or to get you to remove or give away your mask by going aggro or seduction/manipulation, are at -2. NPCs will never succeed at unmasking you against your will unless you are completely at their mercy.
Beastly: you get +1hard (hard+3).
Juggernaut: take -2 on all “when you suffer harm” rolls.
Oh yeah!: roll+hard to smash your way through scenery to get to or away from something. 10+, the scenery moved or smashed and you get what you want. On a 7–9 you get what you want and smash or move the scenery, but take 1-harm (ap), and are disoriented and under fire in follow-up actions, leave something behind, or take something with you. Think smashing through walls or pushing through burned out husks of cars.
Advancement0/5 XP to next advance.
XX get +1hot (max +2)
__ get +1sharp (max +2)
__ get +1weird (max +2)
XX get a new faceless move
XX get a new faceless move
__ get a new faceless move
__ get a gang (detail) and pack alpha
__ get a holding (detail) and wealth
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get a move from another playbook
__ get +1 to any stat (max stat+3)
__ retire your character (to safety)
__ create a second character to play
__ change your character to a new type
__ choose 3 basic moves and advance them.
__ advance the other 4 basic moves
Hold• hold-1 over Jester: come to his rescue when he's in trouble.