Transwiki'd here, this sheet is no longer maintained.
Sees himself as a conduit between communities. Likes to be needed. Actually is needed, sometimes. People tend to like him, or like to take advantage of him.
These tattoos are not-quite exact, but I like the way this piece looks:

Hadden grew up in the Underlake, sometimes fishing or mining stuff from the beforetime.
Hadden aka "Cheddar" by those who go way back.
Man, utility wear, honest face, warm eyes, energetic body
Cool +2
Hard -1
Hot +1 **HIGHLIGHT**
Sharp +1 **HIGHLIGHT**
Weird 0
[X] [X] [X] [X]
Moonlighting: you get 2-juggling. Whenever there’s a stretch of downtime in play, or between sessions, choose a number of your gigs to work. Choose no more than your juggling. Roll+cool. On a
10+, you get profit from all the gigs you chose. On a 7–9, you get profit from at least 1; if you chose more, you get catastrophe from 1 and profit from the rest. On a miss, catastrophe all around. The gigs you aren’t working give you neither profit nor catastrophe. Whenever you get a new gig, you also get +1juggling.
Reputation: when you meet someone important (your call), roll+cool. On a hit, they’ve heard of you, and you say what they’ve heard; the MC will have them respond accordingly. On a 10+, you take +1forward for dealing with them as well. On a miss, they’ve heard of you, but the MC will decide what they’ve heard.
Deliveries (1-barter/bushwacked)
Brokering deals (1-barter/shut out)
Fucking (2-barter/entangled)
Obligation gig: Maintaining your honor "There is no try"
Handplant, she's good people. Helps me find those who need services. Likes to carve little people out of ice, quiet morning person. Cute, but not into dudes. Daughter K2.
Oakley, a fast motherfucker, can't stop moving, no fat at all on this guy. Built like an Olympic Marathoner Nubian King. Always has a few extra custom "lembas wafers" in his go-bag.
Molotov is the go-to for a bullet in the head or backup on deliveries. Do not fuck with.
9mm (2-harm close loud)
oddments worth 1-barter
fashion - maybe 1-armor outdoor jacket?
Silver, leather, bone snow goggles:
Lemma (Savvyhead, Transcriptase) Hx 0
Ross (Faceless, Adam) Hx +2
Silica (Brainer, Scott) Hx 0
Molotov (Gunlugger, Kaillan) Hx +1
Dice (Chopper, Leftahead) Hx +2