For the last week, weather has been odd in Chi-town. The noonday sun has been uncomfortably warm, to the point of melting snow and ice in some places. Nobody can recall when that last happened. Even old-timers like Haakon Flip and Nomis never saw anything like this. Poor little Nosegrab was washed away in a flash flood, of all things. An Avalanche of melted water that rained down from the scrapers and then poof... no more Nosegrab.
The nights haven't changed, though; black ice and refreezing have been causing lots of problems...
Skeg's rides need work. Is it the weather change or something else? Who has lost their ride recently and has to double up? How's that going?
You've pulled up to Lemma's shop because Dubstep said she wants to have Lemma look at her ride. Do you believe her? Is the whole gang here, or just a few of them? Well, Wonky isn't here. What did he tell you he's doing and why do you know its a bold-faced lie?
This is Dubstep

Skwee and Bleep volunteer to hang out with the rides while you go in. Whyare they so nicey nice about it?
You hear the rumbling of their 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines well before the Skegs come rambling into the shop. Do you have any traps or defenses you need to fiddle with, or do folks just come in when they want?
Tamedog is in here, picking up some stuff for his business. What is it? What does he offer in trade that you adore? Are you and Tamedog close?
What project have you been working on lately?
Today, it's a routine trade: I'm sharpening some drill bits, and throwing in some lightbulbs for his crew's helmets. He's got, like, three DVD players and a toaster, because he can't really tell the good stuff from the junk, but there's an old PC in the pile I can strip for parts, and I really never have enough wire. Last month, though, they found the ruins of an old factory and managed to haul me in an articulated robotic welding arm. I built them something special for that-- a handheld motion detector.
(Are me and Tamedog close? We've gotten drunk a couple times after business was concluded. He's a good customer, and I trust him. We're not close like *that*, though. I don't think I'm dangerous enough for him. Or, come down to it, man enough.)
Last few weeks, I've gotten tired of relying on that asshole Backside Misty for my power. The trickle she lets you rent is fine if you're running a heater and some lights and aren't too particular if it cuts out for a few hours. But a girl, particularly a girl with a pile of blinking displays and an articulated robotic welding arm, has needs.
I'm covering the canopy of the gas station in solar panels, and I'm putting the supports in for a couple a serious windmills, too. Now I just need something I can use for blades.
I don't really go in for traps. I trade a lot, and frying customers is bad business. Plus, there are serious hardasses who'd get upset if I wasn't around to fix their shit. People like Dice, actually. I keep the rifle in reach, but I don't get too jumpy.
Dubstep throws open the door, offering a look to Tamedog, then one to you. She grins, and with her bright red lipstick, that's a mighty wide grin, "Lemma! Hey girl, I need you to check out my ride, it's idling all weird and shit." She comes over closer enough to smell. Do you wear perfume or anything? She picks up something, off a desk or a table or something. A filter or somesuch, just playing with it.
Dubstep is full of shit, and skating thin, because she knows the rule is that no one actually pops the cap on a sled except a Skeg. She can ask Lemma for advice, and to take a look if SHE opens it up, but she knows that she's out if she lets someone else actually get balls-deep in her sled.
Speaking of balls-deep, that's why Dubstep's here. She's got a thing for Lemma like fuckin' A, and was just waiting for an excuse to come by. It's just the four of us right now, I'm the self-appointed chaperone to make sure Dubstep does not do anything like hey!
Skwee and Bleep (the twins) are so 'nice' about staying outside because they're dedicated claustrophobes who get twitchy after about ten minutes inside anything they can't cut their way out of, and like what the fucking fuck? after twenty. The Skegs give them shit about it sometimes, because pussies, but mostly don't hassle them because they were willing to double-up while we find Terrorcore a new sled after his 4-track went through the ice to the bottom of the lake. They have a thing where they know what each other is thinking and it's like, Whoah. And whatever, twincest, who cares as long as they can take a corner downtown in 3rd gear?
Ah, Wonky. What am I going to do with Wonky? Even as I speak to you, he is getting a fucking TATTOO, and his sled is only half-pimped at this juncture. I know this because Needles ran with us for a year before he retired because ink stud, and he tells me when the strays find their way to his studio. Wonky knows the rules about flashing the sleds before you flash the flesh, but must to make an impression on some greenhouse girl or other because fucking Wonky. We're gonna have a talk when he gets back and it's gonna go like I dunno.
I let the grinder spin down and toss the last drill bit to Tamedog with a nod. Then I take the filter from Lemma and put it back on the table. I look her in the eyes-- probably a few inches up-- and say "Yeah, all right, let's give it a listen."
I motion to the door and follow her out.
Do you even care, Lemma?
The pair of you hear a shot ring out. Blocks away, bouncing off the buildings. Quickly followed by sprays of machine-gun fire.
"What do you think... Lemma?" Dubstep says in a slightly husky tone.
Terrorcore comes over to you, offering you a smoke. He says low, not whispering, but not loud, "Bossman, we got any real bidness here, or are we all third wheels for Dubstep's pitiful play?"
Dice rolls his eyes at the crumpled butt, who knows how long it sat in some stiff's pocket waiting for a Scav to come along and pry it loose?
"Those things will kill you, because lungrot. Get me some fucking coffee."
More to the point, if she wants my attention, standing next to an engine that needs repairing was a bad strategic move.
I drop to a squat next to the sled, pull my goggles up, and go still for a few seconds while I listen.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 9)
Terrorcore heads off to get you coffee. Is that a thing for you, coffee? Or was it a dismissal?
Oh hey, here's Terrorcore:
Lemma is looking at Dubstep's bike, just looking.
This bike is easily fixed, some broken seals. It's road-worthy now. The thing is, you're not supposed to touch it or fix it, that's Dubstep's job. She'd get in real trouble if you did this. But if, say, the rest of the Skegs left, you could talk Dubstep into letting her touch her... stuff.
"Yeah, I've got what you need in the back. Gonna take a bit for you to swap things out, though. Wanna pull into the garage?"
I toss Dice a look. "No need to keep everyone waiting if you've got places to be."
Dice, who's your number one?
Dice gives Dubstep the look, but nods.
"NP, we'll be back in an hour."
He joins the crew as they go off downstairs in search of a nosh.
What kind of food do you expect downstairs? Is this Lemma's grub, or is she connected to something else, like tunnels and shit?
You're alone now. Dice has taken the gang downstairs. Just the two of you. Together, just like you hoped.
Oh, Dubstep's here, too.
What do you do?
But I've been thinking about fuel injectors. I'm thinking if you changed the mounting, you could shorten the path and widen the aperture. Squeeze a few extra horses out, and remove a couple centimeters of piping you'd otherwise just have to maintain.
I mocked up a prototype last week, but I need an real, live engine to test it on-- one with connectors exactly like the ones on Dubstep's sled.
So, I rummage around and come up with the seals and tubes she needs, toss them in a pile, and let her get started. While she's working, I come up behind her and just watch for a bit, just a few seconds. Then: "Listen, I know you're the one who's supposed to handle your ride, but I've got something I think could give it a little something extra. Want me to install it?"
When she turns around to answer, I lace my fingers and stretch my arms over my head, holding eye contact.
She recovers her wits a bit, and smiles at you, moves up close, sort of in your personal bubble. "Listen. They're gone, and it's just you and me." She reaches a hand up to your shoulder, squeezes it in a kind of massage-caress something, "I love the work you do, for reals. You're a fucken magician. But you know, I gotta work on my bike by myself, or Dice'll kick my ass out. So like..." She slides her hands around yours, moving right up against you, "Maybe we work on it together? You guide my hands. Wherever you want, and I'll be the one doing the work. I'll just be... your little puppet. Yeah" She's so right in your face now, kissing-distance. But well, she's not going to force herself, she can play it off as being touchy feeley or whatever at this point.
What do you do?
OOC: Everything you say will be awesome-sauce to me. I am more ignorant than you by half. I also like Star Trek babble.
"Yeah, okay, let's do that." I hand her a wrench, spin her around, and start directing her.
It's... kind of nice, actually. But I want to actually do the work *before* we get distracted.
Dubstep says brightly, "That's mags, Lemma!" She turns to the snowmobile, works with you to get tools out and follows your every instruction. You get the sense she wasn't lying, she really does think you're a master of this.
As I said, you can fix this to spec pretty easily, but if you want to do something more, like you mentioned above to her, it'll take several hours of work, or it will be a crap (read: "prototype") version that will be unreliable.
"Listen, let me know how this thing works. And if it breaks... well, bring it back in and we'll fix it."
In this case, we're going to go find the shrimp farm where they grow those fat-ass eyeless blue ones that can stay alive for weeks if you freeze them solid.
How far out is this farm? Aboveground or below? Who protects this place? Does Quiksilver still run the farm?
Dubstep smiles a little smile when you two are finished working. "That was great, Lemma. You know, we're good together, like this." Dubstep isn't pushing you for anything, but she's feeling you out, wondering if it's gonna happen or not.
What do you do?
I don't do this much, but it's nice to be wanted (and admired). Plus, Dubstep has stumbled on some extremely effective foreplay.
"We're not done yet," I say, and step in close for a kiss. I keep guiding her hands, but not to the engine.
Dubstep lets you guide her to your version of paradise, even if only for a little while on the cold concrete floor of your workshop. Go ahead and fire your Sex Move.
Who handled her last before me?
What has most recently been done with her or to her?
What's wrong with her, and how might I fix it?
Answers for Dubstep:
Japanoise handled her last. It was a rough break-up, the two still don't talk. Japanoise cheated on her, and Dubstep has no clue why.
Most recently, Dubstep had an abortion. She's trying real hard not to think about it. It was probably Hardbag's (another Skeg). She's pretty sure. He doesn't know, she wants to keep it that way.
Dubstep needs someone to talk to about the abortion, really bad. She's stuffed it down and it is eating at her. She doesn't want to seem weak, and she doesn't want anyone to know, either.
The shrimp farm itself is in what used to be a spa with several hot tubs and a couple of those fancy indoor lap resistance pools, now all repurposed to vat-grow those weird, fat, tasty blue-veined, two-tailed jumbos.
You head down to the Freight Tunnels with Terrorcore, leaving Skwee and Bleep with the rides. Terrorcore is chatty on the way, talking shit about Wonky. He's all, "He's been gone for days now," and "No loyalty at all, leaving us like that," and "I heard he's in a cave with his cousin, who knows what the hell they're doing down there."
How do you handle that?
You wind your way through a few tunnels until you reach Palmer's Shrimp Farm, which even has a sign. Inside are tubs and pools, the place is pretty damn warm. A few locals work here just to keep the chill off, so Palmer is making out pretty well. Who pays for all the juice he's using anyways, do you know?
Chubby, sweaty Palmer heads over when you come in to meet and greet. "Dice! Back so soon? That's mag! Come on, man. You want some more fatties?" Palmer's guiding you to lap pool three, which bubbles slightly and the whole place smells salty, of course. Terrorcore is walking with you, just keeping an eye on things, you know, in case.
What do you normally use for trade with Palmer?
The old Canucks who do the polar bear baiting shows pay for his juice. It's a nasty, fucked-up business, but there's a certain class who'll pay jingle like, jackpot! to see that shit.
We trade the only thing we have: speed. Though these fat bitches will stay alive if you freeze them, they toughen up the longer they stay that way. So for maximum mouth, they gotta make it to a pot before they cool down too much. That's where we come in. Every delivery that gets made (by us OR someone else), we get a cut. We're talking big deliveries, to cocktail stands and luxe eateries. It's a subtle and complex mix of delivery fee and protection racket.
Whew. I'm much better with engines than people. I wait until we're cleaning up and not looking at each other. I'll say "Listen, Dubstep... I know what broken things look like. You're not one. Things will be okay."
Palmer looks at you, then Terrorcore. He gets kind of serious, ignores the couple of other folks staring into the pools like they know what the hell they're doing. Palmer asks, "Yo man, you here to buy, or lookin for work?"
Dubstep hitches up, just for a moment. She turns to face you, her sneer and her bravado stripped away in that moment. Her mouth twitches like she's going to say something, some kind of raw reply. But then, nothing comes out. She looks away, then says quiet, "Hey, uh... yeah. Th-thanks."
She blinks it away, then shakes her head, chuckles, and says loudly for no reason, "Wonder where da fuck Dice went? He said an hour, yeah? The ride took what, maybe an hour, and I wore you out in half that time... I'm headin out to chat with the twins. You, uh, need anything?"
Palmer shifts a bit, like that wasn't the answer he'd hoped for. He says low, just for you, "Listen, man. Stink Bug and his fellas are offering to pay me to carry the next load or two. And I'm like, 'What about Dice?' and he's all, 'Don't even worry about it.' So, I'm tempted, man. But you've done good by me, so I'm laying this at your feet."
What do you do?
"Well, shit, Palmer, if you can afford to pay Stink Bug to keep the jumbos safe, AND me to keep Stink Bug safe, then more power, but why mess with middle men like that?"
Dice cocks his head and looks Palmer in the eye.
[Read a person: (Rolled: 2d6+1 . Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 7)]
(OOC: Rich, I don't think you ever highlighted a second stat for me, or I just missed it?)
POTENTIAL CHEATING DETECTED. If it appears that dice were rolled in this post, they may need to be disregarded as fabricated.
The other customers start quickly leaving the place. They know what's up.
Palmer looks flustered. "No, I mean... they'd do the protection gig, too. I'm just being a businessman, you know? Listen, I'd save a barter a month if I went with Stink Bug. You know?" He looks around nervously, sees that he lost customers, blinks a couple times.
Second OOC: Highlight... I can't tell from your character sheet what else is highlighted? Highlight Hard if it isn't already. Then Sharp if Hard is already Highlighted.
"No. Just... let Dice know I'm looking for some blades for my windmill. Anything strong, big, light, and curved. Bring me the right stuff and I'll whip up something special for the sleds."
A beat goes by before I remember to do the human niceties. "Uh... see you around."
Dubstep nods, still a little sensitive about the whole "broken" thing, but she heads out.
Just you in your shop now. How do you normally pass your time? Do you have a list of work for people or something? Or do you mostly work on your own things?
So, I've got this other project, outfitting a bigass van with snow treads. Last time I was called out to fix the filters in Palmer's shrimp farm I had to make 4 trips to haul my tools over there. Figure I could make this thing into a mini-workshop, take it with me to gigs or into the freeze looking for parts.
It's still up on blocks, though. I finally snagged the second set of treads in a trade a couple weeks ago, but they were made for something completely different and I have to get the tension right and then balance the torque with the other set...
After some time, Layback comes strolling in. He's got his normal pack of junk he's filched from far-flung high rises. He lugs the heavy-lloking bag to what, a counter or a table or something? Then he drops it down, with a satisfying clunk. "Yo. Check these out, tell me what you can fix. I'll give ya a third of what I sell. Yeah?"
Is this your normal deal or is he changing prices? How often does this happen?
Also, what's in that bag that looks really damn sweet and worth more than the rest together?
It's a regular deal, and the price is standard, but his payments have come in awfully light the last couple times. I suspect he's skimming.
I'm about to bring it up when... is that a cutting laser? Yes. Who knows where he found it, or what kind of shape it's in, but I want it.
Layback shifts a bit, uncomfortable under your gaze. "Listen... about that, I. How short am I, you think?" He's never been terribly great with numbers, has he? But he is great at reading people, getting them to believe in what he's selling. Of course, he blows through jingle like nobody's business, usually giving things away.
Dice shakes his head and sighs.
"Palmer, the reason Stink Bug is cheaper is because it'll take him 2 full days up to Brewtown and back with his pack, and the Skegs can do it in 4 hours, and your jingle won't smell like wet dogs and asscrack when you get it back. Because Stink Bug."
Dice pops another shrimp into his mouth, and sucking on it, makes the 'gun it' hand signal to Terrorcore (fist straight out, then twist it like you're hitting the throttle on your sled) and walks out the front. Dubstep's had enough time to finish her business.
Terrorcore laughs his ass off at the wet dogs and asscrack comment. And that really, really gets to Palmer, like he thinks maybe you're making fun of him. But then you're leaving and there aint she he can do about it.
But here's the thing, Dice. When you tried to get a read off Palmer, you actually opened yourself up a bit there. Of course, Palmer doesn't know you, he's just a fuck-up with some food.
But Terrorcore got a look at what makes you tick. So tell him, truthfully, Dice.
What do you wish he'd do?
What do you intend to do about Stink Bug?
How can Terrorcore get you to get him a new ride?
Why don't you give me a Manipulate on that? A hit and he is good with the trade.
I intend to walk away and see if Stink Bug is stupid enough to carry this through, and if he is, we're going to catch him out on the ice and chop him up and feed him to his sled-dogs (then find a decent gig for the dogs, it's not their fault he's an asshole).
He could bring me definite proof that Dubstep let Lemma get her hands into her sled, otherwise, he's getting his own, because dumbass.
1 XP
"Okay, yeah, sure. Take the whats-it, we're even stevens." Layback says, thankful to be on good terms and stuff. He hangs around the shop for a bit, but unless you've got something to say, he'll leave before long.
To Dice:
You come back up, up through Lemma's shop, right? Want to chat with her? Looks like her work with Dubsteps' ride is over.
"Fuckin' Plamer, man. Lemma, we'll be out and about next couple. Anything you need right now?"
He starts in goggle-eyed mock surprise.
"Woah, hey, Layback, didn't see you there, because of how you were trying to avoid looking at me and everything. Did you ever manage to find that stash you told Hardbag about that time you were all Vicksed?"
He looks over the stuff the punk is lugging.
OOC: This is a "go into my workshop to build something" move, so you can tell me what it's going to take.
Sure, Lemma, you can fix this sucker up, no problem. But, first you'll need to get those fans you've been asking about.
OR, you can head down to the dump and find something yourself. But then you'll be exposing youself to the Dumpies.
Why does everyone avoid the Dumpies, Lemma? What are the rumors about them?
But it's more than the smell. They're insular, and they get real intense about some of the stuff they dig up. I've heard there's a renegade Preserver in charge out there, who thought the Order was too selective about what to preserve. Some people say they worship the stuff they dig up. I've heard weirder stuff, too, like that they're being mind controlled by some pre-Freeze artifact they dug up, but that just seems crazy.
So you're in your workshop now, Dice has to be long gone. Is this what you do? Hang out by yourself?
Do you have the radio on? Any friends who help you out with some of the big projects?
How often do you trade with the Dumpies? Have any friendly faces in that tribe?
What's between you and them?
It usually goes like: I scavenge through the piles, and sometimes they watch from a distance. If I'm taking something they don't want, I just walk out with it. The Dump's too big for even the Dumpies to claim everything in it. If they think it's valuable, or if I'm violating some kind of invisible border claim, they'll pull up and tell me to back off. Sometimes I can strike a deal then, sometimes not.
There's a woman, thick braids and dark skin, goes by Marmot, seemed almost friendly. Then there are two guys, Cork and Butter, who never lifted the visors on their helmets. Less friendly at first, but I helped them out with an engine problem.
(Rich, I'd like to go track down those windmill parts Lemma asked about. I think I'm going to go check with Hadden to see if this idea I have will work...)
Let's get you in a new scene here.
To Dice:
New scene for you here