To Hadden:
Handplant parks the truck just inside the first cave entrance, then you all pile out to go inside to find your buddy Squirrel. The caves are reverberating some of his music, ancient metal. Right now, the icicles are bouncing the guitar strums of AC/DC playing "Hells Bells", one of his favorite tunes.
You catch up with Squirrel as he's training a couple Tunnel Rats on how to pick through the ice. He sees you, and ushers them onto their work. This is Squirrel:
"Hey man, good to see you!" Squirrel says to you as he comes forward to do his handshake-then-pull-you-into-a-hug thing. He slides over to Handplant who glares at him. He chuckles, then hugs her anyway, which defeats her reaction and she lets him hug.
Squirrel steps back,
"Hey." That's what he says to Silica, not sure how to take the appearance of an icewalker with you, Hadden.
What do you do?

To Silica:
Handplant parks the truck just inside the first cave entrance, then you all pile out to go inside behind Hadden. The caves are reverberating some crazy music, ancient metal. Right now, the icicles are bouncing the guitar strums of AC/DC playing "Hells Bells", a dark tune that makes the place a little unsettling. IT is nice and cold, though.
Hadden spots an old, bearded guy who's really huggy. The guy eyes you, gives you a one word greeting, but you can tell he doesn't trust you. Why not, Silica? What have you done to this guy, if anything?
What do you do?
I hop out of the truck bed even before it quite stops, feet hitting the crunchy ice. Better. There's music, which is kind of awesome actually. I walk alongside the truck, touching the edge of the bed until it stops and kind of waiting for the others. Not that I want it to look that way.
Thats Squirrel, huh... shit not who I would have expected to find working for Hadden. But I look Squirrel in the eye and don't flinch. Probably I look kind of dark just now... been that kind of day.
"Hey," I return his greeting. You know, couple, three years ago when I was first on my own I put a lot of people down. Didn't make myself a lot of friends in this days. Called Squirrel 'fat ass' and a bunch of other mean shit. The guy used to prowl around the tunnels and up in the ice where I kind of felt on top of things. I was a little bitch to him, pretty much just cause of how he looks. Turns out he's a pretty competent.... whatever the fuck he is... and the guy's turned up in places I've never seen another scrounger... who knew.
But you know, I do like the music. Not unsettling really except fot the ding dong part, and the fact that its Squirrel who seems to have scrounged up the track. Doesnt seem to fit. But loud music... you don't get to hear it loud very often and you know... it kind gets to me.... in a good way.
That Squirrel, man. I don't know where he gets these ancient Podeye things, but it makes you wonder about the beforetimes. Their music ain't quite real, and it's always perfectly, exactly the same every time. This one sounds great in the caverns, very very bitchin', and my toes get to tappin', but it doesn't sound really danceable. Love the sound of those guitar things, though. He knows how to put on a good laser show, maybe I'll show her one if the moon is right, bearhugging him easily. Handplant even drops her scowl for a second and puts up with him.
But I see something pass between Squirrel and Silica. Great, I'll hear about it from him later also.
"It's good to see you too, my man! How you been?" Squirrel and I go way back before he ran this fish mine, he still even calls me Cheddar sometimes. "You remember Handplant, natch, and this is Silica. I promised them plus K2 a fresh fish dinner. You're not going to make me get it myself again, are ya? Maybe you can give the Rats a practical this time." I give him a little fake macho dude punchy-grabassery, and we come away laughing like old times.
"We've had a real get-shot-at kind of day, Squirrel."
Squirrel chuckles at your horseplay, Hadden, he plays right along. For his age and beard, he's a kid at heart. Hadden, you tell him about getting shot at and he looks surprised, "Had, I tell you, come back to the Underlake. Other than that 'splosion the other day, it's much safer down here. Lotsa a food, good tunes and... okay," he lookss at Handplant, then flicks a glance to you, Silica, "Well, you've got prettier folks to be around, granted."
One of the Tunnel Rats, which you just now realize might be a girl, stares daggers at Squirrel. He catches it, laughs and says, "What? I'm not as pretty as him, either. Know your role, sister. Know your role.... speaking of which, go get us four grouper from locker eight. Don't scrimp!"
Squirrel turns back to you three, all smiles. "Hey, where's K2 anyways?" He asks it lightly, but Handplant doesn't react to it like it was playful.
"She's at market." Handplant replies in a "don't ask for more" tone.
Things look a little uneasy for a bit.
Hadden, what, other than mining for frozen fish, is around here in Underlake?
What's in Underlake? Well, there's the market. The sunken cruise ship from beforetimes. An endless supply of treasure hunters, convinced they'll find another one. The best music and performers in the area.... whatever you get when you add surplus, decadence, and boredom.
And my family. Not like I can avoid stopping home this time.
They make small talk, Hadden has a way with people. I could probably pay attention and save myself some grief, but instead I take a look around the place. Just walk up the tunnel a bit, if I find the source of the music I'll check out what else he's got.
If I end up with a few minutes on my own, thats ok too. I need it.
Squirrel takes the hint and moves on in his conversation. The skinny girl Rat comes back to you with a canvas bag slung over her shoulder. She brings it up to you, and inside are four huge grouper, still in ice (of course). Squirrel asks, "You need any burners for cooking or anything?"
Silica has wandered off, not too far. Handplant is watching her, but staying near you. You know HP will want to go to market to fetch her daughter.
To Silica:
After following your ears, you find a pair of ancient speakers pumping out AC/DC (right now playing this:
The speakers are wired to this:
There's a plastic case filled with old tapes, metal and rock dominates the forty or so of them. A few weird ones, something by someone named DJ EZ Money, another by Bell Biv Devoe or something or other. Which one do you find that makes you want to immediately play it right now?
What do you do?
'Stop fucking watching me...' is what I'm thinking, but whatever. She thinks she's my fucking mom.
I find the old music player. The song makes me laugh and I keep looking back to see if anyone else is listening, and yeah, H.P. is watching me still but she's not listening.
I poke through to pile of tapes. I can read a little, probably better than most, so I can make out most of the titles. I find one I like by something called "Salt-N-Pepa" I like the beats and the words are funny sometimes... I want to hear it again. It's been years. Smiling to myself I just look at the player. I think I know how to change the tape... and I go over the steps in my head while glancing back towards the others like I'll get in trouble or something.
Fuck it... when the song ends I'm going to change it up.
It takes a minute of fiddling, then you hit play and the sultry sounds of two women talking together and on top of each other to a very dance-able beat start pulsing through the cave.
To Hadden:
You hear the music change as soon as the Big Balls song ends, and this comes on:
Squirrel starts laughing while Handplant narrows her eyes, but says nothing.
What do you do?
Yeah, I like this one, I start to move to the music. Hands above my head and my hips grind to the beat. No secret what this song is about. But then I look back to see that Squirrel, at least, is watching. A little giggle escapes my lips and I nearly blush. Nearly. I don't exactly have a lot of shame sometimes.
"I like your music!" I sort of announce towards Squirrel, kind of a peace offering. We've had some rough times in the past. The song gets into the heavy beat and I can't help but dance, though I tone it down a little.
Squirrel leans his head to the side, he was so watching you dance. When you compliment his tunes, he calls back, "Thanks! Took me years to get that much. You dance real well, Silica."
To Hadden:
You see Squirrel look over at Silica and respond to her. Handplant does, too, and you hear her make unhappy noises in her throat. Then she taps your back, like "break this up, dude".
"Took me years to get this good!" I quip back, facetiously.
But I just smile and dance, not all out there, but that kind of dance that comes out when you really just like the beat. Half closing my eyes and quietly singing along with the "uh... push it..." part of the song.
It's great to get lost in the song. Really takes my mind out of the shit that's gone down these couple of days... the shit and shame of what I've done is still in there... but I've been pushing my feelings out of the way for years. When it gets quiet and I'm forced to be with my own thoughts... fuck it, just hear the music. Yeah...
"Thanks, Sister Rat," and I take a glance into the satchel, four fish faces trapped in ice. Nodding to her, acknowledging her choices. That fish smell is there, faint behind the ice. Nothing quite like fresh fish, hefting the sack. She's staring at me like I know her, but I don't place her face in the moment. It'll come to me.
"Yeah, Squirrel, if you can hook a brother up with some burners and knifelikes and such, that would be all the implements. Not unless yall found some more of that butter stuff?" No way they have actual butter, what was that, two three years ago? Shit, that was good. I think back to that meal... I wonder who all's left still.
There's a break in the music, a sudden silence and plasticy snap-click that pulls me out of that dark thought and back to the mine. Squirrel probably caught a hint of something behind my face, and he might've asked, even in front of Handplant, but then some hard thumbing beat comes to life from the speakers, and we all four look up to see Silica, dancing, lost in the music and the beat, moving like fucking.
I stop blinking, feel my nostrils flare and my pulse go. Squirrel's way less subtle in checking her out maybe flirting a little, good for him, and even Sister Rat is glancing at Silica's moves in between her sorting work.
I can't ignore Handplant, but I'm not sure she's right about this. You can see the raw stress melt off Silica's frame when she dances. She's had it rough and needs the release.
"Squirrel, man, I got to make three hungry ladies happy- set me up to start cooking? Handplant, when you come back from the market with K2, bring me some salt and pepper? Neither of those are really questions.
Aside, a bit out of earshot, to Squirrel: "A few questions: Know anyone who needs my services? Do you yourself need anything taken care of?" I take a short sigh, decisive to myself. "I also want to get Silica to some honest work, nothing too insano. Icewalkers got skills we don't always realize. Maybe cross-lake deliveries or mapping detail? "
I put my hand on his upper arm, give him a look like dude, this matter has weight.
Handplant nods and heads off to fetch K2, salt and pepper, in that order. Squirrel gets one of the Rats working and sends the other off with some notes to folks for jobs. Then, he makes his way over to his radio, leaving you to prep the fish with the knifelikes.
To Silica:
Handplant takes off for K2, and after a bit of activity, Squirrel ambles over to you. "Hey, I got some Kid N Play. Side two's the only one that works, but it's good." He fishes out another tape, one with no words, like they were rubbed off. He switches tapes. This song comes on:
To Both:
After an hour of running around and work, the four of you, plus Squirrel, are sitting down on canvas chairs and an ottoman eating fish. What do you talk about? No, Squirrel hasn't heard back about work.
It's been a while, but the hands remember the motions. I'm satisfied with how the meal comes out- I'm competent but I'm not Stalefish and Evol.
This is on Mick's tape when we sit down. I don't know who Mick is.
I want to talk about the explosion, I want to hear how K2 did at market, I wonder if Lemma's been roundabouts.
I do enjoy a good piece of fish, but I pick at it kind of uncharacteristically daintily... hate bones. I sit back, feet up on whatever's handy, one ankle crossed over the other and probably my shoes kicked off and tossed near my backpack nearby.
Just in my shirt and jeans, I guess, I have a little pocketknife I use to pick out the bones and I discard them into whatever fire's nearby with a flick. (People always have a fire or something nearby, but I don't sit too close)
"Where did you find all the uh... music?" I idly ask Squirrel at one point. "Sometimes I find 'em in old cars but they're fucked up.... won't even turn and the..." I have to think of the word, "tape... gets all messed up in the cold... turns to bits."
"What's the word at market, K2?" I don't want to start off the meal with death and tragedy.
K2 snipes, "That's because you freeze them, Silly." Handplant shushes her daughter sharply.
Squirrel waves it off, laughing, "Shit's cold out. Found most of them in bunkers, sub basements, even a cave once. None of it in Underlake, for the same reason you say." He considers you for a moment. "Hey, I might have some work for you. You think you could find a path for a caravan over the ice up to the Pier? We've got a bunch o fish to ship, and the roads are getting dangerous."
K2 motions to you, Hadden, "Hey man, heard something crazy about Carnation."
I am very careful of the table dynamic here. I'm being relatively quiet, making small movements, watching the interplay of personalities. It does help that I'm really hungry after the rescue and the travel, so I'm able to busy myself with my food. Handplant probably knows me well enough to guess what's up, and she's got a look in her eye that means I'm due for a lecture that I may deserve.
But I focus my attention on K2, "It can't be any crazier than some of the shit I've heard. What's the haps?"
K2 answers with a gossip-loving grin, "Heard that Carnation's dead. Some big gunfight at Roxy's."
I stop in mid-bite, fish juice on my fingers. "I salute you. That is much crazier than some of the shit I've heard. Who did it? Roxy okay?"
And I think about Grease Park and that motherfucker Never Summer.
K2 frowns, "Dunno if Roxy's ok or who did it. Lots of rumors."
Handplant interjects, "If Carnation is down, then 47th will be going fucking crazy. We better stay well clear of that."
"Every gun bunny and his step-ex-wife will be out aiming to sit on that throne. Glad we made it out before that shit went down." And of course I'm looking at Silica again, meaning I'm glad she wasn't stuck down in that meat grinder. But that Carnation, at least he would deal. "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't."
Yeah I just stay out of K2's face. Always hanging around her mom... Can't resist giving her some grief when we're left alone, though. Mommas girl.
I answer Squirrel, "somewhere off the main road? Yeah... guess I can do that. What kinda wheels we talking about? Gonna be bumpy." I've made the trip before, just like he says, but the way I go you wouldn't want to be hauling shit, going to need to trailblaze a bit. "Sure, I can find a way... but I need to know who's gonna be following it. Can they handle their shit in the cold?"
I can't help overhearing about Carnation and I add, "shit going down all over, that's big news... hope whoever takes over don't shake everybody's shit up too much."
"I thought you knew all the devils, Hadden!" K2 says with a snicker.
Handplant exhales through her nose at the joke, moves on with the conversation, "We should tap Molotov to get us some info on the aftermath."
To Silica:
Squirrel explains, "I'd like to have some of mine pulling sleds over the lake, really. Cheaper than Dice or even Stink Bug."
Why is travel over the lake's icy surface so dangerou,s Silica?
"I know many levels of devils, just not who's gonna end up on top." I give her a sly wink with the eye Handplant can't see, and she grins in response.
"Yeah, I need to circle back with Molotov when I get back to the tunnels. I hope he's keeping out of trouble." This to Handplant direct.
"Speaking of getting back, K2, anybody have anything really good at market? I need to bribe Lemma."
I carefully listen to Squirrel's dealing with Silica.
"Sleds? Yeah allright I'll find a way but there's a reason they charge you good scratch for the trip," don't like the sound of that much. Sleds are slow and noisy. But I think I can do it.
"You been overlake, Squirrel?" I wonder if he has, doesn't seem like it, "You know... the ice is always shifting. Breakin' up and some of those cracks go way deep... get covered in snow. And if you get pinned in the ice you're pretty much fucked cause if they don't get you the ice storms will... sweep across the lake near every night. I found fuckers frozen solid out there, right through their gear."
All this doesn't bother me too much. Those storms have saved my ass a couple times, when I can move and everyone else is pinned down. The wind still stings though, but 'least I won't freeze up.
K2 replies, "You bet, Hadden. They have a fucken Speak-N-Spell! And a Zune..."
"A Zune?!?" Handplant laughs, "That's a piece of trash. A door-holder." She shakes her head, "After this food, market will be closed, Hadden. S'been a long day, let's grab some shut eye, hit it in the morning, bright and early."
Squirrel frowns, maybe he hasn't been up there. "Can you find a path, maybe? Maybe where the ice is deeper, more stable? Then skim across and back? Could you take a couple Rats with you for a delivery, just to see?"
That makes me think, I look over at the 'rats' he keeps. They seem allright, I guess. "If they can keep up, no problem." I smile a little naughty smile almost like a dare, I mean, there's no way they can keep up, right?
Truth is, I wouldn't leave 'em cold like that. I'm not a hard motherfucker. But I don't want him to know that.
Sleep would be fucking amazing after this day. I give Handplant the thumbs-up, my internal clock is still catching up after the niner with Nini. She really does have my back. I can't trust Oakley the same way, just trust him to be him.
To Squirrel, "Does Bookend still have those crash beds?" Even the cheap dogsfur is nice. I'm carefully definitely not looking at Silica or K2 while discussing sleeping arrangements.
Squirrel grins, "Yeah, that sounds great. I'll give you these two for this trip. They can carry some in packs and drag a sled. You're in charge." He motions for the Rats, and they come up to him.
He points to the pair to come up, so he does introductions. He points to the girl first, "This is One-Footed"
"And this is Nosepick."
The girl looks away and down, like she's not the talkative type. The boy reaches a hand, "Call me Nose."
Squirrel tells them, "All part of earning your way in. Follow her to topside, I'll get ya clothes. Ya leave tomorrow, whenever she says."
Squirrel responds to the question, "I got some places to crash. You need anything special, Had?" He smirks, like he's asking "you want a private room with one o' these"?
This is moving quickly. I kind of want to scream out that 'I was fucking shot in the leg less than a week ago!' But whatever. Work's work.
I shake his hand, sure. Wonder if he's touched someone like me before. I enjoy the reaction. Sometimes people freak out. I watch him as he feels my cold hands.
I'm not unfriendly, but you can sort of sense that I could go off on you if you give me an excuse. People get on edge talking to me. I don't do it on purpose.
"Sure.. yeah we can do this shit tomorrow. You been topside much?" I ask the boy first. Then the girl, "how'd you get that name?" She doesn't seriously have one foot right? I'd be pretty dubious in Squirrel's choice of people for a lake trip.
I put my tongue between my teeth, working out a tricky bit of fish or bone or gristle. I glance at Silica then K2 quicklike, and then back at Squirrel, angling my head at Handplant. Hopefully he'll not make me eat my boots. "If you got four separate bunks, that'd do." And I smile like, who knows who's gonna get lucky?
Sleeping alone does mean one less thing to juggle... maybe nice to actually sleep.
I look at Silica, then her leg, and back at her face, and is this really this first I speak to her at dinner? "Go-time is up to you."
Nose shakes his head, "Only when I had to... never had the gear. I'm not scared, though. You got any ice, maybe?"
One-Footed answers, "Ize born dead. Then, bout an hour later, I started cryin. Mama said Ize born with one foot in the grave." She never makes eye contact, this one.
I narrow my eyes at Nose a bit, "shit's expensive... you know. See how you do for real ok? I won't let ya freeze up unless you're stupid." I tease a little. He's younger than me, they both are I think but not by much.
One-footed explains and I break a smile, "better'n two footed then..." ok that's not funny. Whatever. Fuck it I'm not here to entertain her. I linger a second, little worried about that one. But it'll be fine. If I do my job right we won't have any trouble for them to worry about. But it's been that kind of week, hasn't it? Fuck it... don't think about it.
I turn back around, absent-mindedly rubbing my leg and I find Hadden looking at me... right at my leg. "Tomorrow's fine... I'm ok... fuck." I kind of dismiss his concern a little unfairly I guess.
But I step up close to Hadden so I can speak into his ear. After a glance back at the other rats I ask, "Why does Squirrel have so many kids working for him, that why you brought me here?"
I almost answer her unasked question, I don't think you're a kid. You're a woman, but holy three fucks does that sound cheesy, even in my head. Still, I could get used to her breath in my ear.
"Not what you think. Mining's a family gig. Squirrel got these rights when his dad died. Sister Rat's Squirrel's half-sister, look- they have the same nose. Nosepick's prolly a distaff cousin. Kids are good miners, they can fit better in the crawlspaces... I remember it pretty good." I turn my head, lift my hand to almost touch her again, but I remember her flinch in the minitruck. Let her come to me this time.
"I brought you here because I didn't want you followed after that shit at the Wall of Respect. There's people I trust here. You need healin'. I figure some alone time, maybe." Searching her face at that one, see how closely it strikes. "Maybe some not-alone time. Steady work if you want it plus all the fish you can eat." That last sentence comes out a little fast. "Handplant vouches for you, that's good enough for me."
"Family, huh? Figures..." I look a little sour at the thought and peer back at the rats. "They don't look related..." I whisper to him with a shrug, "don't fuckin' much matter I guess. Family don't really count for much."
I settle back down, looking up at Hadden's face. He sure looks at me funny. I nibble on my lip and smile a couple seconds. "I'll be fine once I get outside tomorrow, don't worry 'bout me." I gesture over a shoulder with a thumb towards the mouth of the cave.
Handplant and K2 grab a room in one of the ice caves that has a couple bunks. The Rats head off to sleep at home, Squirrel follows them.
Do either of you two do anything before bedding down for the night?
If the music's still playing I'll hang out there, listen to some songs, kind of get lost in my own little world a bit before getting to sleep.
"I won't tell you when I worry, Silica. Sleep well." I want to kiss her, but leave. I go ahead to catch up with Squirrel, alone. "Tell me about the explosion. Who's gone, who's hurt, what happened?"
Then I head to my cold bed to warm myself.
You're by yourself for maybe an hour, just listening to the music. Then you eventually grab some sleep on a cot that One-Footed brought you.
What do you dream about?
To Hadden:
Squirrel is fuzzy on details, but he lists the damage and the people who died. He also tells you that Molotov claimed responsibility, but he does that hush hush, assures you that he knows you weren't in on that.
But he's urging you to bed. And he heads off to bed himself.
What do you do?
Sleep, under dogsfur, watching some little electric thing blinking randomly away in darkness to itself.
I get myself good and exhausted, music filling my head and I'm able to get to sleep pretty quick, on another hit of ice. Yeah....
But the dreams come.
I'm back in that bunker, Grab on top of me, fucking me. His sweaty face inches from mine. I can feel that fucking old dirty mattress beneath me, smell his sweat and hear the teevee and Hoho's crazy laughter. This goes on but it won't stop... I start to struggle against him, push him, kick, I panic... he just won't stop fucking me. Calling me Nollie, grunting and cursing my name... I forget who I am and I'm her... And it won't fucking stop, I cry, I beg...
"Oh yeah Nollie... take it girl, I'm gonna make it real good... "
Then suddenly half his head explodes in a bloody mess, spraying warm brains across me, he's bleeding from a dozen places, one eye hanging from a tendril of meat and slapping up against my cheek... and he still won't stop...
"Oh yeah Nollie... that's right... "
I don't sleep well. I probably make these pitiful sounds as I dream and my lips move... just a little.