His ship:
And its floor-plan:
His code-cylinders:
His comlink
Imperial Officer, Trek Pira Ores
A young boy on Coruscant, in the slums amid the slag, Trek dreamed of one day meeting the great warriors seen in his holo-vids. He was a teenager when they began mass-recruitment, shortening the required Navy education from three years to six months. But, it was enough. By the end, Trek had a spine as straight as ivory; entitled, zealous, and eager for power.
He is: man; uniform wear; aristocratic face; sharp eyes; wiry body.
Home: Coruscant, Dacho District, the Works.
Father: Derek Ores, Age 53, Location Unknown.
Mother: Sibela Ores, Deceased.
Attuned+0, Cool -1,
Hard +1*,
Hot +2*, Sharp +1
* Highlight
Leadership: when your squad fights for you, roll+hot. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. Over the course of the fight, spend your hold 1 for 1 to make your squad:
• make a hard advance
• stand strong against a hard advance
• make an organized retreat
• show mercy to their defeated enemies
• fight and die to the last
On a miss, your squad turns on you, tries to hand you over to your enemy, panics/flees, or surrenders to your enemy.
Salary: if your ship and crew are functional and your rank held, at the beginning of the session, roll+hot. On a 10+, you have surplus at hand and available for the needs of the session. On a 7–9, you have surplus, but choose 1 want. On a miss, or if your ship or crew is disabled, your ship and crew is in want. The precise values of your surplus and want depend on your ship and crew, as follows. If surplus lists cred, like 1-cred or 2-cred, that’s your personal share.
Impossible reflexes: the way you move unencumbered counts as armor. If you’re wearing non-armour fashion, you have 1-armour. If you’re wearing armour, use it instead.
Frigate: 3-harm, 1-armor, 2-medium shields, 4-hull, +hyperdrive)
Crew: 20 (+judgement, +obligation)
Squad: 15-20 men (3-harm, squad, 1-armour, small)
Surplus: 1-cred, +insight.
Want: +anxiety.
• comlink (short-range)
• blaster pistol (2-harm close loud energy)
• code-cylinders
• 2-cred (starting)
• 1-cred (salary)
• My father Derek is a kriffing waste of oxygen, I hope I never see him again.
• My superiors have ordered Kelborn be brought into line.
• A Twi'lek member of my crew, Shai'n, continues to admire me. I may order her into my chambers.
• I have been forced to reprimand my sniveling Communications Officer, Darf, several times already for questioning a direct order. He is wearing my patience down.
10 o'clock