Note on dialog text.
A handy guide for speech colors by NPC:
Rinso's text color is bold*
VB's text color is magenta*
Brillo's text color is gray.*
Caesar's text color is maroon.*
Svenja's text color is blue.*
Hump's text color is brown.*
Starburst's text color is green.*
Omo / Spree's text color is orange.*
Other NPCs will normally be bold* Innocuous or meek NPCs speech will be "normal"
Ollie is a Skinner of renown and the father of Kiddo and Hump. He recently lost a lung to cancer, but survived and is living in the Ascendant.
Kiddo's Crew:
Big, muscular merc who is maybe twenty, carries a M41A pulse rifle, very protective of Kiddo. He's currently dating Kiddo in a committed relationship with VB as well.

Beautiful young woman with a mechanical leg. She's a runner, and not a very good shot with a pistol, but she's Kiddo's lover, Rinso's lover, and sort of always hangs around them. She was in a relationship with a brain frakker named Ziploc who put some odd whammy on her about chocolate.
Mutant librarian, almost thirty or so? He was once a father in The Order. He carries around an android's head in his bag. The android's name is lime, and only Stitch and Metro know about it.
Prospect Mirage
Teenager raised by Kit Kat, trying to work her way into the Candy Bar gang. Kit Kat sent her to Kiddo for training.
Prospect Amazon
Young woman raised by Kit Kat, trying to work her way into the Candy Bar gang. Kit Kat sent her to Kiddo for training.
Team Leader, took over for Omo (aka Spree). Raised in the Valley, sister to Altoids and Ro, she's fiery and quick witted.
Second oldest Candy. Quiet and competent, she's Star's right hand girl.
Chunky is jumpy, not a great shot and not the best rider. But she's loyal, hard-working and sweet. She had a torrid little affair with Zagnut, but broke it off recently.
On of the OCs (Original Candies) who joined up. She's a predator girl, and just recently tried to get off drugs. Well, except booze. And except glitter, because that's harmless. Zag is a badass when she's sober. She's rarely sober anymore.
Tootsie Roll
Toot is the newest Northern Candy. She came from down south after leaving the OCs. She's upbeat, more than a little proud of herself and down to try just about anything.
Payday and Mister Goodbar
The two are besties, they're always hanging out. Goodbar is quiet, she has a speech impediment. Payday has a huge birthmark on her face that she covers with a scarf, like some bank robber. They were tight with Omo, the former leader.
Whopper is a savage. She carries an axe and a machete. She likes talking loud and drinking hard.
Spunk is a pretty laid back girl. She is the wet nurse for Omo's babies. She doesn't talk much, but she seems good enough at her job.
Svenja Hagen aka Sky Bar
Svenja is a Colonial Marine, was a rival with Stitch, but they both ended up on the same assignment. Now she's a member of the North Candies.
Stitch's Team
Metro is an artificial person, and he is currently spending time with Stitch. The two are very close.
Caesar is a scientist, but the iso-cubes tore holes in his memory. Now he's just trying to make sense of it all.
Krispy Kreme aka KK
Timbits and Dunkins brother, middle child, quiet, sort of anti-social, but fiercely protective of his family. He's the only survivor of the Donuts, rode off on a Candy bike.
In his twenties, the speaker for the family, brother to KK and Dunkins, nephew of Panrico. Rinso killed him.
Unca Panrico
Uncle of the Doughnut Kids, has a calm face and sure hands. His voice is gravelly, reminds Kiddo of her pa. Mamba shot him in the face.
Teenage girl, always hungry, more than a little wild, sister of Timbits and KK. Kiddo killed her.
Gun cleaner and re-fitter, also makes munitions. Normally high as a kite. Stays in a sturdy shack set far away from everyone else in Redcliff
Remington's "son", apprentice gun cleaner and munitions maker. Used to be a raider, but retired when he "took an arrow to the knee", whatever that means. Also enjoys partaking of recreational drugs ("it's for the pain, man")
Bose and Altel - mother and son seamstress team who live in Redcliff with a number of Bose's sisters
Fixer in Boomtown.
Kiddo says: "When my parents left town, he was really the only person folks respected — and now they all go to him looking for solutions to their problems."
Caravan leader, a bit older than Kiddo. Son of Logitech. Kiddo "used to" have a crush on him.
The guy who owns the garage that Kiddo lives over in Boomtown is Ajishima.
On of the ragamuffin kids in Boomtown is named Ikea:
He was best friends with Hennessey. Henny was bit by a viper and died not long ago.
There's Braeburn with those big sideburns
Mean-looking Honeycrisp
Ginger Gold recently lost her baby (she needed a c-section, but Kim's clinic didn't have the equipment).
Jonamac is a full member, he normally calls the shots on long rides. He's a decent mechanic, too.
Gala is one of the oldest Prospects, close to making the gang proper. Gala identifies as male.
The Libs have twice as many "prospects" as they have members. Prospects do all the dirty work.
One of them is named Crispin:
Another prospect is Fuji:
She makes all kind of things, like soap, candle wax, other animal by-products.
Of course, knick-knacks and other trinkets show up there, too. I'm not saying Larabar is a fence or anything. I mean, she's so sweet, right? Sweet lady, just getting by.
There's a biker in Boomtown, passes for a guy, called Cheetos. He ferries folks about and will offer protection, on the cheap. He usually works with his best buddy Rolo.
They're the Boomtown Ferrymen. There are Ferrymen at most of the larger settlements.
She runs the clinic in Boomtown.
Kim's lone, over-worked nurse.
The old bar that's been around since Boomtown was built is Loots. Run by Loot:
A gal in Boomtown, daughter of Grande Seville owner of the Boomtown Hostel
Butter Nut
Fabulous chef at Sprite's, currently showing VB a few tips about cooking:
Kiddo's brother is named
Kiddo's younger brother, almost fourteen years old.
Salt is also the home of Tower Two of Junk Radio. The original DJ was an older fellow named KellyTires. He died riding north
Kelly had a daughter, who, oddly enough, is dating Hump, Jemma's grandson. Here she is:
Topps is officially Junk Tower 2 DJ, but she's ridden north to see Hump.
Motel6 hung up his keys and started DJing at Junk Radio Two in Boomtown recently.
Another driver was Bank. She was best friends, some say more, with Union. But Union died, and she was never quite the same. Here's Bank:
A legendarily lucky guy that almost everyone knew was Ro. He was the nephew of Reese, a famous leather-worker who raised him with his brothers and sisters, but there's always been something special about Ro.
One of the guys who runs Outer Rim is Ivory. Ivory hates Kiddo (she probably earned it). Here's Mr. Lilly White clean himself:
Ivory's daughter, Medley, cute thing that she is, totally fell in lust with Kiddo. The two of them were practically inseparable until well, Kiddo separated them. By leaving. But hey, that wasn't Kiddo's fault, really. Right?
The bartender is a girl named Trix. She's looking.. well, weird nowadays.
Ched looks the same as he ever has. Hasn't changed a bit. Sure, he dyes his hair, and if he didn't shave, his beard would be salt and pepper. And yes, like he says, the fat pushes out the wrinkles, but here's Ched:
Ched's mate is a quiet one, called Twizzlers:
Trojan lived in Outer Rim. He's kind of a frak-up in his parent's eyes (hence the name); but he's clever as hell, and really down to earth. He used to deal glass at Chedd's. Now he's at the Ascendant.
Pilgrim Borlicks
Pilgrim Kia
Kia is rumored to be Cadillac's daughter. This means she is descended from an oracle.
Pilgrim Knealknit
Knealknit is in her early forties now
Pilgrim Renault
Renault is an older man, big bushy beard, wild hair, obviously came to them later in life
Pilgrim Talon
Talon is mid thirties, showing his age and road wear.
A former merc who was trained by Ace, she went on to train and partner with Rinso for a year and a half. She's "retired" now, living in a shack on top of a well in the house her mentor had built.
She's the new hardholder of the Ascendant.
Her lieutenants:
Santiba aka "Santi"
du Maurier aka "du"
Buck is a guy she recently brought in for Bay security. He's not much in the way of civilized.
She's a driver who normally works south of the valley. She has history with Jack, speaks with a slight southern drawl.
She's the second doctor at the Ascendant infirmary.
Beneful the gardener (he's the judgmental one, Kiddo) handles "the forest" and the "garden up top".
The guy in charge of Public Works, including communication, is Hublot (young, emotional, was protective of Janco, but also didn't notice she's just fine)
Head of Engineering, Nescafe (quiet, calculating guy).
Barilla, also known as "Chef", in charge of food (smiles, doesn't seem to like to touch people), she has a tablet that she's constantly writing and drawing on (doodles mostly).
Chufi, in charge of custodial (a little grimy under the nails even though he obviously tried to clean up for this, short and wiry)
Merchant Guildmaster Bacardi, a tough-looking guy, was probably a chopper at some point.
Silk the star of the show, speaks in red, has a glass problem
Velour The one Dulux tried to buy with a gas generator
Laughs grand-daughter of Bega, her mother is one of the Chosen of the Water Cult
Chosen one of the Chosen of the Water Cult, she was Laughs' mother and Bega's daughter before the Water Cult took her
Costco led a raider gang that was caught by the Candies, from Big Rock Clan.
They're big enough to have split into small tribes.
One of them is led by Ronnie:
Ronnie's second-in-charge is Cobb:
Ronnie used to have a main squeeze, her name was JB (for Junior Bacon). She was killed by Kiddo, Jemma and Stitch.
Another Wendy tribe has Jack's half-brother in it. His name is Sweet T.
Sweet T's main squeeze is Bluebury Muffins:
One of Jack's old friends is named Parfait:
This is Parfait without her "paint":
Jack's mother is called Apple.
Without her "paint", Apple looks like this:
A merchant's son named Philips (who is "in love" with Tulle)
Onida the engineer.