The six of you (Lemma, Silica, Seatbelt, Beef Carpaccio, Nosepick and One-Footed) headed through the relatively safe tunnels from Underlake to Crossover.
That's when you hit the Freight Tunnels north to here:

At 13th, you headed east to Soldier's Field. Once you hit the end of the line, it's travel through the sewers.
For the majority of the trip, Beef Carpaccio drug the dolly behind him. The wheels were squeaky, the sounds bounced back and forth in the tunnel, it was almost too loud to think. Suitcase walked with him most of the way, keeping the big guy company. He had most of the gear on the dolly, since, you know, why not, right?
Silica, One-Footed is walking slow, limping along. You realize that maybe along the way you could pick up something to make her pain go away, right? I mean, that's a thing you do, deal. Did you do that?
Nosepick's been scouting ahead, going a few hundred feet and then coming back, ahead, then back. Nervous energy maybe, or maybe he's escaping the noise.
Lemma, you notice that kid Nose messed up his wrist somehow. He's holding it like it hurts. Probably a sprain, could be worse. He isn't complaining, but you notice it. Broken things, you know.
The icy sewers come into focus before long. That's when the plan kicked into action. Nosepick and One-Footed started working at the ice with their picks and torches. Seatbelt pulled out his machine gun to watch over, while Beef carried the dolly and the gear in.
Let's see how things worked out.
Roll +Weird. On a hit, choose options. On a 10+, all are true. On a 7-9, choose one to be true.
* The tunnel collapse went off without a hitch
* The re-directed tunnel angle will throw pursuit off the trail
Roll +Sharp. On a hit, choose options. On a 10+, all are true. On a 7-9, choose one to be true.
* Your team dug the last hundred feet quietly
* Your team dug the last hundred feet quickly
Once you've answered and rolled, we'll see how things pan out with the gennie theft!
Pain huh? Yeah I guess I know where to find the right chems for that kid of stuff but you know, I'm pushin' it already with bein' too nice to One-footed. She's gonna look bad if I do too much more for her. But I can get a bit of somethin' in my pocket in case she needs it later, right?
And yeah, I fucking avoid the muscle, Beef and Suitcase... assume they're made of the same shit. Fuckin' irritates me when they even look at me.
Nosepick's ancy. Makin' me nervous, too. But it's pretty interesting how they melt and dig the tunnels out. Problem is the tunnels are getting full of hot steam and the torches are what? A thousand degrees? I can't stand this too long and I wander up and back, but... couple dozen feet of ice 'tween me and the soldiers. That works for me.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 2. Total: 6)
Let's say you're scouting the surface, keeping contact with them so they can work their way under Soldier's Field. That seems about right to me. Cool?
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 9)
I'm no doctor, but whipping up a splint is easy. The hard part was getting the kid to accept it. I have to point out that he's less likely to mess up working with the gear if he can take a little weight on that hand.
I get a little nervous before the last push. I'll come back to oversee the blast, but I edge out to where Silica is doing topside spotting.
"I bet you can tell where they are without checking in as often if you know what to look for. The vibrations from the dig will cause the snow drifts up here to crumble a little... like, there. That one."
(Rolled: 2d6-2. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 7)
"I see it..." I say quietly, laying flat on the snow and following her eye to the snowdrift. Ok, Lemma knows her shit, I admit it. I hadn't noticed that. It burns me a little that I hadnt noticed. But I'm glad it's Lemma showing me and not some asshole.
Lemma is one of those people I respect, she seems to rise above the crap around us, kind of. Good with tools, with her hands, good with people I guess. Which is what's bothering me. But I think I can do her one, too.
"Lemma, we'll be tunneling into the night right? Let me go put eyes on the genny... get you right on target with the tunnel. After dark they won't expect anyone outside... you'd freeze yer ass off right?"
If that's good enough for some help, then I will.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 14)
With Silica up top, you keep an eye on the Cs and the Soldier Boys and whatnot, a couple dozen thugs who mostly keep to the insides at night, a paltry couple guys up top on bleachers watching, but mostly not watching
Then, you hit the point where drain off from the field comes down into the sewer. A bit of work prying a cover open and then you can all climb up into the concrete halls of the sub-basement.
Silica, have you moved down to join the team or stayed up?
Lemma, you are with them, directing traffic to the gennie, right? You'll be needed to shut it down proper. Is there a back-up gennie here? How is the team marking trail to get back to the sewers in the pitch black if there isn't?
Ha. I've got a backup emergency generator at home. The growers have one. Gnu, maybe. The Soldier Boys? Not the type.
They'll know something's up as soon as I pull the plug. I spooled out rope on our way in, lashing it to whatever I can find, keeping it about waist high. As long as one of us keeps a hand on it, we're fine.
I've got a flashlight on me, of course, but that would just give them something to aim at. I'm hoping not to have to use it.
We get the gennie loaded on the dolly while it's still running. I show Seatbelt which cords to yank free, and put my hand on the shutdown.
Three fingers. Two. One.
Let's say Silica is lookout. That makes the most sense, right? The Tunnel Rats are staying in the sewers for now, so it's just Seatbelt and Beef Carpaccio.
Beef gets the gennie ready to go with your help, Seatbelt watches your back. This is a pretty big gennie, not the original one built for this place, but more than enough to keep things going.
Then you countdown, and pull the plug. Beef and Seatbelt both have to get the thing on the dolly proper before you can move, and then you're heading out of a small room to the hallway. You've got some time to make the move, but that damn dolly is loud as all hell.
Why don't you Act Under Fire to see how this goes?
You're up top when you see the lights go out. Cs start scurrying about in the dim moonlight reflected off the snow. Nobody sees you.
Well, not nobody, not exactly. Lunch drifts down to perch on a column above you.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 2. Total: 10)
Yeah, lookout. Keeps me out of the tunnels which are just becoming unberable. I'm a good climber, expecially in the snow, so this is cool. Nice lookin' down on everyone for a change. Squirrel's music is going through my head, I'm getting spoiled living around there. Now I got music all the time.
Lunch settles down above me on the column... I look at him and shush him silently with a finger over my lips. Makes me smile a little.
I have my pistol in hand, silencer screwed in place, as the lights go out and I hope I don't find a reason to use it. I'm ready to get the hell out of here when the Gennie is clear.
You don't need to use the flashlight!
By the time Beef is lowering that damn gennie into the sewer hole, Cs are just now getting to the closet where you pulled it. Poor bastards fumbled around in the dark while you led Seatbelt and Beef with the rope, even pulling it up as you went so there was no trail.
You slide the cover back in place and there's only the squeak squeak of the dolly's wheel to mark your passage underneath and out of there.
What was the explosion set up with? A remote? A timer? How did you set it off?
Other than a really long walk, you've pulled this one off, Lemma!
Anything you're doing on the return trek?
Did you set up a signal with the Rats when they're clear? Or do you just try timing it out?
I actually have the parts for a remote detonator around the workshop, but I don't like to use them if I don't need to, since you can never get those receivers back. This is simple enough to just use a wire and a switch.
I slip to the back of the procession, kneel, and hit the button. There's crack of the explosion, then the rumble of the cave-in. There's a whump as the shock pushes air through the tunnels.
If Silica's watching the snow drifts for vibrations, she knows it's time to go.
No signal. I don't want any chance that they'll be spotted by the baddies and I can handle myself. But hey, not like the giant explosion is hard to notice.
I'm out. Will join up with the tunnel a half a mile away or so, covering my trail by moving only on ice and bare metal.
The explosion goes off without a hitch, and by the time the Cs have it figured out, you're long, long gone.
Seatbelt and Beef are heading back to stow the gennie in a safe place. They'll lay low for a couple days, then sell the gennie and get you your jingle. How much should this gennie fetch, from someone who could afford it?
The Tunnel Rats are waiting around for Silica, a bit nervous about it.
Where do you go?
It's a big haul. Getting a buyer lined up is probably almost as hard as stealing it. (Harder, apparently, if you brought me in to plan.) This is the centerpiece of a hardhold or gang HQ or a serious business venture. Maybe twelve jingle to a friend, fifteen to a stranger? That kind of wrangling is one of the reasons I'm much happier as a consultant than trying to run a crew.
Before I leave, I check in with the Tunnel Rats. They did good work, and I appreciate that. I tell Nose to keep the splint on for another week, maybe two.
And Silica. "You did good work up there. If you ever need..." A delicate moment. But with Silica, for whatever reason, my usually unsettling professional distance actually seems to work well. "work, you can come by my shop. I'll find something for you."
Speaking of which, I miss my workshop. I want to check on Marmot's work for Kemper, then go talk to Molotov about some translation.
Soon as I reach the tunnel entrance I put away my weapon, there won't be any soldiers down here and I don't like looking like someone you need to fight.
First I check in with the tunnel rats. If it looks like One-footed is suffering too much I'm going to have to give her something for the pain. And I guess Nose's hand is buggin' him but it looks like someone wrapped it up.
Lemma comes up to speak to me, she's kinda pro about this stuff and she's givin' me props, "we pulled a lick on them soldiers, right?" Finally I smile, the blue translucence between my teeth shining the the dim light of the tunnel. "Looks like we got away with this clean, you know... and I might take you up on that offer. Was wondering, how'd ya learn all this techie shit, Lemma? You don't pick up those kinda skills by accident, right?"
"No, it wasn't an accident. I had teachers, out east, starting with changing oil in my father's garage when I was... well, too young to be changing oil. Once that... ended, I found whatever local handy or mechanic was set up in a town, learned what they could teach me, moved on. Eventually, I learned enough to be able to pick things up on my own."
Lemma can see my downcast eyes as she talks about her father, it's hard to look at her all of a sudden, "yer' lucky... learnin' something good like that." I look up at her finally, a thin smile on my face hiding old wounds.
Say something Silica!
I hesitate for a second, but I have to say something, "where'd you.... hook up with those guys? Beef and uh... Seatbelt right?" I bite my lip. Maybe I should shut the fuck up.
I realize that my habit of being vague about my past may have given Silica a picture that was rosier than reality. My apprenticeship to my father ended with his violent death when I was maybe 13, and some of those apprenticeships were decidedly unpleasant for reasons other than demanding work. Still... "You're right. I was lucky, sometimes."
I shrug.
"Seatbelt's my cousin. He brought me in on this. Squirrel and Beef were his contacts."
There's something behind Lemma's eyes. Something sad and tarnished which she's not telling. I'm pretty good at picking up on people's hidden feelings, but I won't pry, none of my business.
Cousin, huh? Great. Lemma can see me hesitate, like I wanna say something but it's awkward. You know, it's not like we go way back or anything right?
"Just... be careful 'round those guys..." as far as I'm concerned Beef is some kind of monster from my own past. I can't see him any other way. "You never know what shit a fucker'll do when they feel on top of thing, allright?"
A weak smile. If Beef had gone any further back then, then I'd feel I need to act... he just fuckin' watches me. Makes me feel sick.
That's a tone I recognize. I nod. It's not even news, really, just confirmation. Silica probably didn't notice that my plan didn't ever call for Beef to be alone with the younger girls. There always seemed to be something I needed carried somewhere else. Something heavy, if I could manage it.
"Seatbelt's a little flighty, but he's basically all right. I'll keep an eye on Beef." Around both of us.
"Sometimes, in that situation, that kind of fucker goes out into the cold and never comes back. You know, they're drunk or overconfident, and it's dangerous out there."
Read a person, +Sharp, +1XP
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 12)
She knows? She fuckin' knows?
That makes me hesitate. I was ready to walk away just about but she totally knows, "yeah... that kinda thing happens. I see 'em out on the ice... cold don't care how hard you are right? Die just the same."
Lemma can tell, I'm afraid of that guy Beef. The kind of fear which comes from years ago and haunts you. I wish Lemma would cut ties with him, I'm sure he's dangerous. Don't know if the guy deserves to die for what he... wanted to do but didn't do... but if I found him frozen in the snow I wouldn't be sad about it. Not for a second.
"You're right. The cold really, really doesn't care how hard you are."
Not a step we need to take, then, or at least not yet. That's good.
"I didn't pick him this time, and I wouldn't pick him again. There's no shortage of muscle out there."
How can I get her to accept my help or guidance next time she feels like doing something self-destructive?
I almost laugh, nodding in agreement, "that's for sure..."
Lemma can probably see relief on my face. I physically relax a touch, flipping my hair back over my shoulder as we talk.
I don't trust people very easily, that's obvious. If you want me to confide in you or something it'll take time, that kind of thing can't happen instantly. But show you give a shit, show that you're available for that kind of thing. You can't just say a few words and overcome a lifetime of being burned by people. I make some pretty bad choices I guess, I knows it but can't seem to change. But if there was one more choice out there then maybe, eventually, I'll come to a friend instead of go solo.
"Well, you helped me out up there. If you need a favor, you know where to find me."
What does she intend to do?
I look at her, eyes slightly narrowed like I think she might want something from me, "yeah, ok... if you need some shit done overland drop me a word."
Lemma can tell that I'm tired, still hurting from some hurt to her leg but doing a good job of forgetting it. I'm going to find somewhere safe, probably fuck someone get fucked by someone and try to get my mind off of that ass hole Beef.
One-Footed comes back to check on you two. She's limping a bit, but trying to hide it. "Silica, you comin with us back to Underlake?"
It's pretty nice to be asked but I have something I want to do, "yeah, I'll burn back later maybe... but I got some shit to take care of topside, allright?"
I'm settling down too much. I like One-footed, really. She's fun, they both are. But I can't just go there just 'cause. I'm not one of Squirrel's kids and if I keep up going there like that they're going to think I owe 'em and before I know it I will be. I'm fuckin' freelance... don't need a fucking family.
I probably look at One-footed for longer than I should, a little sadness in my eyes.
One-Footed nods when you tell her you're heading off. She looks, well, disappointed a little. She covers it, though, "Sure, Silica. Catch you, uh, later and shit. Or not, or whatever." She hitches up, like the "or not" part wasn't intentional, maybe a defense mechanism.
Nose clears his throat, and she limps off. Leaving you alone. Or with Lemma. Or... whatever.
Man she's feeling the same shit I'm feeling and watching her limp off in pain is killin me. I open my mouth to say something and even take a step after her... but no.
Finally I clasp my hands hard closed at my sides and stamp my foot hard enough to hurt. Fuck it Silica you don't need a fucking family!
There's fucking wet in my eyes as I watch her round the corner of the tunnel and out if sight.
If Lemmas got shit to say to me she can say it but I'm pretty obviously in my own thoughts here.
Then I turn and walk, unsure of myself, up towards the streets. I gotta find the Skegs.
I won't -- can't -- intervene in something like that. Emotions like that, that close to the surface, aren't something I'm equipped to handle. I've done everything I can for her, and anything else would backfire, like working with a spring under compression.
I watch her head out to the surface, and head back home.