[JunkXIII] Stitch the Angel

edited December 2013 in Junkworld XIII
photo stitch_zpsfe73396f.jpg

Stitch the Angel

(this is where the backstory bit goes)


Ambiguous, utility wear, kind face, bright eyes, rangy body


Cool-1 Hard+1 Hot=0 Sharp+3 Weird+3


Healing Touch: when you put your hands skin-to-skin on a wounded person and open your brain to them, roll+weird. On a 10+, heal 1 segment. On a 7-9, heal 1 segment, but you're acting under fire from your patient's brain. on a miss: first, you don't heal them. Second, you've opened both your brain and theirs to the world's psychic maelstrom, without protection or preparation. for you, and for your patient if your patient's a fellow player character, treat it as though you've made that move and missed the roll. For patients belonging to the MC, their experience and fate are up to the MC.

Professional compassion: you can choose to roll+sharp instead of roll+Hx when you help someone who's rolling.

Good in the clinch: when you do something under fire, roll+sharp instead of roll+cool. (gained from advance)

Things speak: whenever you handle or examine something interesting, roll+weird. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:
*who handled this last before me?
*who made this?
*what strong emotions have been most recently nearby this?
*what words have been said most recently nearby this?
*what has been done most recently with this, or to this?
*what's wrong with this, and how might I fix it?
Treat a miss as thought you've opened your brain to the world's psychic maelstrom and missed the roll. (gained from advance)

Advance 3 moves: Act Under Fire, Read a Sitch & Open your Brain. (gained from advance)

Infirmary: you get an infirmary, a workspace with life support, a drug lab and a crew of 2 (Shigusa & Mox, maybe). Get patients into it and you can work onthem like a savvyhead on tech. (gained from advance)


Kiddo +3
Metro +3 (He has +1)
Svenja +1 (She has +1)
Sapphire +2 (She has +2)
Payday +1
Motel6 +1
Wendys +1
Jack -1
Janco 0 (She has +1)
Ollie +1
Rinso +3


angel kit, stun gun (s-harm hand reload), oddments worth 1-barter, 1-armor jacket, portable radio & bag of batteries,
(loaned 1-barter to Kiddo)

Kit Stock

Angel Kit- XXXX__ (adds +1 per stock used)
Medpack- XX_ (adds +2 per stock used)


3-harm taken, 9 o'clock


Metro, +1 hypnotic
Metro, +1forward


  • Stitch's special move

    If you and another character have sex, your Hx with them on your sheet goes immediately to +3, and they immediately get +1 to their Hx with you on their sheet. if that brings their Hx with you to +4, they reset it to +1 instead, as usual, and so mark experience.
  • edited November 2013
    Advances taken:
    1- Good in the clinch
    2- +1weird
    3- +1sharp
    4- +1weird
    5- Things speak
    6- Advanced Act Under Fire, Read a Sitch & Open Your Brain
    7- Infirmary
    8- Create a new character
    9- Advance the other four basic moves
  • edited December 2013
    Session Highlights-
    1- Hot, Sharp
    2- Hot, Weird
    3- Sharp, Weird
    4- Hard, Hot
    5- Sharp, Weird
    6- Hot, Hard
    7- Hard, Weird
  • edited November 2013
    Advanced Moves
    Act Under Fire- on a 12+, you transcend the danger, the pressure, the possibility of harm. You do what you set out to do, and the MC will offer you a better outcome, true beauty, or a moment of grace.

    Read a Sitch- on a 12+, ask any 3 questions you want, not limited to the list.

    Open your Brain- on a 12+, you reach through the world's psychic maelstrom to what's beyond it.
  • edited December 2013

    Advancement & XP

    X____ (9 advances earned)
    X_ get +1sharp
    __ get +1cool
    __ get +1hard
    X_ get +1weird
    X_ get +1weird
    X_ get a new angel move
    __ get a new angel move
    __ get 2 gigs and moonlighting
    X_ get a move from another playbook
    X_ get a move from another playbook
    X advance 3 basic moves
    X advance the other 4 basic moves
    X create another character to play
    _ retire your character to safety
  • (this is a question Metro gets to ask Stitch after she reset HX with him):

    "So tell me, Stitch. What would I have to do to lose you? Not looking for a way to accomplish it, but making sure I know what to avoid."
  • I pause. What would it take- I'm not really sure.

    "If you told me you didn't want to be with me anymore- of your own will, not someone telling you to say it." I look down for a moment. "If you reset yourself- forgot me- I... I guess I'd have to move on."
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