How did you end up at Underlake? Did you even go back to the Scrapers to talk to Poptart about Rossi, or just end up here?
There are Soldier Boys around, you've seen a few of them. Seen evidence of them, too. A few boltholes have been ransacked, you saw a couple dead bodies on the street, shot in the back of the head. This thing is getting ugly.
So you're walking into the mines, right? Maybe Squirrel has work? This is echoing down the caverns of the Underlake mines:

As you come into the cleaning station, you see Squirrel there, he's showing One-Footed how to scale a frozen fish. They both look up to see you. One-Footed grins, but then hides it when she looks at Squirrel. Squirrel doesn't look angry, but he does look a little not-super-happy.
"Where you been, Silica?" he asks.
Been a few days... Yeah I went all the way back to see Poppy after Hadden dropped me off in town. I been keeping down low, Soldier Boys out breakin skulls and I want none of that. I haven't been back to any of my usual haunts since, either, except that one time to pick up some ice at the park.
Well there aint no soldiers at underlake right? Why not head back... and the place has been on my mind. Been sleeping in all kinds of shitholes and I'd like to see a friendly face, sleep without one eye open for once. And yeah, I aint gotten paid for the deal yet... but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna.
I'm tired and on edge as I walk into the mines. For days it's been like some soldia's gonna pop me round every corner and my nerves are shot.
I raise my head to smile at 1F, but Squirrel looks predictably annoyed with me, "just keepin my head down, Squirrel. Fuckin' Soldia's rollout out lookin for me..." I'm not being confrontational either, well who am I kidding, I'm trying not to be, but I kind of blame the fucker for this. "You know how it is?"
Yeah, beacuse of you...
I glance at 1F a time or two, a sort of hidden smile of anticipation on my lips... but Squirrel.
Squirrel huffs a breath through his nostrils. "Well, shit, Silica. One-Footed told me you were coming around. I got jingle for ya, for the travel to the Pier, and an advance on the gennie. Make me look like a fucken deadbeat, not paying you." He grins, like he was holding it back.
"Sit, Silica, you shoulda stayed round here!" One-Footed says as she puts a fish down on the table in front of her and wipes at her hands a bit. She comes around from the table towards you, but pulls up, like she doesn't want to crowd you, or anything. "You okay?" She looks you up and down. She's not limping now. You noticed that.
Squirrel heads into a back room while you two talk, probably to get some stuff. Maybe to let y'all chat. Who knows? He didn't say.
Well color me surprised.
I actually smile, nodding at Squirrel like a kid promised candy, "ok... ok yeah, Squirrel. Cool."
Then One-Footed comes up and it's a little hard not to grin stupidly seeing her again. I half expected her to be cold to me after I let her walk away, but it feels allright. "Yeah... yeah I'm okay.... Just been keepin it low," I gesture towards the exit, like... out there.
I take a little step closer and tilt my head to glance down at her leg, "You lookin' better..." then back up at her face. "you know... I don't sit still all that fuckin' much... but..." I touch her softly on the back of the hand, just a little touch. It comes out almost like some kind of confession, "you know I gotta.... make sure you're not getting fuckin' fish guts all over your gloves."
One-Footed watches you touch her hand, doesn't shirk away from it. It's almost slow motion, really. When you look back up at her, she blinks a couple times, swallows. Then finally says, "Well, you fucked that one up." She chuckles once, showing you her fish-gutty gloves.
"We aint had no Soljas or anything round here. You were. You were stupid to go. You should stick around, for a bit." One-Footed says, her tone not nearly as harsh as her words. "You know, cause Nose-Pick has been whining for you and shit. I think he's in loooove or somethin." She playfully punches your arm and grins. She's totally lying about that, you're pretty sure.
She shows me the gloves, "oh come on, seriously?" I shake my head in feigned (And partially real) frustration, "it's not even fuckin' cold in here!"
She goes on, teasing, I dance a step or two away my tone playful, "he's in love with me huh? Good thing you've already got a fuckin' boyfriend out at the pier!" I bend over holding my tummy and feign barfing on the groung with a big, "blaaaaarrrh."
Then rise back up, laughin' and smile at her, teasing, "you're so fuckin' weird..."
It's good... good to be back.
She chuckles, "Sides, if Ize doin ice, I wouldn't be cold, neither. I'd be able to wear skinny clothes like you, an all." She looks at you, then down at your body, and back up, grins a lopsided grin. It doesn't sound like she's coming down on you about the ice, doesn't seem like it.
The tapedeck switches to this song:
Squirrel comes back in, carrying a box, which he sets on the fishgut table. He doesn't seem to have any squeamishness about fish, or smelling like fish. "What you want, Silica? I got food, I got guns, I got BM tokens... hey, you don't need condoms, so don't worry bout that." He's digging through the box, which is really full, "Hrm, clothes, joory, meds, crack pipe, nudie mags, which you don't need o' course. It's a damn piratical treasure box, innit?" He looks up and smiles, proud of his box.
I snicker as Footie goies on about the pukin dude, and she just up and tosses the gloves on the fishgutty table... gotta just shake my head. Actually they are for warmin...
Nearly say something about ice... you know it's not all good... when Squirrel returns with his treasure chest.
He makes his comment about condoms and I quietly quip back through a crooked smile, more to One-Footed than to him, "hey... suck mah dick dude..."
But I gotta laugh... "allright... you know just need somethin' I can move..." for food and yeah, for Ice actually. I gotta resupply sometime, "gimme couple tokens... and uh... couple bottles of whatever'll do me. Allright? Then we square?" I kneel down and go through the pill bottles and meds and stuff. I'll find something I can easily trade.
Squirrel blinks, like he's not sure about you having a dick, or what that means exactly. One-Footed snickers at that. Squirrel looks over the stuff you picked, "Yeah, that works, Silica. You wanna make another run to the Pier? It's early yet. One-Footed can pull the sled. I'm sure I can hunt down Nose and pull him out of the mines, too."
One-Footed gives you a please let's go! look.
You have a couple barter worth, with the meds and the tokens he hands over.
I glance at One-footed, that look on her face is contagious, "well, scrapin' fish looks pretty exciting..." I shrug at Footie as if to pretend that's a good idea. "But sure... yeah we can do this shit," I nod to her, and then at Squirrel.
I nibble my bottom lip and try not to look too excited to get going.
"Let's find Nose," I look over towards the table where they fell on the seat and the floor, respectively, "and bring your fuckin' gloves!"
Squirrel looks at you, then over to One-Footed, like maybe he sees something going on. He says, "You know what? One, you know where to find Nose. You two fetch him yeah? I gotta shitload of fish, and twice as much now. Plus, I gotta pack up the haul for the sled, yeah?"
One-Footed nods quick and says, "C'mon, Silica! I'll show ya the mines!" She starts to walk on, then waits for you, filled with nervous energy like she's going a couple different ways at once. She didn't put on the gloves, though.
What am I, your fuckin' mother?
I scoop up her gloves and clip them together onto my backpack with the little metal clip each one has on a loop.
Then I hurry after her.
You head through a series of passageways, each one more twisted and narrow than the previous. One-Footed is ahead of you, but she keeps turning around, walking backwards, keeping an eye on you. She says matter-of-factly, "Don't why you grabbed my stinky gloves. Ize comin back thatta way anyhow. Woulda got em myself. So anyways, where'd you go? Anyplace mag?"
She slows down so you get close up, and says, "The coat looks nice." She grins, it's an actual, genuine compliment.
I stop when she mentions the gloves... I touch a finger to my temple, tapping, "ok... yeah you're right." I turn to look at her, a sheepish shrug, "I'm an asshole, yah?"
We walk on, she's askin' about where I've been, "all over the fuckin' place... but I got somethin' to show you when we getta chance. Aaaaand bring some fuckin' fish." Yeah, she'd love it there.
When she compliments my coat I just hold it open and do a quick turn, showing off. No biggie... "so I don't get cold."
One-Footed snickers when you self-declare your asshole status. She waves it away, though, like she doesn't want you to think she really thinks that.
"You wanna show me somethin or somewhere?" she asks, curiosity getting the better of her immediately.
She grabs a hard hat for you, and one for herself. There are less and less lights here. She flicks on the light, and hunkers down to crawl ahead of you into the next section.
What do you do?
I enjoy her obvious curiosity, "hmm, well both..." I hurry after her into the mines.
Hard hat? "Seriously?" I tap the hat loudly with the metal rings on my finger... But I put it on, wishing I could see myself. It looks kind of natural on her, One-footed has this kind of natural feel about her that I simply don't possess.
Now I'm not claustrophobic or anything at all, I just don't like tunnels. I fumble with the light a bit, eventually taking the helmet off to turn it on when I can see, then place it back on my head.
One-Footed was halfway in the tunnel when you paused. She inches back, turns around to shine her light in your face, "What's amatter, Silica? Ya aint... chicken are ya?" She giggles, then turns to crawl really fast through the tunnel ahead of you.
You're left standing in the entryway with just your light. In the distance, you hear faint echoes of picks and hammers on ice echoing.
What do you do?
I stand with the fucking hat on my head lighting up the ice, all glittery and smoothed where countless miners have walked. Lighting her up as she crawls ahead, "fuck no I ain't scared!" I hurry after her... not letting her out of my sight.
The passageway stretches on for a seeming forever, but in reality, it's maybe a hundred feet, tops. You exit into a cavern where there are a few other teens working, all skinny things like One-Footed and Nose, all wearing little lit hard hats.
One-Footed is waiting for you, leaning down to see you come out. She grins, "You aint a chicken attall." She offers you a hand to stand up.
What do you do?
This place... I grit my teeth a bit as I stand, sure I let her help me up, long as nobody's staring.
"Sure as shit ain't no soldia's kickin' down here..." I follower her into the tunnel, guess we're looking to find Nose, right? I feel like I have to duck, even though I'm not the tallest kid here.
I don't like this place at all... you know I'm not gonna put 'em down for what life gave 'em but I'd fuckng just die if I had to spend my life in a place like this. Too many fuckers crowded all up in here, sweatin' and bangin' round.
"Nope. Nobody but us castoffs." One-Footed says it with a defiant pride. A couple of the kids look up from their work at her. They don't have the same spark. This tiny space, being hidden away, they look lost. Forgotten. Worn.
One-Footed reaches out to take your hand, tentatively, "C'mon, it's tight through here. I'll, uhm, I'll guide you, ok?" Do you take her hand, or pull away?
Either way, she's too excited to make a thing of it, and leads on through narrow passageways where you have to scooch sideways to get through. You pass by a rusted chain encased in ice, like some odd frozen tree in the missle of the narrow passage.
Eventually, you come to a small section where you find Nose-Pick. He's loading frozen fish into a little bucket. The rope leads up into a hole above. He sees you both and calls a hello, then yanks on the rope and calls up, "Pull! Load ready!"
Unseen hands pull from above and the bucket steadily rises up. Nose looks over and asks curiously, "What's going on?"
"We'ze goin to the Pier again! Silica wants to kiss on the pukin dude!" One-Footed says loudly with a laugh.
Yeah this weird. I walk through the tunnel, past everyone. Some of them near my age, most of them younger. Coulda been me...
Naw, there's people around and you know, I got my pride, too. I don't take her hand, just give her a "for real?" Look. I can handle this.
I nod my head hello at Nose and watch what's going on. Hmm... another way up here? Good to know.
One-footed makes her joke about the pukin' dude and I just shove her by the shoulder, hard enough to make her take a couple steps, "hey, fuck you!" But I'm smiling... just fucking around.
"So you comin' Nose?"
One-Footed stumbles away when you shove her, but she chuckles a little despite her protest, wipes at her nose to hide the grin.
Nose is watching the bucket go up, but he answers, "Hell to the yes! We goin now?"
"No, dumbass," One-Footed says with narrowed eyes, "We came by to watch ya work 'cause it's sooo interestin'. heh"
Nose slap-punches One-Footed on the shoulder playfully and she punches him in the gut. They kind of wrestle for a moment, and Nose-pick pulls One into a headlock, and holds her there despite her protests. He looks up at you, all proud of what he's done. He says to the top of One-Footed's head, "Who's the badass?"
"Fuck you, fattie!" One-Footed mumbles angrily, gripping at his forearm. But Nose-pick doesn't let go. They're struggling a little, One-Footed tries to sway back and forth, but doesn't want to slip on the icy floor.
Nose looks at you, "Want a free shot?" He's looking at One-Footed, of course, offering you a chance to, you know, whatever. Punch her or tickle her or something. Who knows?
What do you do?
I just kinda stay out of their tussle, take a half step forward a time or two cause Nose's going like... a little too far here, but I keep out of it, but I kind of have this amused look, until it gets a little more... not serious, but intense. Yeah, that's a good word for it.
He makes the offer and I laugh a little, "yeah.... sure..." I start walking up and stick my index finger in my mouth, like... suckin' on it and lookin' at One-footed, then I walk around behind them like I'm gonna do something.
Then with a laugh I suddenly wet willy the fuck out of Nosepick's ear, shouting, "Free shot! Baby!"
Pretty sure I give the coldest wet willie in Chi-town. Though... don't think I've given one for about seven or eight years.
Nose-pick lets go of One-Footed and reaches up to grab his ear with a yelp, sort of girlish one. "Holyshit cold!" He dances around, rubbing his ear, but he's more shocked, not angry.
One-Footed laughs and points, "Beaten by a GIRL!" She makes like she's going to kick him, then doubles over with laughter, and ends up bumping into you, Silica.
Nose-pick says sullenly, "Double-teamed, and not in the good way. hah"
"Dream on, asshole!" One-Footed teases. She laughs a bit more, then the joke seems over. Nose stands up, still rubbing his ear. One-Footed says, "Squirrel's waiting to hand over. We oughta go. Get Nose-slide to take over the bucket, yeah? Let's go."
Nose-pick handles that, and One-Footed heads on ahead, turning around to mouth the words Thank you for the wet willie.
We share a good laugh at Nose's expense, then when she bumps me I turn to Footie and offer her a tame little high-five. Yeah...
But it's time to get moving... they take care of their shit and we head out. One-footed offers me her thanks and I just return a flash of a toothy smile and I point at her for a second like... yeah, I got your back, girl.
Nothin' more to say. We're out of here.
You head back towards the surface, past the other Tunnel Rats, through the winding ways to Squirrel. He hands over a sled and a bunch of fish and other tradeable goods. This time, he asks if you have a gun. If you tell him you don't, he loans you one. "Its dangerous out."
Nose and One-Footed are excited to be out. Nose isn't complaining. Let's see how things are going to go this time.
When you take a group across the frozen lake, picking the best path, roll +Sharp. On a 10+ you make it through without any big troubles. On a 7-9 pick one, things happen and you have a chance to show your stuff to get through this. On a miss choose one and it's clearly your fault.
* the ice is finicky. you run into cracks, collapse, or other dangers.
* the weather turns bad and you get stranded, separated, etc.
* your companions are having trouble. You have to spend one barter worth of supplies to get them through, or leave someone behind.
"I'm covered, Squirrel," I nod, indicating that I'm armed, but I'm not showing it to him or pointing out where I carry my weapon. I don't exactly conceal it but it's nicely out of sight under my shirt and now, jacket.
Once we're on the ice I try to cool it on some of the joking around. It's true, it is more dangerous out now, particularly for us, even. "Yeah, keep a clear head... feel the ice, listen... you can hear forever out here."
We cross the ice, following more or less the same path as the other day... but something makes me pause. I stop them... somethin' deep down under our feet sounds off. I crouch down, press my cheek to the ice to listen and raise a hand to keep them still.
"Feel that..." I say, though they likely don't, "this way..." I get up and turn sharply to the right and head that way for a good ten minutes out of the way. Seems like a needless detour but there's something sketchy about the ice there... good thing I noticed.
One-Footed and Nose-pick have their game faces on. When you remind them to keep a clear head, they nod, all serious. Nose whistles some odd little tune as you slowly move across the ice. It's familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on what it is.
When you direct them to detour, One-Footed shoots you a questioning look. Not challenging, just curious what's up. And no, she didn't feel it. She nods, though, following you.
The wind is bitter on the lake. Nose and One-Footed both have to stop at different times, just to put their gloved hands over their eyes, or wipe frozen snot away, or tears. Their faces grow red from the wind and One-Footed has to help Nose pull the sled. They're getting tired, Silica. This isn't so easy for them. They won't give up, but they're wearing, and the extra walk only compounds things.
After the fifth stop, this one taking cover behind a buoy that sits above the ice, you see the Pier ahead. The big wheel is easy to spot, but now you see the gate, too.
Anything to do or say before you head inland and climb up to go in the gate?
This is tough on them. I don't travelwith others so often, and today's colder than last time. I gotta trust them to make it allright though... I'm only going to help if things look serious. And we're almost there.
"Ok, let's be smart this time, allright? Get in... do our business... no fucking around...." I stand up from the bouy, lookjng up at the place. I look back at them with mischievous eyes, "well, not too much fucking around."
They're both a little miserable from the wind and nod numbly when you admonish them about fucking around. Then you add in the last quip, and see One-Footed's eyes dance a bit, the corner of her mouth curl up in a little smile.
The three of you trudge to the edge of the lake, taking extra care to lift the sled up the steep climb to the road. Then you walk half a block to the Pier Gate. Nose is pulling the sled behind, the rudders sliding on the ice noisily. Being this close to the Pier, their spirits brighten a bit more.
"Can we go to tha Funhouse, Silica?" One-Footed asks.
"Ha ha, YOU love the pukin dude!" Nose jibes. Then he says, "No, fuck that, that's kiddie shit. We should get some meat and a beer. We earned it!"
I walk with them, you know I'll help with the sled too, probably they won't ask me, I just take a turn.
"Beer? You drink enought fuckin' beer you're gonna be the pukin' guy..." I look at Nose with a little doubt, and a glance at Footie to check her attitude about the idea. Unless she seems aghast, I add, "hey I'm game... long as we burn outta there with daylight to spare... right?"
Nose laughs, "I can drink like five, no problem! Never get sick, not like One-Footed. hah!"
"I don't get sick, asshole!" One-Footed shoots back, all offended like he called her out on a sensitive subject. Footie is actually looking right back at you, not sure if you're cool with that or what. She looks interested, at least. When you "give permission", she nods, "We'll just have like one. I got some fish I snuck in the pack, we can take a barter for it an trade for whatever."
You're next in line at the lift. Just ahead is a guy with some goats, bringing them to sell probably. They're real young, completely adorable. One-Footed is gawking at them, like she wants to pet one, but she's nervous about asking. The guy with them is older, like thirty or something. Ancient. Big gut, sunken eyes.
Nose looks at you, "What you gonna get, Silica? You like beer? Does it mess with ice?"
Truth is I don't drink. Not that I hate it... someone I knew used drink as an excuse... guess in my life I've had alcohol a handful of times though. It sort of happens.
"Yeah, I gotta take it easy," convenient excuse, "but some good fuckin' meat sounds bangin' hey, and someone's gotta keep you outta trouble."
Goats? Yeah, they cute but don't touch someone's shit. I kind of give her a little warning shake of the head and a serious look.
Ain't worth it... you don't want a fucker like him paying you attention.
One-Footed blinks when you warn her, like you shook her out of a trance. The goat-man goes on up the lift with his animals. Nose says, "That's ok, Silica. I bet ice is better than beer anyways." The conversation sort of trails off, like Nose doesn't have much more to say.
The lift comes down and you are lifted up to the second floor. Gnu is there with two guards. They just finished up patting down the goat-man.
Gnu steps over, "New regs for strangers. No guns. Turn em over, we give em back when you leave. We're patting everyone down." One-Footed and Nose look to you. They know Squirrel told you to be armed. Neither of them are.
What do you do?
Yeah I share Footie's look. Wish we'd had some warning of this shit cause there aint much we can do about it now standing in front of the guy.
But you know, I keep my gun tucked in the small of my back, maybe they won't check... when its my turn I just step up and hold open my coat and try to look a little sexy and... annoyed. That much isn't an act. You know most people show up all bundled up in three layers and two coats, me just in my skinny shorts and shirt, you don't expect it... and my weapon should be out of sight. Maybe I can earn a pass.
So yeah I hold open the coat and give a little shrug, like... seriously?
Gnu looks down at you, trying to stay gruff even though you're playing up the role. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I lost two on the wall the other day. So here's how it is."
He's going to pat you down, Silica. And he'll find the gun. If you want to seduce or bribe the guy, better do it quick. Otherwise, he'll take that gun off you and send you on your way.
What do you do?
Fuck who am I kidding... if it was just me here I'd find a way, get in the guys pants or something, but... I glance over at Footey and Nose and somethin' makes me hesitate... I end up just staring at Gnu for a few seconds and I can't bring that part of me out.
"Alright man, I give up," I pull the pistol slowly out, remove the magazine (which I don't exactly do gracefully) and slip it in my pocket then offer him the weapon. But when he reaches in to take it I get close to his ear and whisper, holding onto the gun "there some janky shit goin' on round here? I'm lookin' out for these guys here," I tilt my head towards the others, "some kinda heads-up? What's the deal?"
Then I let the weapon go. I'm being honest here, for once... I just wanna know.
Gnu, big thug that he is, smirks a bit when you stumble a bit with the weapon, and takes it from you, hand on the barrel first. He clears the chamber, not exactly pointing out that you missed it, and hands you the bullet. "Like I said. Lost two guards the other day, now we're tightening things up. You kids don't need to worry, it's safer inside now. We're making sure."
One-Footed touches your arm, like she's ready to go as soon as you are. Nose is already carrying the sled on.
Oh yeah... bullet in... I sort of look at the gun as he expertly manipulates it. You know, almost reaching for it like I shoulda known but not.
Footie gets my attention, and with a notd to Gnu hurry out of there towards the fish trader, "yeah let's get this done..." I watch over my shoulder as we hurry to catch up to Nose.
The streets of the Pier have many more armed folks dressed as guards than before. People without guns and guard colors are outnumbered. Less kids, too. It's definitely a different tone than the last time you were here. More nervous.
Nose hauls the sled of fish to the trader, and he and One-Footed handle the prices. One-Footed knows her fish, and she tries to drive a hard bargain. The Fish Trader undercuts her pretty hard, though. When she objects, calling him a thief, he just says, "Why don't you try for that much at Crossover? Take the jingle and go, or just take your fish and go. Your call."
One-Footed snarls a bit, looks to Nose, then glances back at you.
At first I just let them do their thing, well... I don't really consider it my thing, what the fuck do I know about pushin' fish? But this hustler's being a dick, I can see that much.
I stand there tight-lipped for a couple seconds but can't just stand bak, I gotta back up my girl, "hey, fucker... " got to charm 'em, "you got all these fuckin' G's walking round today and you gonna tell the cookers you got no fuckin fish tonight? They gonna be drinkin' up, hungry motherfuckers payin' good bangin' jingle right? You tellin' me you don't want a piece o'that biz? This is good shit here..." I gesture at the load of fish, "pulled outta the ice today, fuck man..."
A look at Nose and Footie, "this guy wanna close up shop early tonight... no fuckin' fish..."
I make like we're gonna leave him dry, of course, hopin' he sees it my way.
He's playing hardball, yeah. Let's see you Manipulate this guy.
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 7)
This fish trader narrows his eyes, like he does not like this 'tude you're throwing his way. "Listen, icewalker. I'm talkin to the Underlake kids. Not you. I'm about to make them a fair trade. We was just hagglin, somethin a junkie like you don't have the brains to compre-fucken-hend!"
He looks right at Nose, and ups his offer by a jingle. Nose blinks, not sure if he should take it. One-Footed steps in front of the space between you and Nose, blocking his view of you and she says to the trader, "Deal! It's fair, we'll take it. Sorry 'bout the girl, mister. Sheze just summin we knew az kids." She urges Nose to do the trade, and keeps her back to you, shutting you out of this.
The guy swaps some BM tokens for the fish, along with some goods that Nose had asked her earlier.
After the trade is done and Nose is pulling the sled away, One-Footed comes over with a big grin, "That was great!" She sort of shoulder bumps you in a friendly way as you walk side-by-side.
Nose says from behind you, "Meat time?"
Yeah he pisses me off, but whatever... he gets a bit of my middle finger for his trouble and I'm actually a little upset with the whole thing until Footie pulls away and tell me we're good... in not so many words. I break a smile, "yeah."
Sure I share her shoulder bumpin, and the mood is suddenly good again.
"Hell I might even take a fuckin' beer after that..." I shove shoulder-to-shoulder against Nosey in a playful way, and keep walking. I crane my neck to look at Nose, asking, "you gotta place in mind?"
Nose answers with a proud tone, "Let's go see my cuz Noseblunt. Or just Blunt. He's got good dog, and beers are cheap. He found this warehouse full o' home brewing kits, makes a good brew, man. We can get tore up!"
One-Footed snickers, but says, "Silica said we can only goof around a little, Nose. No dumb stuff like last time."
Nose shoots back, "I'm not the one who fell offa wheel, dumbass."
They seem to do this kind of thing all the time. This is no different.
One-Footed leads you on to one of the openair stalls. The smell of cooking meat is heavenly. The place is busy, folks in line or standing around eating. Turns out Noseblunt, or Blunt, looks alot like Nose, but older, more filled out. He smiles and greets Nose-Pick and One-Footed, "Hey, you two! Cue up an I'll get you some good stuff."
"Three!" Nose-pick calls. Blunt nods.
As you're standing there, One-Footed looks down and says, "Ah'm sorry I let 'im call ya names, Silica. Ize tryin to get a deal goin. It made me real mad to do it."
Well who the hell knew Nosey got family out here.
Yeah, they fuck with each other, that's cool. I get in on it from time to time too so it's all good.
Yeah, Nose calls out "three" and I nod a cautious nod to our host, not sure what he'll think of me. Places like this on the edge of the ice...
I touch Footie on the shoulder, "hey that ain't on you... don't care what the fucker thinks of me, we walkin' away with his jingle right? Don't mean shit."
Truth is it did bother me, always does... but what's the point in gettin' upset over it. I am who I am and I got reasons.
Nose is busy chatting with Blunt, talking over others in line. One-Footed looks at you, like maybe she sees what you're hiding. She pulls off a glove, reaches over and touches your arm, "It's just jingle. What I did wuz wrong, Silica. Ah'm sorry." She leaves her hand there, it feels a little warm, doesn't it?
She smirks, "We got a real good deal from 'im, Silica. You oughta eat good. Weze gonna take the low offer till ya pushed 'im. We. We're a good team, doncha think?"
I look away when she apologizes. They're not words that mean a lot to me any more. But she touches my arm and I nod, eyes downward. Apology accepted, not that I think she owes me one.
Then she asks, "yeah... I guess we are." Are we? I look back up at her, "glad we got a friendly place, whole fuckin' dock's amped up, making me fuckin' nervous."
One-Footed nods, "Yeah. Hey Nose, axe Blunt why they're so fucken scared. Can't jus be a coupla guards."
When you get up to the front, Nose-pick asks his cousin and Blunt, who is sorta looking only at Footie, says, "Know how's we had two docs? Some masked fella came in, blowed one o em away, right in th clinic! Now, the Guild's hired on more muscle an put alla them to work." He pulls some sticks of dog out and puts them on the counter for Nose-pick. He pays for them with a BM token and gets some beers, too. A couple for each of you.
We cut ahead a bit to the three of you eating and sitting somewhere. Where would you pick to sit? Talk about anything or just sit quietly or what?
"Shit..." that's what's going on? Some masked fella, huh? Yeah, you wear a mask if you want to keep out the cold, or other's eyes. I don't trust a fucker werain' a mask.
Yeah, we sit. Well, it's fucking hot in here, I'd sit near a window I can crack, an open door, something like that. I'm not so concerned with keeping my eye on things, even though I probably should, but I'll at least try to have my back to the wall. More out of habit than anything. People have been known to fuck with me and I like to at least see the hurt coming.
"Ok, so I been fuckin' wondering..." I gesture at one of them, then the other with my stick of meat, "how'd you two get paired up? Squirrely seems to give ya some choice jobs, right?"
Something occurs to me, "or... is pairin' up with me the shit job... fuck." I kind of laugh, more or less joking, though there is a kernel of truth to it, crossing the lake, taking all the extra risk.
You're all munching on some spicy dog and drinking beers and you ask that question. They laugh when you describe this as the shit job.
Nose grins, and takes a bit bite, then washes it down with the last gulp of his first beer. "We begged for it, Silica. We were gonna be doin this before you came along. It's just, you know, good fortune that you did. I'm pretty sure we'd be doubly fucked out there without you."
"Yeah, like the cracks earlier," One-Footed agrees. "Ize totally goin over there, would ended up dead." She does this pretend frozen One-Footed, all comical. Nose snickers.
They aren't squabbling, just eating a meal and drinking beers. It's a quiet little moment between the three of you.
When was the last time you had a moment like this with Rossi?
I laugh along with them. It is a good time, relaxin' a little bit with these guys. And the meat ain't bad either. As I sit there I take care not to look right at any fuckers passing by, not worth the trouble if someone thinks you're givin' them a hard stare.
Did I ever have a moment like this with Rossi? Back when mom was with us... before the ice, before dad started taking life out on us so bad... we could pretend things were fine then.
Used to toss crumbs to the cats in the park. How old were we then? Couldn't have been much more than ten or twelve... fuck its been so long.
Footie might catch me smilin a the memory... or just catch me smiling at her.
Yeah, while it's a nice moment, you do get some looks from the guy wearing guard colors. He's maybe a year older than you, fat and angry. He's going to give you trouble before long.
One-Footed smiles right back at you, and maybe it's the beer or something. But that thing she does, only looking at you in brief bits. Well, it goes away. Nose is busy peeling the label of his bottle and he misses it. But One-Footed is just smiling a small smile and looking right back at you, not blinking or looking away. It's a little invasive, but it feels genuine, too. No words, just looking at you, Silica.
What do you do?
Shit. Guy's watching us. My attention is on the threat and I'm watching him without looking at him. Really it's hard to relax when someone's giving you that look. But Footie's giving me a look, too, a different kind, and it's kind of weird and kind of nice.
"Hey," I say, under my breath, "Footie..." I lean over to her and kind of grab her on the upper arm and gently shake a little, like... wake up. And I smile and almost laugh, break the tension, but my face is serious.
I lean forwards and say quietly to them both, "someone givin' us eyes, think we gotta bounce in a hurry or we gonna have some kinda thing here..."
I don't look at the fat guard, but I'm keepin' him in my peripheral.
One-Footed giggles with you, and you bring her out of it, her little staring haze. She swallows, looks over at the guard, like right at him. Nose doesn't. He knows a bit more about this stuff. After too long, One-Footed looks at you.
"Should we leave?" One-Footed asks quietly.
You see the guard walking over, like he caught y'all staring. "The fuck you strangers lookin at?" He moves in close, hovering over One-Footed, his knee almost touching her back. She freezes.
What do you do?
Fuck... fuck this. I turn to Nose, he's a little more savvy it turns out, and hold his gaze for a beat. They should get the fuck out of here and I glance towards the door for a second.
Then I stand up and turn to face the guy, a 'fuck you' look on my face. I look at him with kind of a secretive look on my face and loudly whisper, "these fish-diggers was tellin' me that Chi-town boys got the biggest fuckin' cocks... I say fuck that. Warm blooded fuckers... ain't got shit where it counts..." I glance down at his pants and hold out my pinky finger, wiggling my hand from the wrist.
Fuck. Get out of here you guys.
The guard, who was grinning down at you with yellowed teeth, runs a tongue across them, "I hear you icewalker bitches are warm on the inside."
One-Footed stands up behind you, you can see Nose is pulling her shirt, but she shakes it off, "We aint hurtin nobody. Why don't you go bother summin else?"
He glares at her, "Fuck off fish digger! I'm havin a conversation."
If you're trying to seduce, roll them bones.
I turn my hed to Footie for a second, indicating the door with my eyes and I sharply say, "yeah fuck off, allright?" there's an apology on my face but I don't dare say more.
I'm hoping they go... I don't want Footie to see me like this. I really don't.
I turn back to the fat guy, look up at him and say, "hey, uh..." I try to look harmless, smaller than I really am, and that's not big. I get up on my tiptoes for a second so my cool breath can tickle his ear. I quietly whisper, "you ever do it in the snow?"
Nose, please... get her the fuck out of here!
My hands clench at my sides, and though I'm trying to get to this guy, get him off guard, I feel like shit... fuck.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 2. Total: 9)
That does the trick. The guard sucks his teeth and says back, "There's a first time for e'erthing." He grabs you by the hair, and pulls you along and out of the corridor.
The last thing you see before he pulls you out of sight is One-Footed. She's staring at you, mouth agape. She looks so terribly sad, horrified for you. Angry, too. She's about to cry, you see it, eyes watery, the first tear building at the corner of her right eye. Then Nose pulls her by her hoodie and they're leaving.
And this guy yanks you around a corner. He's strong, Silica. He likes manhandling you, too. This is not going to be pleasant. He pulls you along outside of the building, and out into the snow drifts piled up at the edge of a pier.
There are a few guards out here. He waves them off, and they aren't lifting a finger to help you. He pitches you forward into the snow, face first into the icy mess. "Give me some ice, little bitch. Then I'll give you what you need." He's working at his belt buckle right now.
What do you do?
I clutch at my head and let out a painful cry as he grabs me. I totally didn't expect that and it fucking hurts! Damn it, there's Footie watcching all this? I try to look confident, look you know... like I got this, right? Try to keep my feet under me and not look like a fucking piece of meat being dragged away by this shit... try.
Through the pain on my face, I try to give Nose a nod. Like yeah. Get the fuck out of here before this gets worse.
I don't expect shit from the guards, he drags me painfully whimpering right past 'em and out into the snow... and fuckin' shoves me down right there in front of those useless assholes. But there is a little good here... the snow.
Damn it... fuck this... this asshole is not getting my ice. Not getting me like this... not this time...
I rise up to my knees and turn to him, "oh yeah... baby give it to me..." I say through my upset. Immediataly, I help with his pants, get his belt open. Urgently I want to get my hand on him, get him hard, get him worked up. I want his pants around his ankles and his ass in down in the snow. I'm going after this fucker... get my hands on him before he has time to think...
Let those fuckers watch... fuck them, too.
He's into it. He's hard already, so worked up over this, but you couldn't see it from his big belly fat. He pulls his gun out, holding it in his right hand, not aiming it, no finger on the trigger, but yeah, you know he's got it there. I mean, you are just a icewalker whore to him, and you haven't asked for any jingle. He's down for this, totally. But he doesn't trust you at all.
You urge him down on the snow. Are you still clothed? He laughs at how cold it is, "Better warm my ass up, bitch." Are you just going to blow him right here, or something else?
Those two guards, they're openly watching. They look interested. Maybe a little jealous? Better be careful, they may want to see what you'll offer them, too.
Yeah, I'm clothed, but that's not much compared to most. I would definitely remove my coat indoors, and I'm just in my shorts, shirt, and tennies here right now.
Ok so I have a fuckin' plan... get the motherfucker all into this and then fuckin' make a break for it... no problem. He's just some asshole... but then I see the gun and that changes everything. This is suddenly for real.
My eyes hover on the weapon and for a second I just stop... totally stop. Then looking up at his fucking face I know I just... gotta do this.
But yeah, I get his pants down past his ass at least and start fuckin' blowing the guy. Hating every second of this shit... 'You did it again, Silica... walked right into this shit...' but... it's not Footie out here... it's not her. I can do this... I can put up with this. This is fuckin' nothing...
There's tears in the corners of my eyes as I work on this guy. My eyes keep flicking to the gun and back. I don't want anything but a blow to happen here... the cold air, the coolness of my mouth... gotta be different from anything else he's felt.
I'm getting him off and done.
With all these emotions roiling around in your head, I'd like to see you Act Under Fire to keep form firing your Sex Move here.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 1. Total: 5)
I stare up at the guy, but the other guards standing there watching, I see their faces, lust in their eyes. One of them fucking rubbing himself through his pants, looking at me. This dirty bastard in my mouth... the nightmares I've been having won't stop... the fear, the fucking humiliation.
Behind my eyes I feel the blizzard in my head swirling around us like an approaching storm, growing stronger... tears roll down my cheek and the though of my father... or wait... No... he's dead isn't he? All their fucking faces blur together in my head and the voice echoes again in my ear, "That's good, Nollie. Gonna be good now, Nollie. So good, baby."
One of the guards is laughing...
I slide a hand up to the guys ass, feel his fucking hot disgusting skin... he's being rough with me so I return the favor, my nails bite into him... I want him to suffer... but he probably fucking likes it.
I glance at the gun again as the storm in my head crashes down ucontrolled around us... I stare up into his eyes.
'Why don't you just fuckin die... you motherfucker... just fucking take the gun and shove it in your fucking mouth and pull the fucking trigger!'
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 7)
The guys hand starts shaking, like a puppet on strings. He moves the gun up, starts bringing it up to point at his own head. He's starting to tear up, making this weird "Ugh Gugh.." guttural sound, like his mouth isn't working right. He's going to do it.
The other two guards cry out, "Yo! Yo Feeble! What the..." They're charging up. One of them, a guy maybe your age, he tackles this guy, knocks him to the ground.
The gun goes off, like BLAM.
The other guard os over there, trying to figure out what to do.
What do you do?
The glare shines in my eyes, the blizzard overtakes us, each of the floating specks caught in the wind, but alive and terrible.
He falls out of my grasp, the sound of the gun shocks me and for a second I wonder if i'm shot, if I'm dying... but no...
Did I? Did I...?
I get to my feet, staggering away... my eyes wide, the taste of his sex still heavy in my mouth. And the sudden violence is shocking.
You did this, Silica... you did... it's fucking true...
It feels strangely like I should say something, like someone should acknowledge what's happened... is the fucker really dead? I stare for two, three seconds but I can't...
No time to think, fucking grab my shit and run... just make a break for the rail... it's not far down to the ice from the pier and though they've cleared the big drifts, there's places you can land in a few inches of snow... that'll be enough. Just like the time off the 'el, but not nearly as far.
I hope they're safe... I hope she's safe.