[Snowpocalypse] Abrupt Awakening (S 3.3)

edited March 2014 in Snowpocalypse
To Silica:

This picks up a day later.

You wake from a nightmare, Silica. Do you remember your nightmares normally? This was was about the stitching you did. And your dad's operating theater. What are you looking at in horror the moment you woke up?

Wonky isn't in the bed, you're alone. Outside the room, you hear loud voices. One of them is Wonky's, angry, threatening. Another is Kwaito's, calmer, placating. You hear a man's voice you don't recognize, a woman's, too.

As you're listening, you hear Wonky shout, "For the last fucken time, we don't got your fucken gennie. Now... get out!"

What do you do?


  • edited March 2014

    "Come now, Silica, touch it!" he commands from beneath the clean medical-green mask. I'm just past my ninth birthday, a sliver of a thing, holding a clean piece of cloth over my mouth and nose as he instructed. I've not been called into the operating theater before... I'm excited and frightened.

    He calls me Silica in my dreams... but he never knew me by that name... it's like he sees me through time.

    Father beckons me forward with a motion of his blood-covered fingers. The little lights he wears like antennae when he operates shine in my eyes.

    Only a step into the place I smell blood, I see... I shake my head, no no... Father, I can't...

    Like a serpent striking his hand clamps around my wrist as his lip curls into a snarl, I shriek in terror... the cover over my mouth drops to the floor. He pulls me to the semi-sedate patient laying on the inclined table, his ribs cracked and spread open.

    "Look! Silica, I'm the only man in the world who could show you this. Now..." He repeats his command with terrifying intensity which withers me, "Silica I do not like to repeat myself... now... touch it!"

    He forces my hand near, but the last bit of motion is my own... I fear him more.

    Then I feel it... moving, beating. I want to disappear, I want to die... I can't stop whimpering... I want to scream but if I do he'll punish me later, I know it...

    Finally I raise my head to look at the horrible red and pink pulsing organ in a sea of blood and broken bone.... my eyes meet the eyes of his patient. Still quite conscious he looks back at me and tries to speak... he only manages to emit this terrible gurgle of a sound.

    I scream!

    Again awakened with a start, I almost fuckin' scream... damn it.. those nightmares won't ever go away... but... but the door.


    I can't be seen here... do they know my face? I scramble off the bed, ain't nowhere to fuckin' hide in here. Behind the little dresser? That pile of shit against the wall? I reach out to grab my bag and pull it to me... this ain't good.

    Shit... shit shit...
  • To Silica:

    As you're hiding by the bed, since it's really just a mattress on the floor, you hear that unknown male voice shout over Wonky, "Fuckwit! Your man Dice said to come here and checkit, that you weren't going to be any trouble, that you didn't do shit. I'm not out to get you and yours, but I have to look around, get me? Now back off, or I will shoot you."

    There's a tense moment, quiet. You can practically hear the silent conversation between Kwaito and Wonky going on, Kwaito begging his cousin to back down. Finally, Wonky says, "What the fuck ever. Come in, see what the what and GTFO."

    Shuffling of feet on the dirt floor and carpets thrown down. They're coming your way, Silica. They're going to find you, Silica.

    You could dash down the hall, you might make it to the bolthole and up and out.

    What do you do?
  • Silica

    My head is full, wakin' up fast isn't my greatest talent. Ok... shit... these soldia's? Do they know I'm involved? Yes... they been lookin' for me. They know I ran with Squirrel right? I was seen all over the pier with... fuck.

    Yeah I can't be seen here, makin' a run for it.
  • To Silica:

    Let's see you Act Under Fire to GTFO.
  • Acting under fire.
    (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 9)
  • You break into the hall and dash the opposite way from those two Soulja Boys. You catch sight of the girl in camos, she's in front. She sees you, yells, "That's her, the ice walker!" She reaches for the gun in her holster.

    Wonky, who was walking behind her, grabs her quick, into a bear hug, twists and throws her to the ground. The other guy, he's reacting to Wonky, not you. Immediate threat.

    You duck your head and run for the ladder past the shitter, climb up quick to the sewer cover lid. It takes a couple tries to get it to budge. But finally, it slides over. You're free!

    Up and out, onto the ice. Do you shove the cover back in place or just run?

    You hear a couple gunshots ring out below.

    What do you do?
  • Silica

    Oh shit... I run like hell, see her reaching for that gun. Wonky goes after her and I hesitate for like... a moment, but my decision's made. I take the fuck off, duck around the corner past the shitter, smash on the cover with my good shoulder to open it.

    No, I don't stick around to close the thing, but there's this moment before I run where I don't know which way to go until I hear the gunshots, "oh holy fuckin' shit..." I exclaim quietly, more concerned for Kwaito who doesn't deserve this.

    But I'm gone... nowhere good to run but I fuckin' run. I'm surrounded by bad. The river one way, the pier the other, the fuckin' zoo that way... shit.

    Hey is Wonky's sled out here?
  • To Silica:

    Why yes, it is. You gonna take it?
  • edited March 2014

    The sled is just sitting there... like... callin' me. You know? It's a way out, a way past. I'm scared awake, every choice is harder to make, someone's dead in there, if I don't fuckin' do something it's gonna be me.

    I can't wait.. I gotta fuckin' go... yeah, sled... take the fucking thing! I run for it, jump up on the thing, it feels huge underneath my small frame. It's slippery, the leathery seat worn smooth over the years.

    "Ok... ok I got this..."

    How do you fuckin' start this thing? Somethin' with your foot... uh... go go go!
  • To Silica:

    Frantically, you fumble for the starter. Wonky'd shown off how he hacked the ride around the bother of keys, so you remember how that works. But it takes a few moments, a couple tries.

    You hear someone coming up that hold, up the ladder for you, Silica. Then it roars to life, Wonky's ride. It lurches forward, almost kicks you off like a bronco, but then you're tearing off out of there.

    Riding fast!

    Where do you do?
  • Silica

    "Holy shit!" I struggle to stay on the sled as it kicks, sliding sideways in a skid a second or two before taking off. I just go straight and fast for several blocks, trying to get a handle on the thing. How the fuck... ok...

    Now I'm not going near as fast as Wonky took us but fast enough to feel a little dangerous. I gotta get the fuck out.

    After a couple minutes of pure gtfo I gotta figure out where to go... I slow and meander a bit. Fuck... Wonky dead now? If not then he won't be happy with me right? Where the fuck do I have left to run to?

    Shit... I think I fuckin' know...

    "Hadden..." I say quitely to myself. His face pops into my head... reaching a hand out to be from that dark hole. Yeah...

    I throttle up the sled and turn for...

    Fuck, where does one find Hadden?

  • To Silica:

    Underlake? Hadden's from Underlake. Some of his folks stay at Backside Misty's, maybe there?

    You get out of there, but now what? Where to, Silica?
  • Silica

    Sure... Underlake. Haven't been back there since... well... I'll avoid Squirrel and his people. Is there any-fuckin-one I'm not afraid fo seeing?

    I tear through the streets as fast as I can handle until I hit the open ice of the lake, then I'm going to push it... just open it up and get the wind in my hair. Fuck yes.

    Wonky's not my problem... not my problem...

    I'll head to Misty's sure... Handplant's if I can't find him there.
  • To Silica:

    Let's skip ahead a bit then.

    You get to Misty's. Where do you stow Wonky's ride? Leave it out, or put it somewhere special?

    Anyhow, you head down to Misty's, no luck. Then over to see Handplant. Her flat is pretty nice, actually. She stays ina sub basement, has some juice off Misty's feed, a few rooms, one for K2 and another for her and Hitec. Their door is stout and the place is pretty well protected.

    Why don't you ever crash here, Silica?

    After a moment, the door opens. Hitec answers the door. Here she is:

    There's something cooking inside, you can smell it, some kind of soup probably. Smells pretty damn good. She gives you that smile you see in the picture. "Hey there, Silica." She pauses, looking you over. She steps back, opening the door wider, "Are you in trouble? Come in, come in."

    Inside is the normal layout. Cooking set-up in the main area, a couple couches, shelves of books, a table for eating, hallway and doors to the bedrooms.

    What do you do?
  • Silica

    I pull the bike around like half a mile outside of underlake. I can't just fuckin' ride up on the place, no way can I explain this. But nobody's fuckin there... so I'm bending corners on the way to Handplant's place... not my first fuckin' choice, you know... cause of K2. She makes everything suck, you know? But fuck.. follow her I probaby find Hadden... and I don't know where else to go.

    I leave the sled out in the snow, behind a drift or some icefall or something... you know I know whats what at least. If I find Hadden and a place to stay I'll run out and hide it better.

    My shoulder aches as I walk up, and wait for an answer. There's frost frozen to my cheeks and in my hair, it was a long, cold ride and I've got a lot on my mind. I woke from sleeping.. you know? But I stopped along the way to put on my old jeans.... the bits of ice kickin up off the lake were stingin' my calves.

    I'm surprised to see Hitec for some reason... I always forget it's not just H.P. and K2. "Uh..." I don't know what to say... "yeah... uh... is." I take a step inside... man it's warm in there, I look behind me one more time... maybe I should just forget it... "has uh... Hadden been around? I don't see his fuckin' truck..."
  • To Silica:

    Hitec gestures to the couch, "Go have a seat, Sil." She walks over to the stove, and turns it off. "HP went out to work with him on some bullshit. You want somethin to drink? Somethin to eat?"

    She's standing by the stove, but ready to grab something to offer.
  • Silica

    I think silently a few seconds, my lips a thin line. Another glance outside. "yeah, ok, what the fuck..."

    I take a step inside, but then pause with a hand on the doorframe. "Wait..." I wait till she looks at me clear, "I got heat on me, Hitec... bad shit, some fuckers throwin' iron at me this mornin... allright? You sure 'bout this? Tell me get lost an'I don't hold it 'gainst ya..."

    Fuck Wonky, right? But this is Handplant's place... this matters.
  • To Silica:

    Hitec answers calmly, "Soulja Boys already made their rounds today. If there's trouble, we have a few hiding spots. Good ones. You need rest, Silica. You look like you haven't sleep a good night of sleep in... how long has it been?"

    She waits for your answer while she heads over to the area that serves as a small kitchen and gets you some tea she brewed earlier today. She pours two cups, brings them over, hands one to you, and sits down at the couch, beckoning for you to sit with her.

    What do you do?
  • Silica

    I pat the door frame a couple times as I walk inside. Just sort of a nervous habit, walking into a place.

    I follow her into the room and stand while she prepares a drink. The frost in my hair melts in the warmer air and I shake my head a little, you can hear the quiet drizzle of icy flakes as they hit the floor.

    "Been a... a long fuckin' while," haven't slept well since when? Can't hardly remember.

    Finally I join her on the couch when she offers, leaving my bag near the door. Don't know what to say to Hitec, she's different, like Handplant different.

    "How long's this bullshit of Hadden's supposed to take?"
  • To Silica:

    The tea is a cool jasmine, flavorful and slightly sweet. Hitec is sitting beside you, facing front, not you, leaning with both hands on her cup. She turns to look at you, her long hair swept behind an ear. "Hadden's got no sense of time... or urgency lately. HP'll be back when she's back."

    She takes a few sips, giving you some time, in case you want to talk, or whatever.
  • edited March 2014

    Take a sip of tea and a good drink of silence. I'm leaning back, my head lolling over the back of the sofa and my feet out in front with heels on the floor in constrast to Hitec's almost elegant posture.

    Looking up at the ceiling... another ceiling. After a time I quietly turn my head towards her and watch her for a few seconds. She takes a sip of tea or two. I watch her hair, she keeps it clean.

    "Pretty sure I killed a guy this mornin'" I confess quietly. For some reason I'm not too emotional about this, shouldn't I be? "Just for sharin' his bed... don't even know what happened... I stole his fuckin' ride and took off..."

    I don't know what I want her to say, just... seeing where this goes.
  • edited March 2014
    To Silica:

    Hitec listens, she's a good listener. Laid back, a counter to Handplant, who is often blunt. She takes the info calm and even, nods her head sympathetically. "I don't follow, Silica. How did you kill somebody you, ah, slept with? Is that how you got hurt." She looks up towards your shoulder. Yeah, she noticed.
  • Silica

    I glance down at my shoulder, "I told you... Soulja's lookin' for me... they found me allright? Shit happened... you know I shouldn't even be here." I manage a weak, ironic smile, shaking my head.

    But I'm tired. Fuck I'm tired.
  • To Silica:

    Hitec nods, like it's just a conversation, "I see. They found you, you ran, he didn't make it." She holds up a hand, "And you mentioned you should go, but I'd like it if you didn't." She takes another sip of tea, her last, then stands.

    She gestures to the hall, "Why don't you go take a shower? I'll find something clean for you to wear."

    What do you do?
  • edited March 2014

    A long exhale then I sit up and put down the half-finished tea, "sure, sure ok... I just..." I stand, shaking my head. Don't wanna get someone I kind of give a shit about killed.

    "I gotta go bury my sled out there..." I thumb towards the door, "then sure... shower sounds good."

    Going to take care of it, move it if necessary. I tried to be careful to cross open ice, leave as little trail as possible.

    Sled's a pretty big thing to hide, but just jam it up near some icefall, hide it from plain sight at least. And not too close to Hitec's. I may not even go back for it, at least in my head that's what I'm thinking.
  • edited March 2014
    To Silica:

    Hitec hovers near the door, not blocking you directly. "Hey.. how about this? I'll send K2 out to move the sled. That way you don't end up exposing yourself. Besides, nobody'd give K2 trouble. And, she needs to get out of her damn room and stop sulking anyways."

    She smiles. "Deal?"
  • Silica

    I just shake my head, "No... no I don't think so..." is she here? I hafta look towards the bedrooms or whatever, "I gotta take care of this, allright? And... you know..."

    I shrug, like it should be obvious, "it's gettin' cold out..." sure, like I care about fuckin' K2... I just don't want her fucking up my shit.
  • edited March 2014
    To Silica:

    Hitec tries one more time, "C'mon, Silica. Seriously, just hang out, rest a bit. HP would owe me big time if you stayed around and waited. I mean, you'd be doing me a favor, you know?"

    You get the feeling she won't stop you, but she really, honestly would rather you stay. Trouble or no.

    You know, it's been a long day, Silica. Why don't you Act Under Fire to resist her tempting offer.
  • Acting under fire:
    (Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 5. Total: 11)

  • To Silica:

    You easily resist her offer to take over hiding the sled. Evidently you care more for Wonky's shit than him, hunh?

    What do you do?
  • edited March 2014

    My arms fall to my sides and I exhale an exasperated breath typical of a highly frustrated teen. A frustrated growly sound excapes my lips as I push past Hitec and out the door. I all but shout, "I'm not doing you any fuckin' favors being here, ok? Just let me take care of my... fucking... shit!" I'm out the door on the last couple of words, shouting them to the wind.

    I walk up her steps and a couple blocks out to where I stashed the sled... a shower sounds fucking great... a bed sounds fucking great... I just get more and more annoyed as I reach the rapidly cooling machine. I climb up on it, throwin my leg over the seat.

    But then I stop... it hits me, just... what this means being here. I lower my face into my hands, shaking my head. "Damn it..." Wonky was bad fucking news, ok? He fucked up... only reason I was there. Not my fuckin' problem!

    But... I shake the doubts out of my head. "Ok. Let's do this." I start the sled again, drive a few more blocks away, stash it somewhere good... I make sure to cross some open ice or some concrete or something. Obscure my trail.

    Could be in the fuckin' shower right now... but noooo... the fuck am I thinking?

    I all but crash the sled into an old garage and kick in some fallen siding to dump a foot of snow all over the fucking thing. Probably leave it there forever. Takes a while to do and I'm not exactly good at random physical destruction, or covering my trail and all this kind of shit...

    Could be in a fuckin' bed...


    Once it's taken care of I walk back to Hitec's in a dark and fragile state of mind. Maybe Hadden will be back.
  • To Silica:

    This time, when you knock, K2 answers. You're pretty sure it's going to be her when the peephole slot opens. Her eyes are darker than Hitec's. The door opens, yeah, it's her.

    K2 is dressed in a pair of sweats and a pink t-shirt, with for some reason, the word PINK on the front, boob-level. Which reminds you that her boobs aren't huge, but they're bigger than yours. Even without any make-up on, she's really pretty.

    She glares at you for a moment, then steps out of the doorway, gestures for you to come in. Inside is Hitec, sitting on the couch. She's mending some of HP's clothes. She grins, "Welcome back!" She nods towards the hallway, "Go take a shower, Silica. Some nice smelling soap in there, and a new loofah and everything."

    K2 heads over to sit on the couch, shoulders slumped, defeated.

    What do you do?
  • edited March 2014

    Ugh, just great.

    Hopefully she doesn't catch me glancing at her tits. She's younger than me and already... fuck... whatever. Guys like tits... yeah I know ok? Fine.

    I don't say anything to K2, just walk in past her as she steps out of the way. I feel really fuckin' out of it. Hiding the sled feels like admitting they're dead in a way.

    "Loofah?" makes me laugh, who the fuck made up that word.

    I watch K2 as I walk past towards the shower, though. She looks kind of down, "boy trouble?" I shoot at her as I pause in the door to the shower.

    She might catch my hopeful little grin.
  • To Silica:

    K2 looks up, all surly, then away when she sees the grin. "No." She takes a deep breath, huffs it out in an exaggerated sigh.
  • Silica

    Whatever... fuckin' bitch.

    I disappear therough the door, get my clothes off and take a longish shower, wash my hair good. The color's fading and my hair's turning brown, I notice. Don't really care, maybe peope won't recognize me so easily... I scrub it good to help the process along. Take a minute to rinse and wring out my panties, socks, and my spare tshirt.

    Then I just let the water run over my head, I lean against the wall beneath the spigot and look down at my tummy, legs, and feet. The water runs down my cheeks and drips off my nose and chin. It's relaxing... there's still a little blood in the water. Don't think it's mine.

    When the shower's all done I take my time drying off and dressing, laying my wet things over the edge of the sink to dry off a little.

    I return to the room in just a pair of shorts and my new owly tshirt. My hair just down and pretty natural looking... just an unhealthy violet tinge to it.
  • To Silica:

    Your wet things are gone when you get out of the shower, but you didn't hear anyone come in. Your owl shirt and shorts are there, though.

    When you come out of the bathroom, you hear someone singing, just some wordless tune. Female, maybe K2. How good is her voice, Silica?

    Hitec appears at the end of the hall, she smiles, "Feel a little better? I'm washing your wet clothes. Why don't you go catch a nap in there?" She points toward K2's room.

    What do you do?
  • Silica

    I hear the singing even before I come out of the bathroom. It's actually ok... just ok... is that K2 singing? Kind of a reedy voice, the kind who'd sing good alternate music... if people still did that.

    "Yeah?" I try not to show it but... it annoys me a little bit. Seriously? Why are bitches always washing my fucking clothes? "Sure... ok," I walk through and to K2's room... is she in there? Singin?
  • To Silica:

    Well, in this apartment, there only are "bitches", you know.

    You push open the door to K2's room, she isn't in there. Singing is coming from the front room, so maybe Hitec kicked her out?

    Her room is pretty amazing, really. An actual bed, with nice, thick hotel sheets and comforters all stacked up. There's a mirror in here, big one, big enough to look at yourself. A big, wooden wardrobe that sits open, lots of clothes inside. Even a small metal desk, mismatched from the rest of the room, but there are books, and notebooks, and magazines on there, all haphazard.

    What magazine catches your eye, Silica?

    What do you do?
  • Silica

    Gotta shake my head. Just figures.

    I walk on in, poke around a little bit, go sit on the bed. There's a stack of magazines on the bed, including a bunch of old "Rolling Stone" magazines with various attractive people on the covers. I pick up the top one, featuring this gorgeous tattooed guy. "Wow..." I quietly say to myself.

    I bring the magazine over to the bed and page through it a little bit, feeling the fluffy bedding around me... fuckin' nice.
  • To Silica:

    Yeah, K2's got it nice. You know, if you could put up with her, HP and Hitec would happily take you in. It would make HP feel better. HP would never push you for it, but you know she'd let you stay here.

    Of course, you'd have to share this room with K2. Or sleep on the couch.

    Anyways, I assume you go ahead and nap? Did you mean to fall asleep, or just zonk out while reading?
  • edited March 2014

    Zonkin' out while reading sounds more like it. (Well, more looking at the pictures)
  • --END SCENE--
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