To Hadden:After the visit at Roxy's, HP drives you and the crew to Soulja Field. The Field is normally locked down, with gates all around, Souljas all around at gates with lots of guns. When Handplant drives up this time, past a couple entrances to the south gate, the Visitor's Gate, you don't see anyone. Nobody. The gates are still closed, just empty. No jeeps or trucks, either.
Just ahead of the turn to Visitor's Gate, a jeep zips by, going like sixty, like a bat out of hell for the Gate. HP picks up speed like she can ride the wake in.
"Let's see what the what, Hadden." CTO raps the top of the truck and gives you both a thumbs up, like he approves of this plan.
You recognize the driver, it's Em-six-teen:

And the funny thing, Hadden, you see that masked man in the passenger side of the jeep. Jester's in the back.
To Ross:You hear radio chatter as Soulja Field looms over you, taking up the entire view out of the windshield. Souljas calling back and forth. Genral barking orders, sending folks this way and that. Guys calling for reinforcements, falling back. It's all a mess of confusion and activity.
Em is panicking, she's going to run over top of the razorwire in front of the gate, bust it down. It's like she's got to get back for
something. You see off to the left is Hadden in his little minitruck. Handplant driving, looking right at you guys as you bounce over a couple curbs and keep barreling forward.
BothSuddenly, you hear gunfire. Automatic gunfire, pistols, like a unit just unloaded on something. Sounds like it's coming from inside. A couple explosions, big ones, more than a grenade.
The jeep is zipping along the side of the stadium, heading for an old service entrance.

Em's gritting her teeth, looking at the Field, only the field, trying to get there. The minitruck is keeping up, just barely. She wasn't meant to run fast over ice, but Handplant's a good driver, she swerves just right and doesn't fishtail. She's a pro like that.
Right as the jeep takes a hard right, the back tread tearing into the ice and skidding a bit, you see something come flowing out of the stadium, a bright red river. No shit. The air is wavy over it, and it flows like molasses.
It's fucking lava.
Em looks like she doesn't know what the fuck is going on. HP is trying to swerve not to hit the jeep.
What do you do?
Before I can even thing about the last time I saw — she's Em-seven-teen now? No, six — I'm like "What the fuck is that masked asshole Samaritan doing with Jester? We gotta get him outta here." Shit, I'm can't leave without him, Rossi'd be torn up. Can't have that. My worry jumps a notch in a different direction that it has been as of late.
I'm hanging on even though I'm buckled in, letting Handplant do her thing, since she's the better driver when it comes to speed and chases... then we see what's coming out the stadium, and almost under my breath, "Fuckin' lava?" I know I'm hot, but that's ridiculous!" My brain's a little short-circuited. Lava?
"Handplant, get wide, get wide!" I'm waving, fast, off to one side, shout to the guys, "Heads up! Gonna get bumpier!"
I tap Em on the shoulder and point over towards the entrance, "Let me off there. I'll fucking get to her." I reach for the door and spin around, "Jester, I need those meds. I'll hoof it from here..."
Through the partition, and also to Handplant: "The dude in the hat, Jester? He gets out alive." Rossi told me she needs Samaritan's head for Poke... but he also knows where Silica is.
So, for now, I need his head attached.
Em-six-teen tries to slam on the brakes, and the jeep swerves to a stop. Right in front of the corridor to the inside of the field. You're looking back at Jester, trying to get the meds, and he just points at the lava behind you. "No way, Rossi! Look!" He's so freaked out, he forgot to use a fake name. Em's probably too busy trying to back up to even hear.
The entire corridor is covered with lava, Ross. There's no dashing in there. If you want to try and run on top of a river of lava, you're done.
To Hadden:
Handplant answers with a hint of irritation, "Let's GTFO. Everybody gets a free pass when a volcano fucking erupts!" She's not slowing down, just zipping past the jeep and going.
What do you do?
Molasses, huh? "Free pass," huh?
If their Jeep is fucked and the wrong way facing down lava, then I want to stop to save Jester. And hell, Em-six-teen for old times' sake.
Samaritan can go swimming. Silica will turn up.
Over Em's radio, you hear the screams of the dying. There is more lava inside the stadium, filling the stadium, if one guy isn't lying.
Jester grabs the radio out of the front and clicks it on.
To Hadden:
HP tells you to turn on her little radio, as she's pulling some crazy bootleg sidewinder shit to turn around fast. On the radio, you hear the voices of people trying to find places to run, places where the lava isn't flowing.
Then you hear Jester
To both:
"Where's the woman who did it? Where is she?" Jester screams,
Then a voice comes on, it's Lootenant. "We fucken shot her. Shot her dead. Then fucking lava....fuck, it's everywhere."
To Ross:
Em's got the jeep turned around, she's going to pull out and follow Handplant out. Jester looks at you, drops the radio back in the front seat and answers, "Just. Just go. Let's go!"
What do you do?
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 9)
Em-six-teen's on it. We're all GTFO. I look ahead, see how I can help Handplant. I look back at Jester like a lifeline.
Right now, at this moment, he wants you to live. Just get away from this death, this prophecy fulfilled. He's a wreck, he needs you to stay with him. Save him.
I lean out, shout to Em-six-teen, waving, "SHEDD! Lakeshore to Shedd! Follow!"
The minitruck and jeep head back out of the parking lot, driving fast, just to get away.
After a couple blocks, you're north of the lava right by Shedd Aquarium. A couple of the Sk8rs have come out to see what the hell is going on, but they're near the building.
Right now, it's just the few of you in these two vehicles.
Em is on the radio, trying to get a headcount of Soulja Boys, trying to figure out where to meet up. She's gotten a handful of responses. Arbor hops out of the truck, so does CTO and Nose. They're just watching. Watching the lava.
I have half a mind to grill Em for answers. The other half, though, is looking back at Jester – worried to high hell about him... I say nothing.
Guess I don't need to deliver a generator, then. Not exactly the way I had hoped for to get clear of this, fucking hot lava?! First the Greasefire, then a volcano? I hope nobody's got a nuke or some shit under their mattress.
Yeah, I get out to watch, too. It's beautiful... and deadly. Looks almost like bread dough, and can you imagine a katana big enough to slice that? If nobody's looking, I'll give Handplant's hand a quick reassuring squeeze like home for supper, home for supper.
I wonder if CTO is some weird kind of good luck. He's been on call and nothing's been dirty yet.
I'll listen in to Em-six-teen's radio, see who made it out. Genral? Privates? If Lootenant was in the stadium, he's yesterday's lunch.
I've got eyes on Samaritan, I don't trust this masked fucker. Still, trying to catch Jester's attention to see what the what.
Jester is staring numbly out at the scene, sitting there in the back of the jeep. He looks hollow, lost.
To Hadden:
Privates calls back, but nothing from Lootenant. Cappin made it, too. Genral is not responding.
Jester is just staring at Soulja Field, barely blinking, like he's stuck somehow.
To Both:
Steam is obscuring the Field now, as the lava comes out onto the nearest block far enough into snow. The hissing can be heard even from here.
Bloody Dracula comes walking up, "What the holy hell happened to the soulja assholes?" She's asking all of you, it seems.
Jester turns slowly to look at you with sad eyes. "They're both... gone. She told us. I chalked it up to her, you know, sickness." He sniffs a bit, his eyes reddening, "Fuck. I was so fucking happy."
Em looks over, annoyed, "Why don't you two fuckers GTFO? I've gotta diddy mao."
I turn back to Jester, "c'mon Jester... Let's go."
The Soldier Boys killed Bond and Melancholy? Aw, no... That tears it.
"Hey, asshat - you up the fuck shut." to Samaritan. "Jester's coming with me. Have a fucking clue, Right now, he needs his woman, not more of your noise! You're a wanted man. Only reason I'm not trying to take your head for Poke is Silica." Four on one ain't no odds, but fuckwit likes a shotgun.
Em-six-teen blinks, huffs a breath through her nose. She doesn't say anything more, just sits in the driver's seat, waiting for you to get out.
Jester climbs out of the back when you move the seat up. He's still watching the carnage. He moves closer to you, Ross. He's aware enough now that he shouldn't, you know, put an arm around you or hug you. But you can feel he wants some comfort.
Em pulls out, backing down the drive and heading back towards Soulja Boy territory.
To Ross:
Hadden's got a crew with him. You recognize Arbor from Underlake, and CTO. How does Rossi know CTO? They used to get along, right? Plus, Handplant, and some kid from Underlake, Nose-pick, who you saw with Silica a few times.
I give Jester a tight squeeze, trying to soothe him, then lift my goggles, and pull down my scarves. "If you want my head, then you and your boys can just fucking try and take it."
CTO knows me as Rossi... He was kind enough to buy me a few rounds of the liquid date-rape back when I first moved to the city. He wasn't trying to get with me — or at least, I don't think he was, considering he backed off after I puked on his shoes... Come to think of it, I don't remember if we hooked up. Either way, I woke up alone, and clean the next morning — so if he did, at least he was smart about it.
My mouth falls open and my brain on the floor as I do the mother of all double takes. "Rossi...? What the ever-loving fuck?" No wonder he... she... saved Silica all those times, but Poke? She murdered half of Poke so Molotov wouldn't find out who Samaritan was? But now she just pops off her mask for like a dozen people?
Exasperated, "I don't want your head, you idiot! I'm trying to save 'your man'" Yes, I bobble my head and snap my fingers, make it like four syllables, "from some masked looney kidnapping him from a MOTHERFUCKING VOLCANO so I can bring him back to you so yall can go comfort each other in a damn sleeping bag built for one! Ya nimrod!"
More quietly, a little hurt, "Sweet tap-dancing jeebus, Rossi, I thought we were friends." I move my hand vaguely like, despite all this shit. I turn half away from them, look at the snow and the lava.
I rub Jester's shoulder, trying to calm myself as much as I am trying to comfort him. "I was half-way across the lake a day ago — I came back to help you, and Silica. Don't tell me we're not friends — not after the shit we've all been through these past few weeks. Not unless you fucking mean it." I pause, and add, "Is Silica in fucking trouble or something? Why the fuck are you out looking for me anyway?"
Jester says, "She's not lying, Hadden. She saved my life. I tried to talk her into staying out there, but she came back for Silica, and to help you out."
Why is this going to eleven? "Not you you getting beheaded Rossi, Samaratian losing it! Rossi, you told me yourself that you owed Poke... your own head? Now I'm losing it, but that's confusing! Why couldn't we talk then?"
"And isn't Silica always in trouble? Last I knew, she left with Samaritan, then I see him.. You.. With Jester. What else am I to think besides play hero?"
"Friends look out for reach other, right? You'd do the same if you saw me or, or, or someone I cared about getting drug off by unknown parties! You did back at Red Brick."
When Jester speaks, "I don't think she's lying, she likes to play hero as much as I do." A tired smile, then it's gone. "I'm sorry about your moms."
Jester doesn't look at you, Hadden. He pulls his hand off Rossi, and answers, "Yeah... me, too." He sort of squats down, like standing on his bad foot hurts. Or maybe he just wants to be sitting down a little.
Bloody Dracula and Handplant are chatting, she's filling in the Sk8r. CTO is hanging back, just keeping an eye on things. Arbor seems pretty happy about this turn of events, the Soulja Boy thing, at least. Nose is just watching the lava.
I'll squat to match him, hand on his shoulder. "Can I do anything?" He might catch a hint of water in my eye.
I look to Rossi, gotta say my piece. "Rossi, I'm sorry if I said anything stupid. I've been stressed about this generator thing, I was worried about Jester, and I thought I was up against an enemy with a shotgun." I'll handshake or hug or kiss or whatever if she looks accepting.
I sit down in the snow next to Jester when he crouches down, and put an arm around his shoulder if he'll let me. "I appreciate the concern... I guess... I'm not used to having people come running into trouble for me. Thanks..." I don't need to handshake, or hug, or kiss, or anything — it's not really my style — but I do nod.
I put my hands in my pockets, zip up to get warm. "We all do stupid things when we're scared or threatened. Look at me." I shrug a little. I don't like secrets, but I try to take to heart what she says about my reaction. I'm glad she dropped the mask, but it took beheading threats for her to open up her fool ears. I want to talk to her more later one-one-one, if it happens.
Then I kick a little snow at her foot, playful like, say, "You're welcome. I'm not often in the ass-saving business." My crack about reward sexytimes doesn't make it out when I look at the two of them together. They don't need my noise right now.
The mention of Silica is drawing Handplant's attention. She's still chatting with Bloody Dracula, but she's looking over at you both.
"Well, not so much now that I know she left with her sister. She okay after the mess Underlake?"
With Soldier's Field afire, my plan to deal with Merrell needs rebirth. Only set of hitters I can think rightly about is the Sparekeys. Skegs sound too undisciplined and choppy, and even though Bloody Dracula is right here, I think Merrell's little army might not be their speed.
Only a few options left... "Have you heard anything about Kemper as of late?"
I'm still not sure how much I should worry about Silica. Set it aside for now. The hellish glow of the lava is tickling the edge of my eyes, and I've got larger issues to consider.
I arch an eyebrow. "I still got that other thing we talked about. Plus Tindy can always find a solid gig for a troubadour." To Jester, "You any good on a stage? Can you act?"
The main thing, though, and why am I keep thinking about Never Summer? "I can't go back Underlake without talking to Molotov, or my mom probably will put my ghost in a candle. You two can. Squirrel can put you up on my tab, or the Hamlet once you're working."
A thought strikes me, I look at my crew by the truck and back to Rossi. "You still scoping scrapers? Any good salvage you need help with? Maybe something big you'd need a truck and some strongbacks for?"
Jester shrugs, which looks odd when you're squatting down, "Never acted before, Hadden. Just always been me. But whatever you need, man. I'll give it a go. Just, not now. Later."
"Sure, man. Whenever you're ready." Fascinating how they deal with it different. "If you head Underlake, you can get you your honest work playing, might be good for you to just make music. Find Tindy, tell her I sent you. Rossi, you can do Spy shit while you're there. Yall probably should stick together." I give Rossi a look like my shit can wait just yet.
It's probably time to GTFO, maybe back to Backside Misty's. "No idea when I'm going to see Molotov T. Gunlugger. He's with Roxy, neither will make time."
I kinda casually check on Handplant and Bloody Dracula, just in case. I know Arbor has a thing for me. CTO just wants action. Dunno about Brother Rat right now.
"Do whatcha wanna, Rossi." It's a positive show of support, not a blow-off.
More gently, "Are you going to convince them, or is the other guy going to do it?" A nod to the mask.