To All:
It's been a few days since things went down at Soulja Field. Outside is still warmer, wetter, too. Who knows how long it will last?
All of you met up near Red Brick, then headed north to the Allerton, where Seatbelt had stashed all the loot Kemper paid him for the gennie job. Talk is all over town about the weirdness at Soulja Field. Some say the whole army is dead, others say there's more than enough who were out looking for the gennie to be a real threat. And with their base of operations a cooling slag of igneous rock, they'll be hungry for supplies.
Supplies like what you're going to fetch now. We pick up with the three of you, plus whatever crew besides Rossi that Hadden brought for hauling this shit, walking into the lobby of the Allerton.
It looks like this:

Rossi, you left Jester behind, right? He's still shaken by the loss of his moms. Is he staying somewhere at Backside Misty's, or Underlake with whoever Hadden said could put you two up?
Hadden, what are you looking forward to grabbing out of this loot? Anything you've got an eye for to make sure Squirrel gets?
Lemma, if you recall, Seatbelt confided in you that there was quite a haul: food, fuel, gear and some guns. What are you looking for first of all? What are you hoping to set aside for Silica?
Seatbelt told you, Lemma, that the loot was here in the lobby, but he wasn't any clearer than that. Where are you looking for this stuff first?
I'd love to see anything that would help with my major restoration projects: tanks of acetylene, something I could scavenge for radiation shielding. That's pretty specialized stuff, though, so I'd have to get lucky. I'm feeling less secure than I used to, so maybe a smaller, more practical gun. More frivolously, I ran out of ketchup a few weeks ago. Love that stuff. And, um, brown liquor.
For Silica: Yikes. I saw it while we were working-- it's good for her to be part of a crew, working towards something. Getting paid for it could help cement that, maybe.
But I've bought enough scrap off of icewalker scavengers to know what happens when you hand a junkie a pile of money.
Maybe I could find some things she'd hold on to, personally, and that would help her find better work. Something useful to someone who spends a lot of time in the open but doesn't feel the cold. Climbing gear? Goggles? Binoculars?
Guns don't seem like they'd do her a lot of good, and they're too easy to swap for ice. Not that I can stop her from swapping anything I give her for ice. I'm getting that helpless feeling again, like I'm holding a living bird between my hands. Too much pressure, or too little, and I lose it.
But, right, find the stuff. It was a major haul, so he can't have moved it without leaving tracks through this layer of ice and dust on the floor. If they aren't obvious, which I kind of hope they're not, maybe he tried to cover them up. In which case, I'll look for signs of that. Maybe into one of these side rooms? Or the bank of elevators?
I'm trying to stay back and let Hadden and Lemma do their work... I'm not so great at spotting trouble that isn't blatantly obvious, so I'm more so just here to make things disappear when people tell me to do that.
I had my doubts about bringing Rossi away from Jester, talk about twitterpated. But I also know she might be a wee stir crazy Underlake. Glad we're past the beheading shit, but I'm still thinking about Poke. I'll try to engage her with this job so she's not just cooling her heels.
As for Lemma, what a relief to not fret of screwage in a bad way. Can't wait to talk about the find. Is Marmot with her?
I brought CTO and Oakley, plus Brother Rat if I can find him. Kinda want to let Arbor do his own thing so people don't start to talk. I still need to get with him about the Preservers.
Perishables and consumables is what I keep an eye out for, or pretty Pre-Freeze stuff to make it up to Nini. You can make clothes or armor or even a crappy gun, but not so much chocolate or toilet paper. Butter ha ha, maybe wine or hair shit for Handplant, definitely music for Squirrel or maybe just porn. The guys here can obviously pick-and-choose what they want. I could use a new pair of boots. I don't even know what to expect here, or how much of a cut I'm really entitled to, so I'm trying to keep it real.
I guess Seatbelt's not dead.
Lemma finds the stash in an elevator that was stuck. She popped it with some of her tools and right there, inside the car or whatever, was a passel of various and sundries. All kinds of pre-freeze goodies,
* some small electronics (1 barter, Player details)
* a TV/DVD player with a spindle of movies that were burned copies at one point, but the Sharpie labels have worn off, so they're a random grab-bag of who knows what (2 barter)
Four big plastic tubs of fucken Cheeto balls with a bunch of junk food, a Pepperide Farm German Chocolate cake and two bottles of Louisiana hot sauce (1 barter)
* an assault rifle with four clips (1 barter)
* random tools and equipment, including a burner (1 barter)
* two stock worth of an angel kit (2 barter)
* two tubs of Vasoline (?)
* a crate of K-rations, mostly chicken and dumplins (1 barter)
I let out a nice whistle of appreciation. "That's a heck of a payout. Who's got the boxes and shit? What's everyone's cut?" Squirrel will want that DVD player. I want that junk food. That chocolate cake is probably worth a barter alone. I do eye that angel stock. I wonder if Lemma has any interest in going that direction?
Hmm, maybe we draw straws for first pick, maybe a white elephant to trade things. Won't do to get pissy about gettin paid.
... Not like I can keep myself from peeking. That assault rifle looks fucking nice.
Oakley is hanging back, too. He looks over, gives you a guy nod. "How's by you?"
Are you wearing the mask?
I eye Oakley out of the corner of my eye, and shrug, "just wanna do this and get out of here... Seems every time I come on a big score like this, a C pops out of a fucking closet or something."
Oakley chuckles, "Dose fat boyz are so slow, mon. Any dem come round ere, we be fine." He looks over at your shotgun, "Been tinkin bout gettin a shotty. You like it?"
I turn to Hadden.
"I'm taking a cut for me and one for Silica, but the rest goes to Squirrel for later distribution. We'll pay you off the top, as an expense."
"What kind of fee do you figure for delivery and security?"
"I'm sure bout dat, mon."Oakley responds with a nod. "How's the weight? Dose shells look 'eavy." It's mostly time wasting chatter. Do you like this kind of stuff, Rossi?
Oakley doesn't look like he's carrying anything. You know, since you've starting working with Hadden's crew, that he keeps a 9mm in his left jacket pocket, and a screw-on silencer and an extra clip in his right pocket. He also has a switchblade that he keeps in his back pocket, which is wicked sharp.
Talking about guns is just easier. "This one's nice and light — it was weighted for moving quick, and easy aiming. Sawed off costs you some range, but it doesn't much matter if you're shooting buckshot or something." I'm back to keeping an eye on Hadden between my scans of the room. Looks like they're making some progress in divvying things up.
Just regglar talk with Lemma. Just like old times. "I call dibs on that DVD stuff for Squirrel. Y'all know know what he's like, he goes bongo." I nod back at my crew, nod like whatchoo want? "Maybe one per for security, and since I still owe you for that gas last week, I'll slip you an oddment for second pick for me and we're square."
I'll pick up the med kit and..."
I briefly consider the big pile of cheese puffs.
"the pile of tools. And maybe one tub of the Vaseline?"
I nod agreeably. I'm looking forward to a Squirrel movie night! "Are you any good with medico work, Lemma?" I honestly don't know. And yeah, Vaseline is useful as hell.
"I'll take the salty-sweet-spicy, and here's an oddment for the privilege." Plinko, there it goes.
"Oakley? Er, Samaritan?" It's so fucking weird. That's Rossi under all that. She doesn't even move the same, and you can't see that body of hers at all.
"And the tools... well, Marmot's going to need her own set soon."
People seem to have given us some distance, so I lean in.
"About your special project. You were right. Merrell was doing his own digging, and the collapse was a byproduct. And he found something big."
I've picked up the whatever electronics and make like I'm asking a question about the finer points of its operation. Low, "I got an inside tip about it, but I haven't seen it yet. He's mustarding an army from what I hear. I need to stop him. Is there proof enough to clear Molotov? Can Merrell trace anything back to you or Marmot?" I look back over my shoulder, not like he's right there. Just seems like.
Oakley sense the shift in attention, lets the conversation die off. He's got a decent sense for things, instinct, whatever,
CTO gives you a look, making sure you see him. Then, he heads out to walk the halls, make sure nobody is around.
I catch Rossi's eye, I think, as she walks past. Then a nod at the loot like, anything catches your eye? If she's looking, maybe a tiny tiny bit of playful Besides me? attitude not serious on the clock. Another person would miss it.
"I can make sure no one thinks it was an accident, so yes, Molotov is probably cleared. Everything that points to Merrell directly is... harder to explain, but of course he's the only one with the means to do it."
"And I don't think Marmot and I are in any danger about this for the moment. You should... come by the site before you decide what to do."
I start packing up. The angel kit is small enough to go in my bag, but everything else will have to be hauled to the truck.
"Shall we go?"
Yeah, I want to see this thing. 'Twill make it easier to make others understand. I've got some plastic tubs and such to make it easier to pack and load this shit. Many hands make for light work.
"Yeah, let's bring this back to Squirrel and check out the site."
"Oakley, what's your pick?" My guess is the K-rations and the other tub of Vaseline if nobody objects.
I feel like I'm forgetting something, so I'll do a quick nother look round.
Oakley picks up the k-rations, they're light enough, travel well. If somebody leaves the tub of Vasoline, he'll take it.
So you all gather up your haul into the minitruck or whatever else.
Where do you go? Hadden and his crew with Lemma to see her "site"?
Yes indeed. Let's get the hell out of here. I kind of want to drop the crap of with Squirrel so's that's over and done and the minitruck is empty. Just in case.