Kim's clinic is the newest building in Boomtown. When you first came on, she told you it took her eight years to get enough support from Logitech and the other merchants to bankroll the construction. She even bragged that the Libs kicked in some scavenged materials, it was a community effort. She's still paying down her debts to them, which is why most folks try to avoid a visit to the clinic, she charges by what she thinks you can afford to pay.
She has one nurse, Duracell, and three guards (two are brothers named Diesel and Del Monte). She used to have more, but she can't afford to pay much, so they usually only last a couple junkfalls then disappear.
Here's a look at the very airy clinic:
Main room:

People come in the front, get treatment, sometimes rest for a bit on the few cots.
For the really sick, that don't have family and can afford it, Kim has a big canvas tent she calls Long-term care. It looks more like this:

Let's say you go see Kim in the late morning. She sees you come in, early for your shift, and smiles, giving you a nod. She finishes up with a mom and her kid. The kid got bit by something out in the waste, looks angry red, but Kim's bandaging it up, telling her she'll be fine. The mother and daughter are both young. And you're not so sure Kim is right with that diagnosis. But she's about to move on, to come over and check on you.
What do you do?
I put my hand on the kid's forehead, expecting to feel a fever.
The daughter, maybe six, her name is Hennessy, she says, "It was in the dark river. I went for my stick. Ikea said it was a sludge wiper."
The mother, her name is Kenwood, her face creases with worry that was just beneath the surface, "It-it can't be a viper. Right, Kim? Is there any meds for that?"
Kim says gently, "No, darlin, it wasn't a viper. Now you all head on now. Hen, you want a hard candy?" Kim's lying.
What do you do?
"Why did you lie to them?" I whisper to her after they are gone. "What's a viper?"
Kim replies low, "A poisonous, legless lizard. I've got no anti-venom. She'll die in the night from heart failure. It won't help her to die on a cot scared." She watches them go while talking to you, offers the girl a friendly wave.
What do you do?
"I'm going on the caravan with Kiddo tomorrow. Not sure when we'll be back."
"You want a drink?" she pours some fresh water into a cup for herself and one for you. After a drink, she says, "I could see why they'd need a medic, but I sure as hell hope they're paying you well. Two trips through Wendys territory, there and back? That's insane."
If she hadn't come along and opened the container, I might still be asleep. I might have died in that thing. Supposedly the iso-cube could maintain a person for hundreds of years, possibly even a thousand, but who knows what would have happened to the ship by then? And I still wasn't really sure of how much time had gone by.
"I'm a triage doctor, in truth." I explained to Kim. "I've got no bedside manner, whatsoever, and you know it."
She exhales, then says, "Kiddo's a good kid, her parents were friends of mine. But, Stitch, she is just a kid. She is more than a little impressed with herself, and I worry it'll get her killed some day." Kim puts a friendly hand on your arm, "You need to be careful. Go out there, never come back, that does nobody any good. I get why you want to settle your debts. I do. But we need you here, too."
I go to talk to Caesar before my clinic shift starts.
You find Caesar back at Loots. The place is nearly empty, and Caesar is reading a book he found about particle physics and eating from a bowl of something fried that he doesn't want to know what it is. He looks up, "Hey Stitch, what did Logitech have to say?"
On the book comment, he huffs a little laugh, "I'm not a physicist, but Brillo lent this to me, said it would unlock untold secrets... and I was bored. Listen, you sure you wanna go out there, Stitch? Maybe we could find other work."
Truth be told I'm not sure it'll be fine, but it won't serve anyone to have him sitting here worrying himself.
"There's not room." I say. "Small crew, small target. Plus you being here is the only reason I got to come back safe and sound."
I'd thought that I'd wake up from the iso-cube in a new settlement- that had been the plan. But not like this. I wasn't sorry I'd signed up for the program, but I hadn't expected to end up on a junk planet- surrounded by people who would kill me given half the chance.
Do you have anywhere you go before you start your last shift at Kim's? Any place where you just relax, or is it work and sleep all the time?
I fidget with my left ring finger for a few moments, staring off at nothing. I wonder what Rinso's doing. I imagine I could kill some time with him... Svenja's more his type, though, and I'm sure he's got his pick of girls around town. I cut that train of thought off and head off to work.