To Rossi:

You've climbed up one of the big old office buildings over on Halstead. The place was a bolthole you and Poptart cleaned out last year, not long after you two met. Of course, she probably squirreled away some supplies somewhere.
The blowing snow is bitter cold up here, the kind that makes breathing hurt a little. Where are you holed up?
Inside the bag are the following items:
- twenty Cliff bars, various flavors
- two empty metal canteens
- Dasani water bottle filled with lighter fluid
- extra gloves and scarves
- a Zippo lighter
- 2 Muscle and Fitness magazines
- flathead screwdriver about the length of your forearm
- a royal blue Nokia-branded candy bar cell phone
Looks like it has a weak signal, too. Picking up something from somewhere. There are multiple entries in the "phone book", too.
What do you do?
alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi, omicron, pi, rho, sigma, tau, upsilon, phi, chi, psi and omega
You're watching the storm, just standing by a window in this nice scraper, looking down at the world. You catch sight of Oakley, he's running on the street right underneath you, actually. Making deliveries. You don't catch anyone chasing him. But man, the guy runs like it. Even on the ice, he skims along with sure feet. Unnatural. You'll never see Jester run.
Somewhere out there is your sister. She's working with Hadden, you think. Or maybe she's out running around alone again. These and other thoughts roll around in your head for a bit. Quiet alone time. Do you like it quiet and alone, Ross?
After a few hours, you hear something. A quick crack of the window in front of you, a round hole appears and splinters of glass run up and down away from it. The side of your neck erupts in pain. Hot pain.
Someone fucking shot you, Ross. In your damn neck. Powerful gun, sniper rifle, coming from a spot slightly lower than you, from the angle.
Take 3-Harm before armor.
What do you do?
With your Move, you get -2 to the Harm Move.
Harm Move:
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 10)
You're already trying to move right? Smart thing to do, get away from the window, find a place to defend yourself. But the shock of it all, your legs give out on you. Your neck is bleeding bad, you feel faint. Balance fails you.
Falling, you're falling down, onto the industrial carpet.
The world goes black.
After a couple minutes, your eyes respond again, you're able to look up to see this person:
The side of your neck feels like you slept on it wrong, and your hair is sticky with drying blood.
What do you do?
My eyes narrow into thin slits, not that he can see that, and I shuffle to stand up. "You missed."
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 13)
Dumbass steps sideways to look down at the sniper rifle. "This was Rodeo's. Took it off his dead body, hunh? Actually use it, or just walk around like some big asshole?"
"So I take it you've got a fucking hard-on to avenge Rodeo and his pervert fucking brother then? Or are you just here to collect on some bounty?"
OOC: What does Dumbass intend to do?
OOC: How could I get this dumbass to leave me and Silica alone? And I mean no lingering grudge, we're even kind of leave me alone.
She pulls out a k-bar knife from her belt, tosses it onto the floor near you. "Here's the deal. You can take up that knife and come at me, then I kill you." She's got a hand near the pistol in her belt holster. "Or you give me the trigger finger that killed my uncle, and we're even. Fronties won't come after you or your sister again. I'm running them now. Things are different. That's my terms."
Her deal is true. Either way, she'll leave Silica alone.
I hope she wants this pretty bad — because I sure as shit don't wanna die.
Let's see you Act Under Fire here, Ross. If you pull it off, then she doesn't fire on you before you have the knife.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 6)
This Frontie girl squeezes off two shots as you snatch up the knife. Both hit center mass. Without armor, you're eating 2-Harm, Ross.
EDIT: Rasputin fits here, so that's one armor. So, 1-Harm.
She's drawing a bead, and you know that sniper out there is probably sighting you, too.
Harm coming next post.
EDIT: Harm roll should be at minus one.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 5)
She doesn't answer back, but she's backtracking, trying to keep you in range without letting you get a piece of her.
Let's see you Seize this victory By Force.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 13)
• I take definite hold of it.
• I suffer little harm.
• I impress/dismay/frighten my enemy.
With a vicious move as she tries to bring her gun to bear, you stab her forearm. She cries out in pain and the 9mm falls to the floor.
Her eyes wide with the expectation of death, she blurts out, "Kill me, and you die, too!" She's probably not lying. Probably not a bluff. Her radio is on, she might be talking to her partner right now.
In this tussle, you end up taking 0-Harm. I'll roll it next post.
(Rolled: 2d6-2. Rolls: 1, 5. Total: 4)
I take the knife out of dumbass' arm, swat her pistol away, move my knife down to her gut and gently rest the tip against her navel. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to walk away from this one, lady — bloodied, for sure, but I'll walk away. I want you and your friends to fucking disappear forever. Out of Chi-town by sunrise tomorrow. I don't give a fuck where you go, but starting tomorrow there's a bounty on every fucking member of Frontside's family and crew — and if I hear word of my sister getting so much as a scratch, I'm going to come after you in force."
I poke the knife in a little, just enough to draw blood, "Get it?"
Let's see you Go Aggro on that.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 11)
Jester would be so proud of you, Rossi.
Do you let her leave with her rifle and the one you took off Rodeo?
It's like every fucking week I have to fucking pull a slug out of me... Can I just have a few weeks where me and mine don't get fucking shot at?
Then, as you expected, the adrenalin rush dies and you ache. You're all alone, way up high.
What do you do?
Once I'm bandaged up, and hidden, I grab some food from the stash and start to eat... I don't think I'm going to be able to go anywhere for a couple of days... Fuck...
Thinking about Jester, though. Stuck in there between your gang and those Dumpies. You get a sick feeling that he'll be in trouble. You should probably go, if you want to be there in time.
But man, you're effed. He's an adult, right? You got guys watching his ass. It'll probably work out.
... Where's my fucking bag? Let's go.
Please go here.