[PILOT] OOC Discussion thread



  • So... I think I figured out the dice roll now... EPIC Fail.
  • Steve, I notice you're typing with brackets when you should be using the, uhm, the less than and greater than symbols.

    you type [b]. but you should type < b > (no spaces)
  • So... did you do the same thing on your previous roll?

    Also, would you like me to clean up your old posts?
  • I did. Yes please.
  • On the bright side, you nailed this roll! :D
  • Happy 4th, you Americano-types!
  • test roll (Rolled: 7D6. Rolls: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. Total: 7)
  • one more check:
    (Rolled: 7d6. Rolls: 2, 5, 5, 2, 3, 6, 1. Total: 24)
  • If you guys are working on posts, hold off for a second — I'm going to change the scene just a teensy bit. Having Qing out in the open is kind of a stupid move for professional agents like yourself, so I aim to remedy that.
  • Edit done. Go nuts! :)
  • Thanks for the edit, I love what Em is doing right now!
  • holy cats, Kelley! The not returning the smile. Take a STUNT DIE.
  • I was reading the A/N/N rules with Rich last night, and I discovered refresh scenes don't give you Stunt dice... They clear conditions.

    I think this is dumb. I propose we "house rule" that refresh scenes can be used for one of the following:

    • Clear one condition (the condition must be addressed in the refresh scene).
    • Gain 3 stunt dice.
  • Take a stunt die for the Emily and babe bit. If I'm allowed to grant it, it was WELL EARNED.
  • Of course it's allowed, and it was of course very well earned!
  • Sorry I've been slow in responding. This week's been one for the record books already.
  • That's OK. Sorry this week's been so tough...
  • So I'm going to do a quick interrupt scene with a few of you to pad out some time.

    Rich, you said Utseo needs a refresh scene, right? Does anyone else want one?
  • Nice edge use for Emily!

    Yeah, a refresh scene would be cool.
  • I'm still feeling fairly refreshed. :D
  • I'm good as well, but if Rich wants a scene, I can certainly assist.
  • Do you have something in mind, Rich, or would you like a stock scene?
  • Let's try a stock scene. I'm interested in exploring the ANN canon right now.
  • We've got some short scenes up. Let's get back to it!
  • So, I'm back from GenCon, but I prolly won't be able to post until Tuesday. Sorry!
  • No worries! I hope you guys all had a good time!
  • Should I move on with Utseo?
  • Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but I hope I made up for it with some potential angst embedded within.
  • Poor Alex... Hopefully we can work through some of this trauma!
  • hey, don't forget that XP is gained only when you hit your Keys. Feels like we're drifting the story, which is not a problem, as far as us collectively telling a story. But the rules and scenario for ANN don't exactly support some of the side plots we're establishing (Utseo and Em, Em and the baby, Alex and the uber angst).

    I mention it because it feels like expectations for the game don't seem to line up with what it was constructed to deliver.
  • Sounds like maybe then it wouldn't hurt to buy off some keys, pick up new ones to accommodate the game we're trying to make.

    Granted, I hit my key whenever I convince someone, so.... I'm still okay on that front.
  • I think Alex has bought off at least one key (Comedian) already, and I think it would be awesome if he took a key more in line with his vision of Alex!
  • Well crap... now I feel like a moron. Of course this game can support our angst. Duh! Key switching! yaaaay
  • Key of the Protector looks like a good fit.
  • That it does. Keep an eye on your keys, and let me know if you buy any out/take on new ones. I'd just like to keep it all straight so I know what to dangle in front of your PCs.
  • edited September 2013
    Hey guys. You may notice there's another set of threats threads showing up with the tag JunkXIII... Ignore them (or read them, if you're so inclined!). Rich and I are experimenting with something.
  • hee hee, you called them threats!
  • Damn auto-correct...

    Or possibly having MCing on the brain.
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