You drive for a couple more days before you reach Salt. VB continues riding up front with Kiddo, no longer sullen and brooding, Motel6 starts learning the words to Sweet Caroline from Stitch. The cold war between Cheetos and Rolo is still ongoing. However, Hump has decided he's totally in love with Topps. Totally and forever in love. For reals.
VB has started taking watches, which is great because now Kiddo and Rinso can get more sleep. By the time you reach Salt, Svenja may or may not be able to help, too (see below).
As you travel further north, you see signs of violence along the road. There's a couple scrounged cars that were run off the dirt road, stripped, then burned. There are scorched corpses inside and the hood of the rusty sedan has a big spray-painted white skull with black Xs for eyes and red crossbones. Kiddo, you know what gang uses that symbol.

Let's see how the trip went for you, yeah?
Kiddo, since you're head of security, let's get a roll+Cool
On a 10+, the trip went according to plan. Wasn't a cake walk, but you made it to Salt.
On a 7-9, you choose:
* used an extra barter of bullets fending off raiders, which kept them from hitting anyone, but you know bullets don't grow on trees
* used an extra barter of food, the weather turned on you, you had to hole up for a bit, or animals took it in the night
On a miss, you didn't make it to Salt
quite yet because something happened.
Stitch, since you're the doc here, let's see how the health of the caravan is going. Please roll +Sharp. On a hit, choose some of the following to be true. On a 10+, choose 3; on a 7–9, choose 2:
* You've been taking watch with Rinso, keeping him company. He's come to confide in you, and if you choose, you can confide in him, too. Give him +1 HX (that you can use for helping rolls later)
* You’ve established a solid healthy eating and cleaning regimen for the truckers, and none of them are sick from eating scrounged food. They hate it, but they’re doing it.
* You’ve gotten Svenja back up on her feet earlier than expected. Take +1Forward when dealing with her. She's less cranky around you
now, but you know that'll change once you burn that +1.
* You’ve confronted Motel6 about his stupid plan to set aside some of the supplies and hide them in Salt so he can resell them later, and he's given up on it.
On a miss, none of them are true.
The roadside grave, on the other hand is nothing to be grateful for... The Wendy's are pushing further and further south every year, but they don't get any less gruesome.
I'll just be happy when we finally get to Salt.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 11)
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 8)
* You’ve gotten Svenja back up on her feet earlier than expected. Take +1Forward when dealing with her. She's less cranky around you now, but you know that'll change once you burn that +1.
* You’ve confronted Motel6 about his stupid plan to set aside some of the supplies and hide them in Salt so he can resell them later, and he's given up on it.
The whole town is lined up on this one road your rode in on, a dirt road that cuts right through the town. It could be located just about anywhere, but the mine is just lucrative enough to be where Salt happened. Salt has grown since you were here last, Kiddo. Your Granma Jemma's house still stands where it was, and you're sure that Piggby Two is there keeping her company.
Stitch, what have you heard about those mines? What's in there?
Kodak has everyone park by the mobile homes. He's made arrangements for three trailers. Union is still passed out sick, so Bank has been driving non-stop. It hasn't slowed you up, but you know at some point, one of these truckers are gonna fall asleep at the wheel, and that's not good. Not good at all.
Folks are getting out or off the trucks, stretching their legs, that kind of thing. Of course, you skipped lunch, more or less, munching on whatever to make better time. Not like there was a restaurant on the way anyhow, right?
KellyTires is heading to the tower while Kodak is heading to Talenti's. The truckers are unloading a few crates worth of stuff to trade, then they'll gas up for the trip in the morning. Rolo and Cheetos are probably going to crash here, then head back to Boomtown at first light.
What do you do?
Once folks are getting busy unloading and refueling the truck, I grab Rinso and Vee. "I wanna see my Gramma — if anyone knows what's up with these new Candy Bars, it'll be her. Can one of you guys handle the shift tonight with Stitch? There shouldn't be any trouble, but it never hurts to be ready, yeah?"
VB answers right off, "NOT IT! ha ha, you're stuck with the doc, Rinnie."
Rinso shrugs, "Sure, that's fine with me."
That causes VB to look at him for a sec, but she shrugs it off, "Kids, can I come with? I wanna see Jemma! Think she still has any gum?" Which is a crazy question. How long has it been since she handed out gum to you two hen you came to visit? What did it taste like? Hell, what the hell was it?
That gets a chuckle out of Rinso, but he says, "You ladies have fun. I'm gonna check out Ollie's. Hey Kiddo, you ever heard of this place?" He's looking for Stitch, probably to tell her about watch.
I assume you're helping poor Union into the mobile homes, right? Bank is right there, grousing, "Poor guy, I think he crapped himself like three times. Probably got the red ass somethin fierce." She's probably right.
Anyways, Rinso comes up, "Stitch, you need help carrying Union in?"
Then I sling my arm around VB's shoulder, give her a kiss, and add, "If she's got any more of that rank-ass gum on her, you can have it, yeah? That stuff burns my mouth." It's been a few years since Jemma's even had gum, let alone handing it out. She experimented making some a while back with this "minty" stuff she found growing out in the mountains. I couldn't feel my tongue for days. "C'mon sweetie. Let's go see Gramma Jemma!"
I struggle with Bank to get Union up into a mobile home. "Yeah, that'd be really helpful." I reply to Rinso, with a grateful smile.
I got a little freaked out when we saw the corpses and all that damage, but my night with Scope went a long way in easing the anxiety I hadn't realized had been creeping up on me. I even let my hair loose today- most times I wear it in a ponytail just to keep it out of my face.
Salt smells different than Boomtown. I feel different. Fucking Svenja even smiled at me this morning...
VB snickers, "Rank-ass? You're just a lightweight!" she slips a hand down into your back pocket and walks alongside you down "Main Street" to Jemma's. What's her place like, Kiddo? How does she make jingle? Does she live alone?
Rinso pauses for a second when you thank him, looks at you, "Your, uhm, hair looks nice." Then he picks Union up, and mostly-gently puts him over his broad shoulder. It's pretty gross, since they never took any stops and he had diarrhea and after a while, he just ended up lying in his own filth. The guy has the shakes and he's lost most of his fluids. You're going to need to spend some time getting him cleaned up. The good news
On your direction, Rinso will bring him into one of the homes. They're single-wide beaten up metal trashy homes with not much to speak of other than a dirt mattress and a bathroom that is slightly open to the outside. This place smells like old milk, and it looks like the last tenants decided to test out a metal bat on the walls. The walls lost.
What do you do?
I have Rinso set Union down in the cleanest part of the place. I'd really like to get him cleaned up, but it's more important to get his fluids up. "Is there a clinic or something here? He needs an IV." I ask Rinso.
Now let's talk about something interesting, yeah? How does Jemma make jingle? Frak the hell if I know. I don't think I've seen her lift a finger doing anything ever. Whatever she makes, she gives away. She doesn't sleep with anybody – as far as I know – for jingle or otherwise, and she doesn't really have much other than her shack, and a near constant supply of mushrooms, bug paste, and the odd veggie.
Jemma's one of those strong, mysterious women who just kinda "exist," and nobody knows how. I think she prefers it that way.
She nods lazily and heads out. Rinso starts stripping Union down, who just moans, he doesn't have enough strength to fight it. Its odd, Rinso acts like an orderly, he has no hesitation like most folks around the rancid human waste that's come out of this guy. Seriously, it's like baby's shit, pea soup green and the consistency of oatmeal. Not good. But Rinso is in there, working away at stripping the guy down, then moving what all he can without spilling outside.
The smell abates a bit. Rinso calls from outside, "I'm gonna get some well water and some cloths, Stitch! Be right back."
What do you do?
I start working on Union.
OOC: Heal roll incoming
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 1. Total: 3)
You knock a couple times at Gramma Jemma's door, then it swings wide. She's there, as always, a constant of this world. Pigby 2 greets you warmly, he always was such a friendly pet. He bowls VB over, since he outweighs her by a large margin and begins rubbing his belly against her until she scratches him. She squeals when he does this, at first alarmed, then with delight. She's a fan.
When Jemma sees you, she ambles over, pulls you into a hug. It's less fierce than you remember, her hugs. But still, the body is strong enough, stronger than she should be, at this age, "Hell. Kiddo. Lookit you! All grown up. Gotcher ma's ring, Roof's stick, too. Where's Hump?" She looks at you with quick eyes, seems to sense that Hump is near.
What do you do?
This guy has had salmonella before, and he's had this case for a bit too long. The infection has spread, it's in his intestines, and he's got a host of other ailments, including cancer. In short, the guy is dying. Has been for a while, but this is the last gasp for him. IVs can ease his pain, but he's slipping into a coma, organs beginning to fail. Not stuff you'd catch with a cursory exam, but now that you're taking a good look, he's toast.
Rinso came back at some point, he's watching you work, looking over your shoulder, but keeping a respectful distance. He says low, "Anything I can do to help?"
"Get me a drink?" I say softly, not picking my head up. Tears prick at my eyes. "He have any family? He'll be gone soon."
That surprises Rinso, "Really? He's... gonna die?" There's a moment, he waits for a response, and yeah, it's true. He answers, "No family I knew of. He was close with Bank, of course. That's all I know. I'll go, uh, tell Kodak." He pats your shoulder softly. Then rises to go.
After he leaves I start cleaning up. Stupid frakking planet- no hospitals, unsafe food, stillborn babies. The future was supposed to be better. That's what they promised us. That was the whole point of getting frozen- to wake up in a better world. Only this one isn't better at all, it just has two moons.
I cry quietly to myself, in an empty, beat up mobile home, next to a dying man I can't save.
Jemma smiles at your compliment. She's lost a few more teeth. Or took them, more like it, since she's her own dentist out here. "I'm too mean to die, Kiddo. You know that." She grabs your arm, pulls you over to the stove, and tears away some tin foil from a pie tin. Inside is a little crusty pie of some kind. "Got a knife or somethin? Dig in, pumpkin." She looks past you, onto the floor, "And you, too, VB. Get yer skinny ass up here and eat some o this. You don't eat enough!"
She'll insist on feeding you guys, and this looks like it might've been her meal. But you know better than to argue, right?
"There's some home-brewed wine to wash it down," she says, pointing to a jog. "No cups, tho. Share." VB heads for that first, takes a swig, then makes a face, but swallows it down and smacks her lips, making an Ahhhh sound.
What do you do?
Once I've eaten a bit, I strike up a conversation. "So word has it there's some new Candy gig in town? Who's running that up?" I try and keep my tone casual, but on the inside I'm nervous as hell.
Rinso comes in a little while later. The creaking door announces his presence. He lies what looks like a small plastic bottle of alcohol on the floor beside your seat, then finishes cleaning up. His work is quick but thorough, and while he doesn't have a surgeon's touch, he's done in moments.
And you both sit there are Union breathes his last. He must've known not to tarry, and his passing is quiet, and probably painless, since he passed out a little while ago.
Rinso sits back, on his butt near you, looking down at Union's corpse. "Union was a good worker. Not much of a talker, didn't have many friends, but he kept his word. He was a good friend to Bank. He'll be missed."
After that, Rinso stands up, offers you a hand up, "C'mon. Bank'll take care of the body. You care for the livin. Let's get you to your, ah, your room. Alright?"
I nod at Rinso's words, not having any to offer myself. I didn't even know the man. Another long swig from the bottle.
I take Rinso's hand. "I should check on Svenja." I say. I keep myself busy with work. There's always more patients.
Rinso's strength is something you'd assume, I mean, the guy's big But feeling him pull you up like you're a little ballerina, that's got to be interesting.
You can see him consider trying to talk you out of it, but instead he just nods, "Sure, doc. Venger's at Ollie's." He holds your hand for a minute too long, then gently lets go. He heads out of the trailer park and leads you to Ollie's.
The place, this Ollie's, is one of the nicest places you've seen here on this trash planet. All the construction is recent, a reddish brick, like adobe, but with some odd swirls of color. The place is far too big for Salt, which is a speck, whereas this is a watering hole for a hundred people maybe.
Inside are a handful of adults, sitting at the long slate bar, a few clumps of people sitting at small tables. There's even a small stage where a band could play. No music right now, but it could be used any minute, it feels like. The place looks surprisingly "normal". It had to have taken years to craft this place, all built by hand.
There's a chubby guy behind the bar, chatting with Topps, Svenja and Hump. He looks up, gives Rinso a wave. Rinso nods back, puts a hand on your back, gentle, says, "That's Bicycle, the bartender. He was a scrounger kid like me, back inna day."
"Hey Rinnie, how're you? Who's the lady?" Bicycle says politely as he fetches a couple mugs.
"This is Stitch." Rinso says, trying to sound happy, but with Union's death, he's heart not in it, really. Two drinks appear before you.
What do you do?
I stare at the drink longingly for a moment, but sit down next to Svenja. "How's the wound? Can I look at it?" No sense in doctoring drunk, right? Though the moment I'm done with her I plan on getting shitfaced.
Svenja quirks a frown, looks over at Hump, then nods, "Yeah. Sure, doc."
She pushes herself away form the bar and walks with you over to a table. Then, she reaches down to loosen her breastplate, lifts it over her head, then lifts up her shirt. She doesn't flash her breasts, but she does pull it right up there so you can look. The wound looks pretty good. She'll still be sore, but she's pretty much fit for duty.
She asks with curiosity, "How's it look?"
Oh, it's actually quite light, sort of flaky. The mincemeat inside is a tad spicy, but it's an interesting burn, kind of creeps up on you. But not "minty" like before. Old dogs, new tricks?
Jemma is watchin close, like she expects a reaction. Then you ask about the Candies and her expression sours, "Oh, those are NOT Candies, Kiddo. Just fool-headed girls riding bikes and actin up. Frak them, I say."
VB's wriggling free of Pigby 2 and grabbing a handful of the pie, gobbling up. Jemma asks, "You hear about the Candies all the way down south?
Svenja huffs a laugh, which comes out odd since she was holding her breath trying to keep from wincing. She's still a little sore. She says, "Never did learn to waltz. I do a mean quickstep, though. Learned it for Phil, an old boyfriend in college... you know how to waltz?" She's lowering her shirt down tenderly, watching you close.
"Oh," I grumble, between bites, "I like keeping tabs on what's going on up north — y'know, just incase some news crops up about Ma' 'n Dad... I don't suppose you've heard from 'em in a while, yeah?"
That surprises Jemma. She looks thoughtful for a moment, then asks, "So Zero didn't send y'all up here to put em down then?" that gets VB's attention, she looks up from her pie gorging to peer at Jemma curiously.
"Maybe." I answer her, smiling. "Once upon a time, but that was years ago."
After she lowers her shirt back down I look her in the eye. "You need pain meds?" I say as quietly as I can. I know she acts all tough, but she was shot in the gut with a fucking hollowpoint, and I dug it out of her on the side of the road. I look away before she can reply, grinning at Rinso- "Can you imagine her dancing?!?"
I look back at her casually, expecting a slight nod. If she turns 'em down, she's a fool and deserves the pain she's too stubborn to let go of.
Rinso looks surprised at your sudden jovial question and his smile spreads wide, "Venger? Dancing on graves, maybe. hah"
When you look back, Svenja isn't looking right at you, sort of out of the corner of her eye. She nods, just barely.
To that, Bicycle says broadly, "We got a great young talent here, he'll be playin tonight. Taught by Ollie hisself, no less. Damn good musician. You all stickin around?"
Rinso answers, "Yeah, for a day. Then we're heading back out."
I grab a pill from my pack and palm it. "Do me a favor? Try not to get shot again for a while? I wasn't trained for this shit..." I stick my hand out to shake hers and give it over. I've got a genuine smile on my face- using her insult against her. I raise my eyebrows with the question- we cool?
Svenja takes it, gives you an appraising look and says, "Thanks, doc. I appreciate what you did out there. And all along. You, uh... well, you're not too good with a gun, which means you aint a medic, really. But the doc part, you aint half bad." She reaches up with her free hand to grasp your forearm, a sort of act of camaraderie you've seen between soldiers before. Then she lets go, heads back to the bar.
I assume you head back for that beer? The stuff is thin, bitter, and it will eventually do the trick. What's the plan here, Stitch? Drink quietly till drunk? Socialize with the power of the bravery booster? Something else?
Gramma Jemma looks away for a second. She's heard, you know she has. "I thought maybe she'd sent you a message or somethin, hon." She reaches up to touch your bicep gently, an act of comfort. "They stopped by, yeah. I didn't know they didn't turn back south. Well, not for sure... but I worried for a bit when they didn't stop back by, ya know?"
VB goes back to the pie, maybe out of hunger, maybe to hide her interest. She's going to finish that damn thing if you don't say something. Pigby2 is nudging her, thinking he might get some yummy bits, too.
I head for that beer like it's calling my name. I wonder if they have margaritas on this planet- before being put on ice myself, I sure did like a good margarita on the rocks. Salt on the rim... my mouth waters a bit and I finish the rest of this beer fast, not wanting to taste it longer than I need to.
I would have sat quietly, drinking until I drowned out the fear that I was the reason Union had died, but the interaction with Svenja has taken me a little out of the funk I was in. I still can't get over the idea of her dancing- hah! I sit down at the bar, looking around. Hell, I think I will stick around for that music Bicycle was talking about.
Vee can finish the pie... I'm no so hungry anymore. "So who're these kids pissing in folks' corn flakes up here?"
A few beers later, and Ollie's has started filling up. Bicycle is doing his best to make a margarita, taking mental notes and using you as his personal taste tester. You must have described the hell out of that drink, he really wants to make one. How many tries until you admit he's got it down?
The musician shows up, a young skinny dark-skinned guy named Mattel. He's got an electric guitar and an amp that he winds up before he plays. He plays a jaunty little tune that you recognize, makes you wanna get up and dance. What is it, Stitch?
What do you do?
Gramma Jemma nods when you tell her you'll find them. She knows you will. By hook or by crook. When you ask about the new Candies, Jemma waves a hand dismissively, "Like I said, fool-headed kids. I aint usin their Candy Bar names 'cause they aint earned em. That silly girl Omo started it up, and little Starburst, who's a summer younger than you, jumped right in. She came through and talked Del Monte into running off with em. Even Missoni, daughter of the old Poddby judge Missoni, got swept up. They added in some girls from up north and been ridin around doin odd jobs for jingle. Buncha travelin whores is all they are. Don't you pay them any mind, Kiddo."
VB is licking her fingers. Pigby2 is making sure she does a fine job, then he's up on his hind legs, sorta bowling her over to lick her face clean. VB just giggles like she's gonna pee herself, her laugh is infectious.
"Music?" VB asks from the floor.
Jemma nods, "Yeah, you member that kid Mattel? He's their headliner."
I wait a minute, looking around the old shack before adding, "We're heading out tomorrow with the convoy, up North, but I'm gunna try and convince Hump to stay here until we can make the trek back. Do you mind if he crashes here with you?"
VB laughs, "I tell you, Jemma. When he was done... I smelled a little pee on him! No, I did!"
Gramma Jemma chuckles, pats VB's arm, and says, "I'm not surprised, honey. He still gets jitters if he aint takin the weed. But yeah, his sound is good."
You ask about Hump staying and Jemma says without hesitation, "What's mine is yours, Kiddo, always. I'd love to keep him! How big is he now? An why the hell didn't be bring this girl? Is she skeevy?"
I look back to Jemma, "You wanna come find him with me? He's tough to pry off that chick nowadays..."
VB makes an "Oooooh" sound, then "Jemma's sweet on Kel-lee!"
Jemma smacks her arm lightly, but doesn't deny it. She asks, "KellyTires got a girl? Who's her ma? She around, too?" She's getting up, getting ready to go, checking her dress self-consciously.
This is frakking awesome! Gramma used to tell me storied about "Grampa," but nobody ever really told me who he was. I didn't think Gramma was the kind of woman to be sweet on someone... I'm kinda glad I'm wrong. "You ladies ready?"
I take a small sip, thinking it'll be wrong again. Fuck me- he did it! A giant grin breaks out on my face- I reach over the bar to grab him and plant a kiss right on his lips. "You, my friend, are a genius."
I turn around in my seat- ready to watch the music- when Mattel starts up with Sweet Home Alabama. Fucking-A, man, that song!!! I set my drink on the bar, looking at Bicycle- "Don't let anyone touch that, yeah?" I go and dance! Hell- none of these folk even know what Alabama is, I dance my ass off, regardless of whether anyone comes to join me or not!
Bicycle blinks in surprise when you kiss him and compliment him, then he shares your grin. You hit the dance floor, which is right up by the stage. You have it all to yourself for a bit before anyone decides to join you.
Gramma Jemma and VB follow you to Ollie's. The place is a pretty sweet cantina, if a bit large for this tiny village. You hear the guitar licks of a familiar song, one that your dad taught Mattel. And he's rocking it. Inside you see the rest of your crew, all watching Stitch dancing and hollering, having a very good time.
Jemma, for the first time ever, seems a tiny bit nervous when she walks over to talk with KellyTires, the loud music and party vibe giving her cover to not draw attention.
VB loves to dance, so she's heading over to join you, Stitch. I mean, she's not rubbing up on you or anything, but she's going to shake her monkeymaker and enjoy the music, too. At some point, Hump has been pulled up by Topps, too.
I guess I'll walk over to the bar, and get myself a drink of something for the road. Maybe listen in on KellyTires and Gramma's conversation a bit.
Before you get a chance to eavesdrop, Svenja comes over to you, Rinso is right behind her. "Hey bosslady. Listen, I'm takin watch tonight for Stitch. Let her party down, alright?"
Rinso says low, "Union was sicker than he let on. Guy just up and died on Stitch. I think she needs to drink herself silly or something."
Kodak and the truckers aren't here. But like he read your mind, Rinso adds, "I told Kodak already."
Without looking at either of 'em, I nod. "You sure you're up for it, Svenja? I could handle it if you need one more night..."
Svenja nods, "Five by five, bosslady. Been on my ass too long, need to earn my keep. Besides, doc said I aint s'posed to be drinkin, so I might as well let y'all."
Rinso playfully nudges Svenja, "That's flash of you, Venger." He looks to you, "Kodak fronted me a few jingle, Kiddo. You want a drink? Stitch taught Bicycle here how to make a marga Rita."
Then I look to Rinso, "First off, it's Margo Rita, isn't it?"
Svenja shrugs, like she really cares about bein social, then heads back to the bar, keeps watching folks dance.
Rinso leans down to hear you. "I dunno. Never heard of it before Stitch started talkin bout it. Sure. Margo Rita." He narrows his eyes a bit, "That aint what you wanted to talk about though... what's up?"
Rinso nods, he'd follow you anywhere. Where do you take him? Out to the street or something?
Oh and by the way, you just spied your Gramma touching her hair and laughing at something KellyTires said.
I think Stitch has the right idea... I need to blow off some steam. I'm staying quiet as I lead Rinso out of the bar, and through the streets to an old abandoned shed by Gramma's place where I used to play as a kid. I don't think I ever brought Rinso there...
I notice Kiddo and Rinso leaving and am a little disappointed, but it was never gonna happen with Rinso. I was just kidding myself. He and Kiddo have history, I guess.
I dance my troubles away, enjoying my buzz.
Rinso follows, growing suddenly quiet, like church quiet. He doesn't think you're going to yell at him. Definitely won't kill him. Union wasn't his fault. And he's been good for the past few days, not thinking with his dick anymore, which is failing right now, because... But you said it was after the job was over. After isn't now. What the hell? Maybe you need something moved?
When you get him in the shed, which smells of oil and gas, the folks working on the tower store their crap here. There are workhorses and a small table, too.
You sure do! VB is all smiles and she starts drinking up, too. She's a total lightweight, literally, so she catches up quick. Mattel watches the both of you dance, and it's funny because two pretty girls dancing more or less together is a great way to get attention without interruption, even in the apocalypse. You feel their eyes on you, some adoring, some hungry.
A guy comes up, the brave soul who will dance with yo and VB. Or is it just you? Maybe? He looks like this:
What do you do?
Once I get a feel for the place, I turn back to Rinso and smile. "You can stop worrying now — you're not in shit." I hop up on my tippy toes and give him a peck on the cheek to calm him down, "I used to play here when Ma' and Dad would drop VB, Hump, Vicky, and me off before their trips North. I remember I'd hide up in the hayloft when I heard my Ma's bike come roaring down the road, and Dad would always fake not knowing where I was..."
I catch myself listening for traffic out on the roads, but it's all muffled by the construction going on at the tower... I look up at Rinso, smirking, "I like this place."
Rinso relaxes a bit when you let him off the hook. He watches you give your tour, looks around the shed with you. When you retell the hiding times, he chuckles, "That sounds like your dad."
He returns your smirk, "This is a nice place away from the world. Good to have those."
For a second, he sort of thinks back, "When I lived in The Pen as a kid, we had hiding games. It was fun to hide in the dark, half scared and half thrilled that someone was looking for you. That someone cared where you were. Even if just for a moment, even if it was just another scrubber kid."
The guy comes up and starts dancing with both of us. "What's your name?" I ask him, continuing to dance.
"Metro," he replies back, and yes, he turns to face just you as he dances. He isn't nearly as carefree as you or VB, but he's got enough self-confidence to move and not worry who is watching.
Mattel brings the music down a bit. Some folks peel off the dance floor to refresh, get drinks, stuff like that. Metro steps close and without words, asks you to dance with him. He puts a hand on your hip, looks down into your eyes, "What's yours?"
His face... reminds me of someone. Maybe someone I knew? I can't quite place it. Doesn't matter, though, I'm not thinking about his face right about now...
You feel his body respond to your presence, and your question, before his mouth follows. But finally, a single word comes out in a soft whisper, "Yes."
Metro's self-confidence carries him pretty far, doesn't it? In just a verse, his hands are around your waist and he's dancing slowly, looking down at you. He flipped his cig before you started slow dancing, and now all that's on his mouth is a smirk. He asks, "Have you been through Salt before? You look so familiar, Stitch."
VB's over by Svenja now, drinking the last of your Margo Rita. Yes, she's stealing it.
"Nope, first time here." I reply. A tiny voice in my head tells me I am weird-looking and do not have one of those faces, but I ignore it. "What about you? Just visiting or is Salt home?"
I laugh as VB steals my drink- she can have it! I'm doing fine right where I am.
"Come find me then."
Metro answers, "No, I'm from up north, grew up in the Bubbles. I'm down here working on the Tower." He's laced his hands together at your back now, and you two have fallen into a nice little soft dance together, moving as one. He more says than asks, "You came in with KellyTires, right? Same caravan? Working with him, or something else?"
I'm curious to learn more about him- what are the Bubbles? What kind of work happens on the Tower? But I don't ask- I'm not sure what's common knowledge and I'm afraid I'll give away that I'm spacefolk.
Metro moves back from your dancer's embrace, and inclines his head towards a table. I assume you follow, right? He laughs, "Stitched up, huh? That's funny."
He pulls back a chair for you, then sits in the one beside it. Bicycle hustles over with another Margo Rita for you, saying "Margo Rita for the lady." Then he slides a dark liquor in a tumbler, "And your regular, Metro."
Metro takes a drink, but he seems intrigued by yours, "Is the salt on the rim... meant to be there, I take it?"
Rinso laughs when you take off up the ladder. He catches your top, and your bra, and puts them neatly on the work table, then checks the door, making sure it is locked. In a fakey deep voice, he rumbles, "The door is locked, little girl. There is NO ESCAPE NOW!" He stomps over to pretend to look for you at the work table, then he looks behind tools, then over underneath the loft, all the while calling out where he's looking.
Then finally, he says, "Ah ha! Since you aren't down HERE, you must be... up this ladder! Here I come, little Kiddo. And you better watch out, because once I CATCH you, I'm not gonna let go... for a while."
He comes up the ladder slowly, loudly, making himself like a giant. Once he reaches the top, how does he find you, Kiddo?
I bite my lip, and watch him ascend the last few rungs, staying patiently silent until he's finally here. "Good," I whisper, sensually, "you'd best hang on tight, then." I lay there still, waiting for him to come to me. Then I'm gunna rock his world.
Rinso comes up, and as soon as he sees you, his goofy smile fades and he just looks down at you. Swallows, "Gods, Kiddo. You are so lovely."
He's still standing there, shirt, pants, boots and all, stink of the road on him, plus some heavy cleaning chems. It's like he's frozen by you, can't speak, can't quite move forward. Blinking. Breathing. But torn between talking and acting, so he's still just there.
What do you do?
"Yes, it's on purpose." I giggle and lick the salt off the rim of the glass as flirty as I can.
OOC: Seduce roll incoming
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 5)
He's not moving... I look up at him, my heart racing, and slowly shift onto my knees. I crawl over to him, and pull him closer to me by the collar of his shirt. I hold his face just inches from mine as I look him over — he can't really think I'm lovely... He must just be confused or something. Part of me feels bad, because I feel like I'm lying to him. I'm not lovely, Rinso, you are... I'm just a slut that wants to relax, and you're too horny to say no.
Then, without saying anything, I kiss him gently. I don't know why — maybe because I don't want him to keep talking. I take his hands in mine, confidently guiding them where they need to go, and pull him back to the blanket with me. Gods, Rinso... Why'd you have to go and say something like that?
So here's the deal. This guy that you just met, Metro, he's into you. But he wants to take you out of here to "his place", which is, no lie, in a van by the Tower. you're a little drunk, yeah? Tipsy maybe? So maybe it doesn't seem like the worst plan in the world now.
But there's something off about Metro. Now that you're sitting, focusing on him, how he moves, looks at you, talks. He's not like the other folks in Salt. There's something otherly about him.
Maybe that's hot for you? Maybe not. But in the back of your head, the 'don't talk to strangers part", an alarm bell is ringing.
"Stitch... would you like to get out of here with me?" He asks with that smirk.
What do you do?
I smile. "Yeah.
I look over to see Svenja leaving. I think we're leaving early tomorrow morning, but I was so busy with Union I don't know the official plan. I should probably go talk to her, but that's not gonna happen.
Your hands guide him, and he's unable to stop you. But you feel it, in his eyes, he does think you're lovely, and your opinion on the matter doesn't seem to faze him at all. He kisses you back, gently, and as you ease his shirt off, he's touching your face, your shoulders. And he looks into your eyes, "Kiddo. I... I keep trying to stay away, to give you space, let you be your own person without me in the way. I've always tried to protect you like I promised without driving you away. But you have to know. I'm in love with you, ok?" He's holding your shoulders, holding you back, really, "This isn't just some fun for me. I've wanted to be with you for... as long as I can remember."
You both leave together. And sure enough, he's walking you towards the big radio tower. The thing looks a bit like a miniature Eiffel Tower, like a Vegas version. There's a not-quite-finished station up there, not unlike a ranger's station, where one could broadcast and act as lookout. And underneath the metallic monstrosity is a conversion van, in decent shape, much, much older than you, though.
"Stitch, welcome to my humble abode," Metro says as he gestures to it. Hey Stitch, there's a killer piece of art on the side of it that you recognize, it's pretty awesome. What is it?
What do you do?
I feel a pang for my old life, which is odd. Why would a copy of a painting on the side of a van on a planet full of junk make me long for home?
I stand there, staring at it, almost transfixed. My brain keeps trying to work something out, but I don't know what it is.
I focus on his touch, trying to lose myself in it; maybe pretend I didn't hear him — even though I did — but then he's holding me back, looking into my eyes, and I just can't hold his gaze. I slump down onto my haunches, and let out a deeply held breath. "Rinny, I..." I want to say "I love you too"... Because I really do, if that even means anything coming from me.
Wait... What was that, Kiddo? You think you have something to say? Oh yeah, sure you love him — like you love VB, and Hump. That's just like the way he loves you. Hell, even then, I'm sure it's just like Kodak said he did, and the ten other folks who followed him, and your Ma' and Dad — who mysteriously disappeared into the night, never to be seen again — sure he loves you. What the frak does that even mean anyway?
I've probably been staring at him a little too long now — mouth agape, no doubt — so I close my mouth abruptly, and frown. I cup his cheeks in my hands, which are shaking a bit, "I love you too, Rinny — really — but I'm just going to disappoint you..."
I brush his hair with my fingers, and pull him into a short kiss before gently sliding his hands back into position. "Hold on tight, OK?"
Metro's hand is on your back, standing beside you. He says without too much air, "I painted it. Well, not originally, of course." He lets you stare at it while he stares at you for a while. Seems that out here, with the distant sounds of the cantina, it's pretty damn quiet in Salt.
The groan of the metal tower, the sound of someone laughing not too far away, but otherwise, silent. Quite unlike the constant hum of your home, or inside a ship.
"How long have you been here, Stitch?" he asks softly.
I swallow hard and close my eyes, all trace of mirth gone. "I honestly don't know." I answer truthfully. I open my eyes and look at him. "How long have you?"
there's a moment when he fights you, when he doesn't want to let go of your shoulders, he doesn't seem ready to let you in. Even after you said you love him, too. Was it the way you said it? Or is there, you know, something wrong with you?
He does let you put his hands on your hips finally, but then you tell him to hold on, and he gets this sour look on his face, just for a moment, but he pushes it away. He gets down to work, just buries his head and then you've got him. He's there with you and pleasuring you and gods his muscles are big and he's not bad at this at all, and it's whizz bang fun. Super great times, right?
So afterwards, in the growing dark, he's lying there beside you, and breathing calmly, arm around you, but he seems a world away.
And you can fire off that sex move now.
Metro says, with that smirk, "One hundred and forty three years." And he's looking at you like he's daring you to laugh, that he just told you a delicious joke.
And something inside you, tells you he isn't lying.
I wonder how long he's been awake, what city he came from, but I'm afraid to ask.
What the frak is wrong with me? Why can't I just frakking trust him?
I'm lying there in his arms, staring up at the ceiling, trying to figure out how I can fix this... But somehow I doubt he's the person who needs to be fixed.
OOC: Questions, question, questions:
• what strong emotions have been most recently nearby this?
• what words have been said most recently nearby this?
• what’s wrong with this, and how might I fix it?
Strong emotions near Rinso? Well, Stitch has a major crush on him. She figures it would be unrequited. He likes Stitch, thinks she's very interesting, but he feels like they're from, no really, different worlds.
There's Svenja, who by the way, it was just sex to her. She likes Rinso, but more like a fellow soldier than a romantic interest. And yes, she'd frak him again if she was lonely and drunk. Or just lonely.
Words near Rinso... Kodak told him to talk to you about Stitch, see if she could drive the truck now that Union's dead. And all the rest of the words said near him were from Stitch during Union's passing, and this conversation-sex thing.
Right now? Rinso is pissed because he wanted more than sex, and now he fears he's relegated to all the others. Just another track in the train of Kiddo's search for someone to love. That now he's been conquered, will become no longer interesting and he has to watch you with other men and women, and still protect you. And still love you. Neither of which will he give up.
He thinks you lied to him. That you don't love him, and you lied to make it easy on him. To make it go away, to move on, to just have fun. He finally said it, and you brushed it away.
How might you fix it? Love him back. Or trust him with your honest feelings so he knows what you're after. He could get over the loss of you if he knew you ended up really, really happy. But the whole train track analogy, that would kill him.
Metro turns you to him. You were still facing he van, and he reaches down to take your hand and urge you to face him, only inches away. He looks down into your gloriously green eyes and says, "The Far Point program. I was Executive Officer on the crew. But that was several lifetimes ago. Now... I'm just Metro."
He peers at you for a moment, "And you? You're suffering memory loss, right? You must have been on the ship that came down three weeks ago, right? Anything coming clearer? I have no records of permanent memory loss from stasis. But then... my records are out of date."
I will frak him up. I've frakked up every relationship I've ever been in. I do love Rinso, and I'll continue to love him in my own little way... It isn't a huggy, kissy, stay-at-home-with-kids, and submit kind of love, and it isn't an exclusive deal... I mean, I don't mind going to him for sex first, but I'm not always in the mood for dick, if you catch my drift...
I roll over abruptly, and grab Rinso by the chin, twisting his head to look at me, and squishing his lips together to look like a fish.
... Focus Kiddo. This is no time to giggle...
I take a deep breath, and wait a second for him to give me his full attention. "I would never lie to you Rinny... Never. Yeah?" I wait for him to nod... Or at least attempt to agree... "Everyone I love has left me, Rinny, except you, Vee, and Hump — but I work very frakking hard to make you guys happy. I do love you Rinny, and it scares the crap out of me, 'cause I don't know what that means... I love you, and I love Vee, and I love Hump — all in a million different ways — but sex isn't special to me, and that you see it that way makes me worry I can't give you what you need."
I give him a very serious look, like he needs to understand this, "If you want me to be with you, it's gunna mean a lot more than sticking around, and letting me "be my own woman" — it's gunna mean trusting me when I say you can't scratch every itch I've got, but that I'd never do anything to hurt you. It's gunna mean letting me do what needs to be done sometimes, so we can be happy."
I let go of his lips and brush his clean-shaven cheek with my thumb, "It's gunna mean forgiving me when I frak up — and I will frak up, because it's what I do... I'm a frak up..." If he tries to interrupt, I put a finger to his lips, "but if you can live with all that, and you can help me understand all these... Weird feelings I've got... And you can be patient with me? ... Well..." I take a deep, shaky breath, "I'll give "us" a try."
Rinso lays there, watching, intently watching you, listening, hanging on every word. And yes, he tries to object when you call yourself a frak up. He stops when you put a finger to his lips, but the instinct, to protect you, even from yourself, it's there.
"I'm pretty good at being patient," Rinso answers slow and soft, like he might spook you out of this moment of honesty. "And I don't want to possess you, Kiddo. You aren't something I own. I just, I love you. And when I think of other girls, I end up comparing them to you. And... they fall short." A guilty look flashes across his face, "Even Vee. I mean, listen... if I could be with Vee and just be happy, don't you think I would? It'd be flash all around. Hell, I wish I could sometimes. Because, well, you are a frak up, aren't you?" The right corner of his mouth curls up in a grin after he says that.
"What say," he says as he rolls over to lay on his side, putting a hand on your side, "that we just explore these weird feelings you're experiencing, Kiddo? I mean, is it in a certain area?" He puts his hand on your tummy, "Like here?" Then he starts moving his hand lower, "Or maybe... here?"
So I guess the question is, do you let Rinso play doctor now, or are you moving on? Are you good with spending the night up here with him in the hay?
I put my hand up to my head. "You survived? They lost that boat! Every officer presumed dead..." I start to feel dizzy. It's too much. It was one thing to suspect I'd slept for a hundred years, another thing entirely to have it confirmed.
"Yeah. Some memory loss. Three weeks ago, right. I... I think I need to sit down."
And he does know how to scratch a few itches of mine...
Spending the night up is out of the question. He's got a shift at third transit, so we shouldn't fool around too long... But maybe I could stay up with him... I got a full night's sleep last night, and I could do OK with a few hours sleep.
Metro guides you over to the van, opens up the sliding door on the side and has you sit on the lip. You see a whole bunch of devices inside, like a whole, whole bunch of tech junk. Like, major hoarding problem level, barely anywhere to sleep, really.
He sits down on his haunches, so he stays at eye level. "You heard of it? Wow... that's unexpected. When we lost contact, I didn't know what went out and what died on the vine."
He checks your pulse, casually, but with the perfect grip, "How are your fluids? You really need more sleep, Stitch. You haven't been taking care of yourself, have you?"