True to his word, or maybe just your Coin, Ray led you into one of the jets on a nearby roof. The jet's lights were still on, and there were passengers still in the seats. He led you past them, explaining that they won't listen to you, they're just frozen in place, on their last flight, that will last forever. He thought that was clever.
Outside the jet's cockpit window, which was broken long ago, you enter the sewers. Dark, wet tunnels stretch out for a long while. You criss-cross past other tunnels, but Ray leads you on. Other than an occasional snide comment, he isn't very talkative. As you walk onward, more and more candlewax is around. In crevices, nooks and crannies.
You come to a wide opening that leads to a chamber. The man from the subway is there, guarding the passage. He smiles wide, saying,
"Welcome. The King has been expecting you." Ray ducks his head to the Blind Knight, then takes off.
The Knight leads you into a large chamber with hundreds of people covered in wax. They're working slowly, but surely on minting coins as well as fashioning weapons and armor, fastening pieces together. Many slow hands doing the work.
On a raised dais, sitting in a large red wax throne, is an elderly man, just like the coin, with a huge candle on top of his head. Wax dribbles down over his forehead, into his eyebrows. Old, yellowed wax is caked down the sides of his face and over his shoulders.
Without the candle and wax, he would look like this:

He asks in a reedy voice,
"Do you prefer Benny? Or is that what everyone calls you?"
He coughs into a fist, adding after it passes, "You'll find it quite valuable here."
That Blind Knight is nearby, as are the molten people, who are all around. But their presence is not as bright as the Wax King.
He smacks his lips as if considering how to broach the next. "As for what I want further than this night? I would rather speak on the morrow. For now, I'm simply an old man to you, with a few friends. What good is my offer? Just words."
Ubert pauses before leaving to get Madalena, waiting for your reaction.
"Your Majesty, I am all of those things, and... freaked out, to boot. I've apparently committed my first... four murders tonight, and I'm new to the Mad City. Beyond food, drink, rest, I can use advice and... suggestions. How do I proceed?"
He grips the arm rests of his throne and with effort, pushes himself to stand, "Bring me food for two! Drink as well, make it good!" He slowly begins to walk down the steps of the dais towards you. His head candle bobs with each step, and liquid wax dribbles out to hiss and patter to the stone floor.
He takes a draught of the ale, "It is no life, but it is a stasis. It protects them from the Nightmare and surety of that death. And possibly most importantly, it prevents the Nightmares from growing in power or number."
He swallows, takes a drink of his ale, wipes at his mouth, then continues, "The asleep ones are only the supply line. I'm also recruiting Awake like you to help me fight the most malignant Nightmares." He raises a brow as if to say "a ha, you aren't the only special snowflake, are you?" But it's a gentle jibe, if such a look could be gentle.
"This whole thing is a only a few days old for me, your Majesty. Honestly, I love the power, but I lost control for just a few seconds on the subway and... people? ...died. If there's a way, though... I don't want to give it up, but I'd like to know that it's possible."
He takes a draught of his ale, finishing the goblet. "It was too difficult for me."
What would happen if I never came home? My family would mourn, but it would pass, eventually. We live in the same house like friendly neighbors, intersecting, making polite noises, and even touching each other, caring about each other occasionally. But... would Heather's graduation in June be spoiled? How long before my room would become Mom's sewing room? Would Dad take a day off work?
Eileen would be genuinely upset, but we're young, and just friends. It would make for a hell of a year for her, but she'd still get her soccer scholarship, still wind up saving the world somehow.
The guys, the team? Like the Dude, they'd abide. They'd still win more than they lose, and eventually I'd just be someone to raise a beer to at a party.
The rest of the world? I've hidden the passion that drives me from the world, and when it came out, I was punished for it.
"What do you want me to do?"