It's late afternoon when you pull into Armour, the container city.
Some inspirational images:

After pulling the trucks in to park, five folks, two armed, the others look like strongbacks, come out. They help unload all the crates for sale. Kodak tells you,
"Rinso, Svenja, stick around for a bit, we should be done quick with this help. Stitch, can you help move the trucks once each is unloaded? Kiddo, get us some rooms at Snoozebox, kay?" He hands you some jingle to put everyone up in a few rooms tonight, food and all.
VB wakes up out of her chocolate haze, but she's still got her goofy grin. She slides an arm around your waist, Kiddo, walks in with you. Old El Paso runs Snoozebox, the eight containers that have been converted into room and a small restaurant in the top. They're all stacked on top of each other, with the ability to shut the doors in bad weather or for defense.

Here's Old El Paso:

Old El Paso's son is Mont Blanc, he's about your age.
Here's Mont Blanc:

What's your history with Mont Blanc? Did Old El Paso really hook up with a Candy Bar, or is that just drunk bragging? And if that's right, are you and Mont Blanc like cousins? heh. Kissing cousins? heh heh
Starburst parked her bike on the other side of Armour, but when you walk up to Snoozebox, she's standing nearby, smoking. This is her:

Stitch, that guy Dulux, the one in overalls, there's something familiar about the way he moves, what is it?

What do you do?
I give Vee a kiss on the cheek when she wraps her arm around me, and stop when I spot Starburst lighting up by El Paso's. "Hey Star. What's the deal with the escort?"
Starburst finishes her drag, blows it out real forceful, "Hey Kiddo, hey Vee. Spree was real thankful, axed me to watch over y'all. Plus, we saw Saff about earlier, ya know?"
She falls in behind you, like she's coming into Snoozebox with you, "How's the south?"
So Starburst is following us into Snoozebox ... Uh... OK. "Cool. We saw Sapphire earlier too." I smirk, "She seem pissed off?"Heh heh. I'm bad... "South ain't bad. Salt's got a radio tower now, and my brother's playing on it. Folks are trying to build a few more. Lots of shit going on in the Flats..."
I step into the box, and turn back to her, "Life good up here? Things've changed since I was here last..."
Star looks confused for a moment, "The frak is a radio tower?" She looks over at VB, who starts nibbling at your neck, Kiddo, which only makes Starburst more flustered.
Here's the office.
The interior is about this size:
It's also the restaurant, has a few tables, a nice couch. The interior is bright and clean. Mont Blanc is behind the counter, writing in a small journal. He looks up, sees you talking, but he gives you a nod.
Starburst shrugs, "Life's better that the Wendys went away. But Ascendant sends raiders down now, so there's that. So Hump's playin? He as good as Ols?"
Mont Blanc pipes up, "Ascendant? Yeah, I hate that place. We thought we could trade with them for a bit, but now... they're just a scourge."
This news about the Ascendant is depressing... Like, way frakking depressing. I nod over to Mont Blanc, and produce the jingle Kodak gave me. "Hey Mon-mon. Your dad got vacancy for ... Uh... 8-ish? Just a couple rooms would do. Most of us can bunk up together."
And for your information — y'know, since you asked — Mont Blanc and I never hooked up, even at the insistence of his Dad. You'd have to ask Heath whether or not she actually hooked up with him... She'd probably say no, though. Heath was always a bit of a lone wolf. Though Mon-mon, does look a lot like her... They've got the same cheekbones. Last I checked, Heath wasn't related to Ma' — so I don't think we're cousins. He's got more of a claim to a Candy name than any other bitch I've seen tonight though, if not for the fact that he's got a dick...
Mont Blanc smiles, "I have three opens, two with doubles. Second and third floors. That work?" He looks to Star. "What about you, kid?"
Starburst answers, "Frak you, I'm not a kid. And I don't want a frakkin room."
I turn back to Starburst, "you sticking around town? Or you heading out? There a good place to drink around here?"
VB snickers, "That sounds fun, Mon-Mon. But I got my girl here right now, she's takin me to bed." She looks up from your shoulder into your eyes, "Or maybe the shower? Hm?" She whispers in your ear, "You can get me wet this time..."
Starburst ignores VB and answers you, "I'm stickin around. For drinkin, there's a couple places. Cheap, hard stuff down in The Hole, 'spensive drek up top at Touch O' Gold's..." She smirks, "And if you're buyin, I'll come with."
I look over to Starburst, and nod. "Sure. We'll get settled, then meet up for drinks later?"
Starburst does a little head waggle of acceptance, its a weird northern thing. She blows out a puff of smoke, heads out.
VB nods, that loopy grin still on her face, "Yeah, Kids. I wanna lie down alot." She squeezes your ass through your back pocket and lays her head on your shoulder again.
Mont Blanc gives you a raised eyebrow, hands you keys, and says, "Head through the back door, then stairs lead to the rooms. Have fun."
What do you do?
I'm beginning to think I shouldn't head up there with Vee alone... It's not that I couldn't control myself, or anything, but I'm not sure Vee can control herself... I smile back at Mont Blanc and take the keys, before looking back to Vee. "Should we get Rinny? Let's get Rinny!" I take her back to the front of Snoozebox, and call out, "Rinso! Can we get a hand over here when you're done?!" I'll wait for him to finish watching the help if I have to...
VB giggles, "Yeah, Rinnie would be great, too." She walks with you, not putting up a fuss. You end up waiting for a bit as they wrap up. VB pouts a bit, "C'mon, sis. I'm all dirty. I want a shower. Gimmie the keys. You and Rinnie can join me when he's done, yeah?"
What do you do?
VB nods, then whispers in your ear, "Don't keep me waiting too long, Kids. I promise you'll like iiiiit." She nibbles your ear, sort of playfully. Then, she heads back inside and through to the hall on the other side.
The unloading finishes up, most everyone has worked up a healthy appetite. Kodak is pretty happy. He says, "Head in and get cleaned up, Snoozebox has showers now. In an hour, I'm taking y'all to dinner." He looks over to you, Kiddo, for how the rooms worked out.
What do you do?
Stitch, Svenja says, "I'll take first shower, but I'll be quick. You can use up the rest of the hot water. Cool?" She asks, but she's sort of demanding it. I guess you don't fight?
Kiddo, Rinso sidles up to you, "You can take the shower after VB. She's already up there, right?"
What do you do?
I rub Rinso's back — not showy or anything, just to get his attention — and smile up at him, "give me a hand? If she's as worked up as she was earlier, she may try to drag me in with her..." If nobody protests, I'll head upstairs with Rinso to go deal with Vee.
Rinso says, "Venger, it's not so bad. There's one bathroom per level. They do a light filter on rain barrels, so I wouldn't actually drink much of it, but shower, toilet, bout all a body could ask for."
Motel says, "I feel so damn slimy my ass cheeks are stuck together!"
Bank cocks her head, "Shit, Motel, grab a frakkin shower then. Damn."
Kiddo, Rinso frowns a bit, replies low, "Worked up? Damn, Kiddo. Is she still stuck on chocolate that bad? The hell did Ziploc do to her?" He's glancing over at you, Stitch, not accusingly, just looking.
I look over to Rinso when he asks about Vee, and shrug. "Beats me... She was all touchy feely though. I wouldn't be surprised if the frakker crossed some wires or something. C'mon. I don't wanna leave her alone."
I pull him back up to find Vee.
Kiddo, you get to room thirty-one, and open up the door, which is unlocked. You see the door to the communal shower is open, and you can hear water running. VB's humming a wordless tune that your dad sang sometimes, a sexy little number, really. What is it?
Stitch, while Rinso and Kiddo are up ahead chatting, you're back with Bank and Svenja. I'm curious, you rode with Bank for a day or so, switching driving shifts, right? What did you two talk about? Whatever it is, Bank seems to think you aren't half bad. Svenja says. "Hey Stitch, you remember that Lunar Hilton they put us up in the week before? You remember those fuckin towels? I would run blindfolded through a briar patch to have an arm full of clean ones." She sort of shoulder bumps you, which you've seen is a thing marines do to each other, a kind of fraternity-style thing.
"And I can't even believe I'm missing this. But fuck, man, I could use some fucking Lunapads. Aunt fucking Flo is kicking my ass, man." Bank chuckles. She may not know what a Lunapad is, but she gets the drift.
Bank says, "You think its bad now, but could you imagine those poor Candies? A dozen girls all synced up? That's got to be a PMS hell. hah hah."
The view is looking in from the hallway. The doors into the rooms don't match, most are wooden, some look like exterior doors, some interior, but they work, and the locks are functional.
Not pictured is the side door to the communal shower/bathroom. It is shared for every two rooms. The shower is charcoal filtered rainwater, not potable. Homegrown lye for soap, towels are reasonably clean, but there aren't many of them.
The back "door" with the number is a plexiglass shutter to the outside. The container doors are closed from the outside by management, kept open during the day in good weather.
And no, there is no computer terminal in here. No wall outlets, but management can run an extension cord up and give some power of a few solar generators.
All in all, this may be one of the cleanest places most folks have ever seen.
Here's a rough floorplan:
I walk into 31 with my hand in Rinny's back pocket, and chuckle when he mentions Starburst. "I think we're gunna drink a bit down at the bar. Chat about old times... I kinda lost touch with Reese's kids after she died. It'd be nice to find out how they're all doing — if Starburst even knows." That's when I catch Vee humming one of my Dad's tunes.
... Oh Frak. That was Ma's favorite song — I don't really remember the name, 'cause Dad wouldn't play it for me; but you could always tell when Ma' was in a good mood, 'cause she'd be dancing around the shack singing:
"Baby gunna lay ya, gunna lay you down on,
red silk sheets 'n a bottle of jack."
It's got a nice groove to it, if you don't associate it with your parents frakking. This is the drawback of having a songman for a Dad. You know what everyone's favorite songs mean — like "My Badass Biker Chick". How did folks not figure that one out?
Anyway, I shut the door to room 31 behind us, and jump up onto Rinny — wrapping my legs around his waist, and grabbing him by the cheeks. I plant a kiss on him, and pull back with a mischevious smirk. "Got a quicky in you, before I go get Vee?"
When you talk about Reese and her kids, Rinso agrees, "I miss Altoids. Good guy."
When you enter, shut the door and jump on him, Rinso returns the kiss and chuckles while he puts his hands on your ass, lifting and holding you up like you are light as a feather. He starts walking towards the bed and rumbles, "But Kiddo... on these nice, clean, sheets?"
He tries his very best to strip down while still trying to kiss every inch of your lips and face before you hit the bed. How far along in the lovemaking do you get before the you notice that the sound of the shower water has stopped, Kiddo?
Wait... The shower stopped? Shit! Where's Vee?
Rinso was completely focused on you, Kiddo. His right hand is on your hip, fingers curled around to your ass, his left hand on one of your breasts. His face is a mask of concentration, gritting his teeth with the effort of probably holding on and maintaining. He is looking up at you, intensely watching your face, beads of sweat on his forehead.
You catch movement out of the corner of your eye, turn your head while it is moving up. A damp-haired VB slips by, practically running on the light carpet towards you, buck naked and smiling wickedly. She jumps onto the side of the bed beside Rinso, and she's so light, it scarcely moves. Rinso is taken completely by surprise, and before he can get a defensive hand up or get leverage to slide you to the side to protect you, she drops her head to his and kisses him.
It's a full mouth open, tongue-darting-in-like-an-asp kiss, no holds barred, her hands behind his neck, holding him fast. She's humming while kissing him, that same song, it almost sounds like. His hands let go of you, he's moving to probably push her away, it feels like.
What do you do?
Then you ask what she's doing and VB looks at you and says, "C'mon, Kids! Rinnie! Pleeeese, I really want you to share. C'mon! Look... I am all wet like I promised!" She giggles so hard she ends up snorting.
Rinso's holding her like she's some mad woman, looking at her and hell, he looks a little scared. Of course, he's still rock hard, too. But that's probably not connected to the last five seconds of activity. He's speechless.
What do you do?
Something is seriously wrong here.
OOC: Read incoming.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 3. Total: 7)
OOC: Spending hold 1/1 — how can I get Vee to calm back down to normal?
Then she looks down at Rinso, and says, "I'll do anything you want, Rinnie. I know you'd like it." She starts stroking his forearm, touches his thigh with her foot, "I know what you like. Anything.... please stop making me beg!" She wriggles a bit, Rinso holds fast. It will probably start hurting her soon.
Right now, VB would calm down if she could work off this energy. A good sleep would take care of it, too. But she's so keyed up, she's a little frantic.
... No, wait... I don't wanna know.
Vee's plea is... Well... I mean, it makes sense to me... I'd feel left out too if I was being forced to watch everyone in my circle of friends frak, while I was in a dry spell. I mean, I could drink beer 'n cider for days without so much as giving a shit 'bout sex; but you get a bit of Jack in me, and there's just something in it that brings out my wild side. Maybe Vee's the same way? Maybe Chocolate's a trigger for her?
I dunno... I just... I want her to calm down — and if she really wants this...
I look over to Rinny, and raise an eyebrow inquisitively. It wouldn't be the first time Vee and I shared someone... And I was trying to set 'em up back in Cat. Besides... I'd rather be here, wear her out, and watch her than she go get wasted at a bar again, and wind up with some asshole like Kodak. "I'm... I'm game if you are, sweetie."
Y'know what's really frakked up though? Part of me is worried she's still got feelings for Rinny... What the frak is that about?
Rinso looks at you, Kiddo, and then to VB. He tries to soften his tone when he says, "Vee, you know I love you. We're family. But sex changes things. You can say it won't, but what have we been friends for fifteen years without it?" He sets her down on her feet, loosens his grip, but he's still holding her, "I'm sorry, Vee."
Besides — what if sex is the only thing that snaps her out of this? Holy frak, dude! I gotta do a better job of keeping her away from chocolate!
Either way, seeing Vee distressed like this has me worried... I'd rather just get this over with if it's gotta happen. I walk over to Rinso, a sexy smirk on my face. I slowly slide one hand on his shoulder, and slip the other onto his washboard abs, slowly coaxing him back into the moment.
"Rinny... Two of the hottest girls you've ever seen are naked in a room with you, and you mean to tell me you're not the slightest bit interested in what they wanna do to you?" I get up on my tippy toes, and give him a kiss. While I'm up there, I whisper into his ear. "It'll be OK, sweetie! I promise! I think Vee just needs to let off some steam. I'll watch her, and make sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret! Just Relax!"
Then I'll gently start pushing him back towards the bed.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 11)
Rinso swallows when you start touching him, closes his eyes when you kiss him. You ask if he's the slightest bit interested and his body betrays him, giving a pretty definite affirmative. His grip on VB slacks, and she wriggles free, moves inside his arms to put her small hands on his chest. He takes a step back, legs hitting the edge of the bed, and you coax him down onto it.
He pulls you into a kiss as he lays down on his back, touching your body, your face, your neck, your shoulders, and chest, working down as he does, loving to worship and explore your body. VB starts kissing her way down his chest, doing her own exploring. She's quick to seize the moment, she's tasting the forbidden fruit.
And the three of you intertwine, co-mingle, and enjoy the evening. You do enjoy it, right? You miss dinner with Kodak and the rest of the crew, don't you? And yes, VB is completely sated and content once you're both done with her, and she you. She looks blissful in sleep, in fact.
Who's arms do you fall asleep in, Kiddo?
What delighted you most about this menage-a-trois?
What little nagging worry or regret is in the back of your mind about this?
Can't really blame me though, can you? Frak, what time is it now even?
Anyway, I fell asleep in Rinso's arms. He kinda stayed in the middle there for most of it. Vee's spooning him. I was really — delighted? That's kind of a weird word to use, but ... well... I dunno... Even though Vee was frakking hot — like, impressively so — I could pull Rinny's attention with the brush of a finger. That boy's really into me... It's weird being able to do that.
What's really nagging at me though? Rinny could do that to Vee... There's something deep in there that she couldn't control, yeah? I mean, I don't mind that Vee's pining over Rinny, and I don't mind that she's not that into me; but she feels about Rinny the way Rinny feels about me, and I don't really know how I feel... It's just all so overwhelming, yeah?
Frak... I'm just so frakked...
OOC: Sex move! (On VB)
• who handled this last before me?
• what has been done most recently with this, or to this?
• what’s wrong with this, and how might I fix it?
Ziploc is the last to truly handle VB. She's flirted, played around with you as a joke and stuff, but she hasn't been open to sex since Ziploc. It's not that she loved him, it's just that she doesn't trust much of anyone else.
Most recently, the chocolate is what's been done with her. She'd joked with Ziploc once that she thought chocolate was the sexiest food ever, and he decided to warp that. He's burned a suggestion deep in her brain for an animal-like rutting lust to overcome her when she gets the stuff. When they were together, he'd use it to get her to do all sorts of depraved things, stuff she's never fully shared with you, some things she doesn't fully remember, others she is embarrassed about.
What's wrong with her? Ziploc violated her sense of self, even now there's a part of her brain that thinks about him. And the chocolate thing, that puppet string is a key to her trusting anyone outside of the circle of friends on this bed. How to fix her? Keep her off chocolate is the easy answer, but it only fixes the symptoms. To fix her, you'll need to get Ziploc to undo what he's done to her. Or get a more powerful brain frakker to remove the string.
I've gotta fix this. I just... I wish there was an easier way!
The way Dulux runs his hand through his hair... it's *exactly* how Ethan used to do it. It took me a minute to place it- my stomach turned over and I thought I might be sick, just like how I used to feel around Ethan. Then I connected the dots. I take a deep breath and remind myself that Ethan is dead. I relax the muscles that I didn't know I'd tensed and shake myself out of it.
I nod at Kodak's offer of dinner.
I'm not about to fight Svenja on shower order- I will go last and have cold water for all I care. I barely hear what everyone is saying, I just keep seeing poor VB high on chocolate. How do you even get high on chocolate, anyway? That's messed up. I don't even want to know who that Ziploc guy was. Poor VB.
It's not until Svenja bumps my shoulder that it registers that she was even talking to me. I nod weakly. Bank and I talked about a lot of stuff on the road- she was real curious about the surgery I did on Payday, so I talked her through it.
When Bank makes the comment about the Candies... I realize I haven't gotten my period since waking up. Any other woman would be freaking out right about now, but they said the stasis would have side effects and I already know I can't have kids, so hey, one less thing to worry about, right?
Please go here.