You sneak out of the room and head down to The Hole. This place is literally underground, built like a bunker. Dirt floor with some rugs thrown over, some of the walls are slate, some clay. there's a bar here, a number of stone tables and mix-matched chairs.
You see Starburst is already here, sitting at a table with Dulux,

a merchant's son named Philips (who is slumming it),

and Onida the engineer.

Starburst waves you over,
"Kiddo! C'mon, we're playin' Onida's Sixcup!"What do you do?
When you play Sixcup with Onida, roll +HardFirst, no matter what you roll, Onida gets to ask your drunk ass a question. You have to answer it honestly, because hes really good at choosing the best possible time to ask it. The best part, the question is asked out loud, so anyone who isn't passed out gets to hear your answer!
On a miss, well, that's awful! You lost, and you got sick. Booo
On a 7-9, choose two
* You get to ask any other Sixcup player a question
* You get +1 Forward with Onida
* You get +1 Forward on Sixcup
* You made some money! +1 jingle
On a 10, you actually won Sixcup! You're the new reigning champ. Replace Onida with your name and the move is now yours.
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 9)
This cider shit's pretty frakkin' flash! I could drink this shit for days! Anyways, when we're all laughin' and drunk, and sharin' seeeeeeecrits I put my hand on Starburst and ask, "So what the frak's a sharp girl like you doin' followin' that dumbass Omo 'round? I mean, and her frakkin' kids? Who the frak was dumb 'nough to stick their junk in that trainwreck?"
OOC: Spending hold to ask Sixcup what she's doing following Omo, and taking 1barter.
When you ask about Omo, Starburst shrugs, "Kiddo, Spree aint so bad. She's crazy enough to step up, you know? The whole North Candies was her idea, and it got us all excited. I mean, we may not look like much to you. I know most of these girls don't even measure up. I try to help out an stuff, you know. I mean, hell, we both grew up with real Candies. We can fight and shoot and ride. These girls, well, they're just real determined."
Starburst looks away, then admits, "And her ma got us some bikes, you know, to get things started. So that didn't hurt. The whole kids thing, though, don't EVEN get me started. It's stupid, but well, nobody agreed to stay back and watch them, so she just brought them along. I think she was trying to call our bluff, and then it blew up. And she was stuck. You know?"
She looks over at you, kinda like she's gauging you, "You're awfully cheery or whatever. Saw you with big ole Rinso. Damn that guy is big. How are you?"
Anyway, she asks about Rinny – commenting on how big he is – and I giggle, "you don't know the half of it." I take a small drink, still glowing and smiley from the fun we had up in Snoozebox. Mmm... Rinny...
"I'm good. Life's a bit frakked up right now, what with trying to find Ma' and Dad; but Rinny and Vee have been here for me, helping out where they can. A few new additions to the crew recently..." I put my glass down, and lean against the bar, "It's been an eventful trip."
She pushes away the last of her glass, and Onida ends up winning Sixcup. Starburst comments, "Gotta say, I'm surprised you and Rinso hooked up. Me? I always figured it was him and VB, you know? I mean, he carried her everywhere, for years. They have always been so close. And that girl is pretty. Like, I hate her pretty, you know?" She snorts, holds up a hand, "Don't get your panties in a bunch, you're hot stuff, too. And badass, which is next level and all. Just, you know, Rinso seems all about being the big tough guy for people. I just thought he'd end up with VB, since she needs somebody."
She comments on Rinny and Vee, and I shrug, "Vee would have had it that way too, but she kinda caught Rinny plowin' someone else. They weren't together or nothin' — hell no — but it kinda killed the feelin' a bit." Or so I thought. "Hookin' up with Rinny was actually his idea. I don't get it my own self — but hey! The heart wants what it wants, yeah?"
I sigh, 'n lean in close so only she can hear. "Y'know, between you 'n me — I wanted to set Vee and Rinny up. I really did. I thought she'd be better for him... But y'know..." I pause, considering what to say, but instead shake my head and take another drink. "Yeah..."
She takes your cup, and grabs a sip, then hands it back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, "What was that old song your dad sang?" She smiles, kind of a nervous grin, then starts singing, soft and unsure at first, warbling over words until she hits the second stanza,
"You're beggin' me to go then makin' me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know
Do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing you've had?
Believe me, believe me, I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love and I'm chained to your side
"We are young!
Heartache to heartache we stand!
No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield."
Starburst stands up, and begins really belting it,
"We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield
"We're losing control
Will you turn me away or touch me deep inside?
And before this gets old, will it still feel the same?
There's no way this will die
But if we get much closer, I could lose control
And if your heart surrenders, you'll need me to hold."
Then she takes it down a notch, finishing softly,
""We are young
Heartache to heartache we stand
No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield."
The guys start clapping, Dulux even stands up, but you think he's being ironic or something. Starburst laughs at the attention, sits back down and punches your arm again.
I shoot Dulux a sit down look — ass — 'n put a hand on Star's shoulder. "I should go check on my folks. You girls run outta here? Or ... Where did you girls set up shop?"
"We're between shops, so to speak. Spree's prolly got a room for the girls at Outer Rim at Trench with what Rinso gave her. Tents are better than nothin." She smirks, "It's not the worst way to live, and cuddling up with a buncha girls would prolly be pretty fun for you, hunh?" She lazily pokes at you. Did you ever make a pass at Starburst before?
"It's feast or famine for us. Sometimes we hit some raiders that have stuff for trade, and then we live it up. Other times, it's just ridin around, bored as frak. And hungry." She shrugs, like it is what it is.
A very drunk Philips, who took off his shirt earlier even though nobody asked him to, comes to sit down beside you, Kiddo. You nearly fall on your ass, but he grabs your chair, eases it down. And yeah, he rubbed up on your butt, "by accident". Starburst rolls her eyes.
What do you do?
We snuck out late one night to drink with some friends when I was younger — about Hump's age — and we were talking about how hot we found some older boys in Boomtown... Kodak was on the top-ten list back then. I mentioned to her how sexy I thought this older girl in town, Butter Nut, was... Is... I mean, she's still good lookin', she's just older.
... And y'know... taken... And so am I, apparently!
Anyway — I mentioned how, if I was older, I'd totally be with Butter. Star didn't agree. In fact, her words, exactly, were, "That's frakkin' gross, Kiddo. Ew." I dunno if she meant that I was gross, or just the thought of herself bein' with women was gross, but it kinda hit close to home... I was in denial for a while after that.
I smirk at Star, and nod, "Y'know me," I joke, "I'm a sucker for a pretty face." I shove Phillips away when he tries to touch my butt. Frakker's getting a little touchy feely for me. "I'm gunna head back to bed. It was good catchin' up sweetie. Don't let Omo get you killed, yeah?"
She puts a hand an your arm, Kiddo, "Go ahead and make a run for it, Kiddo. I'llllll hold 'im off!" But it's just a joke, an odd one.
Philips' anger dissipates and he titters a bit, "You are really weird, Star." It seems to diffuse things, though. Philips whines about nearly breaking his ass, and Starburst makes a mockingly sympathetic sound. Which makes him snicker with Dulux and Onida. You say your goodbyes and Starburst promises to ride out with you.
Do you actually head back to the room, or are you heading somewhere else?
Once he does, you're able to see the top hald of his face and he looks really familiar, someone from Sector, but he was never part of the commune. It's been a long time since you saw him, and he didn't have that face then. He's in his thirties maybe, hard to tell, a bit on the thin side. He doesn't recognize you, though. His muffled voice is a bit hard to pick out, maybe hard for him to form words with his messed up mouth, "Hey vere. Got veggiez n' meat. Freshhh. Wan zum?"
I stand there patiently, waiting for the food, but my curiosity gets the best of me... "Don't I know you? Aren't you from Sector?"
While the food is cooking, he puts in some oils and spices, working dilligently when you ask who he is. He looks up when you ask that, peers at you for a moment. "Oh? Well, zorry for whatever. Doze were bad dayz. Ahma new guy now. Don't you worry. Ah juss cook iz all." That's when it clicks. It's Nelson, from Nezzy's gang.
He stops making eye contact, focusing on the food. His posture changes, too, shoulder slumping, appearing smaller.
You can almost hear the little smile of pride in his voice when he says, "Fanks."
He cooks a bit longer, then asks cautiously, "Di-we... we ever hurt you? You hadda been lil den..." He's not making eye contact, but you can tell he really wants to know. Like that connection, even if painful, is important.
He pushes them to the edge of his counter, not exactly handing them to you, and says, "No charge. Not... not good enough, Ah know. Ah'm zorry for all we did. Azpeshally to Roof. Zhe didn dezerve what they done. Ah lef em after... but Ah didn do nuff." Did Ruth ever tell you what they did to her during the fall of the pods, Kiddo?
I take the food, but pull out a small bag of jingle for food. "No — I'm payin'. You're a good cook Nelson, and I'm glad you got out alive too."
You head back to the room, right?
The door creaks open and you look in the dim candle-light to see Rinso flat on his back, fast asleep. VB is half laying on his massive chest, in between him and the window to the outside. She's awake, and she's beaming. She whispers in the dim light to you, "Hey, Kids. Is that munchies?"
She sits up in bed, still completely nude, hasn't put her leg back on. She smiles while reaching her hands towards you, or the food. Maybe both? Probably the food.
What do you do?
Then I climb onto the foot of the bed, 'n sit cross legged with her, "How you feelin' sweetie?"
OOC: Read incoming for the conversation.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 1. Total: 4)
"So, you frak Rinnie and me, then go out drinking? You're cray cray, Kids." She takes another gulp. She's done whispering, but Rinso is still out. After a few more bites, she grins wickedly and asks, "Soooo... was it all that you'd hoped for, Kids?"
So I sit there, smakin' my chest, and clearin' my throat like a moron for way too long... Then I smile back, "It was somethin' else sweetie — you sure know how to make a girl happy." I look back at Rinso, sleepin' under the covers, and smirk, "I'm pretty sure Rinny'd agree. We should probably save him some of that water, yeah?"
I wait a while before askin', "How do you feel about it, sweetie?"
You ask how she feels and without hesitation, like she was waiting for it, she answers with a little smile, "I love you both, Kiddo. More than I can say." She looks at you, then down at Rinso, back to you, "I haven't been with... anyone since Zips. But you and Rinnie, you guys... You're my best friend. And Rinso's my best friend. I don't want anyone to get hurt, I don't want to lose what we have. But... I don't want tonight to end, either."
She takes a bite of the meat and chews on it with a grin, giving you a chance to answer, to take your time, if you need it.
Kiddo, what are you really feeling right now?
And yet here I am, I had the most fun I've ever had with these two than with any other partners — ever. Maybe there is something here... I wouldn't feel so bad if Vee wanted to share Rinny. What worries me though, is what Rinny said — sex changes people — what if Rinny stops lovin' me, and falls for Vee? ... Is that so bad? I mean, that's what I was tryin' to make him do back at Salt.
I'm just too frakkin' confused.
"Y'know," I whisper, puttin' my food down, "the way I feel about you, and Rinny... I love you both too. If tonight feels good, then why don't we make it a part of what we have?" I hesitate a minute, "would that be so bad?"
"It's better than I expected, that's for sure," VB says with an impish grin, "I guess all that practice you got from alllll your lovers was just getting ready for me, hunh?" She lets you stew on that little jab for a second before she snickers, covering her mouth with a hand.
Then she looks you over, "Come to bed, Kiddo. Come snuggle." She lays down on Rinso's chest, and beckons you with a finger, then starts gently kissing Rinso's chest, and looking up at you seductively. She whispers, "I really hope, now that you and Rinnie are so close, that he'll ask you to shave his chest now." She grins, then waits for you.
What do you do?
I shudder at the thought of shaving Rinny's chest... That's not the sexiest thing I'd imagine doing... Maybe it's an acquired taste? ... Doesn't sound like it though. I wonder if he will ask me to do it. What would that mean? ... You're reading too much into it Kiddo. Just take it at face value.
I put my box over on the bedside table and snuggle up beside Rinny, opposite Vee. I give him a kiss on the cheek as I wrap my leg around him, and brush some of Vee's hair out of her face. "His food's gunna get cold," I whisper, "should we wake him?"
You ask if waking Rinso is a good idea, and VB's smile widens. She holds up a finger, like just a minute, then with her other hand, she lifts up the thin sheet covering Rinso and snakes her head underneath. Then she's completely undercover, so to speak, and for a second, it's like she's hiding under there.
Rinso's eyes pop open, his chest heaves with sudden breath and he looks around. Confusion crosses his face as he locks eyes with you, then he looks down at the lump under the covers at his crotch, then back at you. He mouths the letters, "VB?" Then his eyes flutter for a second and he pushes his head back into the pillows, taking a sharp breath.
What do you do?
Like some scary monster, VB pops up from under the sheet, hopping onto Rinso's hard stomach. She giggles, her hair slightly mussed, hiding her eyes, and says, "Scoot up, Rinnie! Scoot up, we'll feed you, won't we, Kids?"
Rinso looks at you with a raised eyebrow, but I don't think you'd object to that, would you? He scoots back on the bed, sitting up, and VB slides up to sit beside him. She lays her head on his shoulder, waiting for you to get the box out, and says, "Rinnie, you remember when you had that green flu? And you could barely even move? You just laid there all sweaty? I had to feed you then. I thought I was gonna lose you, it was so scary. But then, when I brought back that soup, and you were so quiet and still, it was so intimate. I mean, not romantic, of course. But intimate. It was just us there, and I was taking care of you. That was like maybe the only time I ever took care of you."
Rinso huffs, "No, Vee. You've looked out for me, taken care of me plenty of times. I was just the mule. You were the brains." VB snickers, that was their nicknames for each other as kids.
What did they call you?
What do you do?
Yeah, well, it's all very funny.
Anyway, I give Rinso a laisez-faire grin and grab a fork, and his box of food, cracking it open. "Don't get too used to this, sweetie — you're not a baby, yeah?" I smirk playfully and grab some veggies with the fork.
VB interrupts with, "Kiddo wants to take over chest shaving!" She just blurts it out, then rolls over laughing when she sees the look on your face.
"Vee!" Rinso hisses, "You said you didn't mind!" He looks back at you, "There's just a couple places. I can't really reach them. Well, not without cutting myself half the time..." He looks at you for a moment, then reaches over to smack VB's ass. She squeals, then giggles some more, "Damnit, Vee. I told you it would freak her out if she knew."
I giggle a bit, stick the fork into a bit of meat, and plant a kiss on his cheek. "I'm teasing, sweetie."
"So does a slap on the ass!" VB says while still lying on her stomach. Then, she rolls her hips a couple times, since she has your attention. So, of course, Rinso smacks her ass again, and she gasps and throws a dramatic hand back to her butt.
Just as dramatically, VB rolls over and pops up to a stance on her knee and stump, glaring at Rinso. She stares at him for a long moment, almost pulling off a fit anger. But then the mood breaks and she barely manages to get out, "Pluck. You. Rinnie. hahahahah"
Rinso gives her a level look, then chuckles. "Kiddo, can you go over there and tickle the hell out of VB so I can eat in peace? "
I stick my tongue out, and put a playful game-face on. "Alright, sweetie! You heard the man..." I dive after her, tickling her mercilessly.
Rinso takes the container and slips up out of the bed, and stands up, watching both of you on the bed and smiling while shoveling the food into his mouth, "Frak, this is good! Kiddo, you had to have got this, because VB's too lazy to get me a... what time is it? A something-or-other at night snack." He moves over to take a swig of the water bottle and says suddenly, "Frak, we missed Kodak's dinner!"
"We didn't miss dinner! I have Kiddo a mouthful of me! hee hee hee, stop it, Kiddo! I'm gonna pee the bed!" She's writhing against you now, giggling and pushing at your hands, but it still feels a little like a put on. No wait, she totally just moved your hand to her butt and then giggled.
"Better let her up, Kiddo." Rinso says in mock sympathy. "I don't want pee in the bed." He puts the food container on the bedside table again and waits to see if this tickle-fest breaks up before doing anything else.
He slides under the sheet as you scoot over. VB snuggles against your ear, nibbling it gently while spooning against you, asking with sudden seriousness, "Do you love me, Kiddo?"
Rinso, who was starting to kiss at the nape of your neck on the other side of your body, well, he freezes, as interested as VB to hear your answer.
For a moment, he looks at her. He's looking over you, of course, but he gives her undivided attention when he replies with all seriousness, "Vee, I've known you my whole life. You were my first kiss, you were my first love. I'll always have a very special place in my heart for you. Before tonight, I was scared that this would break us all apart. To be honest, I'm still worried about it. But only because I love you two more than any soul I've ever known."
Then they move forward, over your chest, and kiss. The sex earlier was playful, frantic and generally focused on your. When they touched, it was brief, tentative. VB initiated everything before. But right now, he's meeting her, and while his body is pressed against you, his hands on your body, his lips, they're complete hers. It's a kiss that maybe you thought was reserved just for you.
After a tiny forever, they part, and both move down to take turns kissing you, both of them murmuring how they love you and adore you. With the day long ride, the sex earlier, the drinking, all of it, your body finally gives out on you at some point, Kiddo.
I mean, you aren't really superhuman. You just spread that rumor, right?