OOC: Our Attraction has dropped to 3 during the intervening time after our first date. We have TWO Compatibilities now: "Patience and Honesty" and "Excitement over discovering new gadgets."
It's a sunny afternoon, a month after date one. We've finally aligned schedules and secured the help of the yinjas to keep your precious Lili. I considered doing some silly scavenger hunt to get you to come on my boat, then I thought about an ARG, since I know some coding, but in the end, I just sent you a text that said.
To: Alani
From: Min (personal phone)
Sunday at 3. At the dock.
I'll take you out for Romain,
but not the salad. :)
You arrive and I'm waiting by the dock for you. I'm dressed in a nice flowy yellow dress that shows of my legs and these cute strappy sandals I got in San Fran. I have a new hat on, a wide-brimmed one, since we'll be out on the boat today.
My dress (ignore it's on a white girl):
My hat (not on me either):
I'm so incredibly nervous. The excitement has been building and building. Did you listen to me on The Verge podcast? I mentioned you, indirectly. I said "I had to reschedule a date with someone special to attend." That was you! They gave me shit about it, but that was my attempt at penance for missing the date.
It's been weeks. Weeks! I'm excited, too. I heard your little Easter Egg on the Verge podcast, and I think I finally found out what people mean when they say "my heart fluttered." You sent your text on Wednesday and I immediately went into a creative frenzy. You're not going to believe this, Min, and I'll be embarrassed if you ask, but I made the outfit I'm wearing today. Sketched it, made the pattern, cut it and sewed it since I got your text. Lili helped. This is what I based it on: It's not quite so tight, certainly not in the bust, and the hat is soft, not the kitschy captain's hat, but it's close. And I found almost the same shoes at a thrift shop!
I finally get to the dock, five minutes late (sorry! picking out a bikini to throw in my tote, just in case) and see you looking amazing. I pause a few feet out while I can still take a look at you, full-length. Just wow. Then I'm up to you, hoping a hug is okay, because you're getting one. "You look great! I'm so excited for today."
As we're walking back to the boat. "You were wonderful on the Verge. Who was that someone special you mentioned? Are you playing the field, Min?"
And of course you get the three Attraction dice. You had them as soon as I heard you mention me on the podcast.
Oh my God, you look incredibly good, Alani. My eyes dance, and I love the line of your pants. They make your butt look really hot! The top is great, too, even the sandals. I can't believe you found them at a thrift shop, that's so cool.
Yes, the hug is great, I'm feeling much more comfy with you. I even grin and answer your question about me playing the field with a quip, "Oh yeah, Alani. The line forms in the back for me, you know." I do this kind of puffed up chest of pride like I'm some stud, then I brush the side of my nose with my thumb. But I can't hold it, end up giggling, and standing there nervously.
I kind of lose myself for a moment, totally lost my train of thought. "You look, uhm, really nice, Alani." Like really, really nice.
Oh Min, you're just so... and as I have a moment during the hug with my head over your shoulder, I truly understand why the line forms in the back, although I'm not brave enough to make the quip.
I smile at your macho act. "Oh... the Quarterback has noticed me! Be still my heart!"
And I wasn't going to say this, I really wasn't, but when you say I look nice, I take a little turn and respond, "I made this! It's a bitch to drape clothes on myself, but I thought a boat date required a boat date outfit." There's a moment, and a take your hand. "You look fabulous, yourself, Min." Weird, I think the delays and problems have really made this sweeter.
Please take a bonus die for the compliment. I've really worked hard on this outfit, even though I know it's a bit ridiculous to do it.
Your quarterback joke tickles me. You're so expressive. It might sound, I don't know, odd or something, but theater people have a certain way about them. I can see it in you, the sense of humor, how easily you fall into roles to make jokes, the spark of creativity and spontaneity. It's thrilling. And a little scary, too. I've got my things set a certain way, you are probably figuring this out. I'm a planner.
"You... you made this after I texted you, like Wednesday?" I say Wednesday like I had to think about it, but really, I forced my self to wait until Wednesday to send the text. I most definitely know it was Wednesday. I walk closer, looking at the outfit more and you, a little less. "That's fricking amazing! I've like, mended my pop's socks once? In fourth grade, I think? Damn."
I stand there, in awe of what you can do, for a moment. You're a treasure. This is going to be so great, Alani. It has to be, right?
I turn to start walking down the dock towards The Ceto. Man, my neighbors are going to talk! "Thank you, Alani," I respond to the comment, remembering it and feeling self-conscious that I ignored it until now. I realize I'm nervous as we walk to the slip.
"Yup. I made this. It's kind of what I do, even though I don't usually do the sewing myself. I started off at Radford High School in Honolulu, making costumes for the theater kids." To impress Lili's dad, if I must be honest, but not admitting to that mistake.
Wait, did that sound like bragging? "Everyone's got a thing, right? You're an amazing writer, and you get tech, not just the whats, but the hows and the whys. Me? Clothes. Much less useful in the long run." Yeah, I've been Googling, reading your reviews and posts to fill in the gaps. Anyway, "So, where are we off to? I didn't look up your cryptic salad reference."
Shit, I totally should've made that ARG. I make a mental note for next... heh, I know, right? I'm a planner, I told you.
"That's really cool, Alani. I was never a theater kid. I was in the AV Club." I point to myself, "That's right, president of the Biltmore High AV Club, two years runnin'." I say it like it's supercool. This mock bravado thing is my shtick today. Not sure where it came from.
"Ever been to Cape Romain? It's a wildlife refuge, for birds. There's a place we can drop anchor there called Price’s Inlet, really pretty. We can talk on the way, and, you know, have dinner."
I'm walking close beside you, smiling, looking in your eyes. I haven't actually been the date-r in a long time. Coming up with something fun for us to do took days of research. I mean days.
We're both grinning like fools, Min, and I don't care. We have time, so I'm not reaching for your hand, not touching you yet, but I am aware of you so close, and still feeling the hug on my skin. "Oh. That sounds wonderful, Min!" You and me and the water and the birds and plenty of time alone together.
That's a bonus die, Min, for such a thoughtful plan and some alone time.
We get to the Ceto and I offer you a hand to step across. "I'm going to get her ready to go, Alani. Take a seat over there, like before, if you like. Won't be a minute." I get to work un-mooring her, getting to the pilot chair and starting her up. The Ceto purrs like a kitten as we slip out into the ocean.
I plan on talking while piloting, you're sitting close enough for that. "Ever been on a cruise before?" I'm paying attention to easing us out of the little harbor. My baby is my home, I don't want some moron to ding her. I take care of my stuff.
"I've been on the water a lot, especially spending summers in Hawai'i growing up. Sailing, fishing. Tutu was more about his horses and the ranch, but my uncle Makaio couldn't stay away from the water for a full day. He's half fish, I think."
I watch you drive the boat, Min. So precise and focused, but comfortable and relaxed, as well. We're still moving slow, but I can feel the promise of wind in my hair and the long slow stretch of the afternoon in front of us. I smile up into the sun.
That's another Bonus Die, Min. I'm watching you do something that you're good at, something you love.
"Do you have a big family?" I ask you as we scoot past a big yacht. It's a sleek thing, but more boat than I'd want to manage, so yeah, nice for parties, too expensive and too much work to own.
We're almost out of the harbor, then we can let it out.
"No. Just Dad and me, now. Mom had pretty severe gestational diabetes and preeclampsia while she was pregnant with me, and they decided not to take the risk of trying again. I've got an Aunt and Uncle in Hawai'i, and lots of cousins, though. It's pretty raucous when I go back there. Most of them still live in the islands."
I see the mouth of the harbor ahead and feel your anticipation of being able to let the throttle out, show me what the Ceto can do.
"So," I look over, giving you a grin like "I know I'm making a bad joke now", "You're a one of a kind?" I see some daylight ahead, and I push on the throttle. The engine roars up a bit and water churns behind us, leaving a widening wake as we surge forward.
"Thankfully, yes. If there were too many of me, I'd be sure to meet one, and I know I'd drive me crazy." And there's that wind I was waiting for. I lean back, turning my face to the sun, eyes smiling behind my big, ridiculous sunglasses.
"How about you? Big family? You've got that confidence I associate with having a big brother or two, plus, you know, your little quarterback display earlier."
I grin, nodding as we leave the harbor and I really open up. The engine gets louder, but it isn't too bad, really. I'm used to it. I raise my voice, "Oldest brother is Teshawn. Middle brother is Marc with a "C". I'm the baby." I look at you with a twinkle, "I like to tell them my parents kept trying until they had me, then said, "That's what we were after! Mic drop!""
Then I shrug, "Marc always said they were so horrified of me they quit altogether. I broke the streak of awesome!" It's all good ribbing, guy jokes. I realize as I'm sharing this that I fall into a bit broader stance, my shoulders hunch a little. It's a thing I did when I was young, trying to fit in with my big brothers, sort of reflexive. "Tay was the quarterback. Got a juco scholarship, transferred to Bama, but jacked up his shoulder in a bar fight. " He could have really made it. He was awesome. Still is, just not at football. Shit, that makes me a tiny bit sad, even now. Sitting in the hospital with him as the X-rays came back.
Min, I see the sadness in your eyes as you think of your brother's loss, and I feel an urge to cross to you, comfort you for the memory, but your attention returns to the water ahead before I can act on the impulse. Instead, I say over the engine, "Mic drop indeed. You're a pretty great accomplishment. I'm glad they kept going, whatever the reason."
I'm staring at your ass in that yellow dress. Can you tell? I'm not even really being subtle. The wind and the smell of salt frees me, and I'm getting that reckless feeling again.
Are you.. are you checking me out? Shit. I should've worn my big bumblee shades so I could hide my surprise. You're so brazen! I mean, take a girl out on your boat and that drives you wild?
I'm looking back, you know. Mostly watching how the wind moves your long black hair. Your hair is so healthy and shiny, so much better than mine, Alani. I have to have it straightened or its a mess of curls.
I realize neither of us is talking and get a little nervous. This date can't be the two of us staring at each other. I'll wreck my boat!
"What's the wildest costume you ever made?" I ask question six. Meaning it was the sixth conversation starter I came up with. I have many more. I'm prepared for this, it's going to be awesome.
The wildest costume? Are you ready for that? Sure, I'll give it a shot. The wind gives me courage.
I stand up and get closer. Show you a picture on my phone. It's a statuesque, beautiful woman with Bettie Page hair and makeup, wearing a costume that seems to be put together from feathers, LEDs, and latex. Thin strips everywhere, just concealing the "naughty bits." Pretty much a "I met the girl that manages the Bizarro Burlesque at a party last year, and one of her performers had an idea. She was a ballerina until she blew her ankle out at the ripe old age of nineteen, and she wanted to dance The Firebird as a burlesque. This is what I gave her."
My mouth hangs open for a moment, probably forever. "Holy. Shit. That's.... wow." I look at her, and dammit, I picture her in it for just a second. Then I grin, giggle once, ask, "Did you, ah... try it on??"
Yes, I know it wasn't sized for you. It's a dumb question, but in reality, I just want a second to picture it.
"Sadly, no. Maggie, um, blossomed late, after she left the ballet and started eating like a normal person. She's still got a six-pack, but apparently God intended her to have a D-cup, and she eventually fulfilled her destiny."
Was that too much? I don't think so, you seemed to like it.
I do some math in my head. It's nice. I could see this on Alani.
"D cup? Wow... that's." I shrug like "no offense", "Not my thing. You know?" Wow, I'm talking breast sizes? ugh, gross. I do not need to be dealing with body issues with Alani.
"Uhm, anyways." I horribly pivot, try to move on. "What's your favorite sport?"
Well, that was an awkward transition. Take a Reroll die and we'll see how that goes.
"Sport? Strange, but it's hockey. There's all this grace and speed and then BAM! violence, then the penalty box, and it's all grace and speed again."
I have a sense that you're ticking off boxes on a checklist, and I'm pretty sure that was a box that didn't get checked, but, dammit, Patience and HONESTY.
So we're clear, I insisted you put a life jacket on. I have one, too. Always smart.
"Wow, hockey?" I'm really surprised. Her description sounds great, but I wonder. "How did you get into hockey? It's not really a warm climate kind of sport." I hold up a hand, "I know, I know, the NHL is in Florida, but I guess I always thought it was a kind of snowbird thing?"
I shake my head in amusement, "You are full of surprises, Alani." I say as I pick up a little speed, ease us out into deeper waters. "Cape Romain Marine is 38 knots, so we have some time. You want to take over so I can get something from below?" I indicate you can take over the wheel, if you like. I really hope you do, I have goodies.
"Yeah, well growing up in the Navy, bouncing around, I didn't often have a 'home' team for any sport. I caught the hockey bug watching the winter Olympics as a girl, and I guess it stuck. I get that it's weird..."
I move up to take the wheel. It's been a while, but I'm pretty confident that I can point the Ceto in a straight line while you're belowdecks. I "accidentally" brush against you as we swap. I wonder what's below?
Yes, you brush against me, but I'm already figuring you out, you minx! When your arm brushes against my side as you reach for the wheel, I slip to stand behind you, putting my left hand on your lower back. Probably not a big deal to you, but it's scandalous to me. And thrilling.
"See the compass here?" I reach past your arm, brushing it lightly. "That's our heading. Just keep everything headed that way." I've leaned in a bit and I'm right by your face and oh. I really want to kiss you right now.
Dumbly, I keep talking, "So, uhm, I'm getting the wine. And the cheese. And stuff." I hover. My brain locks up for a moment because you're looking right at me.
I smile, glad you noticed. It's quite expensive, picked it up at Sak's at a conference in New York. I don't want to brag, so I don't. I've never seen it anywhere else. "Thanks."
I hover for a moment longer. Then I make a decision, reaching for the throttle, adjusting it so the Ceto's engines cut off, and we sloosh forward in the water for a bit without power. I reach my right hand up to cup your cheek, lean in, and kiss you. Lips to lips, direct but not overpowering. I brush against your lips with mine, then mischievously flick my tongue across them and pull back with a giggle. "Well.... that was.. better than I even hoped." I smile, proud of myself for doing that.
It was not one of my conversation starters, Alani. I'm "off book" here. Don't laugh.
Suddenly, there's a soundtrack in my head, and I think my root chakra is tingling and, well you started it this time and I'm not pulling back. My lips are parted and you see me take a quick sharp inhale before my hand is behind your neck, pulling you to me again. Yeah, this is better than I hoped, too. And I think I've been hoping since you tasted that bread pudding off my spoon. Hoping in technicolor.
It surprises me when your hand darts up to pull me back to you. I don't fight it, Alani. I've been waiting almost a month for this. Not this moment, since I didn't plan it. But this kiss, definitely. My hand slips down to your lower back again, my pinky sliding against the soft fabric of the pants you made for this date.
I part my lips and dab at yours with the tip of my tongue. I taste your lips, so soft. It has been forever since I kissed anyone, you don't even know. I close my lips on yours, we make kissing sounds, which I can hear now that the engine's stopped.
Outside of the Ceto, there are other boats, other people, ambient noise. The water lapping against the boat. The sound of the mooring lines clinking as the wind whips around. It's a windy day.
If you don't stop me, we're going to kiss for a while. I don't need anything more than this. This right here.
The boat sways gently but unpredictably in the wind and the swells, and we sway with it, our bodies alternately pressed together and reluctantly parting as our balance adjusts.
This long, long moment where we explore a tiny part of our shared map of desire to the accompaniment of sea birds and distant laughing voices and wind and the primeval, sensual scent of the sea. This moment of lips touching lips, of tongues tracing the sweet curves of tongues and lips, teeth grazing the tender sweetness of lips and tongues. The taste again of salt and honey. Hands on backs and necks and cheeks and maybe yes reaching up to tease an earlobe with a gentle tug and certainly fingers tangling and untangling. And through it all eyes looking into eyes certain and uncertain, wanting and playing, hungry and content all in turns.
So no, I don't stop you, Min. We kiss for a while. This right here. We've had a month of Patience. Now have have five timeless minutes of Honesty.
After a very nice moment shared, I finally pull away, smiling. "Want to just drop anchor here?" It's not really a question. I'm dropping anchor and practically running downstairs to get the wine, crackers, fruit and cheese I sliced up for us.
To: Alani From: Min (personal phone) Sunday at 3. At the dock. I'll take you out for Romain, but not the salad. :)
You arrive and I'm waiting by the dock for you. I'm dressed in a nice flowy yellow dress that shows of my legs and these cute strappy sandals I got in San Fran. I have a new hat on, a wide-brimmed one, since we'll be out on the boat today.
My dress (ignore it's on a white girl):
My hat (not on me either):
I'm so incredibly nervous. The excitement has been building and building. Did you listen to me on The Verge podcast? I mentioned you, indirectly. I said "I had to reschedule a date with someone special to attend." That was you! They gave me shit about it, but that was my attempt at penance for missing the date.
It's been weeks. Weeks! I'm excited, too. I heard your little Easter Egg on the Verge podcast, and I think I finally found out what people mean when they say "my heart fluttered." You sent your text on Wednesday and I immediately went into a creative frenzy. You're not going to believe this, Min, and I'll be embarrassed if you ask, but I made the outfit I'm wearing today. Sketched it, made the pattern, cut it and sewed it since I got your text. Lili helped. This is what I based it on:
It's not quite so tight, certainly not in the bust, and the hat is soft, not the kitschy captain's hat, but it's close. And I found almost the same shoes at a thrift shop!
I finally get to the dock, five minutes late (sorry! picking out a bikini to throw in my tote, just in case) and see you looking amazing. I pause a few feet out while I can still take a look at you, full-length. Just wow. Then I'm up to you, hoping a hug is okay, because you're getting one. "You look great! I'm so excited for today."
As we're walking back to the boat. "You were wonderful on the Verge. Who was that someone special you mentioned? Are you playing the field, Min?"
And of course you get the three Attraction dice. You had them as soon as I heard you mention me on the podcast.
Oh my God, you look incredibly good, Alani. My eyes dance, and I love the line of your pants. They make your butt look really hot! The top is great, too, even the sandals. I can't believe you found them at a thrift shop, that's so cool.
Yes, the hug is great, I'm feeling much more comfy with you. I even grin and answer your question about me playing the field with a quip, "Oh yeah, Alani. The line forms in the back for me, you know." I do this kind of puffed up chest of pride like I'm some stud, then I brush the side of my nose with my thumb. But I can't hold it, end up giggling, and standing there nervously.
I kind of lose myself for a moment, totally lost my train of thought. "You look, uhm, really nice, Alani." Like really, really nice.
Oh Min, you're just so... and as I have a moment during the hug with my head over your shoulder, I truly understand why the line forms in the back, although I'm not brave enough to make the quip.
I smile at your macho act. "Oh... the Quarterback has noticed me! Be still my heart!"
And I wasn't going to say this, I really wasn't, but when you say I look nice, I take a little turn and respond, "I made this! It's a bitch to drape clothes on myself, but I thought a boat date required a boat date outfit." There's a moment, and a take your hand. "You look fabulous, yourself, Min." Weird, I think the delays and problems have really made this sweeter.
Please take a bonus die for the compliment. I've really worked hard on this outfit, even though I know it's a bit ridiculous to do it.
Your quarterback joke tickles me. You're so expressive. It might sound, I don't know, odd or something, but theater people have a certain way about them. I can see it in you, the sense of humor, how easily you fall into roles to make jokes, the spark of creativity and spontaneity. It's thrilling. And a little scary, too. I've got my things set a certain way, you are probably figuring this out. I'm a planner.
"You... you made this after I texted you, like Wednesday?" I say Wednesday like I had to think about it, but really, I forced my self to wait until Wednesday to send the text. I most definitely know it was Wednesday. I walk closer, looking at the outfit more and you, a little less. "That's fricking amazing! I've like, mended my pop's socks once? In fourth grade, I think? Damn."
I stand there, in awe of what you can do, for a moment. You're a treasure. This is going to be so great, Alani. It has to be, right?
I turn to start walking down the dock towards The Ceto. Man, my neighbors are going to talk! "Thank you, Alani," I respond to the comment, remembering it and feeling self-conscious that I ignored it until now. I realize I'm nervous as we walk to the slip.
"Yup. I made this. It's kind of what I do, even though I don't usually do the sewing myself. I started off at Radford High School in Honolulu, making costumes for the theater kids." To impress Lili's dad, if I must be honest, but not admitting to that mistake.
Wait, did that sound like bragging? "Everyone's got a thing, right? You're an amazing writer, and you get tech, not just the whats, but the hows and the whys. Me? Clothes. Much less useful in the long run." Yeah, I've been Googling, reading your reviews and posts to fill in the gaps. Anyway, "So, where are we off to? I didn't look up your cryptic salad reference."
Shit, I totally should've made that ARG. I make a mental note for next... heh, I know, right? I'm a planner, I told you.
"That's really cool, Alani. I was never a theater kid. I was in the AV Club." I point to myself, "That's right, president of the Biltmore High AV Club, two years runnin'." I say it like it's supercool. This mock bravado thing is my shtick today. Not sure where it came from.
"Ever been to Cape Romain? It's a wildlife refuge, for birds. There's a place we can drop anchor there called Price’s Inlet, really pretty. We can talk on the way, and, you know, have dinner."
I'm walking close beside you, smiling, looking in your eyes. I haven't actually been the date-r in a long time. Coming up with something fun for us to do took days of research. I mean days.
We're both grinning like fools, Min, and I don't care. We have time, so I'm not reaching for your hand, not touching you yet, but I am aware of you so close, and still feeling the hug on my skin. "Oh. That sounds wonderful, Min!" You and me and the water and the birds and plenty of time alone together.
That's a bonus die, Min, for such a thoughtful plan and some alone time.
We get to the Ceto and I offer you a hand to step across. "I'm going to get her ready to go, Alani. Take a seat over there, like before, if you like. Won't be a minute." I get to work un-mooring her, getting to the pilot chair and starting her up. The Ceto purrs like a kitten as we slip out into the ocean.
I plan on talking while piloting, you're sitting close enough for that. "Ever been on a cruise before?" I'm paying attention to easing us out of the little harbor. My baby is my home, I don't want some moron to ding her. I take care of my stuff.
"I've been on the water a lot, especially spending summers in Hawai'i growing up. Sailing, fishing. Tutu was more about his horses and the ranch, but my uncle Makaio couldn't stay away from the water for a full day. He's half fish, I think."
I watch you drive the boat, Min. So precise and focused, but comfortable and relaxed, as well. We're still moving slow, but I can feel the promise of wind in my hair and the long slow stretch of the afternoon in front of us. I smile up into the sun.
That's another Bonus Die, Min. I'm watching you do something that you're good at, something you love.
Bonus: (Rolled: 3d6. Rolls: 5, 3, 2. Total: 10)
"Do you have a big family?" I ask you as we scoot past a big yacht. It's a sleek thing, but more boat than I'd want to manage, so yeah, nice for parties, too expensive and too much work to own.
We're almost out of the harbor, then we can let it out.
"No. Just Dad and me, now. Mom had pretty severe gestational diabetes and preeclampsia while she was pregnant with me, and they decided not to take the risk of trying again. I've got an Aunt and Uncle in Hawai'i, and lots of cousins, though. It's pretty raucous when I go back there. Most of them still live in the islands."
I see the mouth of the harbor ahead and feel your anticipation of being able to let the throttle out, show me what the Ceto can do.
"So," I look over, giving you a grin like "I know I'm making a bad joke now", "You're a one of a kind?" I see some daylight ahead, and I push on the throttle. The engine roars up a bit and water churns behind us, leaving a widening wake as we surge forward.
"Thankfully, yes. If there were too many of me, I'd be sure to meet one, and I know I'd drive me crazy." And there's that wind I was waiting for. I lean back, turning my face to the sun, eyes smiling behind my big, ridiculous sunglasses.
"How about you? Big family? You've got that confidence I associate with having a big brother or two, plus, you know, your little quarterback display earlier."
I grin, nodding as we leave the harbor and I really open up. The engine gets louder, but it isn't too bad, really. I'm used to it. I raise my voice, "Oldest brother is Teshawn. Middle brother is Marc with a "C". I'm the baby." I look at you with a twinkle, "I like to tell them my parents kept trying until they had me, then said, "That's what we were after! Mic drop!""
Then I shrug, "Marc always said they were so horrified of me they quit altogether. I broke the streak of awesome!" It's all good ribbing, guy jokes. I realize as I'm sharing this that I fall into a bit broader stance, my shoulders hunch a little. It's a thing I did when I was young, trying to fit in with my big brothers, sort of reflexive. "Tay was the quarterback. Got a juco scholarship, transferred to Bama, but jacked up his shoulder in a bar fight. " He could have really made it. He was awesome. Still is, just not at football. Shit, that makes me a tiny bit sad, even now. Sitting in the hospital with him as the X-rays came back.
Re-roll (1): (Rolled: 1d6. Rolls: 1. Total: 1)
Min, I see the sadness in your eyes as you think of your brother's loss, and I feel an urge to cross to you, comfort you for the memory, but your attention returns to the water ahead before I can act on the impulse. Instead, I say over the engine, "Mic drop indeed. You're a pretty great accomplishment. I'm glad they kept going, whatever the reason."
I'm staring at your ass in that yellow dress. Can you tell? I'm not even really being subtle. The wind and the smell of salt frees me, and I'm getting that reckless feeling again.
Are you.. are you checking me out? Shit. I should've worn my big bumblee shades so I could hide my surprise. You're so brazen! I mean, take a girl out on your boat and that drives you wild?
I'm looking back, you know. Mostly watching how the wind moves your long black hair. Your hair is so healthy and shiny, so much better than mine, Alani. I have to have it straightened or its a mess of curls.
I realize neither of us is talking and get a little nervous. This date can't be the two of us staring at each other. I'll wreck my boat!
"What's the wildest costume you ever made?" I ask question six. Meaning it was the sixth conversation starter I came up with. I have many more. I'm prepared for this, it's going to be awesome.
The wildest costume? Are you ready for that? Sure, I'll give it a shot. The wind gives me courage.
I stand up and get closer. Show you a picture on my phone. It's a statuesque, beautiful woman with Bettie Page hair and makeup, wearing a costume that seems to be put together from feathers, LEDs, and latex. Thin strips everywhere, just concealing the "naughty bits." Pretty much a "I met the girl that manages the Bizarro Burlesque at a party last year, and one of her performers had an idea. She was a ballerina until she blew her ankle out at the ripe old age of nineteen, and she wanted to dance The Firebird as a burlesque. This is what I gave her."
Imagine this, but as bondage-wear:
My mouth hangs open for a moment, probably forever. "Holy. Shit. That's.... wow." I look at her, and dammit, I picture her in it for just a second. Then I grin, giggle once, ask, "Did you, ah... try it on??"
Yes, I know it wasn't sized for you. It's a dumb question, but in reality, I just want a second to picture it.
"Sadly, no. Maggie, um, blossomed late, after she left the ballet and started eating like a normal person. She's still got a six-pack, but apparently God intended her to have a D-cup, and she eventually fulfilled her destiny."
Was that too much? I don't think so, you seemed to like it.
"But I still have the leftover materials."
I do some math in my head. It's nice. I could see this on Alani.
"D cup? Wow... that's." I shrug like "no offense", "Not my thing. You know?" Wow, I'm talking breast sizes? ugh, gross. I do not need to be dealing with body issues with Alani.
"Uhm, anyways." I horribly pivot, try to move on. "What's your favorite sport?"
Well, that was an awkward transition. Take a Reroll die and we'll see how that goes.
"Sport? Strange, but it's hockey. There's all this grace and speed and then BAM! violence, then the penalty box, and it's all grace and speed again."
I have a sense that you're ticking off boxes on a checklist, and I'm pretty sure that was a box that didn't get checked, but, dammit, Patience and HONESTY.
So we're clear, I insisted you put a life jacket on. I have one, too. Always smart.
"Wow, hockey?" I'm really surprised. Her description sounds great, but I wonder. "How did you get into hockey? It's not really a warm climate kind of sport." I hold up a hand, "I know, I know, the NHL is in Florida, but I guess I always thought it was a kind of snowbird thing?"
I shake my head in amusement, "You are full of surprises, Alani." I say as I pick up a little speed, ease us out into deeper waters. "Cape Romain Marine is 38 knots, so we have some time. You want to take over so I can get something from below?" I indicate you can take over the wheel, if you like. I really hope you do, I have goodies.
"Yeah, well growing up in the Navy, bouncing around, I didn't often have a 'home' team for any sport. I caught the hockey bug watching the winter Olympics as a girl, and I guess it stuck. I get that it's weird..."
I move up to take the wheel. It's been a while, but I'm pretty confident that I can point the Ceto in a straight line while you're belowdecks. I "accidentally" brush against you as we swap. I wonder what's below?
Yes, you brush against me, but I'm already figuring you out, you minx! When your arm brushes against my side as you reach for the wheel, I slip to stand behind you, putting my left hand on your lower back. Probably not a big deal to you, but it's scandalous to me. And thrilling.
"See the compass here?" I reach past your arm, brushing it lightly. "That's our heading. Just keep everything headed that way." I've leaned in a bit and I'm right by your face and oh. I really want to kiss you right now.
Dumbly, I keep talking, "So, uhm, I'm getting the wine. And the cheese. And stuff." I hover. My brain locks up for a moment because you're looking right at me.
You're so close, Min, and yes, I'm looking at you. You see my nostrils widen. "I love that fragrance, Min. It's clean. But sexy."
C'mon, Min! You're right there, and after last time, I'm not going to be the kiss-initiator. Take a Reroll.
Re-roll (3):(Rolled: 1d6. Rolls: 3. Total: 3)
I smile, glad you noticed. It's quite expensive, picked it up at Sak's at a conference in New York. I don't want to brag, so I don't. I've never seen it anywhere else. "Thanks."
I hover for a moment longer. Then I make a decision, reaching for the throttle, adjusting it so the Ceto's engines cut off, and we sloosh forward in the water for a bit without power. I reach my right hand up to cup your cheek, lean in, and kiss you. Lips to lips, direct but not overpowering. I brush against your lips with mine, then mischievously flick my tongue across them and pull back with a giggle. "Well.... that was.. better than I even hoped." I smile, proud of myself for doing that.
It was not one of my conversation starters, Alani. I'm "off book" here. Don't laugh.
Oh, Min. Oh Min. "Oh."
Suddenly, there's a soundtrack in my head, and I think my root chakra is tingling and, well you started it this time and I'm not pulling back. My lips are parted and you see me take a quick sharp inhale before my hand is behind your neck, pulling you to me again. Yeah, this is better than I hoped, too. And I think I've been hoping since you tasted that bread pudding off my spoon. Hoping in technicolor.
It surprises me when your hand darts up to pull me back to you. I don't fight it, Alani. I've been waiting almost a month for this. Not this moment, since I didn't plan it. But this kiss, definitely. My hand slips down to your lower back again, my pinky sliding against the soft fabric of the pants you made for this date.
I part my lips and dab at yours with the tip of my tongue. I taste your lips, so soft. It has been forever since I kissed anyone, you don't even know. I close my lips on yours, we make kissing sounds, which I can hear now that the engine's stopped.
Outside of the Ceto, there are other boats, other people, ambient noise. The water lapping against the boat. The sound of the mooring lines clinking as the wind whips around. It's a windy day.
If you don't stop me, we're going to kiss for a while. I don't need anything more than this. This right here.
The boat sways gently but unpredictably in the wind and the swells, and we sway with it, our bodies alternately pressed together and reluctantly parting as our balance adjusts.
This long, long moment where we explore a tiny part of our shared map of desire to the accompaniment of sea birds and distant laughing voices and wind and the primeval, sensual scent of the sea. This moment of lips touching lips, of tongues tracing the sweet curves of tongues and lips, teeth grazing the tender sweetness of lips and tongues. The taste again of salt and honey. Hands on backs and necks and cheeks and maybe yes reaching up to tease an earlobe with a gentle tug and certainly fingers tangling and untangling. And through it all eyes looking into eyes certain and uncertain, wanting and playing, hungry and content all in turns.
So no, I don't stop you, Min. We kiss for a while. This right here. We've had a month of Patience. Now have have five timeless minutes of Honesty.
After a very nice moment shared, I finally pull away, smiling. "Want to just drop anchor here?" It's not really a question. I'm dropping anchor and practically running downstairs to get the wine, crackers, fruit and cheese I sliced up for us.
--End this Part--