Min, you come back on deck balancing a bottle of that delicious wine and a platter with some delicious looking cold grapes, slices of apple and a few different kinds of cheese and crackers, two wine glasses dangling by their bases from your fingers. I would
definitely drop something if I tried this little balancing act on a boat, but your sea legs are more practiced than my own rusty ones, and you move with a natural, easy grace on the swaying deck. I take the tray from you to set it on the little table. This is clearly not "I picked up a fruit and cheese tray at the Harris Teeter and put it on a plate so you'd think I was fancy." It's definitely "I picked out the best grapes I could find and sliced the apples and cheese myself after probably asking the cheesemonger a
lot of questions first." As you set down the wine (already opened) and glasses, you tell me the grapes are seedless and that detail seems to be important to you.
I noticed the Bluetooth speaker setup while you were below, and I just happen to have made a playlist for this occasion. Well, I made a playlist a few days after our first date, but it seems good for the moment. It's a bit on the romantic side, and no, "I Kissed a Girl" is not on it.
We're settled and noshing, our hands occasionally touching as we reach for a grape at the same time, but mostly content with the memory of our recent kisses. A few songs have gone by, background, and
this comes over the speaker. It starts off a little kitschy, but I think I like the lead vocalist even better than Etta James.
I get chills when our hands touch, and this song is really getting to me, Alani. "This song... is so great. It's just perfect." Planned, obviously. You aren't just some impulsive person after all, I see.
Please take alll the Attraction Dice. All of them!
"Thanks. My dad's a big doo-wop fan. Still has a ton of LPs. Like a roomful." I take a grape in my mouth, unselfconsciously reveling in the feeling and taste as it bursts against my tongue. "This is wonderful, Min." I reach out for your hand as the song ends, smiling in anticipation. Those few little acoustic guitar chords at the beginning of "Ironic" tinkle from the speakers and Alanis begins her wordless vocal introduction.
I snicker when the song starts, turn to look at you. "Hah! It's our song!" I laugh, it's a sudden snort, not the most attractive thing in the world, but well, there it is. "Wait, no. Alani. Don't you dare. This is NOT our song, it's so horrible. hahahaha" I throw a grape at you and giggle.
Take a bonus die, so very clever.
"I think we're stuck with it, babe. Besides, Alani/Alanis, get it? Everyone pushed her on me in high school because of that." I'm laughing, too. You said, "our song," and that in itself is music to my ears. Wait, did I just call you "babe?"
A line of brown pelicans is flying low over the water, swooping down occasionally to scoop up a wriggling fish.
"I can't believe I haven't asked this yet. Is 'Min' short for anything?"
I finish my glass of wine, "Nope. It's Chinese, means quick, or sensitive. I'll let you pick which one fits me." I grin, it's a thing I say. "When my mom was giving birth, she lost alot of blood. She has a pretty rare blood type - B negative, and the blood bank ran out." I pause, "We were living in the middle of nowhere Montana. Anyways, my parents thought they were going to lose me. This old lady named Min, who was just in for out-patient surgery on her big toe, she hears about this and turns out, she's got B negative blood."
I hop up and pour myself some more wine, pick up a few grapes, "My mom's so happy that she named me after the lady. She was really sweet. Plus, bonus, it saved me from the name my parents had picked out." I pause before I pop a grape in my mouth."You almost made out with a Lashonda." I pop the grape in my mouth and grin.
"Did you ever meet her? Your namesake?"
I hold out my glass for you to fill. "Wait. Is your middle name Lashonda?" As you pour, "I choose both. Quick and sensitive." With that last, I'm thinking about the way you shuddered when I played with your ear, not so long ago.
I'm shameless today, really. "Does Lashonda mean 'beautiful'?"
"Yes, I did. A few times. She was really the kind of person who would give blood to a stranger." I answer with a smile as I think of her. "I called her Auntie Min, and wrote her Christmas cards. We had her over for Thanksgiving when I was four. I can almost picture her chubby face." I take a drink of the wine. I should slow down.
Then you ask me the meaning of Lashonda and I almost choke. "No. My middle name is Michelle. And Shonda means stone. La doesn't mean anything, really." I'm so busy rattling off information that I missed the compliment. Well, almost missed it. I give you a little smile of thanks.
Take a couple bonus dice for that!
"What's your middle name?" I ask as I pop another grape in my mouth. My goodness these grapes.
Attraction: (Rolled: 4d6. Rolls: 4, 6, 5, 3. Total: 18)
Bonus: (Rolled: 3d6. Rolls: 3, 4, 4. Total: 11)
"Really? It's embarrassing..." I sigh. "There is no one in Charleston that knows this besides my father, and he has taken an oath of secrecy...." I look at you like I'm about to share something BIG. "Gertrude, after an aunt I never met. Tell no one."
I lean in a little when you offer me your secret middle name. I grin like I'm about to burst out when you tell me. Are you joking? "I've kissed a Gertrude now! Marc would laugh his ass off!" I grin as I hop up from my seat and head over to get my lifejacket. I'm going to get us to that damn Cape.
"If I ever call you Gertrude," I say as I work on getting up the anchor. "You can call me Lashonda." I look over, "I want to get to the Cape. It's pretty close. We can drop anchor there, it's really great."
I get up, too, and put on my lifejacket, then move over to help you haul up the anchor, my hands with yours on the handle of the winch. I'm close behind you, enjoying myself.
"Min," I ask, "Does your family know you're... well, lesbian?" Wait, I know we've had our moments, but that's a big assumption. "Or bi, or whatever..."
Reroll (1): (Rolled: 1d6. Rolls: 5. Total: 5)
It's so nice feeling your hands on mine as we work together. I'd love to have a first mate Gertrude. Then you ask if I'm, you know, "out". It takes me aback and I give you a nervous look. Finish up with the anchor, straighten up.
"Honesty and patience." I say it aloud, like it's a reminder, to me and you. I shake my head, breaking eye contact. I'm ashamed. "I keep chickening out. I like to tell myself they already know, you know?"
"But it's bullshit."
"Yeah, when Mom died, she knew, but it was our little secret from Dad. We both just knew that he'd lose it, and truth be told, I was surprised at Mom's reaction. She grew up old-school Hawai'ian, Catholic and all. But she just said, 'Oh. That makes sense.' Here's the thing, though..." I clear my throat. "Two days after Mom's funeral, Dad sat me down with a cup of his crappy Navy-man coffee and said, 'Alani, let's not hide. We're alone now. Anything you want to tell me?' And I did. There were a lot of tears and a lot of questions, but we got through it. He really did already know."
I nod. You're right. I mean, I've heard it a few times before. Never quite so sweetly, or from someone who carried my baggage, so it sounds much better. I won't give you empty promises, but you have to see it in my eyes, it helps.
"Thanks, Alani." It's about all I can muster right now, but I mean it. I shuffle over to the wheel and start her up. "Hey, if you want to hang out belowdecks, it's cool. I like your company, but if you feel seasick or anything, there's no shame in it. We'll be there in a half hour, tops."
So thoughtful and earnest. Take another re-roll.
Seasick? You asked if I feel seasick? Are you sending me away? Did I upset you, talking about coming out? It didn't seem like it, but now...
Min, you see my face fall. "Oh. If I'm in the way, I can head below. I mean, I don't get seasick. Like I said, I've spent a lot of time on much less... stable boats. But I can, um, clean up, if you want."
I turn for the tray, not quite empty, but probably ready for the refrigerator. My head is down a little.
I'm so focused on getting us back on track that I almost miss what you mean when you talk about being in the way. I catch the head down part, though, that's hard to miss. You're so expressive that when you're sad, you're SAAAD. I feel awful, there's this twist in my gut, and I forget the whole "coming out" thing.
"Alani!" I call over the engine, too loud, but I don't want you to miss it. "You're not in the way. I was... shit, I'm sorry. I just, you know, I want you to see the cape. And I'd planned on us having the wine and cheese there, and..."
I straighten and turn toward you, walk the few steps it takes to be close enough to avoid shouting. "Min? I'm sorry for overreacting. Listen, have you ever dated much? I haven't. Lili's dad, for six months before he... before we got me pregnant and his mom got orders to Okinawa. After that, there was always Lili. I've had a total of three dates in the last eight years, not counting these two with you. Three dates and one stupid, sloppy hookup with a producer. After the show, mind you, not before she hired me." I sigh.
"I've forgotten how to be in any relationship except 'Mom'. I don't think I ever knew."
You ask if I've dated much, and luckily you're answering before I have a chance to respond. I'm silently thankful for a moment, but then you're telling me about your love life, or lack thereof, and my heart goes out to you.
My shoulders slump a little and I'm sure you can see in my face that I feel a little sorry for you. I try to pull it back, I don't want you to feel worse, it's just a natural reaction to the information, you know?
"I tell you what, Alani," I say after some consideration. My mouth slides into a confident smile. "I will teach you how to be a good date. It will take... many lessons."
I can't help it. Your somber tone, the cocky smile, I can't help but respond, to feel my mood lift. "Ah. 'When the pupil is ready, the Master appears.'" I don't even know what I'm quoting, but I must've heard it somewhere...
Conflict: (Rolled: 3d6. Rolls: 3, 3, 1. Total: 7)
I chuckle at your reaction. It's so serious and ominous-sounding. "Very good, my pupil. Now, clean up that mess we made while I get us to the Cape. Then, come back here and tell me how pretty I look." I'm channeling a little Cruella De Vil. I love her so much. Cruella, I mean.
I feel like I'm so up and down with you, Min, giddy one minute and anxious the next. Is that a thing? Maybe this dating thing isn't about being the Mom of a person, it's about being the Mom of this precious, fragile connection we've established. So yes, I'll learn from you. But I suspect it will be the kind of lessons that can't be taught intentionally, just like with Lili. Okay, I'm used to rolling with the punches. I can do this.
"Yes, Sensei," I say, with a little bow. I clean up, head below and find the plastic wrap to put the leftover cheese and apples in the fridge. I bring two grapes back above with me, and pop one in your mouth when you turn to say something, then pop the other in mine. "Warp speed, Cap'n! Let's get to the Cape!"
So, we'll start with 4 Attraction and a new Compatibility "At home on the water."