So, after a long hug, we continue our walk, and eventually we come on this:

Bleak and beautiful, like so much of the South Carolina coast. I smile and resist pulling out my phone to snap a pic for later inspiration. There are other people here, tourists from the ferry or the mainland landing. So, I don't push your boundaries, Min. Instead, I reach into my big ol' purse and pull something out, wrapped in kraft paper with a dusky rose ribbon.
"I thought about bringing flowers, Min, since you were hosting this shindig. Didn't seem right for a boat trip, though. So..." I hold out the small package to you. Hoping you don't take it wrong.
My eyes widen when you reach into your purse, and then you're handing me this gift, out of nowhere. I'm still a little off-balance from baring my soul, but I'm also lifted by your acceptance. It's all topsy-turvy. I'm all topsy-turvy, Alani.
"Alani..." I say as I reach for the package, the paper crinkles and I play with the ribbon. I'm so excited, my mind's spinning with what it could be. I'm the baby of my family, I do not turn down gifts. "You didn't have to do this." But wow, I'm glad you did. I like it already.
I delicately open it, looking at the package, then you, then back. Finally, the paper is pulled away, I open the box to find...
I look up, a wide smile. "For my lil dashboard!" I get it, you so get me! This is awesome! I do a little happy dance, kicking up a little sand with my shoes, but I don't care. I drop the ribbon accidentally when I surge forward to hug you. It's a nice squeeze.
When I pull back, I'm still pretty close. "It's my little Alani. She'll always be welcome on the Ceto."
"I actually play the ukulele, you should know. So does Lili. We will torment you with a duet sometime." That was too much, probably, bringing Lili in again, but you got it right away! "We didn't get to Iz doing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' on my playlist yet, but I kill it. At least the uke part. The singing, not so much. That's all Lili."
I look at the water, the seabirds. "I'm glad she'll always be welcome, Min. Little Alani." I'm so into you, but I don't ask the question, about "big" Alani. I give you a little kiss on the cheek before we're in full view of the tourists and sightseers, then offer my arm for you to take, like we're in an old-time movie.
The thought of you playing ukulele with Lili melts my heart, Alani. I smile as I look at you, standing in front of the forest, this beautiful creature that you are. "I would love to hear you two play. Will you do a duet for me?" I almost say "next time".
Take two Bonus Dice, one for the song, the other for the cheek kiss.
"Oh, Min, you don't know what you're letting yourself in for with that question. We are both incorrigible hams. But of course we will." And we walk on, your hand in the crook of my elbow. I think we make a fine picture.
"You... are so grounded, Min. Sometimes I feel like a skiff, going wherever the current takes me, but you... you feel like the Ceto, steady through the waves." I realize that may come across a bit wrong. "But sporty, of course. And I do like your lines."
Attraction: (Rolled: 5d6. Rolls: 1, 5, 4, 5, 3. Total: 18)
Bonus: (Rolled: 3d6. Rolls: 3, 1, 6. Total: 10)
I realize how excited you get about bringing in Lili, and I'm happy to see that. I realize how much I need to know her to get to know you. She's a vital part of who you are. I'm thinking about that, how it fits into our lives, how we could fit together. It's a little scary, you know?
"My lines?" I repeat you with a question as I smile. "Nobody's ever complimented my lines before." I squeeze your arm lightly, "And I think you're the best mom I've seen in a very long time.... definitely the cutest."
I think we have a Conflict here. "Is three a crowd?"
OOC: we'll start the next turn with 5 Attraction and a new Compatibility: "Different histories, shared understanding."