Ksenia, Mei, you return to the
Stalker Jane after three months away during her refitting. She's shipshape and Bristol fashion, with a new paint job and that amazing shuttle alongside, ready to mate on embarkation. Emblazoned on the side is the new AdAstra logo:

You've both been sequestered with Psi Corps in one way or another for most of your off time.
Ksenia, you received some
special training from another former grunt, on the care and handling of Psi operatives. In addition to whatever advancements you choose, please add a new Permanent Asset, "Psi Op Handler Training" to your sheet, with a d6 Trigger of your choice.
Mei, you have been poked and prodded and tested and stressed. Again. You passed all the tests, although there is
still a lot of confused grunting by the squints who evaluate your results. In the end, you don't learn much new, but just before setting out to return to the
Stalker Jane you're handed a smooth matte-silver box about the size of your hand, surprisingly heavy for its volume. They explain that it records and analyzes your "interactions" with "the alien entity" and should provide a benefit when you need to call on "her" for help or understanding. Please add a new Permanent Asset, "Mysterious Cora Box" to your sheet, with a d6 Trigger of your choice.
You walk onto the ship, and your three... friends? Is Church a friend? ...are there to greet you. Church greets you.
"Welcome back, Ensign Mei, Ensign Cribbage. Mr. Csorba should be here shortly, and we'll be able to proceed to Giana Prime."Ksenia, Mei, you've been in contact during these three months, but you haven't talked to any of these three. What do you say? What do you do?
[Taban Mei]
I give Church a nod and a polite smile. And what the hey, a handshake of greeting. He's the dotted-line boss. "Mister Church. Good to see you again. I hope you've been enjoying a severance package?" I would like to not have to look over my shoulder for M-T security, thank you very much.
A bit of a warmer smile for the crew of the Jane. "Captain Dai, Ms. Lourdes. The Jane's looking good. Has she missed us as much as we've missed her? I discover that I've laid a hand on the bulkhead, as though talking to the ship directly. I'm already thinking about dinner.
I'm looking sharp in a crisp blue Space Authority uniform with Psi Ops blacks, if I do say so myself. The gold also suits me.
I offer a handshake to the "boss" first. "Mister Church, good to see you, sir." Yeah, I grip his bicep with my cyberarm, just to check if he's been working out, or if he's getting soft.
Then I move over to hug Dinah. I don't even care about protocol. It's just one big squeeze, then I let go, "Hey Dinah! Glad you finally let us back on the Jane. I can't believe you ordered re-work three times. Such a perfectionist."
Last but not least is Captain Dai. I offer her a curt nod, full of respect, "Captain Dai, it's good to be on board the Jane again, ma'am."
After a few minutes of getting reacquainted, the Captain says, "We've assigned you the same quarters as before, since the fourth stateroom has been converted to, ah, a secure holding area. I assume that's okay? One of you can have the brig until you need it, if you like." She's speaking to both of you, but looking at you, Ksenia. "Mr. Church has moved into the first stateroom. You'll find we've made some upgrade's to the Jane's amenities, as well." She gives Church a nod of appreciation.
Before you can take your kits to the room, the hailer pings. "That will be Mr. Csorba, I expect. Once the three of you have settled in, shall we have a pre-flight brief in, say, 30 minutes? Will that be enough time?"
A few moments after Dai has permitted the newcomer onto the elevator, it opens and you meet Sedge Csorba for the first time.
He is just as somber as he is in the photo, and dressed as severely, with a new black duffel carried in his left hand and a briefcase in the right. He sets his luggage on the deck and moves to shake Church's hand.
As Church introduces Csorba around, both of you notice the taut grace and economy of his movements, his constant awareness of even these close surroundings. Ksenia, without being obvious, he makes sure to approach you from your left side, although he does offer his right hand to shake.
You may be calling him "Mr. Csorba," but this is a man with training. The dangerous kind of training.
[Taban Mei]
"Thank you, Dai." I wonder if she's happy to have her own quarters back. So Church displaced... Lourdes? Hm. I also wonder if the berth could be retrofitted with a double mattress. Not the time to ask, Mei. Propriety.
"Sounds fine, Mr. Church." That's just enough time to kick the space dust off. Why is travel always so grimy?
Csorba is interesting in the Chinese sense, and I wonder just how disavowable these missions will be. I shift my weight very slightly. Ksenia probably can sense the change in my mood... Or I could try to tell her. My mouth quirks a bit, thinking about sharing my psi with her. For some reason, I note that he does let go of his briefcase to shake hands, which draws my eye to his duffel. Simple misdirection? "Ensign Taban Mei, Space Corps and Psi Corps. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Csorba." I will shake his hand, ever polite.
I let Mei answer us on the room. I do not want to rub anything in anyone's face. Wait, check that. Maybe something in someONE's, but that's later, and will last just under thirty minutes.
I shake Csorba's hand with my right one, "Ensign Cribbage." I don't do the macho BS of squeezing, it's a frakking cyberarm, what would it prove. I give him a level look, not exactly sizing him up, a little curious.
Once everyone has met, Church suggests that you settle in so AdAstra can begin its first piece of real business. He seems almost animated at the thought.
The interior of the Stalker Jane has seen some serious attention in your three months away. It's clearly still a working vessel and not a luxury yacht, but little touches and some devoted refinishing have made a little magic happen. Your quarters have been reconfigured to add more permanent storage and the new bunks look positively luxurious. Mei, Ksenia, as you walk through the ship, what's one thing that catches your eye?
Soon enough, it's time to head to the conference room.
Csorba's briefing is succinct and professional.
A new drug has been hitting the streets and orbitals and arcologies of the Polity, called TruLuv. It is said to allow for a special type of connection during sex, letting the user feel something of what their partner is feeling.
Analysis shows that TruLuv is a weak form of synthetic paracognisine (the hormone generated by the pineal gland in psi-active individuals), combined with a mild stimulant and an agent that increases blood flow to the genitalia of both men and women. Here's the rub, though. No one has ever been able to create a stable synthesized paracognisine, and you know that Psi Corps has tried.
Investigation and footwork has identified the probable source of TruLuv as Lucidus Biocorp, on the independent planet Giana Prime, currently in a state of détente with the Polity, but certainly not friendly. The creator of the drug is believed to be Lucidus' Chief Scientist, Jax Yu.
Csorba says in conclusion, "We are to land on Giana Prime and approach Lucidus as potential investors, then make contact with Yu and make him an offer he can't refuse. He must be brought to Psi Corps."
[Taban Mei]
When I stopped at the galley to munch on some fresh grapes before the briefing, I couldn't help but notice the new kit in the medbay. I don't know much about cybernetic systems, but I know what a diagnostics setup looks like. Moreover there's a few obvious spare parts in storage, clearly to help Cribbage maintain her gear. Something about the nonstandard installation says Dinah Lourdes to my eye. It's sweet of her.
Headed back into my berth (our berth, really), I do a double take at the door. The door is new and appears to be a little thicker with better seals. I give an approving nod, thinking of the crew's attention to safety in case of a breach. Once I'm inside and shut the door, I realize how much of the outside hallway sounds are muffled. Looking back at the door, my eyes get a little wide and my hand covers my mouth, embarrassed for a half second trying to recall specific details for a few months back. But I recover quickly and say to myself, "Okay, that's how it is," and I'm smiling my head off because nobody is watching me.
In the conference room, I ask Csorba, "Will we be his first contact? Have any other, ah, acquisition attempts, been made?" He's a scientist, I think. A fat enough research check would be worth trying.
I notice there's a gun locker in the galley, mounted to the starboard wall. That's unexpected, Dai's not big on guns, really.
I pretend to ignore the diagnostics kit. But yeah, it's there.
Dinah's got a rad new holo-game system. I promised to kick her ass at it when we're in the Gray. That will be fun. Frak, our beds are nice. I'm so happy to be out of Psi Corps hands and here on the Jane.
During the briefing, I'm reading every last word. I don't have any questions right now, but the answer to Mei's question might raise some. It's obvious what paracognisine could do for Psi Corps. This doctor makes it, they want him to make it for them. Well, for "us".
Csorba answers your question, Mei.
"He has not been contacted yet, that we are aware of." His tone says that if "we" are not aware, it hasn't happened. "However, there is reliable intel that Melzer-Togawa has operatives en route."
He gives Church a significant glance. "It would be undesirable for them to get to Yu first."
"We have some time to develop an operational plan, and we're going to need to gather a great deal of intel on the ground, as we have no reliable assets on-planet. I have nothing further for now, unless there are questions."
[Taban Mei]
When Csorba mentions M-T, I raise an eyebrow at Church, a question for later.
I tap my stylus, considering. I start flipping through the precis. Out loud, I'm saying, "What intel do we have already on Yu? Where are we blind?"
Csorba looks frustrated. Not at anyone in the room, but at the situation. "We have a name. And a company. And a picture." He doesn't sigh, not exactly, but there is an exhalation of breath through his nostrils. "Nothing more. We are blind, Ensign Mei. I hope you're ready for a challenge."
I rattle off a couple of my standard acquisition questions, "If we run into resistance, are we cleared to take down any of Lucidius' security in our way? Also, how forceful can we be with extraction?" This isn't my first rodeo.
Csorba calmly thumbs the lock on his briefcase, which opens with a click and a slight hiss. He lifts the lid and hands each of you, including Church and the Jane's crew, a thick envelope. "We are going in black, Ensign Cribbage. Provided that we return with Jax Yu and no-one on Giana Prime is aware that we are Polity, collateral is irrelevant. Yu must survive and not suffer any damage that would will make interrogation difficult. Aside from that, all lights are green."
The packet contains a full set of identification from another independent planet, Ostara, and corporate credentials from the Lazarus Group. Mei, your ID and creds have your picture, but the name Misty Brown. Ksenia, yours claim to belong to one Monté Dirk.
Church looks up at Csorba. "Gibson Dunkelzahn? Did you use a random generator for these names?"
"Understood." That's all I need to know.
Monte Dirk? That's totally a dude's name. Grrrr....
[Taban Mei]
"Not fully blind, I hope, Mr. Csorba. What about Lucidus or their R&D? What about Giana Prime itself? I know they are... independent these days, but what does that mean, practically?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Irrelevant?" I keep my face neutral, spare a glance to Ksenia without moving anything but my eyes. I wonder about Dai and Lourdes' reactions on that.
Then I see my ident packet. "'Misty Brown?' Sounds like a cheap trid star. Super." I shake my head, smiling a little to take the sting out of it. But still. I catch my reflection in my tablet. Do I look like a Misty?
Dai clears her throat, then speaks up in a tone that you haven't heard before. "Excuse me, Mr. Csorba? Collateral is irrelevant? We will honor our contract, but nothing in it states that we are to be party to mass murder, or become fugitives from any planet's law."
Before Csorba can respond, Church speaks up. "Captain Dai, I'm sure that Psi Corps and Mr. Csorba are as desirous of avoiding collateral damage and prosecution as you are. And, in this instance, you are only asked to provide transport. Your identities are intended to allow us to land without registering as a Polity craft."
Lourdes is strangely silent, but has a thoughtful look on her face.
I look over at Dai, like it's cool, esé, "Cap, we're not going to make the Jane or you unwelcome anywhere. I'm simply asking about the parameters." I don't touch the part about being murderers. That's for philosophers and poets.
I don't like how Dai's looking at me right now. Mei's pretty neutral. Should I pretend to give a shit about these random corporate punks from Lucidius? I've got all I care about in the universe on this boat.
Csorba looks you in the eye, Mei. "You know what I know, Ensign Mei, much as I regret that. I suppose you'll have to explore your... gifts... when we arrive. Now, if there is nothing further, I haven't slept in 56 hours, and a nap would be welcome. Please feel free to knock in three hours."
[Taban Mei]
I meet Csorba's flat eyes. I can't believe that. I don't like the way he looks at me. Politely, I say, "Thank you, Mr. Csorba. Enjoy your nap." The last has a real hint of understanding. Some people resort to drugs like goofballs for long hauls like that. I usually start to lose it around forty hours, depending on how much sleep I can bank.
Past that, I keep quiet for now, eyes on the briefing. I'm thinking about Darzi's reputation and covert ops, making sure to tamp down my psi to keep it in check. I don't like the tension between Dai and Cribbage.
Buck up, Mei. This is the job.
The briefing breaks up then. Dai and Lourdes seem at odds, this mysterious "Mr. Csorba" is off to sleep, and Ezekiel Church sits in his chair at the table, fingers steepled, with the look of a man who has chosen the lesser of two evils.
---End Scene---