Raxus Secundus is populated mostly by near-humans. They're distinct due to their ruddy skin color and pale eyes that look almost as if they are merely black dots in a sea of white. Secundans prefer to dress in reds as well, wearing cloth and woven items, such as their wide hats that are slightly conical, excellent items for providing shade from the warm rays of this system's sun.
The three of you find a small park a few blocks away from the starport where they have five asphalt courts for flunge. All of them are filled with Secundans, men and women, who play flunge with varying skill.
Hosk sidles up to you while you're watching the games, "Look, Lad. You can see the courts have a rank." He points out what seems to be a pecking order, which seems to fit based on the age and sizes of the "left courts" versus the "high court", which is the one in the center that sits atop a short set of stairs.
"Let's stay out of the baby ranks, guys." Jojee says fiercely. She gives Hosk a challenging look. "I think we should play up that we're offworlders, maybe see if we can score some creds on the side."
I chuckle internally at Jojee's competitiveness, but tend to agree.
We watch for a few minutes to get a sense for the game, listen to the talk among the spectators, then I nudge her. "You and me first? We'll toss our token in for a best two out of three. I'll be the pusher for the first game, you be the thrower... how's that sound? Hosk, you can drum up some side bets after the first game if it doesn't look like we're out of our depth. Jojee, how much are you willing to throw in the pot?"
Jojee quirks her mouth a little, like she's caught between playing smart and taking a risk. She sneers a little, "I've got half a Cred worth I can afford to wager. More if we hit a streak or a real sucker." She arches a brow, "You?"
"I'll match that. You ready to give this a shot?" I'll hand Hosk the money. There seems to be an active informal betting pool going on, and he's savvy about picking the right time and target.
Hosk heads over to start working with the guys with scripps taking down bets.
Jojee pulls a small mouthpiece out of a container from her pocket and slips it in. With a slightly full mouth, she smiles, "Don't fall behind, Ladro!" She skips out onto the court to line up. You're facing a pair of young men, and they don't look like they're going to take it easy on you. Hosk gives you a nod. He's hooking up a good bet, but he might get more if you play things up.
When you play flunge on Raxus Secundus, roll +Cool. On a hit, choose options. On a 7-9, choose two. On a 10+, choose three.
* You win the match or win the bet (up to 1 Cred unless previously negotiated pre-game) * Noone was hurt (body or pride) * You don't attract unwanted notice
On a miss, things went horribly wrong. MC details.
I put in my own mouthpiece, which I bought from a vendor here at the park. I purposefully stumble just a little as I move to join the First Mate on the court. These guys look serious, and it's never bad to be underestimated. I give a grin of my own around the uncomfortable gear. I find I'm really looking forward to teaming up with Jojee for this.
"Fall behind? Jojee, I'm so far ahead I've already lapped you..."
You don't have to ask me who played better. Jojee will be glad to tell you. In detail. About how her perfect throw saved my ass when it was getting kicked by the young Secundan pusher. I walked away with just bruises, but I'd certainly have a broken arm if she hadn't beaned him hard in the head at a crucial moment.
As it turns out, we did manage to squeak out a win. The bets against us were so furious that Hosk really couldn't have made much on us tanking, so it's a good thing, too. He made some personal jingle on a side bet that I'd get knocked down more than any of the other three players, though.
Jojee pulls out her mouthpiece while you're walking over to Hosk, "Nice work, Ladro. You aren't half bad." She says it with that tone that begs for a compliment back, of course. She playfully punches your shoulder. She's good and lathered, smiling in a way you rarely see, maybe never.
Hosk is chuckling while he counts scripps (that's the paper exchange used on Secundus, you trade it for creds at the starport), "That was easy! She carried you, Ladro. heh."
You realize there's sort of a capo here, by the fences where all the bets are going down. He's Secundan, and big. Not muscular, though, he's fat. Older than you, looks like he was probably a flunge player once, but that was cycles ago. He's watching you and Jojee, looks like he might be coming over. You could probably duck out right now, but then, well, you're kind of a chicken.
Of course, Jojee punches me in the shoulder that Secundan pummeled. I wince, but quickly readjust into a smile of my own. I grasp her hand to shake it, then pull her into a very brief, sweaty hug. "Only 60 percent. Thanks for the save."
Hosk, however, gets a light slap to the back of his head. "Watch it, partner. You may be the next one that has to carry me."
I see the big guy, catch his probable intent, and stand firm. I'm not running away from some yokel tough-guy, even if he does have the eye candy gathered around to prove that he's a big deal around here.
"Oh great, it's the karking Welcome Wagon... wish I had my rifle."
The rotund Secundan comes up with three stout men and a pair of ladies flanking him. "Offworlders, you play a good game of flunge. Where did you learn it?"
Jojee replies haughtily, "It's not that hard to get. Throw the ball, hurt the other side so they don't get out of the way."
He laughs, "You've got spirit, I'll hand it to you. I'm Orux the Mighty. Are you looking for more matches?"
I've noticed they don't shake hands here, so I hit my right fist against my left shoulder in the appropriate gesture of greeting. "Orux, honest truth is that we've never played Flunge before, but we've played enough games on enough worlds to see the things they have in common. What sort of matches do you have in mind?" No harm in treating him with some respect - he's got muscle with him and I think one of his ladies is giving me the eye.
A couple of Orux's buddies narrow their eyes at your claim of how flunge is like many other sports on other worlds, but Orux nods. "You speak truth. I have studied many sports, but the ancient histories are muddy. It is hard to know what came first." He seems like he was about to fall into a bit more of an intellectual bent, but realized his company and righted ship. "No matter. You are good for offworlders. Kazza league, which is not so bad." The way the girl giving you "the eye" chuckles when Orux says "Kazza league", you think it's a really junior level, but Orux gives her a look.
Orux continues, "Word travels fast on the courts. You're known here, but if you walk on for some games in Farm Court, they would not know you tonight." He smiles, "You come to Farm Court, off to the south of the city, around dusk. I give you a hundred scripp to play (1 Cred), and your friend can bet like he did here. I will drive up the odds. You could triple Creds, and even if you don't bet, you play hard, get scripp from me. It's a good deal, yes?"
Jojee seems interested. Hosk is counting the creds in his head already, smiling.
If it sounds too good to be true... I'm looking for Orux's tells, he's probably pretty smooth for this town, but I've seen some real operators in my time.
"You make an interesting offer, Orux, but I have to wonder where the downside is."
"The catch?" Orux says with a practiced raise of his left brow. He chuckles, "You better win, that's the catch. If I put good scripp on you, and pay you for the match, you better win." that girl sneers, like she just knows you can't beat those guys and she expects to take it out of your hide.
Orux is seizing an opportunity, yes. But you can read that it's not really for creds. You're part of a longer con. He's after something more specific in Farm Court.
I'm pretty sure we can handle the situation. The three of us aren't pushovers for sure, and Hosk is Bothan—his people literally wrote the book on ferreting out information for personal advantage. We'll make it work, and make some Creds in the process.
"We'll see you there, Orux. Looking forward to another game or two." I give him my best smile.
You get a nod and a Secundan farewell and Orux and his lot move back to the fences. That girl who was giving you the eye stares at you for a while, walking slow. She's carrying a vibro-knife under wide red cloth sash.
Hosk growls at her, "You got a problem? Maybe your boss wants you to scowl? Well, I got better poodoo goin on than watchin' your white eyes glaring, so go on!"
Jojee laughs a surprised laugh, and that Secundan woman sneers, but she turns and walks back to a court away from the others and doesn't look back.
"I'm heading back to the Libation for a shower." Jojee says once that's over. "What about you two?"
"No drinks, Lad." Hosk declares. "I'm stocking up my fridge with some food from the farmer's market. You can come along or not. Your call. Let's meet up two standard before dusk." That gives you about four hours to kill.
Jojee punches your sore shoulder again, scruff's Hosk's hair, then heads out.
Hosk grunts as he watches Jojee head out of the courts towards the starport. He looks over at you with a displeased look on his face, , "When are you going to kriff her, then piss her off so she'll go away? I don't like how she scruffs my head." He's not really looking for an answer, just being grumpy.
The trip to the farmer's market shakes off most of his 'tude. You find some local delights, things that are like Kiffu, many things that are unique to this planet. What's your favorite vegetable that you find? Anything else catch your eye?
For his part, Hosk finds some choice smoking weed that he dumps off his scripp for. He's heard the stuff is rather excellent for calming nerves and improving eyesight.
I picked up a bunch of different things at the market. I always try to find new, fresh food when I'm on an unfamiliar planet. Almost everything the vendors let me taste was good, but my favorite was this:
They call it an Otamot. Apparently it's technically a fruit, according to the vendor. I wound up having a whole flat delivered to the Libation.
Other than produce, there were a lot of interesting crafts, artifacts of an agricultural world. My favorites, which I purchased a few of, were called dorodango. They're basically balls of mud, patiently formed from soil of different parts of the planet, formed by hand and primitive tools into perfect spheres, polished with sand of increasing fineness, and finally, dust and ash. This is one of the ones I picked up:
Hosk picked up several crates of food and the weed. He paid a little extra for one of the farmers' trucks to deliver it all to the Libation. The sun was near to sunset as Jojee came strolling up. Leeadra and Squall were both with her.
Leeadra is walking slightly faster than Squall and Jojee. She calls ahead, "Ladro, Jojee here says you're an athlete now? Tell me it isn't true." She's grinning as she says this, using some mock tone of surprise.
Squall snickers, "I'm just here to watch the sexy people get hot and sweaty!" Ze skips a little to come up and hug you, then she slides over to hug Hosk, too. Hosk, for his part, isn't sure what to do about that, so he sort of half-hugs her and makes an odd sound of annoyance-confusion.
"You ready to move your head a little more this time, pretty boy?" Jojee asks with a cocky grin. "I think it's all that hair you got. Sore neck and all. heh heh."
Orux just pulled up in a hoverlifter with some of his flunkies, including that girl that gave you the eye before. Here she is:
I exchange greetings with my crew, smiling that Lee and Squall decided to come. "I don't know about being an athlete, Lee, but I am a player..." I squeeze Squall back.
"My neck will be fine, Jojee. You just remember to aim at the other guys."
Before Orux gets close enough to hear, I'll say to Leeadra, quietly, "More going on here than just a game and some betting. Keep your eyes open?"
Leeadra drops her voice a little, "Are you in some kind of trouble?" She doesn't say again, but you can almost hear it.
Orux comes up to your group, but he's headed for you. "Ah, Ladro." he says with a nod. "This is your crew, yes? You've come to watch? That's good. Very good." He heads on, that girl breaks off to head down to the gambling pit.
Leeadra watches Orux go and says quietly in a hiss, "Poodoo. We're in trouble, aren't we?"
"Like the trouble we were in on Nar Shaddaa? This is nothing, Lee. Just a local mover trying to make a move. Jojee and I will play, Hosk will make us some money, and if you'd keep your eyes open for anything we're too busy to notice, that would be great. Please?"
She holds up a hand, "Alright, alright. I do owe you for that. And yes, Squally and I will be your lookout." She looks over at the Rattataki as ze heads down to chat with some of the Secundan players, "Well, I will. Not sure about Squall's concentration."
Jojee pulls out her mouthpiece as she and Hosk head down to the Farm Courts. The Courts are so named because they are at the very edge of this city, with fully half of the view nothing but the wide stretches of rows and rows of farms, peppered with small wet paddies. The men and women here are almost all Secundan, with big, muscular bodies honed from years of hard labor.
The games look less acrobatic and more brutal here. Less dodgeball, more kickboxing. Less art, more brute force.
Anything you do before you and Jojee are pulled into a game?
I join Jojee and limber up, paying special attention to my sore shoulder. "Jojee, I've been thinking this afternoon, and looking at these guys play really solidifies it for me. We can't play this game." I nod over at two teams that are basically just pounding on each other. "We're faster, but maybe less durable, right? So we keep moving, focus on making them come to us, tire them out as much as we can, then strike precisely for the score. Do things they're not used to seeing. Sound right to you?"
Jojee doesn't answer right off. She stares at the match going on in both courts. After one girl gets shoved into a metal pole, she nods, "Yeah. Makes sense. Good call. I don't want to break anything here."
Seems like you're setting up a plan here? Roll it!
The pair of you walk down the steps to Farm Court Two. Jojee puts her mouthpiece in and comes over to you, her hands up, but bent. You get that she wants to bump forearms, which she didn't offer before. Seems like a comrade thing, maybe.
Hosk set up a match for you with a pair of brothers, big, stout farm boys. Each of them are over six feet tall and are built like a pissed-off Zabrak. They move well, but it's obvious that they are bruisers.
Orux's folks are spread out among the crowd, some making bets, some watching, including that one girl, the others just mingling. They blend in as the match starts with that awful, annoying horn.
Jojee just comes to life when you two work the pair of them. She gives up on trying to beat the older brother down, and it's all about scoring. You get in a few slick moves, like ducking a big, wide roundhouse from younger brother while Jojee tags him for the winning point.
Afterwards, the crowd is mixed between shock and anger. Many of them are offended that a pair of offworlders came in and won the game. Others are upset at losing "easy bets" against the MidCity guys.
As you're coming off the court, covered in sweat, because these guys were much, much better than the junior leaguers you player earlier, Jojee is still heaving breaths. She pats your shoulder, the uninjured one, and gives you a weary smile.
Over by the gambling pool at the fences in between the two courts, you see some willowy old man nose to nose with Orux. It looks like a fight's about to break out. When you check Hosk, he's giving the "let's get out of here!" look. Leeadra's wise, but Squall's busy flirting with some pretty little Secundan farm girl who looks to be on the cusp of adulthood.
"Jojee, Orux is getting into something, and I'm not entirely sure he's not planning on involving us. Lee's got eyes on, but Squall's trying to get a piece of Secundan ass or something. Can you corral zir while I get the money from miss bitchypants?"
I give Hosk a nod I see you, then angle toward Orux's hot little psychopath to collect our payment. On the way over, I make sure that Lee sees me.
"That's us, winning the game for your boss. I believe the arrangement was 100 scripps?"
Jojee nods, following your gaze. "Sure, I'll piss in her soup. You owe me, Ladro. She doesn't like it when she loses out on a cutie." She takes off at a jog.
Things are getting a bit more heated now, some yelling, looks like punches are about to be thrown.
She looks you up and down, then over to Lee and Hosk. "Thought it was fifty, and you made up the rest?"
"That's funny," Hosk growls as he slips a holdout blaster from under his jacket. "I remember it more like a hundred. I might remember more in a few seconds..."
Jaleena, the scowling Secundan, reaches for her pocket. She might be going for a blaster, but Hosk has her covered. She pulls out a hundred scripps and shoves it into your hand. "You ever want to play a real match of flunge, you let me know. Because the matches you had today? First one was against kids. The other was a set-up."
"I'm hurt. Hosk, can you see that I'm hurt? This... lady... has just demeaned my abilities to play a game that I encountered for the first time today. She is undermining the entire foundation of my self image! Whatever shall I do?" A glance at Jojee and Squall to make sure they're moving, a look to Lee, and we're out, heading back to the city.
Hosk chuckles at your "hurt feelings", and Lee's right behind you. Jojee and a dejected little Squall come walking back from the bleachers. Squall waves back at the cutie, who waves back hopefully, looking with wide, white eyes at the lot of you.
"Krong, Ladro. I was workin' my gift!" Squall says in a huff. Ze's not really honestly mad, but does seem a bit frustrated.
Poor Squall. I put my arm around zir shoulder and kiss the top of zir head. "Your gift will have plenty of opportunities, Squall. For now, we need to get out of here before bad things start happening."
We start walking. After about a hundred paces, Hosk peels off to cover us from a discreet distance. My hand's on my blaster as I walk a pace behind the crew, tensing for a signal from my partner.
Just as you lot get away from the courts, there are bullyboys in black helmets and gear come stepping up. You catch sight of Orux in the middle of the brawl as it breaks out, but he was watching for it. He's not surprised. Jaleena takes off at first sight of the Guard. They're marching in with painsticks and they're delivering some hard cracks to heads. It's chaotic as hell.
You escape the trouble, and yeah, Squall looks less upset when you grab a hovercab back to the ship.
Hosk seems unperturbed, asks the group, "You lightweights wanna hit the spacer bar with me?"
"No thanks, Hoskie," Squall replies glumly, "I'm gonna take a sonic shower and rub one out." That gets an uncomfortable look away to anything else from Hosk. Leeadra snickers.
Jojee elbows you, "What're you doing, Ladro?" Lee glances over, too, she hasn't committed either way.
I'm tired, and I'm sore, and I'm sweaty, and I'm sure I smell like a bantha, and there's a whole flat of Otamots back at the Libation by now, just waiting for me and a salt shaker. Still and all... it was a decent day, and Jojee and I worked together as a team, and I can't cheapen that.
Leeadra glances over at Jojee, who shrugs. She nods, "Sure. Just sit down wind, and we're zeng..." Jojee punches her arm lightly. Leeadra huffs a laugh, "I've got a meet in a couple hours over some cargo, so I can't get wasted. But a couple drinks'll be fun."
"I've got the first round!" Jojee volunteers. She's never paid for a round before. Even Hosk brightens. A little.
----------------------------------- Leeadra brought you guys to a place called Star Citizen. At least, that's the name on the outside in three different languages, including Coruscant, which is incredibly rare on Secundus.
The place is decorated with space junk hanging from the rafters. Lee led you all to a booth and logged into the bar's system to let Jojee order the rounds.
I ask for a glass of a local fruit wine called Kaava's Tears. I wanted to try it at the market, but decided that drinking and flunge didn't mix. Flunge then drinking, though? That's another issue altogether.
I lean back into the cushioned upholstery, feeling the strain of the game begin to release from my muscles even before the wine arrives. "Lee, how was Seesk when you left the ship? Still out?"
"In and out." Leeadra answers, her face showing concern. "She should be back on her feet in time for our next haul."
Jojee raises her glass, which is a thick, viscous liquid that will probably tank her soon, "To Seesk!" Hosk and Lee raise glasses. I assume you do, too.
There are a couple of non-humans here, probably spacers. A rare thing on Secundus. You spot a horned Iktotchi female with a droid server, appears to her own, and a couple humans in matching jumpsuits. They're probably corporate. The other is, as you might expect, a Duros, one of the most well-traveled species. He appears to be "holding court" with a half dozen different people at a large table.
Hosk is drinking pretty hard tonight. He's on his third whatever-ale-thing. It's not the kind of sour drunk you've seen, he's celebrating, with vigor. Do you join him? Jojee is. Lee's keeping a hold on things, since she has that meet.
Before I have my third glass of wine, I look over at Lee. "Captain, it is my firm intention to get drunk tonight, and I plan on taking my partner and your First Mate along for the ride. Any objections?"
Lee drains her water, stands up with her hands behind her back in a very Imperial stance, looks to Jojee and says, "Make it so, Number One." Jojee howls and raises her third shot in salute, then throws it back. Leeadra rolls her eyes, then leaves.
I shake my head. "So... here's the plan. It's easy to get drunk fast and pass out. Any idiot can do that. The real challenge, the real first-prize-winner of drinking, is the slow build. The drunk that creeps up and creeps up on you until, finally, you've reached this transcendent state that's beyond drunk."
I take another sip.
"Or, we can just drink until we pass out and rely on Secundan hospitality to tuck us into bed. Either way works for me."
Hosk looks over at Jojee, "Slow. And surely karked. That's the way to go, Purple."
Jojee raises her empty shot glass, then realizes it's empty, but raises it anyway, "I submit to your... plan one. Except. I add dancing." She grins, looking at you. Then at Hosk. Hosk makes a "pfft" noise of flat denial
"Slow and steady it is then. And yes, there will be dancing! Even the excellent Hosk, of the impeccable aim and the cunning mind and the sunny disposition, even Hosk shall dance!" I'm hamming it up, feeling expansive with the victory (even if the bulky brothers threw the match, it was still an excellent workout), the winnings, and the first sips of my third glass of tasty wine.
Are you hoping to Manipulate Hosk into playing along and dancing? You can burn a Bond to do it straight up, or you can roll to Manip if you're feeling "lucky".
Regardless, Jojee whoops that cry of hers, then shoves her seat back and walks purposefully towards the bar for a refill. Or to buy the bottle.
Hosk rolls his eyes at her backside, "We're carrying her bony shebs home. You know that, right? And there's no dancing music here, Lad. One of the things I like about it most." He mutters about a "stupid tourist bar" into his mug.
Me? I don't care if Hosk dances. It's the process of pretending to try and convince him that's the whole point of the exercise. Clearly, Jojee will also join in, which is a wonderful bonus.
"Oh Hosk. Didn't you know that certain cultures view dance as a crucial part of a warrior's training? It develops balance, poise, flexibility, spatial awareness, and a certain saucy something that really makes the girls want to run their fingers through your fur."
By the time I finish saying that, Jojee's on her way back with a bottle of whatever that dark poison it is she's drinking. I take a moment to evaluate her current state of inebriation. Not swaying. Walking a little bit deliberately, but not staring at the floor or her feet. Eyes still focused, but occasionally darting to this side or that. Her mouth isn't hanging open.
When she sits, I say. "Three." When she looks at me quizzically. "You're currently a three on the Universal Galactic Inebriation Scale. Not bad, yet, but keep in mind that at somewhere around six you will start making really bad decisions, and at eight, you won't be able to do anything about them."
Jojee slowly refills her shot glass. The stuff comes out like bad motor oil, "If I'm at three after four shots.... then I've got four more until bad decisions, and two more after that before I do anything about it!" She downs a shot, then flips the glass, "Hah! Three more! I'll stretch them out now." She looks at you, then over to Hosk. "C'mon Big Sexy! Let's shake some fur, yeah?"
"Not even if you were Bothan, Jojee. Not even if you were my first mate. I'm just your boss's tenant, so go shake some fur with Ladro. Bout time you two idiots skrogged. Everyone on ship knows you want it." Then he raises a glass in salute.
Jojee laughs, "Hah! After what he did to Lee? You think I want a piece of that?"
"I do." is Hosk's reply.
Jojee leaves the bottle and the glass and stands up. "I'm ignoring your cranky druk because I am dancing tonight! With, or without you."
I let Jojee take a few steps away. Even though it's not "dancing music" she's for sure feeling the beat. Once she's far enough away. "Hosk, we're celebrating tonight, remember? You are my partner, and I love you like a brother, but I need you to take your druk and shove it back up your ass. Let Jojee cut loose for once without trying to make her cut your throat, okay?"
Hosk looks up, mollified by your reaction. He rubs at his eyes with his fingers, "Alright, Lad, alright. We'll celebrate, have it your way." He looks at you square, "This Keshiri whelp has been on you for weeks, and now she's practically hopping on your leg to ride it to town. I don't trust it, and I don't trust her. But I'll play along and keep my druk to myself. For you."
Jojee comes dancing back to the table. Her dancing is nearly as skilled as her p'huzh-do fighting, which is to say, good. Her abs move like a Twi'lek bellydancer and those dark eyes of hers are alight with mischief. She moves around to dance right in front of you, putting a hand on your shoulder, keeping your eyes on her. "Dance with me, Ladro"
There's this place on Kiffu, not far from where I grew up (if you can call that "growing up"), where there's a magma dome, a volcano that hasn't decided to blow up yet, thousands of feet down. It doesn't rain much there, so the water table is usually way above the hot rocks way down in the planet. About once every 10 or 12 cycles, it'll rain enough in a short enough period that a sufficiency of surface water makes it down to the superheated layer. When that happens, the water turns to steam and makes its way back to the surface in a rush, punching a hole in some random spot in the crust and shooting out to nearly a thousand feet in the air. I saw it as a kid. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's impressive.
I'm beginning to sense that Jojee might be the same. She doesn't blow off steam often but it seems like when she does, it's an event to be remembered.
I pick up her bottle and take a mouthful of the viscous poison inside, then slam it down and stand up. "You'd better be on your game, Jojee. Squall can tell you, these moves..." I gesture down at myself. "...are legendary."
First of all. That poodoo she's drinking is nasty. It's like some kind of algae mixed with cleaning solution. Good news? Your sinuses are clear.
Jojee steps back and "takes it all in", looking at you. "I know Squally's got a thing for you, hot shot. But Squally isn't here, and nobody's going to know I stole a few dances, right? Now come on out here and work those kriffing hips. Let's give these spacers a show!"
The mundane, out-of-the-way music of this bar shifts suddenly, and some real electronica beat starts bumping. There's some Bith synth on top of it, and you hear some Sy Snoodles' lyrics samples, too. Jojee howls again, turns around, and dances back into you, her body moving and grooving into you, and your pelvis.
So, there are two approaches I can take here. The first is to try and avoid anything that would make Hosk snort, make Squall sad, or make Leeadra want to cut off my private bits. The second is to do as Jojee says, make it a performance.
Advantages of Plan 1: I don't have to hear it from Hosk, and there's no chance of hurt feelings or mutilation if Squall or Lee find out.
Disadvantages of Plan 1: Not fun. Frustrates Jojee when she's got her blood up, which could also lead to mutilation. Not fun.
Advantages of Plan 2: It's steering into the skid, taking control of the situation by accepting it. Fun.
Disadvantages of Plan 2: The reverse of the Advantages of Plan 1. Also, possible world-crushing consequences to be determined later.
So, of course, I steer into the skid. I match Jojee's motions, smiling. Purple here definitely has moves that shouldn't be saved for special occasions.
You're up, hand on her hip and dancing. The patrons of the bar around you stop for a moment to watch. The Druos raises a glass in tribute, several of the people at his table chuckle, teeth white, showing their humor. They raise glasses. A female human with microfilament red hair pulls a guy up so she can dance near their table.
Jojee turns around, raising her arms and sliding into this complicated choreography. She's kriffing amazing, Ladro. Her moves are fluid and feel spontaneous even though there's a flow of something she's practiced, probably by herself in her quarters for hours. (here's the dance, ignore the music. She moves like the girl in the center: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR-GtJ6KI0w)
You keep up, which isn't too hard since she mostly wants to dance, and maybe dance for you, a little. Her hair becomes slightly damp, clinging to the sides of her face and neck. She smiles, lost in the music, touching your arms, your shoulders.
During the second song, she moves up and grinds up on you, alternating between backing into you and pulling your hands over her body, then twirling around to face you, placing her left leg between yours and pressing herself against you while moving to the music. It's captivating, her joy and intensity, the way she locks eyes with you, face to face.
The music is a bumping rhythm, with bass that reverberates through the floor, the kind of thudding that eventually numbs your feet and you feel like you're floating. Loud enough and repetitive enough to give a sense of otherworld, like you're no longer here, you're watching this connection, this primal movement and interaction.
As the second song fades into memory, a third follows. Jojee breaks from you for a moment, laughing playfully as she takes your hand, pulling you back to stand by the table. She moves in front of you, and purposefully bends over to pick up the bottle and pour a couple shots. And yes, her taut little behind brushes against your crotch.
Hosk catches your eye, looks to her, then back at you, subtly shaking his head "no". He's trying to be your lifeline, you know it. The superego of your brain hears it loud and clear, but that id, man. That id is thinking about the lay of the land. Lee's never going to trust you again, right? Squall's a little sister, definitely not relationship type. And this is just tonight, right? Hosk would never tell, and that thing with Jojee and the magma dome, you've nailed it.
Jojee twirls back around, hands you a shot, has another that she downs. "Ladro... I've lost count. I think I've hit level six." She gives you a winsome smile, "Does that seem about right?" You know if you agree, and take that shot, she's totally going to kiss you right now.
"You are absolutely at a six on the IGIS, maybe even edging up near seven." I have a thought, and start looking around the room at the males, looking for one that might tickle Jojee's fancy without picking her pocket.
Carousing Custom Move When you head to a cantina or bar and work the room for some company (for yourself or your crew), roll, you get +2 for every Cred spent. ✴On a 10+, choose 3. ✴On a 7–9, choose 1. ✴On a miss, you still choose one, but things get out of hand (the MC will say how).
- You befriend a useful NPC. - You get an opportunity for some work - You gain useful information. - You don't regret it later.
That Duros, Gala Mas De Maal, he came over to chat with you and your table. Turns out he's worked with Chaddith before and recognized the Libation. He even knew Jojee (called her "Jojee Terkenn'n"), but she didn't remember him. He asked you three to come sit at "his table". The offer of free drinks sold Hosk.
Gala Mas De Maal seemed to sense your reluctance to sleep with "your crew" (he has no idea you have your own shuttle, of course), and offers up someone else to dance with Jojee, a handsome loader from his ship, young guy named Mix'l.
Jojee watches your reaction for a bit, like she's not sure if you're pawning her off or tired or what. What did you do or say to get her to head off with Mix'l?
Hosk scooted over to chat with that girl with the red microfilament hair, and Gala Mas De Maal insisted you sit near him. He lavished drinks on you three, seemed to have unlimited funds or something. He shared this with you, "Live it up, my friend. This place is ripe now, but it won't last much longer. Did you hear about the space scuffle between Prime and Secundus? Prime lost three ships. One of the ships was a troop transport that blew an airlock and shot a platoon into the cold depths of space. That's too much. The Empire will be sending a governor soon."
Where did you end up sleeping, Ladro? What about your crewmates?
This is not the first time I've been a wingman, and Jojee's at a six on the IGIS, so it's not too hard for me to distract her. Gala Mas De Maal (that's a lot of syllables for one being) indicates his loader with an understanding inclination of the head, so I step up. "Mix'l, haaave you met Jojee?"
I take in what Gala offers, filing it away for Lee. At the end of the night, Jojee winds up paired with Mix'l, Hosk (wonder of wonders!) wanders off with the monofil ginger, and me? I head back to the ship, take a sonic shower and rub one out.
Raxus Secundus is populated mostly by near-humans. They're distinct due to their ruddy skin color and pale eyes that look almost as if they are merely black dots in a sea of white. Secundans prefer to dress in reds as well, wearing cloth and woven items, such as their wide hats that are slightly conical, excellent items for providing shade from the warm rays of this system's sun.
The three of you find a small park a few blocks away from the starport where they have five asphalt courts for flunge. All of them are filled with Secundans, men and women, who play flunge with varying skill.
Hosk sidles up to you while you're watching the games, "Look, Lad. You can see the courts have a rank." He points out what seems to be a pecking order, which seems to fit based on the age and sizes of the "left courts" versus the "high court", which is the one in the center that sits atop a short set of stairs.
"Let's stay out of the baby ranks, guys." Jojee says fiercely. She gives Hosk a challenging look. "I think we should play up that we're offworlders, maybe see if we can score some creds on the side."
What do you do?
I chuckle internally at Jojee's competitiveness, but tend to agree.
We watch for a few minutes to get a sense for the game, listen to the talk among the spectators, then I nudge her. "You and me first? We'll toss our token in for a best two out of three. I'll be the pusher for the first game, you be the thrower... how's that sound? Hosk, you can drum up some side bets after the first game if it doesn't look like we're out of our depth. Jojee, how much are you willing to throw in the pot?"
Jojee quirks her mouth a little, like she's caught between playing smart and taking a risk. She sneers a little, "I've got half a Cred worth I can afford to wager. More if we hit a streak or a real sucker." She arches a brow, "You?"
"I'll match that. You ready to give this a shot?" I'll hand Hosk the money. There seems to be an active informal betting pool going on, and he's savvy about picking the right time and target.
Jojee pulls a small mouthpiece out of a container from her pocket and slips it in. With a slightly full mouth, she smiles, "Don't fall behind, Ladro!" She skips out onto the court to line up. You're facing a pair of young men, and they don't look like they're going to take it easy on you. Hosk gives you a nod. He's hooking up a good bet, but he might get more if you play things up.
What do you do?
* You win the match or win the bet (up to 1 Cred unless previously negotiated pre-game)
* Noone was hurt (body or pride)
* You don't attract unwanted notice
On a miss, things went horribly wrong. MC details.
I put in my own mouthpiece, which I bought from a vendor here at the park. I purposefully stumble just a little as I move to join the First Mate on the court. These guys look serious, and it's never bad to be underestimated. I give a grin of my own around the uncomfortable gear. I find I'm really looking forward to teaming up with Jojee for this.
"Fall behind? Jojee, I'm so far ahead I've already lapped you..."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 8)
* You win the match or win the bet (up to 1 Cred unless previously negotiated pre-game)
* Noone was hurt (body or pride)
Who played better, you or Jojee?
Did you win the game AND the bet, or did Hosk bet against you winning?
You don't have to ask me who played better. Jojee will be glad to tell you. In detail. About how her perfect throw saved my ass when it was getting kicked by the young Secundan pusher. I walked away with just bruises, but I'd certainly have a broken arm if she hadn't beaned him hard in the head at a crucial moment.
As it turns out, we did manage to squeak out a win. The bets against us were so furious that Hosk really couldn't have made much on us tanking, so it's a good thing, too. He made some personal jingle on a side bet that I'd get knocked down more than any of the other three players, though.
Jojee pulls out her mouthpiece while you're walking over to Hosk, "Nice work, Ladro. You aren't half bad." She says it with that tone that begs for a compliment back, of course. She playfully punches your shoulder. She's good and lathered, smiling in a way you rarely see, maybe never.
Hosk is chuckling while he counts scripps (that's the paper exchange used on Secundus, you trade it for creds at the starport), "That was easy! She carried you, Ladro. heh."
You realize there's sort of a capo here, by the fences where all the bets are going down. He's Secundan, and big. Not muscular, though, he's fat. Older than you, looks like he was probably a flunge player once, but that was cycles ago. He's watching you and Jojee, looks like he might be coming over. You could probably duck out right now, but then, well, you're kind of a chicken.
Of course, Jojee punches me in the shoulder that Secundan pummeled. I wince, but quickly readjust into a smile of my own. I grasp her hand to shake it, then pull her into a very brief, sweaty hug. "Only 60 percent. Thanks for the save."
Hosk, however, gets a light slap to the back of his head. "Watch it, partner. You may be the next one that has to carry me."
I see the big guy, catch his probable intent, and stand firm. I'm not running away from some yokel tough-guy, even if he does have the eye candy gathered around to prove that he's a big deal around here.
"That was fun. Thanks for suggesting it."
"Oh great, it's the karking Welcome Wagon... wish I had my rifle."
The rotund Secundan comes up with three stout men and a pair of ladies flanking him. "Offworlders, you play a good game of flunge. Where did you learn it?"
Jojee replies haughtily, "It's not that hard to get. Throw the ball, hurt the other side so they don't get out of the way."
He laughs, "You've got spirit, I'll hand it to you. I'm Orux the Mighty. Are you looking for more matches?"
I've noticed they don't shake hands here, so I hit my right fist against my left shoulder in the appropriate gesture of greeting. "Orux, honest truth is that we've never played Flunge before, but we've played enough games on enough worlds to see the things they have in common. What sort of matches do you have in mind?" No harm in treating him with some respect - he's got muscle with him and I think one of his ladies is giving me the eye.
Orux continues, "Word travels fast on the courts. You're known here, but if you walk on for some games in Farm Court, they would not know you tonight." He smiles, "You come to Farm Court, off to the south of the city, around dusk. I give you a hundred scripp to play (1 Cred), and your friend can bet like he did here. I will drive up the odds. You could triple Creds, and even if you don't bet, you play hard, get scripp from me. It's a good deal, yes?"
Jojee seems interested. Hosk is counting the creds in his head already, smiling.
If it sounds too good to be true... I'm looking for Orux's tells, he's probably pretty smooth for this town, but I've seen some real operators in my time.
"You make an interesting offer, Orux, but I have to wonder where the downside is."
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 6)
Spending my Bond with Hosk for +1. Roll is now 7.
Orux is seizing an opportunity, yes. But you can read that it's not really for creds. You're part of a longer con. He's after something more specific in Farm Court.
I'm pretty sure we can handle the situation. The three of us aren't pushovers for sure, and Hosk is Bothan—his people literally wrote the book on ferreting out information for personal advantage. We'll make it work, and make some Creds in the process.
"We'll see you there, Orux. Looking forward to another game or two." I give him my best smile.
Hosk growls at her, "You got a problem? Maybe your boss wants you to scowl? Well, I got better poodoo goin on than watchin' your white eyes glaring, so go on!"
Jojee laughs a surprised laugh, and that Secundan woman sneers, but she turns and walks back to a court away from the others and doesn't look back.
"I'm heading back to the Libation for a shower." Jojee says once that's over. "What about you two?"
"No drinks, Lad." Hosk declares. "I'm stocking up my fridge with some food from the farmer's market. You can come along or not. Your call. Let's meet up two standard before dusk." That gives you about four hours to kill.
"I'm in for some fresh food, Hosk. A kiffar cannot live on autochef alone."
Hosk grunts as he watches Jojee head out of the courts towards the starport. He looks over at you with a displeased look on his face, , "When are you going to kriff her, then piss her off so she'll go away? I don't like how she scruffs my head." He's not really looking for an answer, just being grumpy.
The trip to the farmer's market shakes off most of his 'tude. You find some local delights, things that are like Kiffu, many things that are unique to this planet. What's your favorite vegetable that you find? Anything else catch your eye?
For his part, Hosk finds some choice smoking weed that he dumps off his scripp for. He's heard the stuff is rather excellent for calming nerves and improving eyesight.
I picked up a bunch of different things at the market. I always try to find new, fresh food when I'm on an unfamiliar planet. Almost everything the vendors let me taste was good, but my favorite was this:
They call it an Otamot. Apparently it's technically a fruit, according to the vendor. I wound up having a whole flat delivered to the Libation.
Other than produce, there were a lot of interesting crafts, artifacts of an agricultural world. My favorites, which I purchased a few of, were called dorodango. They're basically balls of mud, patiently formed from soil of different parts of the planet, formed by hand and primitive tools into perfect spheres, polished with sand of increasing fineness, and finally, dust and ash. This is one of the ones I picked up:
Leeadra is walking slightly faster than Squall and Jojee. She calls ahead, "Ladro, Jojee here says you're an athlete now? Tell me it isn't true." She's grinning as she says this, using some mock tone of surprise.
Squall snickers, "I'm just here to watch the sexy people get hot and sweaty!" Ze skips a little to come up and hug you, then she slides over to hug Hosk, too. Hosk, for his part, isn't sure what to do about that, so he sort of half-hugs her and makes an odd sound of annoyance-confusion.
"You ready to move your head a little more this time, pretty boy?" Jojee asks with a cocky grin. "I think it's all that hair you got. Sore neck and all. heh heh."
Orux just pulled up in a hoverlifter with some of his flunkies, including that girl that gave you the eye before. Here she is:
I exchange greetings with my crew, smiling that Lee and Squall decided to come. "I don't know about being an athlete, Lee, but I am a player..." I squeeze Squall back.
"My neck will be fine, Jojee. You just remember to aim at the other guys."
Before Orux gets close enough to hear, I'll say to Leeadra, quietly, "More going on here than just a game and some betting. Keep your eyes open?"
Leeadra drops her voice a little, "Are you in some kind of trouble?" She doesn't say again, but you can almost hear it.
Orux comes up to your group, but he's headed for you. "Ah, Ladro." he says with a nod. "This is your crew, yes? You've come to watch? That's good. Very good." He heads on, that girl breaks off to head down to the gambling pit.
Leeadra watches Orux go and says quietly in a hiss, "Poodoo. We're in trouble, aren't we?"
"Like the trouble we were in on Nar Shaddaa? This is nothing, Lee. Just a local mover trying to make a move. Jojee and I will play, Hosk will make us some money, and if you'd keep your eyes open for anything we're too busy to notice, that would be great. Please?"
She holds up a hand, "Alright, alright. I do owe you for that. And yes, Squally and I will be your lookout." She looks over at the Rattataki as ze heads down to chat with some of the Secundan players, "Well, I will. Not sure about Squall's concentration."
Jojee pulls out her mouthpiece as she and Hosk head down to the Farm Courts. The Courts are so named because they are at the very edge of this city, with fully half of the view nothing but the wide stretches of rows and rows of farms, peppered with small wet paddies. The men and women here are almost all Secundan, with big, muscular bodies honed from years of hard labor.
The games look less acrobatic and more brutal here. Less dodgeball, more kickboxing. Less art, more brute force.
Anything you do before you and Jojee are pulled into a game?
I join Jojee and limber up, paying special attention to my sore shoulder. "Jojee, I've been thinking this afternoon, and looking at these guys play really solidifies it for me. We can't play this game." I nod over at two teams that are basically just pounding on each other. "We're faster, but maybe less durable, right? So we keep moving, focus on making them come to us, tire them out as much as we can, then strike precisely for the score. Do things they're not used to seeing. Sound right to you?"
Jojee doesn't answer right off. She stares at the match going on in both courts. After one girl gets shoved into a metal pole, she nods, "Yeah. Makes sense. Good call. I don't want to break anything here."
Seems like you're setting up a plan here? Roll it!
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 1. Total: 9)
Hosk set up a match for you with a pair of brothers, big, stout farm boys. Each of them are over six feet tall and are built like a pissed-off Zabrak. They move well, but it's obvious that they are bruisers.
Orux's folks are spread out among the crowd, some making bets, some watching, including that one girl, the others just mingling. They blend in as the match starts with that awful, annoying horn.
Why don't we see how this match goes for you?
Spending 1-hold for a +1.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 10)
Jojee just comes to life when you two work the pair of them. She gives up on trying to beat the older brother down, and it's all about scoring. You get in a few slick moves, like ducking a big, wide roundhouse from younger brother while Jojee tags him for the winning point.
Afterwards, the crowd is mixed between shock and anger. Many of them are offended that a pair of offworlders came in and won the game. Others are upset at losing "easy bets" against the MidCity guys.
As you're coming off the court, covered in sweat, because these guys were much, much better than the junior leaguers you player earlier, Jojee is still heaving breaths. She pats your shoulder, the uninjured one, and gives you a weary smile.
Over by the gambling pool at the fences in between the two courts, you see some willowy old man nose to nose with Orux. It looks like a fight's about to break out. When you check Hosk, he's giving the "let's get out of here!" look. Leeadra's wise, but Squall's busy flirting with some pretty little Secundan farm girl who looks to be on the cusp of adulthood.
What do you do?
"Jojee, Orux is getting into something, and I'm not entirely sure he's not planning on involving us. Lee's got eyes on, but Squall's trying to get a piece of Secundan ass or something. Can you corral zir while I get the money from miss bitchypants?"
I give Hosk a nod I see you, then angle toward Orux's hot little psychopath to collect our payment. On the way over, I make sure that Lee sees me.
"That's us, winning the game for your boss. I believe the arrangement was 100 scripps?"
Jojee nods, following your gaze. "Sure, I'll piss in her soup. You owe me, Ladro. She doesn't like it when she loses out on a cutie." She takes off at a jog.
Things are getting a bit more heated now, some yelling, looks like punches are about to be thrown.
She looks you up and down, then over to Lee and Hosk. "Thought it was fifty, and you made up the rest?"
"That's funny," Hosk growls as he slips a holdout blaster from under his jacket. "I remember it more like a hundred. I might remember more in a few seconds..."
Jaleena, the scowling Secundan, reaches for her pocket. She might be going for a blaster, but Hosk has her covered. She pulls out a hundred scripps and shoves it into your hand. "You ever want to play a real match of flunge, you let me know. Because the matches you had today? First one was against kids. The other was a set-up."
"I'm hurt. Hosk, can you see that I'm hurt? This... lady... has just demeaned my abilities to play a game that I encountered for the first time today. She is undermining the entire foundation of my self image! Whatever shall I do?" A glance at Jojee and Squall to make sure they're moving, a look to Lee, and we're out, heading back to the city.
"Krong, Ladro. I was workin' my gift!" Squall says in a huff. Ze's not really honestly mad, but does seem a bit frustrated.
Poor Squall. I put my arm around zir shoulder and kiss the top of zir head. "Your gift will have plenty of opportunities, Squall. For now, we need to get out of here before bad things start happening."
We start walking. After about a hundred paces, Hosk peels off to cover us from a discreet distance. My hand's on my blaster as I walk a pace behind the crew, tensing for a signal from my partner.
You escape the trouble, and yeah, Squall looks less upset when you grab a hovercab back to the ship.
Hosk seems unperturbed, asks the group, "You lightweights wanna hit the spacer bar with me?"
"No thanks, Hoskie," Squall replies glumly, "I'm gonna take a sonic shower and rub one out." That gets an uncomfortable look away to anything else from Hosk. Leeadra snickers.
Jojee elbows you, "What're you doing, Ladro?" Lee glances over, too, she hasn't committed either way.
I'm tired, and I'm sore, and I'm sweaty, and I'm sure I smell like a bantha, and there's a whole flat of Otamots back at the Libation by now, just waiting for me and a salt shaker. Still and all... it was a decent day, and Jojee and I worked together as a team, and I can't cheapen that.
"Hosk, I'm in, if Jojee and Lee join us."
Leeadra glances over at Jojee, who shrugs. She nods, "Sure. Just sit down wind, and we're zeng..." Jojee punches her arm lightly. Leeadra huffs a laugh, "I've got a meet in a couple hours over some cargo, so I can't get wasted. But a couple drinks'll be fun."
"I've got the first round!" Jojee volunteers. She's never paid for a round before. Even Hosk brightens. A little.
Leeadra brought you guys to a place called Star Citizen. At least, that's the name on the outside in three different languages, including Coruscant, which is incredibly rare on Secundus.
The place is decorated with space junk hanging from the rafters. Lee led you all to a booth and logged into the bar's system to let Jojee order the rounds.
What did she get for you?
I ask for a glass of a local fruit wine called Kaava's Tears. I wanted to try it at the market, but decided that drinking and flunge didn't mix. Flunge then drinking, though? That's another issue altogether.
I lean back into the cushioned upholstery, feeling the strain of the game begin to release from my muscles even before the wine arrives. "Lee, how was Seesk when you left the ship? Still out?"
"In and out." Leeadra answers, her face showing concern. "She should be back on her feet in time for our next haul."
Jojee raises her glass, which is a thick, viscous liquid that will probably tank her soon, "To Seesk!" Hosk and Lee raise glasses. I assume you do, too.
There are a couple of non-humans here, probably spacers. A rare thing on Secundus. You spot a horned Iktotchi female with a droid server, appears to her own, and a couple humans in matching jumpsuits. They're probably corporate. The other is, as you might expect, a Duros, one of the most well-traveled species. He appears to be "holding court" with a half dozen different people at a large table.
Hosk is drinking pretty hard tonight. He's on his third whatever-ale-thing. It's not the kind of sour drunk you've seen, he's celebrating, with vigor. Do you join him? Jojee is. Lee's keeping a hold on things, since she has that meet.
Before I have my third glass of wine, I look over at Lee. "Captain, it is my firm intention to get drunk tonight, and I plan on taking my partner and your First Mate along for the ride. Any objections?"
Lee drains her water, stands up with her hands behind her back in a very Imperial stance, looks to Jojee and says, "Make it so, Number One." Jojee howls and raises her third shot in salute, then throws it back. Leeadra rolls her eyes, then leaves.
I shake my head. "So... here's the plan. It's easy to get drunk fast and pass out. Any idiot can do that. The real challenge, the real first-prize-winner of drinking, is the slow build. The drunk that creeps up and creeps up on you until, finally, you've reached this transcendent state that's beyond drunk."
I take another sip.
"Or, we can just drink until we pass out and rely on Secundan hospitality to tuck us into bed. Either way works for me."
Hosk looks over at Jojee, "Slow. And surely karked. That's the way to go, Purple."
Jojee raises her empty shot glass, then realizes it's empty, but raises it anyway, "I submit to your... plan one. Except. I add dancing." She grins, looking at you. Then at Hosk. Hosk makes a "pfft" noise of flat denial
"Slow and steady it is then. And yes, there will be dancing! Even the excellent Hosk, of the impeccable aim and the cunning mind and the sunny disposition, even Hosk shall dance!" I'm hamming it up, feeling expansive with the victory (even if the bulky brothers threw the match, it was still an excellent workout), the winnings, and the first sips of my third glass of tasty wine.
Regardless, Jojee whoops that cry of hers, then shoves her seat back and walks purposefully towards the bar for a refill. Or to buy the bottle.
Hosk rolls his eyes at her backside, "We're carrying her bony shebs home. You know that, right? And there's no dancing music here, Lad. One of the things I like about it most." He mutters about a "stupid tourist bar" into his mug.
Me? I don't care if Hosk dances. It's the process of pretending to try and convince him that's the whole point of the exercise. Clearly, Jojee will also join in, which is a wonderful bonus.
"Oh Hosk. Didn't you know that certain cultures view dance as a crucial part of a warrior's training? It develops balance, poise, flexibility, spatial awareness, and a certain saucy something that really makes the girls want to run their fingers through your fur."
By the time I finish saying that, Jojee's on her way back with a bottle of whatever that dark poison it is she's drinking. I take a moment to evaluate her current state of inebriation. Not swaying. Walking a little bit deliberately, but not staring at the floor or her feet. Eyes still focused, but occasionally darting to this side or that. Her mouth isn't hanging open.
When she sits, I say. "Three." When she looks at me quizzically. "You're currently a three on the Universal Galactic Inebriation Scale. Not bad, yet, but keep in mind that at somewhere around six you will start making really bad decisions, and at eight, you won't be able to do anything about them."
Jojee slowly refills her shot glass. The stuff comes out like bad motor oil, "If I'm at three after four shots.... then I've got four more until bad decisions, and two more after that before I do anything about it!" She downs a shot, then flips the glass, "Hah! Three more! I'll stretch them out now." She looks at you, then over to Hosk. "C'mon Big Sexy! Let's shake some fur, yeah?"
"Not even if you were Bothan, Jojee. Not even if you were my first mate. I'm just your boss's tenant, so go shake some fur with Ladro. Bout time you two idiots skrogged. Everyone on ship knows you want it." Then he raises a glass in salute.
Jojee laughs, "Hah! After what he did to Lee? You think I want a piece of that?"
"I do." is Hosk's reply.
Jojee leaves the bottle and the glass and stands up. "I'm ignoring your cranky druk because I am dancing tonight! With, or without you."
I let Jojee take a few steps away. Even though it's not "dancing music" she's for sure feeling the beat. Once she's far enough away. "Hosk, we're celebrating tonight, remember? You are my partner, and I love you like a brother, but I need you to take your druk and shove it back up your ass. Let Jojee cut loose for once without trying to make her cut your throat, okay?"
Hosk looks up, mollified by your reaction. He rubs at his eyes with his fingers, "Alright, Lad, alright. We'll celebrate, have it your way." He looks at you square, "This Keshiri whelp has been on you for weeks, and now she's practically hopping on your leg to ride it to town. I don't trust it, and I don't trust her. But I'll play along and keep my druk to myself. For you."
Jojee comes dancing back to the table. Her dancing is nearly as skilled as her p'huzh-do fighting, which is to say, good. Her abs move like a Twi'lek bellydancer and those dark eyes of hers are alight with mischief. She moves around to dance right in front of you, putting a hand on your shoulder, keeping your eyes on her. "Dance with me, Ladro"
There's this place on Kiffu, not far from where I grew up (if you can call that "growing up"), where there's a magma dome, a volcano that hasn't decided to blow up yet, thousands of feet down. It doesn't rain much there, so the water table is usually way above the hot rocks way down in the planet. About once every 10 or 12 cycles, it'll rain enough in a short enough period that a sufficiency of surface water makes it down to the superheated layer. When that happens, the water turns to steam and makes its way back to the surface in a rush, punching a hole in some random spot in the crust and shooting out to nearly a thousand feet in the air. I saw it as a kid. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's impressive.
I'm beginning to sense that Jojee might be the same. She doesn't blow off steam often but it seems like when she does, it's an event to be remembered.
I pick up her bottle and take a mouthful of the viscous poison inside, then slam it down and stand up. "You'd better be on your game, Jojee. Squall can tell you, these moves..." I gesture down at myself. "...are legendary."
Jojee steps back and "takes it all in", looking at you. "I know Squally's got a thing for you, hot shot. But Squally isn't here, and nobody's going to know I stole a few dances, right? Now come on out here and work those kriffing hips. Let's give these spacers a show!"
The mundane, out-of-the-way music of this bar shifts suddenly, and some real electronica beat starts bumping. There's some Bith synth on top of it, and you hear some Sy Snoodles' lyrics samples, too. Jojee howls again, turns around, and dances back into you, her body moving and grooving into you, and your pelvis.
So, there are two approaches I can take here. The first is to try and avoid anything that would make Hosk snort, make Squall sad, or make Leeadra want to cut off my private bits. The second is to do as Jojee says, make it a performance.
Advantages of Plan 1: I don't have to hear it from Hosk, and there's no chance of hurt feelings or mutilation if Squall or Lee find out.
Disadvantages of Plan 1: Not fun. Frustrates Jojee when she's got her blood up, which could also lead to mutilation. Not fun.
Advantages of Plan 2: It's steering into the skid, taking control of the situation by accepting it. Fun.
Disadvantages of Plan 2: The reverse of the Advantages of Plan 1. Also, possible world-crushing consequences to be determined later.
So, of course, I steer into the skid. I match Jojee's motions, smiling. Purple here definitely has moves that shouldn't be saved for special occasions.
Jojee turns around, raising her arms and sliding into this complicated choreography. She's kriffing amazing, Ladro. Her moves are fluid and feel spontaneous even though there's a flow of something she's practiced, probably by herself in her quarters for hours.
(here's the dance, ignore the music. She moves like the girl in the center:
You keep up, which isn't too hard since she mostly wants to dance, and maybe dance for you, a little. Her hair becomes slightly damp, clinging to the sides of her face and neck. She smiles, lost in the music, touching your arms, your shoulders.
During the second song, she moves up and grinds up on you, alternating between backing into you and pulling your hands over her body, then twirling around to face you, placing her left leg between yours and pressing herself against you while moving to the music. It's captivating, her joy and intensity, the way she locks eyes with you, face to face.
The music is a bumping rhythm, with bass that reverberates through the floor, the kind of thudding that eventually numbs your feet and you feel like you're floating. Loud enough and repetitive enough to give a sense of otherworld, like you're no longer here, you're watching this connection, this primal movement and interaction.
As the second song fades into memory, a third follows. Jojee breaks from you for a moment, laughing playfully as she takes your hand, pulling you back to stand by the table. She moves in front of you, and purposefully bends over to pick up the bottle and pour a couple shots. And yes, her taut little behind brushes against your crotch.
Hosk catches your eye, looks to her, then back at you, subtly shaking his head "no". He's trying to be your lifeline, you know it. The superego of your brain hears it loud and clear, but that id, man. That id is thinking about the lay of the land. Lee's never going to trust you again, right? Squall's a little sister, definitely not relationship type. And this is just tonight, right? Hosk would never tell, and that thing with Jojee and the magma dome, you've nailed it.
Jojee twirls back around, hands you a shot, has another that she downs. "Ladro... I've lost count. I think I've hit level six." She gives you a winsome smile, "Does that seem about right?" You know if you agree, and take that shot, she's totally going to kiss you right now.
"You are absolutely at a six on the IGIS, maybe even edging up near seven." I have a thought, and start looking around the room at the males, looking for one that might tickle Jojee's fancy without picking her pocket.
Carousing Custom Move
When you head to a cantina or bar and work the room for some company (for yourself or your crew), roll, you get +2 for every Cred spent.
✴On a 10+, choose 3. ✴On a 7–9, choose 1. ✴On a miss, you still choose one, but things get out of hand (the MC will say how).
- You befriend a useful NPC.
- You get an opportunity for some work
- You gain useful information.
- You don't regret it later.
Spending 1-cred, because Ladro is horny and really needs to get this temptation out of his way.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 14)
- You befriend a useful NPC.
- You gain useful information.
- You don't regret it later.
Gala Mas De Maal seemed to sense your reluctance to sleep with "your crew" (he has no idea you have your own shuttle, of course), and offers up someone else to dance with Jojee, a handsome loader from his ship, young guy named Mix'l.
Jojee watches your reaction for a bit, like she's not sure if you're pawning her off or tired or what. What did you do or say to get her to head off with Mix'l?
Hosk scooted over to chat with that girl with the red microfilament hair, and Gala Mas De Maal insisted you sit near him. He lavished drinks on you three, seemed to have unlimited funds or something. He shared this with you, "Live it up, my friend. This place is ripe now, but it won't last much longer. Did you hear about the space scuffle between Prime and Secundus? Prime lost three ships. One of the ships was a troop transport that blew an airlock and shot a platoon into the cold depths of space. That's too much. The Empire will be sending a governor soon."
Where did you end up sleeping, Ladro? What about your crewmates?
This is not the first time I've been a wingman, and Jojee's at a six on the IGIS, so it's not too hard for me to distract her. Gala Mas De Maal (that's a lot of syllables for one being) indicates his loader with an understanding inclination of the head, so I step up. "Mix'l, haaave you met Jojee?"
I take in what Gala offers, filing it away for Lee. At the end of the night, Jojee winds up paired with Mix'l, Hosk (wonder of wonders!) wanders off with the monofil ginger, and me? I head back to the ship, take a sonic shower and rub one out.