[Junk XIII] Reunion, part two (K 3-2, S 3-2)

edited October 2013 in Junkworld XIII

Svenja was out when you and Caesar came back. She was alone, too. Smelled like booze and some kind of weed. You've heard of it, right? Some wacky weed that causes folks to see crazy visions. Anyways, who ended up on the floor, you or Caesar?

Either way, C is still out, and you're up. It's waaaay too early to be up, but Ronnie Dreamtime has a way of coaxing you out of bed, right? You got a few good hours, at least.


At some point during the night, Rinso joined you. He didn't wake you up completely, just slide in under the covers and fell asleep. You slept in between him and VB.

Next morning you wake up alone. You knew VB was out for a run, she told you as much. But Rinso's gone, too. Brillo didn't come back last night. Your place is completely empty. Just you and those pretty flowers.

What do you do?


  • Somebody told me the name of that stuff was M&Ms. It sounds like mushrooms to me- we had a patient in the hospital one time who was hallucinating pretty bad.

    I meant to sneak out of bed after Caesar fell asleep, but we both ended up sleeping in the bed together. Maybe that's why I ended up getting some sleep. I still woke up in a cold sweat, though- no way I was gonna get back to sleep after seeing Ronnie's face...

    I take a quick cold shower and dress as quietly as I can and head over to Loot's for coffee- the way I've been starting most days lately. I wonder if Rinso found Kiddo... probably shouldn't explore that line of thought.
  • I was slow to wake up, on the count of how late I stayed up last night... I pawed around the bed to find someone, but was really disappointed when my I turned up empty. I look around the room. The place feels small, like the walls are closing in on me, and it makes me feel a little sick. I dress quickly, and move out onto the roof of the garage to get some fresh air... I just ... I need to see people.
  • Kiddo,

    From the roof, you spot Stitch heading over to Loots.
  • I'm standing there on top of the garage, leaning against the concrete lip of the building when I spot Stitch down there. I feel a little better seeing someone else I know... "Hey Stitch!" I call down, "you getting breakfast? Wait up!"

    I run down to meet her.
  • Her voice startles me, but not as bad as Rinso did yesterday. "Oh, hey, yeah." I wait for her to catch up.
  • The weather outside this morning is a bit cool, like an autumn morning. It's arid, so there's no dew on things. Hasn't rained since you got back. Some folks are running short on water, and with Reunion happening, that's causing some friction with the visitors.

    First night of Reunion is normally pretty jovial, but the second and third days get more wild. As the pair of you come into Loots, you see some Libs who probably slept there, plus Tobes is picking up a little something from Loot herself.

    Do you slide up to the bar or take a table?
  • edited October 2013
    I notice Stitch's discomfort when I finally get down to her, "everything alright sweetie? You're just too frakking quiet, y'know?"

    I motion over to a bar where I can see the door.
  • "Yeah." I answer. I sigh. "Sort of." We walk a few more steps and I stop. "Not really. I haven't been sleeping much." I tell her.

    I follow Kiddo's lead on where we sit.
  • Stitch works harder than any other chick I know — harder than me even — so when she says she hasn't been sleeping much, I wonder how that's even possible. I shoot her a concerned look, and cock my head, "Is there something I can do to help? Or if you feel like sharing why, I'm always here to listen..."
  • I keep my voice down. "It's the Wendys. Every time I sleep, I dream of them. I thought I was going to die." I'm not entirely sure why I'm telling her this. Why I can tell her this when I couldn't tell Caesar.

    "They wanted to trade me to Branigans." I whisper. The look on Ronnie's face when he said he'd let me make myself up...
  • I lean back on my chair in an attempt to look tough, but it's pretty obvious I'm not too happy to hear that. I nod when she finishes, and rub some crap out of my eyes.

    "I know sweetie, I know..." frak, do I ever, "when I was a little girl, my Ma', Dad and me got ambushed by some Wendys on the way back North to the Valley. I was 4, and they almost wiped out an entire gang of bad ass women in front of my eyes. I had nightmares about them for months."

    I let the chair fall forward, and I lean onto the table. "They ain't right in the head, Stitch, and there ain't nobody in the entirety of the flats I've ever met that wasn't scared of 'em." I sigh, and quirk my eyebrows, "you know what helped me sleep at night?" I pause a moment, "my Ma' told me they bleed like everyone else — no, better than everyone else. As frakked up as they are, they're human — and when someone fraks with my crew, I make sure they die."
  • "I... had no idea." I can't even imagine what seeing a Wendy would be like at 4yrs old.

    I nod. It does help. I'm not sure it'll help me sleep, in the dark, but it helps now.

    No wonder she's such a badass- she's lived such a hard life. This place hardened her. But she's good people- and I'm grateful to know her.
  • I reach out and pat her on the shoulder, "You feel safe in that apartment of yours? We've got a few empty beds up in the Shack. If it helps you feel any better to have a boatload of armed folks around, you could always stay with us!"
  • "Um... yeah, maybe." I answer her. I'm not sure how Caesar is gonna feel about it. "Let me talk to Caesar."

    The more I think about it, the more I'm tempted by the idea. I think I would sleep better knowing a bunch of armed badasses were in between me and the world. I'm not sure I could sleep in the room next to Kiddo and Rinso doing their business, though...
  • I shrug, "Caesar can come too if you want... Hell even Svenja if that's what you want. You guys are part of the crew now!"
  • "Oh. I'll ask them." I reply. I'm not really sure how Caesar would feel about it, much less Svenja. Maybe she'd be happy if me and Cee moved out. I don't know.

    "I really appreciate it." I say sincerely. I can count the number of people I feel like I can trust on one hand and have fingers left over to spare. I impulsively give her a quick hug.

    One of the Libs has hair that looks like Metro and my heart leaps... until I realize it's not him. I've mostly given up on him coming to Boomtown. Mostly. Hell, he might have come and gone and just avoided the clinic. Goodness knows he wouldn't need my doctoring. I try not to think about him- I fail, most days, but I try.
  • I giggle when Stitch hugs me, returning it warmly and order some oatmeal... Well, it's kind of like oatmeal. Then I guess I'll wait here for some Candies to show up, at least while Stitch is here and still talkative.

    "Want some breakfast?"
  • edited October 2013
    Loot comes over with some oatmeal for you, Kiddo, some kind of muffin with fruit baked in for you both. Stitch, the muffin smells... well, incredibly good. Like home good. Loot has never had any kind of food like this. Not even close.

    Noticing your eyes, Loot chuckles, "Cut a deal with Quaker Oats. Thought maybe it would get more folks here than over at Sprite's new joint. Tell me what ya think."

    Stitch, that Lib that you thought was Metro. Well, he noticed you noticing him. His name's McIntosh. He came by the clinic once, what did you "fix" for him?

    Kiddo, you notice that little boy Ikea watching you and Stitch digging into the food. He probably has never eaten food like that. He has very hungry eyes.

    Here's Ikea:
  • Damn it... You just had to mention Ikea was staring at me, didn't you? This muffin smells frakking awesome, and I haven't had one like this in a long time, and I'm reeeeaaaally hungry because we didn't get that contract with free food from Butter...

    I eye the Muffin, then Ikea, then the muffin again...

    Damn it...

    I take a small chunk off the muffin – I wanna frakking taste it at least – and hold the rest up for Ikea to see. "Here," I whisper, "but you didn't get this from me, yeah?"
  • Ikea moves up quick and snatches the muffin, hiding it quickly in both hands. He grins wide, nods his head, then scampers outside with the prize. You've seen him eat, he'll have that scarfed in seconds. Like a plaguedog.
  • edited October 2013
    I pretend to mop up some imaginary drool for Loot's sake- though it's not far off. I can actually feel my mouth watering. I close my eyes and smell it. After a moment, I take a bite.

    "Loot, if you keep serving these, I will never, ever eat at Sprite's." I say after my first bite. "I think I love you." I say to her, jokingly, after the second bite.

    I savor that damn muffin. I don't care what I look like, I lick my fingers and everything. It is the most delicious thing I've eaten since waking up.

    McIntosh came in with a torn rotator cuff- it wasn't bad, though, didn't need surgery. Set him up with anti-inflammatories and a sling and he was fine in a few days. I felt bad for not having any pain meds to give him, but we were low that day and had given the last of it to somebody who lost his foot in an accident.
  • I'm pouting, and shoveling the gooey slop into my mouth as Stitch orgasms over that damn muffin... It was a frakking tasty muffin... Part of me wanted to steal hers.

    Instead, I sigh and finish up my bland oatmeal. When Stitch is done licking her fingers I offer, "if you like that, you should go chat with Butter Nut. She's a fantastic cook! She made me chicken eggs once!"
  • edited October 2013
    After a half hour of no more muffins, Zagnut comes strolling in. Her eyes are puffy and she's got a permagrin. She's chatting with a cute woman of Asian descent who is missing two fingers on her left hand and has a white half-moon scar on the right side of her neck that looks pretty wicked, and old.

    This is Zagnut:

    And this is Kit Kat:
    Kit Kat

    They come in, and see you, Kiddo. Kit Kat grins wide, I assume you hop up and fist bump or hug or whatever?
  • "Kitty!" I scream, jumping up to give her a hug, "you're looking badass as always! When did you get in?"
  • Kit Kat returns the hug, glances at you, Stitch. It's sort of predatory, the way Kit Kat looks at you, like she quickly assesses your threat level. Then she's back to you, Kiddo, "Can't you smell me? I just got in this morning. Got a couple more Candies coming in once they score some grub from Butter."
  • Mmmmmm... Butter...

    I shake myself back into it and giggle gleefully, "It's good to see you girls! Frak, it feels like it's been forever! C'mon take a seat! This here's Stitch — she's our badass doc." I point out Stitch, and pull them over to the table.
  • Kit Kat grabs a seat, turns it around backwards to sit with her elbows on the back, like always. She asks, "She as good as Lee?"

    Zag grabs a seat by you, Stitch, "She aint as hot... no offense, chica."
  • I shrug at Zag- no use taken offense at the truth. I don't like the way Kit Kat looked at me, but she's gotta do what she's gotta do. I feel so much better after talking to Kiddo and that muffin... I doubt my good mood is gonna last through to tonight, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

    "I should get to work soon." I say, mostly to Kiddo. I nod at Zag and Kit Kat- guessing they don't need or want a nice-to-meet-you. I hang around for a bit to make sure Kiddo's done talking- she probably wants to catch up with her friends.
  • Zagnut puts a hand on your shoulder, Stitch, "Hey, bitch, where you goin? Any friend of Kiddo's good with us." She says "bitch" in a weird way, like "buddy" or something. She leans in, "You work atta clinic, yeah? We oughta talk later." She wasn't whispering, btw.
  • I nod emphatically when Kit Kat asks if Stitch is as good as Lee, "maybe better! She ripped out this 'pendix this one time, up north, in the middle of friggin' nowhere! She knew exactly what was wrong in no time flat! And she didn't even hesitate or nothing!"

    I sit down beside Stitch, and smile, "Kit Kat and Zag here are part of the real Candies — the girls my Ma' used to run with." Then I turn back to Kit Kat, "So what have you ladies been up to?"
  • Oh, ok. That's weird. "Yeah." I answer Zagnut.

    I guess I stay sitting next to Kiddo, though I'm feeling awkward about it. The Candies seem to have a violent streak that I both respect and could likely never aspire to. It'd be good if I could get on their good side, though.
  • Zagnut shrugs, "You know, this and that. Stuck with Snickers till she passed, floated around. Couch surfed, heh heh. Nothin much, Kiddo. Not like momma Kit Kat here..."

    "Bitch, please." Kit Kat says with a laugh. She orders up a couple brews from Loot, who nods and brings them to her, fast, "I did like Fox, took in a few strays, is all. They're teens now. Couple of them talk a bunch o' trash about bein the next Candies... heh, I should kick their asses up north, hunh?"
  • I nod, "We ran into some — they put up a roadblock on the way to Armour. Their leader asked me not to kick her ass and pay the fare." I giggle, "They won't last long unless someone whips 'em into shape."

    I lean in close, "Hey Kitty, did Zag tell you 'bout my Ma'?"
  • Kit Kat nods, exhaling through her nose. "Yeah. That is frakked, Kiddo. Zee and Ollie, they're good people... what're you gonna do?"

    Zagnut takes a long swig of the bottle of beer, letting this play out. Even though she swore bloody vengeance last night. She won't reneg, if you call her on it.
  • I sigh, and cross my arms, "Find that asshole Big Time, milk him for every last bit of information he has on my Parents, probably frak him up a bit for not telling me, then find a way to get up North and find my parents." The latter two points being easier said than done.

    "If Dad needed an operation for lung cancer, and they aren't back yet? ... " I pause a minute, trying to figure out what that means. I turn to Stitch, "I don't even know what that means... What do you figure, Stitch?"
  • I pause, not wanting to hurt Kiddo, but also not give her false hope, either. "Lung cancer is tough. It usually kills fast- if it's late stage, I could diagnose someone one day and pronounce them dead the next. If he got to a doctor, he might've been cured, but I haven't seen an infirmary that had that kind of tech. If he's still alive, maybe he found someone who couldn't cure it, but stabilized him? I don't know." Well that certainly made me feel useless. I suspect he's dead already, but I just can't force myself to say that to Kiddo.
  • edited October 2013
    I nod along, "If anywhere has that kinda tech, it'd be the Ascendant, and Ma' would be back now if Dad was dead — I just know it!" I sigh deeply. I get the impression Stitch is sugar coating this... But y'know what? My Dad's tough as nails! He's been with a Candy for damn near 20 years now! He's gotta be alright...

    If nothing else, a man as kind and caring as my Dad deserves to be with his family when he goes out — and I intend to be there. "I'm gunna go find a ride out to Big Time's place... if I'm lucky, I'll be back before sunset."
  • Kit Kat gives you a WTF look, Kiddo, "You don't have a bike? What the frak, Kiddo?"

    Zagnut plays peacemaker, butting in, "Told you he's at Tradertown, Kiddo. That damn place moves around. Last I heard it was up by Bubble City."
  • I shrug at Kit Kat's comment, "I've been busy trying to feed my little brother, and crew. Ma' did ride off with hers after all..." I lean back in my chair, haphazardly, and turn to Stitch, "Bubble City... Isn't that where KellyTires said Metro's at?"
  • "Yeah, I think so. He was supposed to be coming to Boomtown, but..." I kinda trail off. I don't really know where he is, and I guess he doesn't want me to. Whatever. I want to be mad, but it's not like he's got feelings for me, right? I can't really blame him for going on with his plans.

    "Got any more coffee?" I ask Loot. I should just carry an IV bag of the stuff around, the way I've been downing it.
  • I frown, disappointed, "But bullshit! C'mon sweetie! You've been moping around here ever since we got back — if Metro's there, he owes you some frakking answers!" I nudge Stitch playfully, "'member what I said about folks who hurt my crew? You don't want me finding him, do you? I'd drag his ass back to you with a pretty little bow on it."
  • Kit Kat asks, "Metro? That weird guy with the van?"
  • That gets probably the first actual laugh I've had since Salt. "Maybe he'd look good in a bow?" I joke.

    When Kit Kat calls him 'that weird guy', the smile kind of falls off my face. "The van with the stars on it?"
  • Kit Kat takes a swig of the brew, looks at the bottle. It's one of Scope and Crest's. She looks at the bottle, "This aint half bad... yeah, the star van guy." She looks to you, Kiddo, then to Zagnut, "I saw him once, side of the road, holding some dead man's hand. Just sitting there, like he'd been there for hours. Frakked up."
  • "Oh." I say. We saw Scope by the side of the road. If Metro was holding his hand, he'd have to have been in between Cat and Boomtown. "When... when did you see that?" I ask her, trying to act casual and probably failing.
  • edited October 2013
    Kit Kat takes another swig, not really picking up your concern, "Drek, I dunno... five years ago? Not like I care about some dumb dick, Stitch." Zagnut chuckles at that.

    That's when Mallowcup comes striding in, all beat up and bruised but head strong.

    She's got some prospect with her, Kiddo. You recognize her. She's just "Prospect" now, but who was she before?

    Zagnut squeals, "Mallowcup!!!!" and throws herself on Mallowcup, and Kit Kat raises up, too.
  • Oh. I feel all deflated now. For a tiny second, I thought maybe he was on his way or something. I rub my eyes with my hands. Now that I completely feel like the fifth wheel, I'm gonna get to work.

    "Gotta get to Kim's. Catch you later." I say to Kiddo and sort of to the rest of them.
  • edited October 2013
    I probably should have mentioned that the Candies don't really give too much of a shit about guys — but Stitch is smart, and I'm sure she'll figure it out.

    I stand up for Mallowcup and give her a hug. I didn't recognize Amazon at first, on the count of the fact that she used to be a frakking twig — she's uh... She's really filled out! I give her a friendly nod, and pull over a few extra chairs so we can play catchup. I'm getting kinda antsy though.

    I grab Stitch before she leaves, "You sure you don't wanna come along? 'Cause I will drag him back here if I find him..."
  • I chew on my thumbnail. "If he wanted to see me he'd have come already. Don't bother." I tell Kiddo. She'd rather be around her friends, anyway. Don't need liability-me weighing her down.

    I'm not sure how I feel about leaving Boomtown, anyway...
  • I scowl with disappointment at Stitch and shake my head. "What color bow would you like then?"

    OOC: I'll manipulate Stitch into coming if I have to.
  • OOC: Manipulating Stitch into coming. Roll+Cool* (easy to trust). +1XP rolling highlighted.
    (Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 1, 4. Total: 8)
  • edited October 2013
    OOC: Presuming she doesn't interfere, Stitch will get a shiny XP if she comes!
  • I open my mouth to say no, but the way Kiddo makes a fist... "Oh, alright. I'll come. If I get pinched and die, I'm coming back to haunt your ass, though!"

    I guess it's good that I can joke about it. I feel pretty dumb for going out to find Metro, though. Whatever.

    "Lemme go tell Kim." I say. I've picked up a lot of shifts lately, so I'm hoping she won't mind me missing one.
  • Oh and by the way, before you leave Stitch, you get to see "Prospect" lay one on Kiddo.

    Did you see that kiss coming?
  • A couple weeks ago, I might have said no, but now? Not so much.

    I mean, it was a little unexpected.
  • Frak that shit! It was unexpected to me!
  • Kit Kat cracks up, Zagnut hoots. Mallow just shakes her head.

    When she pulls back, Prospect-Amazon says, "Okay... rumors are true. She's amazing. Hi Kiddo." She slaps your ass and snickers.
  • I lick my lips curiously at the waxy film coating them — Mmm! Cherry! I giggle and punch her playfully before leaning back in my chair again.

    This'll be an interesting trip I think...
  • --END SCENE--
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