It's been ten days since you took off from Eriadu. Rana Mas is still a motor mouth, but he did get Lee a deal on fuel, the back-up hyperdrive has been completed, and he's spent his time industriously checking every
single wire on the ship. Did you let him check out the shuttle, Ladro?
Lee's been getting more sleep now that she doesn't have to run the Engine Room. Jojee's ended up with more free time since she isn't pulling doubles. Have you been playing any sabacc with her, Hosk and Rana Mas? Won or lost anything?
Squall's found some way into the ship's communication system. Ze's been sending you messages, just trying to chat or something. Ze's sad and lonely. Very much both. Have you responded?
The flight up the Rimma Trade Route was stressful. After the trouble on Tattoine, every stop for fuel was fraught with worry. Nothing happened until you hit the nexus point where the Rimma overlaps with the Correlian Trade Route. When you dropp out of hyperspace to make the course adjustment, switching from Rimma to Correlian, that's when you ran afoul of the raider gunship the
Oonta Chootah, a Rodian ship. They sent three single-manned short-range fighters after you. What did you do during that firefight, Ladro?
At Bestine IV, the ship dumped off the nuclear waste. The original plan was to send it hurtling towards a star, but Rana Mas actually set up a deal with a refinery on a space station in the watery planet's orbit. Not much in the way of credits, but Lee was pleased with something on the top.

You arrived in the Devaron system an hour ago, coming out of hyperspace and heading towards
Devaron where you're supposed to land on a mobile platform at a place called Sixmeet, a place where six rivers spring from a much larger one.

Over the comms, you hear Lee,
"We'll hit atmo in fifteen. Seesk and Rana Mas, run through checks and make sure this is smooth. I'm reaching out to our contact so we can get this mess off the Libation as soon as we're able. This is the final stretch everyone. Payday is today!" She whoops a little over the comms.
Where are you right now?
I'm grateful to have Rana Mas look over the shuttle. She's been running fine, but hasn't really had a workout since the damage and repairs on the first water run. I'm significantly less grateful at handing over my creds when he handily wins at sabacc over and over again. Eventually, though, I stop pouring money into that hole, and there are no hard feelings.
The Oonta Choota fight was tense. I sat copilot for Jojee while Lee and Rana Mas kept things humming in the Engine Room. Hosk took two of the fighters out early, but the third was crafty, and our shields were almost gone by the time Jojee managed a clever roll that gave Hosk the shot he needed to finish the fight.
Squall's most recent message hits my datapad just after Lee makes her announcement, tempering my relief that we're finally almost rid of the spice. More of the same. Apologies and promises. I've started typing replies several times, but guilt cramps my fingers. I know it's irrational, but it's tearing me up that I can't think of some way to help Squall, give zir just one more chance. I clear the message, close my datapad, and stare at the caff cooling in front of me. Think about walking the few steps to the autochef for a fresh cup, but don't.
"Hey Lee, I hit that frequency for drop-off, and they're asking me to come in on a different landing zone than Sixmeet. Said the old LZ is hot "
Over the comms, you hear Lee, "We've been hounded this whole trip, I'm not surprised. If the passcodes check out, then head to the new LZ. Everyone, this means there's probably trouble on the ground."
A few minutes later and you're through atmosphere and the choppy ride has smoothed out like butter. Lee continues, "Everyone, please arm up and be ready for a scrap. I'm hoping we're solid to drop off the cargo, but just in case, be ready."
The datapad blinks with a message.
From: Squall I'm another blaster. Tell Lee! I can't tell anyone anything now. Right? I can help, Ladro. Please.
I'll get on the comms direct to Lee. "Heading to the hold, Lee. Just a thought, but Squall's pretty good with a blaster, if you want to consider it."
Back over the comms, Lee asks, "Do you expect trouble?"
"I hope not, but you did just say to be ready for a scrap, and that makes sense."
After a long pause, Lee comes back with, "I did... but what if she set this up? What if she tells whoever it is down there where we're going?"
She has a point, even if I don't think Squall planned any of the trouble ze caused. "Listen, I'll keep Squall with me, make sure ze doesn't communicate off the ship. If you want the extra blaster. I can see what you're saying, though."
Offering the extra firepower and someone to be responsible for keeping Squall in line.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 8)
Lee responds sharply, "She's your responsibility, and if she karks this up, there's no way in blue blazes I'm giving her a ride to Kiffu, paid or not. Get me?"
After a moment longer, Lee adds, "Her door's unlocked, Ladro, go roust her up."
I go to Squall's room, knock once, and open the door. "Let's go get your blaster from Seesk, Squall. We don't have much time."
"Thanks, Ladro. I won't let you down. I don't mind what Lee said, I know I can do it."
You head down to grab zir blaster. Seesk has her grav hammer as she stands by the spice.
Seesk says in her sibilant tones, "Nicccce to ssssee you, Ssssqually. You look good. Ready to sssquassh some headsss?"
Squall holsters zir blaster and grins, "Been cooped up for forever. I'm anxious to take it out on somebody."
Hosk is in the turret, just in case. Lee is on her way down, Rana Mas will be working shields and taking care of repairs, if needed.
I go through my pre-fight routine, checking the battery in my blaster and the spare, eyeing the angles between the spice and the door, checking that everyone else seems ready. When Lee comes in with that blaster I bought her, I smile despite her scowl.
In spite of all the poodoo and the drama, I'm glad these people are standing with me. This, we can do.
Jojee calls over the ship's loudspeakers, "I'm getting a visual on the LZ. It looks legit. Maybe we're in the clear?"
Lee shakes her pretty head, responding on her communicator, "I'm not buying it, yet. If I was stealing several tons of spice, I wouldn't let the idiots delivering it catch on until they couldn't just fly away..."
With a cocky little grin, Squall pats zir blaster, interrupting, "And we're the idiots!" Lee rolls her eyes.
The nervous energy flows through the others as the Libation comes in for landing. Seesk paces back and forth charging her grav hammer. Squall double-checks zir blaster and stands near you. Lee stays near the spice, like some guard dog.
Within a few minutes, the Libation is on the ground. The ramp lowers to reveal a metal platform. You're in a wooded area, the sound of rushing water not far off. There are a dozen beings on the platform, look like they scrambled to meet you. Half of them look like dock workers, you know the look, heavy jumpsuits and thick necks. There's a Devaronian with his arms crossed and a pair of blasters on a gun belt standing in front.
Towering behind him is a very large Nikto with a pair of vibro-blades slung across its back (you think it might be a "she").
On this Devaronian's right is a female human, looks like this:
Squall whispers reverently while gesturing towards the female human with zir head, "
Kriff me, Ladro, that's Zu Pike! She's a teras kasi master. Do not let her get close."
Lee clears her throat, irritated by Squall's utterance. She starts walking down the ramp towards them, "Be that as it may be, we've got a job to do." The others start walking behind her.
Hosk and I hang back a bit, since we have the best range with our blasters. He takes the left, I take the right. We're close enough to hear what's going on and chime in if need be, but not so close that our field of fire is blocked by our friends. I give special attention to Zu Pike as we move, but I'm assessing the whole field.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 3. Total: 8)
Hosk has eyes on Zu, his blaster rifle is out, pointed down, and he has a deathstick in his mouth. He expects trouble.
The Devaronian raises his hands, "Greetings, friends! I am Vilmarh Grahrk. Which one of you is Ladro?" Leeadra narrows her eyes, since she's the captain and he's asking for you. But then again, Hontu made the deal with you, so it isn't really an affront, is it?
Squall glances your way, and Vilmarh walks towards you, offering a hand to shake. You notice that Zu walks right up behind him. The Nikto hangs back, as do the workers and a couple other thugs with blaster rifles. He says with that bright smile, "You may call me Villie, Ladro. I have an opportunity for you!"
What do you do?
"We're here to make a delivery, Villie, and you're not the recipient. What's your play?"
He sees that you don't accept his proffered hand, doesn't seem to mind,"You're being taken by the Hutt, my friend. He's going to stiff you for the rest of your payment. I offer you double what he offered to hand that cargo over to me."
You hear Squall whisper to nobody in particular, "Double?."
Right hand still on the blaster in its holster, left free but down by my side. I don't look to Lee or anyone else when I answer. "Are you flexible, Villie? Because you can kriff yourself with one of those horns."
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 10)
Villie's eyes narrow. He's seen where your hand is, and he knows what's coming. He spins around and starts running away while the Nikto moves forward while the bully boys start firing. Hosk is firing at Zu as soon as Villie turns tail.
Before we sort out these first couple salvos, who did you shoot?
Zu Pike. I've heard her reputation, and she's the biggest threat, despite the big Nikto.
Meanwhile, Seesk meets the Nikto and the two take up some serious space with weapons flying. The bully boys, all four of them, have to move to the side, which opens them up for some fire from Lee and Squall. Those shadows by the shed happen to be a pair of Rodians, and they pop out from cover to fire. One of them clips Hosk, and he grunts in pain, but doesn't fall. Another shot from those Rodians hits your chest and hurts like a gundark bite (1-Harm, will roll in next post), but you'll live.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
With blaster bolts flying, here's the situation now.
Villie is about to jump down off the platform. If you take a pot shot, then you can put a hurt on him. Otherwise, he's hopping a speeder bike and making a run for it.
Zu is flat out on her back, dying.
The Nikto and Seesk are in some crazy battle, with Seesk hissing and the Nikto mumling some chant to faraway deities.
The bully boys that were backing Villie have moved over and are about to fire on Lee and Squall. Lee and Squall are moving to take cover by the ramp and will return fire.
The Rodians are firing on you and Hosk.
Hosk is a bit dazed, trying to find some cover by some boxes, which is away from the ship.
The Libation is starting up. Jojee is calling over the comms for everyone to get on.
"Hosk! Fall back! Everybody on the ship, now!" I'm covering Hosk, but ready to make a foray to pull him back if I need to. I give him covering fire while taking slim cover from the hydraulics of the ramp mechanism. Does he move?
Alright, Ladro, if you want to cover Hosk, let's see you Act Under Fire here to pull it off. Full success means he'll take no damage during this salvo.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 9)
Hosk knows my tells and manages to roll aside as I take a shot.
Spending 1-Bond with Hosk to make that a full success.
Villie is good and gone, his speeder bike zooming off into the woods at a breakneck pace.
Rana Mas appears at the ship's ramp, firing a blaster rifle while Lee and Squall run up and out. He draws the fire from those three bully boys (all humans, by the by), and he's wearing some heavy armorer vest. He takes a couple shots to the chest and it looks like it hurt like crazy, but he doesn't fall.
Lee yells, "Ladro! Hosk! We're leaving! Come ON!!" Her voice is excited, but not panicked.
Seesk roars triumphantly while she whips the grav hammer around in a wide arc. She's got the attention of all three of those bully boys.
You've got a break here, Ladro. If you want to grab Hosk and beat feet to the ramp, you can get there free and clear, but then Seesk's flank is exposed. If you leave Hosk down in cover and try to help out Seesk, you will take harm this next salvo.
What do you do?
No being left behind. Right? I take out one of the bully-boys as I run to join Seesk and cover Hosk's exit. "Right behind you, Lee!" I'm ready to take fire... Seesk and Hosk need the support. "Go, go, go!"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 2, 6. Total: 9)
Suffer 1 less Harm.
Achieve a goal or objective: Get my people on the ship.
Rana Mas is still firing down on the Rodian, but he sprays a few shots from cover, hitting both you and Seesk as you run for the ramp.
Legs churning, you both jump as the Libation starts rising up. Hosk grabs your hand to help you up while Rana Mas keeps firing, and Seesk pulls herself up the ramp, using the grav hammer like a pick.
As the ship flies off, a few stray blaster bolts streaming into the sky, missing you, the ramp continues closing. Lee and Squall are in the hold, breathing heavy. Squall's doubled over, but Lee straightens.
"Kriffing wonderful!" Lee says between gasps, her chest heaving. "Now we've got to find the real drop-off point." She looks at you suddenly, like she just remembered something, "Ladro, are you alright?"
(Rolled: 2d6. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 7)
"I'm fine." I don't ask Squall anything about whether it was hangover from her slip on Tatooine, but I give her... zir, a look. "Back to the original LZ?"
Lee nods, pulling up her comm, "Back to Sixmeet, Jojee. Let's hope we have better luck on round two." She walks over to Seesk, gently putting a hand on her scaly forearm, "Seesk, get checked out, alright? Right now." There's a sweet mix of genuine concern and a strict order there.
Squall looks back at you, zir hands still on zir knees. Ze furrows zir brows, looks confused for a moment, then zir eyes widen as ze realizes you're asking if ze was involved. Loud enough for everyone to hear it, "I didn't have anything to do with this. I was down there getting shot at, too! What if somebody wants to steal this karking spice and it had nothing to do with me, huh? You ever think of that? I have been holed up in my quarters this whole time! IT WAS NOT ME!" Squall isn't yelling at you, or Lee, more like everyone. Then ze stomps off, headed towards zir quarters.
Conscious that I'm taking command, in some way, but not caring. "Squall! We've got another landing to make, and you need to have your blaster ready, in case it's another problem."
Squall spins around on a heel, nostrils flaring. But then, it's you. You got zir out of zir quarters, so how mad can ze be? Probably battle jitters, right? Ze breaks eye contact, looking at the deck, "Alright. I'm... I'm here. For you, Ladro."
Rana Mas flips a few toggles on his blaster rifle, "Anyone karked up? I've got some medi glue I can lend. Well, not lend since I don't want what you use back. But you know what I mean. You know, haven't been in a scrap like that since my days hunting bounties. And I never saw a grav hammer before, well not in action. Can't say the demo holos do it justice."
"I'm hurt, but I can wait until we offload. How about you, Rana Mas? You took a pretty solid hit there."
After he answers, I turn to Squall. "You did great, Squall. Just keep it steady for a while longer, okay? Thanks."
With a shrug, Rana Mas answers as he slips his rifle over his shoulder to affix it to his backplate, "Yeah, it was solid, wasn't it? Like a kick from a bantha. Lucky me my diffuser kicked in and all I got was the force, not the nasty burn. I'll snort something or other for the pain and whine about it in the morning. In my quarters, like a good little engineer. I better check on the engines, Jojee had to cold-start her and that's always a bit risky."
For a brief second, Squall almost falls in line begind Rana Mas, to head to the Engine Room out of reflex. But ze doesn't, and your words calm zir a bit, "Ladro. Thanks for having my back. I know... I know you're all still mad. Especially Lee. All I can do is the best I can from now until she kicks me off the ship. And it's like... like I can't live again until this spice is out of here, you know? I don't know, well, where I'll go. But it's a moonshot better than four bare walls and nothing to do but stew." Ze's resigned to zir fate, and hasn't a plan ahead.
After a couple minutes of waiting, Jojee calls over the comms.
"Looks like the original buyers' never left Sixmeet. Their feed was hijacked by Vilmahr. Lee says to get down to the hold and be ready, but things look legit."
Rana Mas comms that he'll be along, and Seesk is on her way back, too. Squall just rechecks zir blaster. Hosk is in the turret, just in case. What about you, Ladro?
I'm focused, in about the same spot where I was standing for the last attempt. Blaster out and down, but not really expecting trouble this time. I'm in a lot of pain, but the battle high's still with me, so that's not going to be a problem until later. I'm ready.
After a moment of settling down, Lee joins you. Jojee angled the ship so Hosk can get a shot at the double doors to this circular landing silo. There's a tense moment as everyone else gathers at the ramp to wait for who comes to pick up the spice.
The double doors open up, and from the outside walks in a half dozen males, Devaronians and humans, in matching jumpsuits. None of them are armed. Last is a human woman with a dark blue cap, heavy peacoat and slacks. She looks professional, but no executive. She's carrying an oversized datapad, and walks right towards all of you.
Lee starts the walk down the ramp, but Jojee hasn't shut off the Libation. I assume you follow? As you walk side-by-side with Lee, the rest of the crew walking behind, keeping a close watch, you realize you recognize this woman.
It's Alanna Tonrun. Does she recognize you? What does she know about you, Ladro?
As Lee and I approach the woman, I wonder what name she's using now. She was Alanna Tonrun when I met her a few years back, and running a very successful brothel and information brokerage on Nar Shadaa. Unfortunately, she brokered some information about the wrong people and had to leave in a hurry, leaving most of her assets behind. I was the one that got her "little black book" and a stack of high-value cred-chips out of her hidey-hole and smuggled them off the Smuggler's Moon.
She remembers me, of course, but her expression tells me not to say anything, so I wait for her to introduce herself before I speak.
Alanna makes a show of checking the datapad. "You must be Captain Leeadra." She looks up to Lee. Then he eyes come over to you, "Which makes you Ladro." Her tone is crisp, but calm. She offers her right hand to Lee, then after she shakes it, she offers it to you, "I am Tsin Tsin. I'm here to receive the five hundred ton shipment from Hontu."
I shake her hand firmly. "It will be good to complete this delivery, Tsin Tsin. It's been something of an ordeal. You should know, too... an industrious entrepeneur named Vilmahr tried to, ah, make a better offer."
Alanna peers at you for a moment, then reacts cautiously, "He did? I am glad you refused that offer, it would have been nothing but lies." She looks to Lee, moving right along, "Captain, may I board your ship and peruse the cargo?"
With a polite nod, Lee steps aside, gesturing to the cargo hold, "Please, Tsin Tsin. Come aboard. I would love to bring this to a close."
As she walks between the two of you, Alanna looks right at you. she knew you'd be right here, Ladro. Did she arrange to be the one person who got to talk to you? Alanna and Leeadra head up the ramp, and the rest of the crew hangs back. The workers stay near the wall, out of the way.
Alanna asks Lee to have several crates opened. She pulls a small tester out of a belt pouch, and tests several packages of spice. It looks like this will take a while. What do you do?
I indicate to Lee that I'll follow Tsin Tsin. It seems to me like she wants a word, and maybe we can do that as she confirms the nature and purity of the cargo.
Once she's satisfied you two are out of earshot, Alanna says, "Ladro, are you well? A certain person has sent me to check on you. You haven't made contact in a while with him."
Sark? I don't contact Sark. He contacts me. "You're going to have to be a little less... obscure. I don't know of anyone expecting me to keep in contact."
With a hint of annoyance, Alanna says, "Darkal, you nerf-herder! Or do you have a short-list of gentlemen callers. He said you had some troubles with a man in the Empire, and that you wanted to contact him, but that was a long time ago, and he's worried. Are you well?"
"I can't exactly say I'm well, but I'm alive, I've only been shot at once today, and I'm about to get rid of this kriffing cargo. I'm actually going to be on Kiffu soon, I hope. Planned on asking how to find Darkal once I got there." We continue to test our way back. "How have you been? This is... different."
Alanna accepts your answer with a curt nod, filing it away. "Darkal is on Kiffu now. Once you make landfall, I'm sure he'll find you." After a few moments of work, you're nearly at the back of the hold now. You ask how she's been, and she brightens, "I've joined the Rebellion with your brother, Ladro. We're... fighting the good fight. It feels good."
I remember how I felt about the Rebellion not long ago, before Sark. I scoffed. Useless, wasteful, bad for small businessmen like myself. Why fight a battle you're going to lose?
Now, though... Now, I hate the Empire personally. Maybe even more personally than Hosk. He's got dozens, hundreds of faces to call to mind, but I've got one. I think about him at least as often as I think about Ahji Dar, and with equal (if not the same sort of) passionate intensity.
"It must. I wish you well of it. Funding it with spice, though? It breaks people, A... ah, Tsin Tsin. Sometimes people I care about."
Alanna nods that curt nod of hers, "No argument here. We're picking our battles. An army needs supplies, and this much spice will but a great deal of supplies. Once the emperor is defeated, we can take a good hard look at the intoxicants that have been deemed illegal and why. But... that's politics." She pauses, like she just caught something. "Do you have someone who needs help? I, ah, helped some of my girls back when I, you know..." She doesn't finish the sentence, but yeah, you know.
How did she treat "her girls"?
Alanna understood that "her girls" (and boys) were the basis of her operation. Spice-addled whores don't attract the kind of clientele that prove profitable in the information market, nor do they remember the details that prove crucial to the business. It seemed to go further, though, based on my observations. What's the phrase? "Firm but fair." Alanna cared, beyond the needs of business.
"Yes. There's a friend, a crewmate, who screwed up a bunch of times. Spice is the symptom, but it's not the disease... Ze... she is just too uncertain of who she is. Defines herself by people, labels, substances... We're supposed to put her off here on Devaron. Do you think you could... take her under your wing for a bit?"
For a moment, Alanna doesn't answer. Her face is unreadable, it's like she just paused for a moment. Finally, she clips out, "If she can travel. If you can help with any extraneous expenses, like detox chemicals, treatment options, the like. If you'll stay in touch in case I fail and agree to take her back in that slim chance. Then, yes. I'll take her under my wing. If anything, I owe you for it, Ladro. Are we even then?"
"She can travel, she can shoot, she can rig an engine, maybe a little recklessly. I'll give you the shuttle codes, you know how to get in touch with my family, apparently. How much do you want from me, up-front?" That came out in a rush. I'm suddenly optimistic that I can give Squall something other than an ignominious ejection from the Libation.
"Nothing for set-up, but I can't wait around. Can she come now?" Alanna speaks quickly, decision made. She adds, "This is for the book, Ladro. It meant alot to me, the pains you went through. Even though it was a job, you went over and above. Plus... I'm kind of in love with your brother." She swallows, "But he doesn't know it. I figure this gives me some leverage, you know? Bad girl turns good, helps out kid brother. Honestly, you're doing me a favor.... but don't ask for credits, alright?" She smiles a quick smile. She doesn't smile well, it takes effort. But when she does, you know she put forth the effort.
In love with my brother? A whorehouse madam and... well, on consideration, I can't judge anyone too harshly. I wonder how Darkal feels about Alanna?
I call out. "Squall!" I'm sure she'll come over when I call, and that doesn't sit well with me, in some way, but I do it. When she... ze arrives, I introduce her. "Tsin Tsin, this is Squall. Ze's a good skin-of-the-teeth engineer and a steady hand with a blaster. Ze's leaving the Libation here on Devaron. Do you think you can see your way to... helping her... zir find a new position?" My eyes say to Alanna that I'm not talking about prostitution.
Alanna makes a show of sizing her up, "I think I can work with an engineer who can defend herself."
Squall looks at Tsin Tsin, then back to you. After another look between the two of you, ze nods, "I'm interested. It's better than nothing, right? I mean. Tsin Tsin, I'll do a good job."
Tsin Tsin shakes her head a little, but she doesn't say anything else. She makes arrangements for where Squall can meet her, and Squall just offers to leave with her right now. Do you let Squall go?
I've said what I need to, to let Alanna understand the situation, and she's agreed to help Squall. I do let her go with Alanna. Once the transaction is complete, of course.
"Squally, I hope to see you soon, okay? We're not through, you and I." I don't even know what that means, but I smile as Squall runs to gather her belongings from the quarters she was so recently confined to.
Before she leaves, Squall runs up to hug your neck, squeezing tight, "Ladro, you've always always been there for me. You're my best friend, and I love you for it. I hope to see you soon, too."
Then, the deal is done, Squall is gone, and the crew is a little smaller, the ship is a lot lighter, and you're all a bit richer.
Who insists on paying for the first round when you go out for drinks?
Lee tries, I try, but Rana Mas has the touch. He buys the round. And when he raises his glass and proposes a toast, I know that Jojee and I made the right choice, whatever Lee decides in the end.
What's the toast?
Rana Mas makes sure that all can hear him as he gives his toast, glass raised hig,
"Here's to lying, cheating, stealing and drinking." He pauses, looking around at each being in the eye before he continues. His glass is still up, in toast pose, so he's not done,
"If you're going to lie, lie to save the life of a friend!
If you're going to cheat, cheat death!
If you're going to steal, steal the heart of the one you love!
and if you're going to drink, drink with friends both old and new!"
Jojee, Lee and Seesk all give a hearty response and clink glasses. The crew drinks together.
Where do you end up that night, Ladro?
I raise my glass, as well. That's the first round. Lee buys the second. I buy the third. I don't know who bought the fourth, because, bad idea or no, Ahji Dar or no, Lee and I wind up together. In her quarters.
Let's skip ahead to Lee's quarters. There's some soft jazz playing, with some flutes and a Mandalorian crooner singing a song about Dancing Alone. It's sad and sexy and you two were dancing with it for a moment before the kissing began.
Who kissed first?
What was a slow, sensual moment together quickly escalated after the kiss. One became a string of them, followed by Lee feverishly working at zippers and pulling off clothing to press flesh to flesh.
She pulls you near the bed, then wrestles you onto it with her, and her passion and aching need swells until she's finagled you on top of her. Her hair's splayed across her silky bedsheets and she's looking at you with that adoring look she used to have for you. There's affection, yes, but this feels like something different.
Leeadra slides her right foot lightly along your thigh, whispering, "No strings. Just us tonight."
"Tonight," I agree, before kissing her again. Our bodies haven't forgotten anything, and I find the spot below the right corner of her jaw that I always said was Lee's "on switch," kissing and flicking my tongue from there to her ear,
Her nails dig in just a touch on your shoulder and back and she pants a little before writhing a little under your ministrations. "Stars, Ladro. You always know what to do." Her legs wrap around you clenching so she can press more of herself against you, like she's a handful grasping at something precious.
Her hard nipples against my chest are like an umbilical connecting her need to mine. While I keep nibbling at her ear and neck, I slip a finger into her mouth, feel her start to suck and lick at it.
As she pulls me against her with her legs and arms, I surrender to it, but then roll to flip us over so she's on top.
Lee sucks at your finger, pushing her lips to your second knuckle, then swishing her tongue along the tip. When you flip over and carry her with you, she lets out a surprised "Whoop!" that settles into a delighted giggle once she's on top and stable.
With deft fingers, she reaches down between her legs to guide her wetness right on top of the underside of your manhood, the tip of you against your belly. She begins sliding her sex up and down your shaft, still sitting up, eyes closed, savoring the sensation. Low, satisfied moans rumble from her chest and she reaches with eyes still closed for your hands, bringing them up to her large breasts with their pierced nipples.
What's your favorite tat of hers? Did you pick it out with her?
I'm playing her like an instrument, tugging gently on the nipple piercings to hear her moans turn into gasps. Then I trace the outline of the tattoo along the left side of her rib cage, smiling through the pleasure of her wetness sliding along me. It's a little joke, really, a stylized, snarling gundark. During one of our... disagreements, I told her she fought like one, and that sparked the idea for her.
I take her nipples in my mouth, one and then the other, flicking the little barbell hardware with my tongue and gently raking the sensitive aureolae with my teeth.
"Oh, kriff yess, Ladro." Leeadra freezes for a moment to enjoy your mouth, and teeth, on her nips. She wraps her arms around you, holding you there and moaning lightly with each suckle, each motion of your mouth. You know exactly how sensitive she is there, and for her, time slows as she savors your adoration.
Finally, the spell breaks, and she hisses, "I want you in me, Ladro. Please." She pushes her knees on the bed and raises up, her wetness inches above you, waiting, waiting for you to slide home.
I give her an evil grin. "I'm not that easy, Lee. You've got to do that thing first."
This is probably our last time together. I want to explore the full repertoire.
She pulls at your hair to force you to look up into her eyes and says with a smirk, "You scoundrel." She falls on the bed beside you, then pulls at you until you're up on her stomach. You know she's as into this as you are, even though she's playfully complaining, Lee reaches back to grab a pillow to shove under her head, then squeezes her breasts together a little, leaving you some room.
"C'mon big boy, you know you want it." She opens her mouth in anticipation, tongue out, ready to lick you with each thrust.
That works. That works very nicely, indeed. I slide between the pillows of her breasts, groan a bit myself when I pop out and she flicks her tongue across the head. One hand reaches to grab her hair and the other steadies me against the bed. I keep going until the friction and her agile tongue bring me a bit too close, then stop.
Still kneeling above her, I take a moment to just look down and enjoy the view. She's lovely and wanton in this moment, breathing heavily, and I nearly do just give her what she asked for earlier. Instead, I trace my finger down her sternum, from neck to belly button, feeling the points of the studs sharp against my skin. I move to her side, then begin lightly running that finger along her wetness while I kiss her deeply.
Leeadra lies there as your finger trails down her body. Goosepimples sprout and she pants lightly, still keyed up and aching for what she asked for. When you dive down for a kiss she rises up to meet you, all tongue and hands in your hair, her lower half responding in its own way to your finger.
She breaks for air, and says with mock irritation, , "Not enough? What more do you want, you sleemo. I'm burning up. I want... I want it. Fingers. Give me fingers at least. Please." She utters the word 'please' as if it pains her, but this is part of the game you play, isn't it?
She's planted her feet on the bed and while she pulls you into another kiss, she sucks sucking on your tongue and twitching her hips to try and trick your finger inside her.
This is an old game, one we've played many times. This time, I'm going to win. Her words seem like begging, but they're not enough, yet. I don't win until she can't make words at all.
I keep my finger lightly tracing her lips as we continue the kiss. Now, though, about every third or fourth stroke (sometimes fifth... I don't want to be predictable), I move all the way up to the nub of her clitoris and apply just a touch of pressure.
She pushes her sex against your finger every time it nears her clit, and whimpers into your mouth when you deny her penetration. Finally, after the sixth tease, she throws her head back onto the pillow, "You're sith, that's the only explanation. Why don't you kriff me! Just push it in! Give it to me!" Her hand slips down to your crotch, fingertips lightly brushing across the head of your cock, then sliding down around it, holding you gently, "See? See how good it feels, Ladro? Touching?" She looks up, giving you a Devaronian's smile,
Closer, and again I'm tempted to concede. Lee's light grip is delicious, but I know that what's to come is better yet.
Act Under Fire
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 2. Total: 8)
Do you put your hands on her head and help her along, or just lay back and take it? Because she's making you come, Ladro. There's no avoiding it.
Lee's scoring a point. Good sportsmanship demands that I do my best to appreciate it. I grab her head, following that delicious rhythm and urging her to take me deeper and deeper. When I come, she swallows it greedily.
She can't see my smile. This just means it will be longer before she gets what she wants, and that certainly means that conceding this point ensures my win.
Leeadra swallows loudly, like she's the voice over on a Fizz drink holo commercial, clearly enjoying her victory, small as it may be. She slides her lips off of you and smiles like a Binarian sabercat, "Now it's my turn?" She still asks. And she's still using words. She stands before you as you sit on the edge of the bed, her legs brushing against yours as she looks down at you. "Please."
Freshly sated, I'm ready to be the sith she accused me of being. With a smile, I take her by the hips and throw her across me onto the bed. What follows is truly a game. Touching, kissing, licking. I blow breath across her nipples and clitoris. I take my time, even when I start to get hard again. While I tease, turning up the heat and the tension, I say, "You know, when I do give you what you want, it's going to be like getting pounded by a grav-hammer. You know that, don't you? Is that really what you want? I'm not going to pander to you like... like a Zeltron."
She's panting, mewling and moaning as you tease and touch her. She shifts and whimpers and begs until her eyes are half-lidded and you swear she's on the precipice, the very edge of orgasm. She's losing her words, and the battle, soaking the bed with her need and unquenched desires.
You mention pounding and she hisses, "Yes. Pound me. Pound me." Then, you talk to her about pandering and mention Zeltron and she shoots you a fiery look. "I... I wanna grav hammer." Then she gasps when you touch her so close and she grits her teeth, clenching, waiting, wanting, but you continue teasing.
She's nearly undone, Ladro. What the thing you do that sends her over the edge, that wins the battle?
Here's the thing. What wins the battle? I stop. Just at that moment when she's closest to orgasm from just the little touches and teases I've been giving her, I stop. Stand, looking at her there on her soaked sheets, my erection proud and unavoidable to her eyes.This is the moment.
You've won, Ladro. Her eyes are unfocused and Lee's body is aching, a live wire. She's so keyed up she can't talk anymore, she's reached up to her own breasts, pinching the nipples and humping air and begging you with her eyes. You can hear in your head, one last time. She's capitulating, and whimpering with need.
What do you do?
I finally do what I've been wanting to since we got back to her quarters, of course. I pull her to the end of the bed, raise her legs so that they're spread and resting against my shoulders, and slide into the hot, wet, sweet cavern of her sex. Like a grav-hammer. Over and over. For about ninety seconds, if I'm any judge of time, until both of us scream our release and I fall half onto the bed, knees still on the floor, my face pressed against Lee's belly.
"... think. I think I..." Her hand rests on the back of your head, fingers on your scalp, gently touching. "I think I passed out for a minute there." Her body is covered in a sheen of sweat and she smells like sex. She raw and exposed and you realize she's only sated for now. Ladro, she's going to ask for more, and not far from now. Are you up for it?
I will be, by the time she's ready. I crawl up onto the bed, spoon her in front of me. Kiss her left ear while I hold her.
We've always been really good at that, the physical stuff. And we fit together well, spooned like this, pressed together like, well, spoons.
Her heart rate slows, finally, and Leeadra snuggles into your warmth. Spooning as you are means you can't see her face, nor can she see yours.
"This is real." The words come out a little hollow. "You're really leaving." She says it aloud because it's true. And now it's doubly true in her mind. After a beat, after it sinks in, she reaches for your arm, pulling it over her like a blanket. "We're not great together, Ladro. But I still love you. I'll really miss you." A little emotion tinges her voice at the end there. "You've been a better friend that I deserved."
Hearing Lee say it makes it real in my mind, too. "Yes. I haven't talked to Hosk yet, but I'm not leaving Kiffu with the Libation. That scares the poodoo out of me, Lee, but I need to move to the next thing." In my head, I'm hearing Alanna talking about fighting the good fight.
I pull her closer yet. "But if you run into trouble, get word to me. I will cross the galaxy to help you, Lee. We're awful together, you're right, but I love you, too. And that stays true."