In my best attempt at speaking her language. "This is not a negotiation, my love. I accept what you offer as a gift, one which I do not deserve. Serzhant will be welcome, and I give you my word that I will come to you at the Nexus, ready to reacquaint ourselves."
Ahji Dar returns the kiss, her rough tongue exploring your mouth with equal passion and hunger. When you pull apart, she drops back down, the emotion draining from her face. "I will send Serzhant to whatever coordinates you wish, as soon as you need. I will keep the Nexus ready to leave." She pauses, then adds, "If there is a way I can help, you must tell me. The armaments on the Nexus could be beneficial."
She slaps your chest in mock disgust and utters some very unkind words in Cathar, but she understands it is a joke. "I will leave you to your more handsome brother, my Tom." Ahji Dar leans in to kiss the right side of your neck, then turns and walks away. And yes, she walks with that sway that she knows you like, disappearing into the woods.
You're alone for a moment, watching your... lover? Your girlfriend? Your "kitten", as she leaves you to wait in her gunship while you assault a Trooper stronghold with a ragtag bunch of Rebels. It has a certain kind of romance to it, doesn't it?
As you turn to head back towards your family's home, you see your mother. She's been silently watching for who knows how long. Her arms are crossed, her expression flat, and her eyes are hard.
My voice is heating. "Mama, I will stand here and let you yell at me for leaving, for staying away, for the words that I said back then. I deserve that. But, once I'm here, to decide that who I love is some additional crime? That's just poodoo, and you know it."
"There is love," your mother says sharply. "And there is obligation. How will our family carry on, Ladro? With Farla traveling the stars with Sion, and Darkal... pursuing his own desires? You could choose differently."
Her arms uncross, she takes a couple steps closer, "Baba doesn't know what you've done," she points to the stars, "Up there. That you refuse to carry our name. He thinks you are the favored son, the passionate one, the one who has the deep blood. That Ladro didn't return to Kiffu. Did he? An hour on and one of your sleemo friends is caught for doing some crime." She points an accusing finger at you, "An hour on and this Ladro before me is dragging MY ONLY SON into a karked fight that will take him from me!"
My voice loses its heat, becomes icy as my anger grows. "Yes. Farla leaves and Darkal seeks to hinder the Empire, and it's my fault. That's completely rational. My friend is pulled in for irregularities with his identification, and that's my fault, too. My brother chooses to help me instead of turning his back on me, even when I ask him to leave it alone, and of course, that is my fault."
I take a step closer. "It has been many years, mama. The Ladro that left Kiffu isn't the one that returned. Of course he isn't. You aren't the same person. None of us is. No matter, though. I suspect I won't be fouling your air for much longer. This was clearly a mistake."
She doesn't stop you. She doesn't say another word, but you hear the leaves crunch as she walks away.
When you open the door to your family's home, Darkal is there, talking seriously with Jojee. Jojee's changed clothes, she's in her work gear and checking her pistol. Farla and Sion aren't in the room. Your father is, and he looks worried.
"We're ready." Darkal answers with a nod of his head. "My friends will meet up with us in the city." He seems eager to go. Jojee's ready to fall in line, too.
Your father holds up a hand, "Mwana, you are welcome here. What are you saying?"
As I head up to grab the blasters, "Mama seems to have disowned me. Just as well, it will make things easier. I'll be right back."
I take the blaster baba gave me, and my own reliable sidearm, then return to the living room. "We'll have a droid joining us for the op, and there's a ship warmed up and ready to go. She'll even provide air support if we need, but I'd like to avoid that."
Your father moves over to pull you and Darkal into a fierce hug before you go. He's obvious upset about this, but he respects your wishes. He doesn't argue with you about your mother, either, realizing there is too much at stake for further distractions.
On your walk outside for the landspeeder, Darkal says, "Ladro, I'm glad you have some transit off world. I've never worked with a droid in combat. Are you sure it's trustworthy?"
Jojee agrees, "Droids are kriffing dangerous."
Hey Ladro, I'm curious. I know there are a hundred things running around in your head right now. But do you notice anything odd between Jojee and Darkal going on? Do you think one of them might find the other attractive?
Of course Jojee and Darkal are attracted to each other. It's clear enough. Well, that can't possibly complicate things.
"If Ahji Dar says he's reliable, he is. No question." I hop into the landspeeder. One of the others can drive. I distract myself from brooding over Mama's words by going back over my planning session with Darkal, looking for whatever it is we might have missed.
Jojee laughs scornfully, "Oh, right. That makes it better." Darkal seems to accept it, though and you continue on.
You meet up with Darkal's allies, most of whom are classmates, a few adults who you've known since primary school. They recognize you, but it's obvious they are here for Darkal. Darkal has everyone meet in the back area at a tap room a block away from the facility.
Once you give him coordinates, Serzhant shows up as well.
"Greetings, Ladro." Serzhant says in that tinny voice of the Battle Droid. As you recall, the Droid has been trained with skillsofts to make it into an engineer on the ship, but it was originally coded and created for battle. It is holding a small blaster rifle that looks well maintained. "How may I assist you?"
This may be my jailbreak, but it's Darkal's crew. I greet those I know and express my gratitude, but I defer to my brother when it comes to outlining the plan and explaining why these people should risk themselves for it. When Serzhant arrives, I address him respectfully. "Did Ahji Dar outline the issue for you, Serzhant? I'm grateful for your help."
Serzhant replies in that same tinny voice, "Captain Dar outlined the general parameters of the operation. I am happy to assist your ragtag band of rebels against the Empire, sir." It grips the blaster rifle for emphasis.
Darkal has his friend Pash pull up schematics on the Base. "Alright, team, close in. Here's what we've got." There are some questions back and forth about troop strength and activity cycles. "There are about twenty-five Troopers in the base at any one point. Their night cycle winds down to a dozen during sleep cycles. We know that processing for extraction to hard labor is rather quick. I'd expect we have two standard days before he's ferried to a Penal Transport..."
"But we're not waiting that long, are we?"
Darkal chuckles, "Of course not. That would be too easy." The crew chuckles along with him, a bit of bravado. "We need to figure out entry and exit points." He assigns most of his team as back-up and overwatch. You, he, the Battle Droid and Jojee will be going in with "two of his best". You're hitting at night, so you've got a couple hours to get in position.
Just this. "Thank you all. I'm in your debt, truly. My ndugu, I understand. But the rest of you... I don't know why you're here, but it fills my heart with shukrani (gratitude)."
Your fellow Kiffar nod, several give you handshakes or slaps on the back. All in all, this young group of men and women are dedicated.
Darkal replies, "Ladro, your ally isn't the only being who's been harassed by the Empire, here in our home. We ask only that you and yours stand ready to help us, if we call upon you." He gives you a nod, "I know you're good for it."
Jojee seems nervous, excited, and yeah, she's standing really close to Darkal. "What Ladro said. We owe you. Big time." She smiles for Darkal, and he does that little head nod thing he did when you were younger, the "hey, how are you doin?" thing that always seemed to kriffing work on girls.
Still works.
So, the way I see this is that you need to choose a point of entry. 1. Front Door -> Front Desk -> 2. Roof -> Roof Access stairs -> 3. Morgue Entrance? -> Stairs to ground level ->
Well, at least one of us is enjoying this kriffing reunion trip. Even if it's not a reunion for her. "So, through the morgue then? That should be jolly."
Darkal looks to his team, "Who wants to be a dead body?" There are a few chuckles.
We do a quick fade out, then bring in with the crew standing on either side of the secured door to the morgue entrance. Serzhant is bent down on one knee working on the keycard entry. The engineering skillsofts gives this droid some nice splicing ability.
Why don't you roll be an Act Under Fire to see how entry into the morgue level goes? Success means your team gets in and can continue.
Serzhant cracks open the door, Darkal and you lead the troops inside. There are a pair of Troopers down here, but you're able to stun them before they raise an alarm. One of yours, Turko, is hit by a blaster shot, but it's a grazing blow.
Now, you're at the base of the stairs. The team files in behind you, breaking into pairs due to the width of the stairway.. You're side-by-side with Serzhant. Darkal and Jojee are paired up right behind you.
The stairs are grated metal steps leading up for about fifteen feet. There's a door at the end, but it looks like it isn't locked.
A dozen on night duty, two stunned in the morgue below. Ten left. Ten on six isn't such bad odds, right? No alarm raised yet. I open the door, slowly, with my blaster ready. Serzhant and I lead the way out.
You move into the hallway, which is a bleak gray of unadorned quickrete, the kind that drinks in link and always carries a slightly off smell. The administrative desks are empty, and you head for the cells. In moments, the whole team is up, following you, crouching, walking as quiet as possible.
When you round the corner, you spot a couple Stormtroopers heading down the hallway from the south. There's a third Trooper standing at attention by the cells to the south.
If you're willing to open up here, you have a size advantage of 1 against these three troopers. You're a 2-Harm, 1-Armor small gang. They are a 2-Harm, 1-Armor "few guys". I assume you are going to attack. The others will follow your first action.
What do you do?
I'm unsatisfied with the SWAW rules for Assault since we are using regular AW rules for Harm. I feel it draws out a conflict to extra "rounds" when Seize By Force is better suited to quick and dirty resolution. For that reason, I want to us SBF for this conflict, whether you choose to attack now or later..
We attack. It's not optimal, but we need to reduce the opposing forces. I indicate that Serzhant should target the single trooper, and I will round the corner to get an angle on the other two, assuming that the rest will follow me.
Serzhant takes careful aim and drops the Trooper you pointed out with a stunner. You come around firing your blaster, the sounds echoing off the walls as Darkal and Jojee follow you.
You take out the first Trooper with three shots, two hit, one fires over where he would have been if he weren't falling. You barely duck a blaster bolt that the second trooper sent your way, but Jojee drops him.
Ebbin, the Kiffar to the north, calls out, "Dwang, three more coming this way!" He pulls back a bit.
Ladro, you can stay dug in here and get a +1 Ongoing as long as you keep things covered. Or, you can check and open the two cells south of you.
Serzhant splices open the door to the south and closest and reports "It's empty, sirs."
You open the cell nearest you (it takes a keycard from the trooper's body) to find this Kiffar lady inside. She was standing right by the door. She moves over to grab a trooper's blaster, "Thissa breakout, Ladro? Zeng!" She sounds really freakin' excited.
Ladro, what have you heard about the merc Amarath Shades? How does she know you?
Your team has hunkered down to take cover (that's your +1 Ongoing). The Troopers are coming from four different directions, and this time it's four of them. I'm going to say that's enough Troopers for both of you to be Small Gangs (removes the size different for damage and armor).
Amarath? Sithspit, the last place I'd expect to find her is on Kiffu. She's younger, between my age and Farla's, and was always... a handful. Last I saw her, though, she was drinking on the Smuggler's Moon, crowing about how much she was getting paid for her next gig, but keeping mum about what the gig was, precisely. She bought me a drink, "for old times sake." I pull out baba's old blaster and toss it to her. "Yeah, zeng."
This is the way I see it going, as things slow down to battle mode. Ebben, Jojee and Darkal handle 4 & 5, I take a shot at 6, and Turko and Serzhant deal with 7. Amarath will do whatever she does, as usual. We've got the advantage in numbers and position, both, and we had a second to prepare ourselves. I hope everyone's ready, this is the turning point.
Amarath runs straight at trooper 6, then as he brings his rifle to bear, she literally dives for the floor, skidding on her belly like some sports star. He tries to bring his weapon in line with her, but that leaves him open for you and you tap him in the right shoulder for a glancing blow, then put a hole in his helmet. Amarath slides right at his feet, she didn't quite make it between his legs like maybe she was trying to do. The trooper falls forward, almost on top of her, but she throws her feet up and catches him. Then she double taps him with about five shots "just to be sure", then twists his carcass over and drops it, scrambling to her feet.
Serzhant has deadly accuracy, and Turko's no slouch as they catch the trooper in a crossfire. Serzhant takes a glancing blow to its right leg, but it doesn't fall.
To your left, the trio of Jojee, Darkal and Ebbin take on their pair. One of the troopers pulls back, but the other is hit several times and falls. One of the trio took a minor injury, Ladro. Who was it?
As the dust clears, you've got control of the place. There's one trooper pinned, but you can hear Hosk yelling for you. He'sin the cell next to Amarath.
Jojee was distracted at a critical moment, trying to check my six, and took a glancing hit to the shoulder. She's going to be okay, but it's going to hurt, looks like. I move to the door of Hosk's cell and open it with the key card. As I hand him his faithful blaster, I say, "Hope I didn't wake you. I hear the beds here are very comfortable."
Darkal and Ebbin keep the one trooper pinned down. I'll let Darkal make the choice about what to do with him.
Hosk gives you a quick nod, then his eyes are on his rifle, fondling it for a moment, "Truth be told, Lad. I was dreaming of a certain Secundan lass when you came barging in here. Almost asked you to come back in... say half an hour." He chuckles, then sees Amarath. "Dwang. You let her out?"
"Correct, Hoskie," Amarath says as she grins at him, "He let me out first." Hosk growls at that.
Jojee is being "helped" by Darkal, who is legitimately trying to care for her injury. Maybe she's playing it up, but probably not. That last trooper ends up running the other way. The facility lights dim , and a klaxon sounds. Whatever troopers are still here have tripped the alarm. Outside you hear the sound of an autocannon.
Your comm beeps, "Ladro," Ahji Dar says in a calm, but direct tone, "You need to be leaving now, yes?"
I won't admit that I regret it, but Darkal and his two reliable comrades fade back into the night. It's just me, Jojee, Hosk, and Amarath (with some reservations) that board the Woenid Nexus. And Serzhant, barely damaged.
You board the Woenid Nexus quickly as a few blaster bolts hit the hull. One of the turrets turns and fires on the cluster of troopers firing. The rest take cover and scatter. In moments, the ramp is closing and you and Jojee are watching the little Rebel team moving. Darkal turns back to wave at you. Well, you're pretty sure it's you, even though Jojee is waving back.
"May the Force be with you, Ladro!" your brother screams, his voice barely audible over the powerful engines of the Woenid Nexus. He grows smaller, and smaller, and the ramp finally closes. And he, and your father and mother, your sister, your brother-in-law, your room, your childhood home, your world, are... gone.
I stagger forward, drained. This is not the homecoming I imagined. "So," I say to my comrades-in-arms, "I guess we'll buy new underwear at the next stop."
In my best attempt at speaking her language. "This is not a negotiation, my love. I accept what you offer as a gift, one which I do not deserve. Serzhant will be welcome, and I give you my word that I will come to you at the Nexus, ready to reacquaint ourselves."
I pull her in for a kiss. Fierce, a promise.
Ahji Dar returns the kiss, her rough tongue exploring your mouth with equal passion and hunger. When you pull apart, she drops back down, the emotion draining from her face. "I will send Serzhant to whatever coordinates you wish, as soon as you need. I will keep the Nexus ready to leave." She pauses, then adds, "If there is a way I can help, you must tell me. The armaments on the Nexus could be beneficial."
"Thank you, lyubovnik. I will be in contact." Then, with a ghost of a smile, "Would you like to meet my family now? I know they'll love you!"
She slaps your chest in mock disgust and utters some very unkind words in Cathar, but she understands it is a joke. "I will leave you to your more handsome brother, my Tom." Ahji Dar leans in to kiss the right side of your neck, then turns and walks away. And yes, she walks with that sway that she knows you like, disappearing into the woods.
You're alone for a moment, watching your... lover? Your girlfriend? Your "kitten", as she leaves you to wait in her gunship while you assault a Trooper stronghold with a ragtag bunch of Rebels. It has a certain kind of romance to it, doesn't it?
As you turn to head back towards your family's home, you see your mother. She's been silently watching for who knows how long. Her arms are crossed, her expression flat, and her eyes are hard.
What do you do?
"Mama." I bow my head in submission. "I ask your forgiveness, knowing I don't deserve it. I know I hurt you badly."
I stand up straight. "Ahji Dar is brave and fierce and loyal. She is my lover, and maybe my mate."
I've been trying so hard, but this is...
My voice is heating. "Mama, I will stand here and let you yell at me for leaving, for staying away, for the words that I said back then. I deserve that. But, once I'm here, to decide that who I love is some additional crime? That's just poodoo, and you know it."
Her arms uncross, she takes a couple steps closer, "Baba doesn't know what you've done," she points to the stars, "Up there. That you refuse to carry our name. He thinks you are the favored son, the passionate one, the one who has the deep blood. That Ladro didn't return to Kiffu. Did he? An hour on and one of your sleemo friends is caught for doing some crime." She points an accusing finger at you, "An hour on and this Ladro before me is dragging MY ONLY SON into a karked fight that will take him from me!"
My voice loses its heat, becomes icy as my anger grows. "Yes. Farla leaves and Darkal seeks to hinder the Empire, and it's my fault. That's completely rational. My friend is pulled in for irregularities with his identification, and that's my fault, too. My brother chooses to help me instead of turning his back on me, even when I ask him to leave it alone, and of course, that is my fault."
I take a step closer. "It has been many years, mama. The Ladro that left Kiffu isn't the one that returned. Of course he isn't. You aren't the same person. None of us is. No matter, though. I suspect I won't be fouling your air for much longer. This was clearly a mistake."
I walk around her into the house.
When you open the door to your family's home, Darkal is there, talking seriously with Jojee. Jojee's changed clothes, she's in her work gear and checking her pistol. Farla and Sion aren't in the room. Your father is, and he looks worried.
"Are we ready? We've got a ride, and a little extra support, lined up. I'm not welcome here, so I might as well go get shot at."
"We're ready." Darkal answers with a nod of his head. "My friends will meet up with us in the city." He seems eager to go. Jojee's ready to fall in line, too.
Your father holds up a hand, "Mwana, you are welcome here. What are you saying?"
As I head up to grab the blasters, "Mama seems to have disowned me. Just as well, it will make things easier. I'll be right back."
I take the blaster baba gave me, and my own reliable sidearm, then return to the living room. "We'll have a droid joining us for the op, and there's a ship warmed up and ready to go. She'll even provide air support if we need, but I'd like to avoid that."
On your walk outside for the landspeeder, Darkal says, "Ladro, I'm glad you have some transit off world. I've never worked with a droid in combat. Are you sure it's trustworthy?"
Jojee agrees, "Droids are kriffing dangerous."
Hey Ladro, I'm curious. I know there are a hundred things running around in your head right now. But do you notice anything odd between Jojee and Darkal going on? Do you think one of them might find the other attractive?
Of course Jojee and Darkal are attracted to each other. It's clear enough. Well, that can't possibly complicate things.
"If Ahji Dar says he's reliable, he is. No question." I hop into the landspeeder. One of the others can drive. I distract myself from brooding over Mama's words by going back over my planning session with Darkal, looking for whatever it is we might have missed.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 3. Total: 10)
Jojee laughs scornfully, "Oh, right. That makes it better." Darkal seems to accept it, though and you continue on.
You meet up with Darkal's allies, most of whom are classmates, a few adults who you've known since primary school. They recognize you, but it's obvious they are here for Darkal. Darkal has everyone meet in the back area at a tap room a block away from the facility.
Once you give him coordinates, Serzhant shows up as well.
"Greetings, Ladro." Serzhant says in that tinny voice of the Battle Droid. As you recall, the Droid has been trained with skillsofts to make it into an engineer on the ship, but it was originally coded and created for battle. It is holding a small blaster rifle that looks well maintained. "How may I assist you?"
This may be my jailbreak, but it's Darkal's crew. I greet those I know and express my gratitude, but I defer to my brother when it comes to outlining the plan and explaining why these people should risk themselves for it. When Serzhant arrives, I address him respectfully. "Did Ahji Dar outline the issue for you, Serzhant? I'm grateful for your help."
Serzhant replies in that same tinny voice, "Captain Dar outlined the general parameters of the operation. I am happy to assist your ragtag band of rebels against the Empire, sir." It grips the blaster rifle for emphasis.
Darkal has his friend Pash pull up schematics on the Base. "Alright, team, close in. Here's what we've got." There are some questions back and forth about troop strength and activity cycles. "There are about twenty-five Troopers in the base at any one point. Their night cycle winds down to a dozen during sleep cycles. We know that processing for extraction to hard labor is rather quick. I'd expect we have two standard days before he's ferried to a Penal Transport..."
"But we're not waiting that long, are we?"
Darkal chuckles, "Of course not. That would be too easy." The crew chuckles along with him, a bit of bravado. "We need to figure out entry and exit points." He assigns most of his team as back-up and overwatch. You, he, the Battle Droid and Jojee will be going in with "two of his best". You're hitting at night, so you've got a couple hours to get in position.
Anything to add?
Just this. "Thank you all. I'm in your debt, truly. My ndugu, I understand. But the rest of you... I don't know why you're here, but it fills my heart with shukrani (gratitude)."
Darkal replies, "Ladro, your ally isn't the only being who's been harassed by the Empire, here in our home. We ask only that you and yours stand ready to help us, if we call upon you." He gives you a nod, "I know you're good for it."
Jojee seems nervous, excited, and yeah, she's standing really close to Darkal. "What Ladro said. We owe you. Big time." She smiles for Darkal, and he does that little head nod thing he did when you were younger, the "hey, how are you doin?" thing that always seemed to kriffing work on girls.
Still works.
So, the way I see this is that you need to choose a point of entry.
1. Front Door -> Front Desk ->
2. Roof -> Roof Access stairs ->
3. Morgue Entrance? -> Stairs to ground level ->
Well, at least one of us is enjoying this kriffing reunion trip. Even if it's not a reunion for her. "So, through the morgue then? That should be jolly."
Darkal looks to his team, "Who wants to be a dead body?" There are a few chuckles.
We do a quick fade out, then bring in with the crew standing on either side of the secured door to the morgue entrance. Serzhant is bent down on one knee working on the keycard entry. The engineering skillsofts gives this droid some nice splicing ability.
Why don't you roll be an Act Under Fire to see how entry into the morgue level goes? Success means your team gets in and can continue.
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 6, 3. Total: 12)
Now, you're at the base of the stairs. The team files in behind you, breaking into pairs due to the width of the stairway.. You're side-by-side with Serzhant. Darkal and Jojee are paired up right behind you.
The stairs are grated metal steps leading up for about fifteen feet. There's a door at the end, but it looks like it isn't locked.
What do you do?
A dozen on night duty, two stunned in the morgue below. Ten left. Ten on six isn't such bad odds, right? No alarm raised yet. I open the door, slowly, with my blaster ready. Serzhant and I lead the way out.
When you round the corner, you spot a couple Stormtroopers heading down the hallway from the south. There's a third Trooper standing at attention by the cells to the south.
If you're willing to open up here, you have a size advantage of 1 against these three troopers. You're a 2-Harm, 1-Armor small gang. They are a 2-Harm, 1-Armor "few guys". I assume you are going to attack. The others will follow your first action.
What do you do?
I'm unsatisfied with the SWAW rules for Assault since we are using regular AW rules for Harm. I feel it draws out a conflict to extra "rounds" when Seize By Force is better suited to quick and dirty resolution. For that reason, I want to us SBF for this conflict, whether you choose to attack now or later..
We attack. It's not optimal, but we need to reduce the opposing forces. I indicate that Serzhant should target the single trooper, and I will round the corner to get an angle on the other two, assuming that the rest will follow me.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 1. Total: 7)
We suffer little harm
You take out the first Trooper with three shots, two hit, one fires over where he would have been if he weren't falling. You barely duck a blaster bolt that the second trooper sent your way, but Jojee drops him.
Ebbin, the Kiffar to the north, calls out, "Dwang, three more coming this way!" He pulls back a bit.
Ladro, you can stay dug in here and get a +1 Ongoing as long as you keep things covered. Or, you can check and open the two cells south of you.
What do you do?
Down to seven. I signal for everyone to hunker down for the moment, concentrating on the threat for now, saving the objective for later.
You open the cell nearest you (it takes a keycard from the trooper's body) to find this Kiffar lady inside.
She was standing right by the door. She moves over to grab a trooper's blaster, "Thissa breakout, Ladro? Zeng!" She sounds really freakin' excited.
Ladro, what have you heard about the merc Amarath Shades? How does she know you?
Your team has hunkered down to take cover (that's your +1 Ongoing). The Troopers are coming from four different directions, and this time it's four of them. I'm going to say that's enough Troopers for both of you to be Small Gangs (removes the size different for damage and armor).
What do you do?
Amarath? Sithspit, the last place I'd expect to find her is on Kiffu. She's younger, between my age and Farla's, and was always... a handful. Last I saw her, though, she was drinking on the Smuggler's Moon, crowing about how much she was getting paid for her next gig, but keeping mum about what the gig was, precisely. She bought me a drink, "for old times sake." I pull out baba's old blaster and toss it to her. "Yeah, zeng."
This is the way I see it going, as things slow down to battle mode. Ebben, Jojee and Darkal handle 4 & 5, I take a shot at 6, and Turko and Serzhant deal with 7. Amarath will do whatever she does, as usual. We've got the advantage in numbers and position, both, and we had a second to prepare ourselves. I hope everyone's ready, this is the turning point.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 2, 5. Total: 9)
We take definite hold.
We suffer little harm.
We inflict terrible harm.
Amarath runs straight at trooper 6, then as he brings his rifle to bear, she literally dives for the floor, skidding on her belly like some sports star. He tries to bring his weapon in line with her, but that leaves him open for you and you tap him in the right shoulder for a glancing blow, then put a hole in his helmet. Amarath slides right at his feet, she didn't quite make it between his legs like maybe she was trying to do. The trooper falls forward, almost on top of her, but she throws her feet up and catches him. Then she double taps him with about five shots "just to be sure", then twists his carcass over and drops it, scrambling to her feet.
Serzhant has deadly accuracy, and Turko's no slouch as they catch the trooper in a crossfire. Serzhant takes a glancing blow to its right leg, but it doesn't fall.
To your left, the trio of Jojee, Darkal and Ebbin take on their pair. One of the troopers pulls back, but the other is hit several times and falls. One of the trio took a minor injury, Ladro. Who was it?
As the dust clears, you've got control of the place. There's one trooper pinned, but you can hear Hosk yelling for you. He'sin the cell next to Amarath.
Jojee was distracted at a critical moment, trying to check my six, and took a glancing hit to the shoulder. She's going to be okay, but it's going to hurt, looks like. I move to the door of Hosk's cell and open it with the key card. As I hand him his faithful blaster, I say, "Hope I didn't wake you. I hear the beds here are very comfortable."
Darkal and Ebbin keep the one trooper pinned down. I'll let Darkal make the choice about what to do with him.
Hosk gives you a quick nod, then his eyes are on his rifle, fondling it for a moment, "Truth be told, Lad. I was dreaming of a certain Secundan lass when you came barging in here. Almost asked you to come back in... say half an hour." He chuckles, then sees Amarath. "Dwang. You let her out?"
"Correct, Hoskie," Amarath says as she grins at him, "He let me out first." Hosk growls at that.
Jojee is being "helped" by Darkal, who is legitimately trying to care for her injury. Maybe she's playing it up, but probably not. That last trooper ends up running the other way. The facility lights dim , and a klaxon sounds. Whatever troopers are still here have tripped the alarm. Outside you hear the sound of an autocannon.
Your comm beeps, "Ladro," Ahji Dar says in a calm, but direct tone, "You need to be leaving now, yes?"
What do you do?
Back to Ahji Dar. "Da. Extracting now." Then, to the rest of the crew, "We've got what we came for. Time to get the kriff out. Any objections?"
I won't admit that I regret it, but Darkal and his two reliable comrades fade back into the night. It's just me, Jojee, Hosk, and Amarath (with some reservations) that board the Woenid Nexus. And Serzhant, barely damaged.
"May the Force be with you, Ladro!" your brother screams, his voice barely audible over the powerful engines of the Woenid Nexus. He grows smaller, and smaller, and the ramp finally closes. And he, and your father and mother, your sister, your brother-in-law, your room, your childhood home, your world, are... gone.
What do you do?
I stagger forward, drained. This is not the homecoming I imagined. "So," I say to my comrades-in-arms, "I guess we'll buy new underwear at the next stop."