It's been several hours since you left Kiffu behind. Ahji Dar was piloting the
Woenid Nexus during the escape. There was some trouble getting out of the system, but Ahji Dar sped past a Destroyer and hit hyperspace before the TIE Fighters scrambled. You hit hyperspace for... well, you're not sure where Ahji Dar is taking you, really.

Outside the viewport you see stars streaming past. The ship has some incredible stabilizers, you barely feel the ship moving. You're in the very nice lounge with Jojee, Amarath, Hosk and Serzhant. Serzhant has evidently been assigned to be the group's butler, and has been working hard to get food and drink for all of you.
How are you feeling, Ladro?

Serzhant asks,
"Is there anything else you need, gentlebeings?"
Amarath is reclined on the sofa under the viewport. She looks incredibly relaxed, feet up on the low table in front of the sofa, hands behind her head,
"Where are we sleeping, Sarge?"
Jojee, who's sitting at the table drinking some klava (she really likes this brew),
"Wait. How long are we going to be on this ship? Ladro?"
In that tinny voice, Serzhant answers,
"The Captain requested that I ensure your comfort. We have two available single-bunk crew quarters. All other housing has been converted for other uses since the crew of the Nexus does not require quarters. Or sleep. Or personal items...."
Hosk is mostly pacing, not angrily, he just doesn't seem to want to sit down,
"No karking way I'm bunking with them!" He points a stubby finger at Amarath, then Jojee.
"I'll grab a sofa."
"That's unwise, sir. Studies show that Bothan sleep patterns are drastically affected by the day night patterns, and the lounge lighting does not follow that pattern."
With a grin and a waggle of her one remaining brow, Amarath says,
"I'll be happy to share a bunk with Jojee. I'm... rather flexible like that."
Jojee looks at you, then Amarath, then you,
"Uhm, what? Ladro, where...? Are we staying on this ship?"What do you do?
"Okay, everyone take a breath. Not you, Serzhant. This isn't exactly a cruise we booked, with a pre-arranged itinerary and tour guides. I'll go talk to Ahji Dar in a minute, but... first, Hosk? Did you get any sense of what burned your idents? They're solid. Any particular questions they asked? Did they know your real name?"
At your questions, Hosk harumps, "Lad, they didn't say shab to me. They threw me in the cell, no processing, no interrogations, nothing. They never said a word."
Amarath looks up, "I might be able to help you with that. I was supposed to deliver a message, but you guys broke in so fast, I'd just gotten to my cell an hour earlier."
I turn to Amarath. "Message? What message?"
She looks over at the others for a moment, then says carefully, "He wants to talk to ya."
Well, the last he was Darkal, but that seems unlikely. "I've recently discovered that there are a number of carefully non-designated males that occasionally want to get in contact. Can you be more specific, Amarath?"
Amarath answers like she's telling you the punchline of a joke, "I think you call him Sark?"
Kark me. "Come with me, Amarath." I look at Hosk and Jojee. "I owe the two of you an explanation, and you'll probably want to shoot me in the head when you hear it, but I need to talk with Amarath alone for a minute." I lead the way out into the corridor, grabbing Amarath's flesh arm if she's not already following, pulling her with me.
Once we're a ways away, I hiss, "Why didn't the sister-kriffer just call me? He hasn't been shy about it before. And what's the message?"
She's not immediately following, and she grins when you grab her. "Been a long time since you touched me last, Ladro." You're in a corridor alone with her. "Sark knows you cut ties with the Libation, and he's not happy. He wants you mobile, and he wants you, and me to assault a mining camp, make it... really broken." She reaches her cybernetic right hand up to touch your chest, fingers walking up a few inches, "Tell me about your keshiri friend. She like females?"
I knock her hand away. "Cut it, Amy. Sark can't have set this up in the, what, half-hour between the time the Libation landed and the time Hosk was flagged and dragged off. How long ago did he contact you? And what do you call him?"
Amarath laughs a little when you knock her hand away, "Amy? I like that. Cassus reached out to me over our normal channels four days ago. You... didn't answer my question. About Jojee."
"Amarath, no jokes, no distractions. Sark, Cassus, whatever, has me by the throat, and I assume he must have you, too. Seriously, what do you know? We should be working together here, and I don't mean working for that I.I. sleemo."
Amarath's tricky, always has been, but I'm focusing down to read her reaction to that.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 4, 5. Total: 10)
"Awww, I'm not Amy now?" Amarath says with a mock pout. "Sure. Cassus, Sark, whatever has me by the short and curlies, so to speak. But he also pays really solid cred. I don't normally talk this freely when I'm sober, Ladro."
"Okay. Before we go back in there and I give Jojee and Hosk the opportunity to gut me or shoot me in the head, tell me the story. How did he recruit you?"
Amarath's bravado slips a little. She eases back a step from you, shifts uncomfortably, "You know I didn't used to be this pretty. Well, when I ended up on the wrong side of some home-mixed K26, Cassus paid for my cybernetics. And..." She taps her right temple with her cybernetic fingers, "He decided to add a little something. Trust me, it's not something I want."
Are we being monitored? Is that what he added? My voice is frosty. "What... did he add, Amarath?" My hand isn't on my blaster, but it knows just where it is, and is itching to draw and eliminate the threat.
Amarath splays her fingers out in a sharp gesture, "If he doesn't like me anymore... ka-boom."
"Listen, Amy... Amarath, I'm trying to get us on the same screen here. Do you have any sense of where Cassus, Sark, whatever got his intel, about me? Four days ago, the only people that knew I was leaving the Libation, were on the Libation."
"You can call me Amy, Ladro. As for how he knew, he didn't share." She makes a rude gesture with her left hand, "I'm just his poppet. I don't get the why. Just the what. Sorry."
I'm absolutely sincere when I say, "I'm sorry, Amarath." Then my fist lashes out to connect with her right temple. It's not noble, but it's practical. Need a moment with Amy out of the picture. It may not be the right way to start a relationship, but I'd guess she'll respect me in the morning. Or something.
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 6, 5. Total: 13)
What do you do?
I walk back to Jojee and Hosk. "So, full disclosure. Hosk, when we got pinned by the Imps on Falleen Throne... Captain Sark made a deal with me. Do what he says, or you, me, and everyone else on the Libation go to an Imperial prison. Apparently, our little trick there triggered something touchy about bio-engineered plagues. We've run some jobs for him... he's I.I., by the way, under cover of regular operations. Amarath's also under his thumb." I pause for breath. "So, shoot me now, or not."
During your confession, Hosk's beady eyes narrow into slits. When you ask him to shoot you now or not, he stomps forward three steps and punches you, right in the gut. Hard. "You LIED to me! Over and over! You stupid karking sleemo, how could you let that sithspit use...us?"
Jojee interrupts cautiously, "This Sark guy's an Imp? I think we were... both working for him then." Hosk whips around to glare at her. Jojee puts her right hand on her forearm, "He caught up with me at Falleen Throne, been paying me to ping when we go places. Said he'd grease the wheels if the poodoo hit the windshield... I mean, he could arrest me anytime, but he didn't. I needed the creds!"
"You both.... grrr." Hosk looks around, like he'd stalk off, but he has nowhere to go.
"Hosk, he didn't just threaten me, he threatened you, Jojee, Lee, everyone. He knows who you are and what you were." I finish with the line that practically makes me spit anytime I read it or see it in a holovid. "I was lying to protect you."
"Do you know how many times I've been LIED TO? How many need-to-know missions I've done? How many karking years I rotted away for those missions as my girl moved on? As my dad got sick? And then died while I was stuck in the shebs-end of the universe away from him? YOU did not have the RIGHT!"
I think about making promises, but they just wouldn't matter. In the end, there's only one thing I can say. "You're right, Hosk. I didn't have the right." I swallow. "And I don't have the right to ask you what I'm about to ask you. Stay with me, friend. Stay with me so I can try to make it up to you."
Right now, it might as well just be Hosk and me in the room. No one else matters.
Spending 1-Bond with Hosk to let him look into Ladro's heart.
He continues glaring at you, his face a mask of anger and hurt. "I need some time. I... I need to think." He moves past you, down the hallway. He steps over Amarath's body, doesn't kick her or anything, just steps over and heads into the first open room he can find.
With that bond use, he knows you are speaking the truth, that you had every intention, that you know you didn't have the right. He sees, understands you aren't telling him what he wants to hear. But he needs time to calm down, he sees that the pain of his past is not what has happened here. He will come back to you, in time. He will have conditions, but he will come back.
It's just you and Jojee in the room now. Well, Serzhant, too.
What do you do?
I let him go. "Jojee, was it you that told Sark I was leaving the Libation?" I hope it was, actually, that would make things a lot cleaner.
There's a groan from Amarath. I examine my conscience and decide I don't feel guilty. I needed her out of the picture for this conversation, and she'd probably have done the same to me, under the circumstances. I could be wrong about that last bit, but I still don't really care.
Jojee nods, "Yes. I actually thought the gig was over. I thought he wanted tabs on Leeadra for some karking reason."
Amarath rolls over, starts getting up. Slowly.
I nod to Jojee. Mystery solved. Call out to Amarath as she starts to stand. "Sorry, Amy. Needed a minute alone with my people, and didn't have time to explain. Won't promise it won't happen again, but... I can promise you'll know why ahead of time, next time." Give her my best grin when she turns toward me.
She glares for only a moment, then it passes and she grins, reaching into her pocket for her case of deathsticks. "I owe you one, Vos. I pay my debts." She heads over to the seat by the view port and lights her deathstick with a burner. It smells slightly fruity, which is altogether different from Hosk's.
Amarath blows out the first puff of smoke. "You never answered my question about Jojee, Vos. If she's interested in girls."
With a look of disdain, Jojee answers sharply, "She. Is not."
"Aw, too bad. But still, I like a challenge." She sucks on her deathstick again and chuckles while Jojee shakes her head and drinks her klava.
Over the loudspeakers, which aren't crackling like the Libation's, you notice. "Number One, please come to the bridge and relieve me. Ladro, could you meet me in my quarters in a few minutes, please?"
"Well, I hate to walk out on this, but the Captain summons. I trust you can figure out bunking arrangements, until we figure out where we're going and what's next?"
I know the way to Ahji Dar's quarters, and I make my way there. Not sure if I'm due for a chewing out or... reacquaintance, at this point. I'm in my kitten's debt, for sure.
Same nice couch, klava prep area, paintings on the walls. What do you do?
I start making klava... she's added a few of 'my' spices to her collection since I was last on board, so I make my newest attempt at perfection. Just a touch of Seechuah pepper, ground in with the rest, to both awaken and numb the tongue. It's hard to explain, but it works.
She waits for the door to close and looks at you with a smile, "She is my lover, and maybe my mate?" Her cat eyes sparkle, and she begins removing her vest as she heads through the door to her bedroom and refresher, "Bring us some klava, my Tom."
Of course, I do. I let the klava brew, at the exact optimum temperature and for the exact optimum tine. When it's done, I bring two cups into the bedroom.
You find Ahji Dar sitting up in her bed, the silky sheets pulled up over her slight frame. Her eyes are sparkling as she watches you enter the room, "I have looked forward to this very cup of klava for many weeks, my Tom." She leans forward to take the cup, sips from it, savors it for a long moment, then nods. "It seems the learner has become the master. The circle is now complete."
I smile at the compliment. "As have I, kitten. As have I. Although I'd imagined the circumstances to be different." Holding my cup in one hand, I trail the left along her cheek. "Yes, I said those words to my mother, and I meant them. She didn't react well, by the way."
She closes her eyes but otherwise doesn't move as you trace her cheek. The fur is soft. "I am sorry, Ladro. I wish it were otherwise. But, the words were very pleasing to me." She opens her eyes again, fixing them on you, willing you to know it meant the world to her.
I lean in for a kiss. "I want you to know, I don't plan on making a habit out of asking you to rescue me. How can I repay you?"
She returns the kiss hungrily, her free hand, the one not holding the as-yet unfinished cup of klava, reaches up to your cheek. Her rough tongue probes into your mouth, she makes soft sounds of pleasure, enjoying your taste as much as the klava.
When you ask how you can repay her, she smiles, sitting back a little and drinking her cup, savoring it. After it is nearly empty, she answers, "I think you are far too clothed to make a serious offer to repay me." Her smile disappears as she takes the last drink of her klava. She turns to place the cup on her side table, and the silky blanket she'd pulled up over herself falls slightly, revealing her naked chest.
"Maybe I am, lyubovnik. I should use the refresher, though. Jail breaks are sweaty work."
"This is true. Very true." She waits for you to do just that. Once you are nearly in the refresher, she joins you.
"I thought you might need some help, my Tom." Her grin flashes. She's ready to join you for that cleaning.
"I suppose there are some hard-to-reach spots that could use your attention, kitten." I pull her in with me. Despite everything, I feel lucky right now.
The hungry kisses from before are supplanted by slow, sure caresses, the water wetting her fur and her body pressing against you. Ahji Dar pushes your head to the side and gently licks at you neck, then your shoulder. She mimics being a kitten, cleaning you for long moments, continuing the trail and licks downwards, her body close, like a magnet to steel.
My kotenok really is an expert at grooming. I make appreciative sounds deep in my throat, lean back and simply enjoy her ministrations.
She continues working her way down to your chest, nipping gently at your nipple and looking up at you with bright eyes for your reaction. She trails down to your stomach, nails gently trailing along your side. The claws are out, but she isn't drawing blood, merely scratching lightly along the skin as he licks reach your belly button.
"I am going to clean this part down here... for a while, my Tom." Ahji Dar says as she crouches down, her head near your cock, looking up at you. She wraps soft fingers around it, sticks our her tongue to touch the very tip. "I know this part is sensitive. If you wish to guide me, I do not mind."
After those words, she engulfs the length of you, her furred fingertips massaging your testes, alternatively stroking you, even playing with your pubic hair. She is very talented.
That rough tongue really adds a new dimension to this experience. "Lyubovnik, I think you don't need any guidance from me." I reach my hands to scratch lightly behind her ears, relishing every moment until I feel my orgasm start to well up. "Very close, kitten. Very close."
She nods at your words of warning and redoubles her efforts, one hand sneaking around to massage your hip, scratching lightly. Then, with you as deep in her mouth as she can manage, she gently kneads you, coaxing your seed, humming in anticipation of the release.
She doesn't wait long. With a wordless howl, I let go, actually banging my head against the wall as the orgasm takes me. I see stars, whether from the impact or the intensity I don't know.
Ahji Dar continues suckling at you, powerful friction, her sharp canines out of the way, her tongue coaxing more from you as she rubs against the underside of your cock greedily. As the last tremors of your orgasm pass, she remains crouched, smiling up at you as she nimbly licks you clean.
"Are you pleased, my Tom?" she asks in that soft voice of servitude she offered you once before. She chuckles lightly, "And no, I am not yet fully repaid."
"Oh no, kotenok, I know you haven't been properly compensated yet. What's the next installment in my payment plan? I have a few creds to spare..."
She springs back up to stand beside you under the beating water of the refresh's showerhead. "I wish the same treatment in return." She smiles, showing canines.
I show my own teeth, wolfish to her feline. "Yes? Do you wish it here in the shower or in some other location? I believe I'm fully clean now..."
She asks hopefully, "Would you dry me? A little? Then yes, the bed. The bed." She glides wet, furry fingers over your forearms.
I turn off the water and reach for a towel. Of course, it's a fine, fine one, fluffy and soft. I dry Ahji Dar first, enjoying her purring as I towel off the water. Then, I quickly dry myself, toss the towel to the side, and throw her over my shoulder, moving out from the refresher back into the bedroom and throwing her on the bed.
The thicker parts of her fur fluff up a bit, it's a little comical seeing her like that. She even snickers a little when your eyes widen for a moment. But then you pick her up and she lets out a whoop of excitement.
She lands on the bed, then with a huge grin, scrambles back to the pillows, making room for you, "Yes, my Tom. My love. Come to me." She's open and eager for you.
I look down at her, drinking in the sight. "Are you sure, lyubovnik? I have a Credit or two to spare, if you'd rather."
She demurely covers her sex with one hand, and beckons you with the other, "I want you to feast upon your kitten. Bring me to the pinnacle, then make me crash over the edge."
I'm in no mood to be coy any longer. I kiss up her silky thighs, feeling the delicious 'other'-ness of the soft fur, then move up to taste the dew on the downy lips of her sex, imitating the quick, short strokes of her own mock-grooming of me earlier.
Ahji Dar scoots herself further down the bed, closer to you, "That soft little tongue of yours is magic, my Tom." She purrs deep in her chest, fingers moving to her breasts and mashing, pulling at her nipples. "Keep going." You can tell she's very close already. All this waiting, the shower, she's nearly there. How do you get her to pop?
Her mention of my soft tongue, the contrast between us, makes the choice. I do it the old-fashioned way. No scruffing, no rough stuff, just dedicated attention to the bits that want attention. Just my soft tongue, my non-clawed fingers, and a great deal of loving-care.
Purring cut by sharp gasps and moans continue from your lover. She gently closes her thighs around your head a couple times, tickling your ears. Soon, so soon you're rewarded for your efforts as she spasms and relaxes on the bed, whispering your name and laughing lightly in orgasmic bliss.
I crawl up the bed to join her, feel her relax into my embrace as I hold her from behind and nuzzle her neck. "Kotenok, I am so glad to become reacquainted with you, and to start working off my debt. The klava is cold. Would you like another cup?"
*Nyet. No klava. Not yet." Ahji Dar says as she snuggles into you.
You lie together for a little while, then she asks, "Who is the Kiffar girl? She looks rather... rough around the edges."
I chuckle. "Amarath? I suppose you could say that, lyubovnik. She grew up not far from me, was always a tomboy. She's a mercenary now, and fairly skilled, by her reputation and what I've seen. I think Jojee is probably going to want to kill her very soon."
Ahji Dar laughs, "Perhaps I agree with Jojee then. I do not think I like her." She watches you with those bright eyes, "What do you think?"
"I don't trust her, certainly. Especially not if credits are on the line. Sometimes, though, it's better to keep someone you can't trust close so you can keep an eye on them."
Ahji Dar gives you a look. "People you do not trust... that is what airlocks are for." She shakes her head. "If you can control her, then so be it. But if she is a threat, she should be dealt with."
"I will do what needs to be done, if it comes to it, my love." It occurs to me that I should ask some questions. "So, what's the plan? Where are we going?"
"You are headed wherever you wish." she answers simply. "My next job is to swing through Hutt Space and pick up some weapons to deliver to Raxus Secundus. Lots of credits there right now. Very ripe."
How does someone like me, with the concept of family and clan so ingrained that he makes his own without conscious thought, manage an alliance with someone like Ahji Dar, so proudly independent? It's a long mystery to ponder, but the fact that she offered me a permanent place with her on the Nexus, even though it was in a moment of crisis, gives me a hint of a whisper of a clue.
I nibble at her ear and then whisper with a grin, "I just wondered what the next stop was, lover. Much as I might wish it, it's not the time for me to join you for a life of adventure, is it? I will remember your offer, though, back on Kiffu. Don't think I've forgotten, or that my choice then was without pain."
She makes a dismissive gesture, "Bah, that was a one-time offer, Ladro." She's smirking a little, but tries to sound imperious. "I have very high standards for my crew. No fleshy organic can meet them." She narrows her eyes playfully, "Don't even start with talk of a double standard. I'm the captain. It's within my purrrrview." She buries her head in your chest laughing. Yes, this was the first pun she's made in front of you.
I laugh with her for a delicious moment, then retort, "Speaking of fleshy organics..." I nudge her thighs open with my knee. "Don't I still have some debt to work off?"
Ahji Dar's eyes flash as the humor turns. She seems so open and relaxed with you now. You've broken down many of her barriers, Ladro. "You're eager to work off those debts. Very well, I can be convinced." She reaches down to gently touch you, and giggles lightly when she finds you are ready for her. Nods once, then reaches her hands above her head, pressing her palms against the wall. "As hard. And as fast. As you can, my Tom."
In my best impression of Serzhant's synthesized voice, I reply, "Yes, Captain." And then I give it to her as hard and as fast as I can, as requested, one hand holding her right arm against the wall, the other steadying her hips as I do so. I'm watching her face, not just lost in my own sensation, though. In some way, I really am repaying a debt.
She beats you to orgasm, her whole body clenching up for a moment as a single keening, moaning sound comes from deep inside her. You literally feel how much wetter she is, slick, almost too wet for much friction. But you're able to find a better angle and continue.
After that climax, she looks at you, Ladro. Eyes watching, looking at you in that intense way she does sometimes. She doesn't talk, doesn't make many noises, other than quick breaths as you pound into her. You're finally close, Ladro. You feel it building up, coming. So close.
What do you do?
OOC: spending 1-bond with Ahji Dar.
I meet her eyes, try to read the mystery there. She's opened so much to me in our brief encounters, but there still seems to be a question in her eyes, rather than an answer. As my orgasm washes over me and I plunge home to let her take it, I'm asking myself, "What does she really want from me? What are we?"
I want to know, and I want to answer the question I see her eyes asking.
Ahji Dar, as you know, is fiercely independent. She wants to depend on no soul. That's why she has droids on her ship. She is the master of the entirety of the Nexus. She is the Nexus, so to speak.
She's not lying when she says you are her only Tom. She loves you, but she fears you. She knows you have your own life, that you are clannish, she knows some day you'll want kids. Which she can't give you, nor does she want to have them.
Right now, she is wholly focused on you, Ladro. She's trying not to weaken herself, make herself vulnerable, but there are cracks in the wall, and that worries her. She really doesn't want to be weak, doesn't want to depend on you, doesn't want to pine for you.
But you make her happy, and she's pushing all those worries aside to enjoy this. She doesn't count on it lasting, but she's happy. You "get her". Your leaving makes her much more relaxed. The idea of you being part of the crew was something that thrilled and scared her.
"Kotenok, I teased before, but I want you to know... I want you to hold me in your heart, but I don't need you to keep me on your ship for that. I don't need to tame you to know you're mine." I kiss her right at top of her nose, where the eyebrows meet.
The kiss melts Ahji Dar a little. A little smile sneaks on her face and she says softly, "How do you know me so well, Ladro?" She isn't demanding an answer, more like making an observation out loud.
After a few moments, she says, "I am yours." Then she leans up to kiss you, all rough tongue and soft fingers and all that she is.