The Gristone Mining camp is a small corporate settlement that was bought out by the miners a few years back. Rumors abound in the camp that the Imperials are looking to stage a coup for one of the local VIP's. The locals are starting to polarize, uncertain about which way to approach an Imperial presence on the planet. The camp is not small (12,000 inhabitants) — though it's no Bespin — and the relative lawlessness from the corporate days of the settlement has only recently begun to subside, though there are rumors that much of the camp's utilities are being subsidized by the Hutts. None the less, it's one of the few places in the galaxy a crew can come to enjoy some down time without getting wrapped up in politics, and when there’s a shipment on the way out, you get first dibs on the contract.
Places of InterestThe Western District
- Ishtok's Cantina: The local watering hole
- The Fizzly Rainstick: Another bar. The main rival to Ishtok's. Is "not pleasant, clean or friendly".
- The Gristone Spaceport: A lively center-point to the town's activity. Filled with shops and people during the day.
- The Grand Refinery
- The Gristone Mine
The Northern District
- Awwaar's Warehouse
Nexus has just landed. How did you hear about the ship you're here to see? Have you told Jojee about it?
What do you do?
During the trip, I contact Alanna Tonrun to check on Squall's progress and well-being. When I mention that I've left the Libation, she tells me that I should make my way to Gristone Camp and talk with someone there, that there might be a ship in it for me. That certainly makes the decision, and I ask Ahji Dar to drop us there.
You'd think a meet about a ship would be at the port, but of course Hosk, Jojee and I head to the Fizzly Rainstick instead. Amarath can tag along or not, as she likes, but she's not in on the meeting. And no, Jojee hasn't heard that we're meeting a being about a ship. I wanted that to be a surprise, and didn't want to get her hopes up if it doesn't pan out.
The four of you (Jojee, Hosk and yes, Amarath, who decided to stick around) are at Fizzly Rainstick drinking some bright green intoxicant called "The Nimbus Strike". It's smooth until it hits your gullet, then a fizzy aftertaste kicks in, with a hint of spice and mint. It's odd.
Amarath is on her second one. "Turns out, Vos," she says as she waves at the lone server, a scruffy-looking Togruta male, to get a refill, "There's an admin office here with ties to the Bounty Hunter's Guild. I can pick up work here... only trouble is travel. I just need to find a way to get off this rock from time to time. Too bad Ahji Dar's taking off. Did you tweak her off, Vos?"
Jojee's nursing her drink, "Why don't you leave with her, Amy? Oh, that's right, she hates you.... what a surprise." Amarath just shrugs.
Hosk shakes his head, "Purple, take it easy. At least Amy's on the level. Besides, she's not part of our crew, she's just sitting at our table."
Jojee looks to you, Ladro, "Do we have a job here?"
I give my most "Galactic Man of Mystery" smile and say, "We'll find out soon enough, Jo. Just wait for it." I sip my weird little drink and wait for our contact. Shouldn't be long, I think.
That only stokes her interest. But you can tell she's playing it cool with Amarath around. "I hate waiting."
"Good things come to those who wait, they say." Hosk says as he finishes off his drink. He's just being contrary to Jojee.
"Some good things need to come to this kriffing table. Hey! You! Another round, if you're not too busy talking to that karking Devaronian!" Amarath yells across the bar at the server.
I've been looking around for anyone I might recognize, and when Amarath gets the server's attention with her customary grace and style, I follow her gaze to the Devaronian. Should've asked for more information about who was meeting me.
He moves his head around the room, like he's scanning it. Then he begins walking your way.
This is not what I expected to see. "Amarath, take off. This is business for us three."
He bows low, "Greetings, Ladro Vos. I am Xehik." He bows to Hosk and Jojee as well. "I am to understand you seek something to purchase?"
* - He pronounces it like Zee-HICK.
"I understand there's an... opportunity. Shall we step aside and discuss it?"
Xehick nods, then moves to an empty table and has a seat. "You wish to purchase a method of conveyance?"
"Yes. I've been given to understand that there's something on the table to make that possible?"
"Yes. A previous business associate, by the name of Hontu, is eager to establish a business asset among the stars. If you are willing to accept a loan, at very generous rates, from Hontu, we have something you should come view."
"We would be most interested in seeing what is on offer at such generous rates." I know I'm taking a risk, buying in to Hontu, but it's better than being stuck without transport. Besides, Jojee needs a bird to fly.
Xehik stands smoothly, steps to the head of the table, regarding you with those sightless, covered eyes. Do you wish to accompany me to the Bay where the YV-560 light freighter is currently docked?"
"Of course, yes. My crew should come with me, though." I signal to Jojee and Hosk to follow as I walk out of the bar with Zee-hick. I know Hosk will get it, hope that Jojee will catch the signal.
Xehik gestures up to her as the lights come on in the bay, "She's been in storage for a few months, but everything's in working order. You can have a mechanic look it over, of course, but I have documentation from the check-up from the head engineer on Gristone, Mr. Whiting."
Jojee's mouth is hanging open for a minute. "Ladro... what does this mean?"
Hosk lights a deathstick and leans against the open door to the bay, "We're going in hock to buy a ship, I'd guess. Right, Lad?"
I address Xehik. "Well, as long as the pilot approves the purchase." I nod to Jojee to check it out.
A few quick steps towards the ship and Jojee's running her hand along the landing strut. Her hand runs along the hull as she walks around to the starboard side. She gives a low whistle, "It's a nice model. Frame looks decent, from what I can tell. She's seen a firefight or two. I'd like to give her a once over with this Whiting guy." Her voice is echoing from behind the ship now, but you hear the excitement in her voice.
While Jojee's meeting her new friend, I turn to Xehik. "What are the terms?"
"The terms are rather generous, especially considering Hontu asks for no credits down from you." He speaks congenially, not looking down his nose, simply stating facts. "Hontu will have controlling stake on the ship, fifty one percent, and will receive fifty-one percent of profits as well. However, you may elect to pay off his portion of the ship at any rate you choose. Once twelve standard months have passed and you have paid for controlling interest, the ship is yours to control. If you pay for the entire ship, then Hontu will no longer be a partner, but may wish to continue utilizing your services. As long as the price of the ship is a fair market value, are you interested?"
Suspiciously simple, given that I'm dealing with a Hutt. I wonder what the catch is.
Read a Person
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 6, 6. Total: 13)
"That is quite generous, for an ambitious Hutt. What's the catch?"
Xehik spreads his hands, "I am sure an enterprising Hutt with a skilled man like yourself mobile and willing to work jobs for him is his goal. He is flush with credits but short on reach at the moment."
Is Xehik telling the truth?
"I won't be running any more spice. If that's a condition, then there's no deal."
"Understood. That will be communicated to Hontu, but I doubt he has such requirements of you. He's much less interested in what you haul. He wants you to be able to work across systems and this is an excellent cover."
He is.
"Hosk? Anything you want to ask, or add?"
During this conversation, Hosk has continued smoking his deathstick, but he's listening intently. When you ask if he's got questions, he blows out a smoke ring, then asserts, "We're not Hontu's lackeys. I'm good with being his go-to for work, but we've got right of first refusal. As long as we're paying him fifty-one percent of profits, then that's good enough."
With a gentle nod, "Understood. I will make sure this is addressed in the contract. Are there any other questions, or should we arrange an inspection?"
Jojee pokes her head from the top of the ship (she's climbed up a ladder) and gives you a quick, enthusiastic nod.
"Certainly." I'm doing my best to keep my cool, but inside, I'm dancing.
Jojee slides down the ladder and runs up to throw her arms around you, squeezing once, then hopping back. She's practically vibrating, "This is gonna be OURS? Or, well, yours, right?"
"Mine on paper. Ours, though, practically. Can't run her by myself, and we'll all benefit." I hand her the data crystal. "What shall we name her, Jojee?"
"The Plucky Warbler!"
Hosk spits, "That's karking terrible! It should be a Deadly Nightshade." Jojee rolls her eyes at that one.
"I guess it's a good thing she's my ship, then. Those are both terrible. How about something I know we can all agree on? We'll call her the Profit Margin."
After dropping his deathstick and stamping it out, Hosk says, "That's not bad, Lad. Better than a karking warbler. We'd be laughed out of port." He leers at Jojee.
For her part, Jojee takes it in stride, "It wasn't my favorite ship name. I'm saving that one. Profit Margin is interesting, but a little cutthroat. Whatever you say, bossman." She takes the crystal from you and lowers the ramp. IT lowers steadily, no creaking or anything. Lights come on inside and she quickly moves in.
I follow just as quickly, anxious to have a look around my new "home." 'Bossman' hits me strangely, but I decide I kind of like it. "Hosk, Jojee, we're going to need an engineer, and Alanna said Squall's doing well. What do you think?"
Jojee stops at the top of the ramp near the hold, "Well, before the mess with the spice, she was a great little engineer..."
"But THEN there was the problem with the spice. Lad, how solid do you feel about Alanna's word? And what happens if Squall falls off the wagon again?"
"This is not Alanna's first time dealing with this. If she says Squall's good, then I believe her. I'll be very clear with Squall that ze needs to come to me before ze gets into trouble, not after." I join Jojee at the top of the ramp, look into the hold.
Hosk slowly follows you and Jojee, as much to keep talking as anything, "If she gets in trouble, then she's out. It's gotta be that way, Lad. She's getting a third or fourth chance here."
The ship's in very good shape. Sure, some of the panels aren't factory standard, there are some dings in places, but this was cared for. Or it was spruced up professionally. Anything that catches your eye about the hold?
I nod to Hosk. "Squall's got no more chances coming, you're right."
Then my eye catches on something. It's open now, so I can't be sure, but I walk over anyway. A opening in the inner bulkhead, exposing a space just big enough for a few crates or a person or two about my size. A single word is stenciled on the inside of the outer bulkhead.
I step back and say the word, fairly loud. "Gusha." A panel slides into place from the right, then moving smoothly to fill the opening. Seamless. No way to see that anything was there. I say it again. "Gusha." It slides open.
"Guess she was a smuggler's lady before."
Hosk accepts that, saying no more on the subject. When you point out the smuggler's hole, he nods approvingly, "I like it, Lad. That can be a nice side business."
At the top of the ramp is the main corridor of the ship. It's a curved hall that runs a ring around the dining area, the scanners, and the medbay.
Jojee calls from the common area as she heads to the cockpit, "This ship's smaller than the Libation, but she's more maneuverable and faster. If the hyperdrive is near stock, she's faster, too. Not sure if there's an astromech, so that's a thing. Squally can plug that poodoo easy, though." You can tell she's talking herself into this, and it isn't hard.
"So, assuming that the inspection goes as I think it will, then we're agreed? I can't do this without you two."
"It's better than flying commercial, and this dunghole won't have much work for us. By the by, Lad. You gonna chat with the Mine Security? Would be good to get on their best side."
From the cockpit, Jojee activates the speakers, "I'm in, bossman. I think the Margin has some real potential. Hosk, did you check out the turret cannons? They're pretty slick. Bossman, I'll head out and find Whiting and get a full inspection done tomorrow at the latest."
What do you do?
"Way ahead. Hosk, let's you and me make some friends, and find a home-base. Jojee, find Whiting and arrange what's necessary, let me know. I want to be here for the walk-through. We'll all meet up back at the Rainstick, whenever we get there."
Before we go, though, I check out the Captain's cabin. Need to get decorating ideas, despite the fact that most of my things are still back on Kiffu.
The captain's quarters are roomy, about the size of Lee's. You've got a nice sized bed, a couch, work desk / entertainment center, closet, walk-in refresher. There's no viewport to outside, though.
That is a big bed. I wonder what the chances are of finding a klava set at a mining camp.
We head off the ship, locking it with the crystal. I let Jojee hold the key for now. "So, Hosk... let's head to the bar and get the lay of the land."
I have a few goals for the rest of the day. First, meet a few people and figure out who the movers and shakers are in the camp. Second, figure out how to make nice with mine security. Third, establish some sort of groundside presence, even if it's just a mail drop or a small office. And, of course, we'll need someplace to sleep for a few nights, at least.
He keeps pace with you, "You planning on hauling crate like Lee? Or use this to get us from job to job?"
Regardless of your answer, he nods, just taking information, no objections.
The Fizzly Rainstick has the distinction of being the bar of choice for the majority of the miners on Gristone. The main species is human, with a number of near-human offshoots. The man behind the bar is an amiable Neti named Dail'Bnar, with tough gray skin like plant bark and four arms. He is gruff, but capable of keeping drinks filled.
The server, that Togruta male, is busy with the miners. There is a pair of human males with crewcuts that Hosk points out as "boys in white", but they're off duty, drinking at the bar.
Hosk mentions, "The server seems helpless. If we want to know who's who, we either chat with the bartender, or buy a round for the miners."
"Freight as cover, or when convenient, to help pay for travel expenses. I see us primarily continuing with jobs planetside, though. We're too good a team to waste on hauling other people's poodoo back and forth."
After we get ignored by the incompetent server for a while, I walk up and greet the bartender. "My friend and I are feeling generous. I'd like to buy a round for the bar, if I can?"
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 4, 5. Total: 11)
- You befriend a useful NPC.
- You gain useful information.
- You don't regret it later.
Here he is:
"Friend Ladro and Brother Hosk," Lo Sei'Sei says, calling Hosk "brother" from the moment they first met (Hosk hasn't returned the favor), "Gristone is a nice place, yes. The Mining Guild is hard-working. You see the Sullustan there?" He waves a furred hand towards the group of drinking miners. There's a Sullustan who looks pretty young, right in the middle of the group, standing on a chair, "That's Jae Mar, their foreman. He's a good one. Me, I assist Maree Delste. She has the largest stake in the claim here, passed down from her beloved husband who passed three months ago. She also serves as the head official, working with the Empire and the Mining Guild. She has a very hard job. I admire her."
He pats your forearm, Ladro, in a familiar way, but it doesn't seem like a come-on. "Tell me, you are buying the the freighter from our Miralukan citizen, are you not? Will you be vying for a contract to carry ore? Perhaps I can help."
I'm filing away names.
"There's an agreement in principle, yes, but the sale isn't final. I would be interested in carrying ore. Perhaps not a long-term contract, though. A regular hauling run isn't exactly our style."
Lo Sei'Sei tilts his head. "Interesting. May I ask what your style is?"
I think about that for a second. "It's still a work in progress, but you might might say we're... troubleshooters. Or troublemakers. Sometimes both."
Lo Sei'Sei chuckles, "Both? Ah. ha ha. That is good, my friend. Well, I am sure Miri Tharen would be a good contact for work. She runs the port guard, always understaffed. She might farm some work your way from time to time. Brother Hosk, I will put in a word for you." Hosk inclines his head.
"How did you end up here? The ship?"
"Ah... there is not nearly enough time, nor alcohol, for us to tell you that story, Lo Sei'Sei. We're here, and the ship is, and that's enough." I look to Hosk for confirmation.
"If I may impose further, Lo Sei'Sei, assuming the deal goes through on the ship, we'll be looking to establish a home base. Anyone here, at the port or otherwise, that you think is reliable to act as a local agent? Mostly just a mail-drop, but we might have other requirements from time to time."
He purses his lips in thought, then offers, "Miss Geshix would be good for that. She's a local dressmaker here, partner of one of Whiting's techs. She's stable, moves around the camp and the port, most people like her, or tolerate her. Poor lady would make a good deal of credits with her work... if she weren't selling dresses in a mining camp." Hosk chuckles at the absurdity of it.
Sounds like a jackpot. "Where might I find Miss Geshix?" I'm conscious that I'm checking off boxes on my mental to-do list, and trying to keep them straight. "And how do we get in touch with you, friend? I believe my comrade Hosk feels a... kinship."
"Uh, yes. Yes, a kinship... brother." Hosk says uneasily.
Lo Sei'Sei nods congenially, "Yes, yes. Very good, Hosk. We should sit down in a thet and share some kerreth." Hosk makes a bit of a face, but doesn't object. Lo Sei'Sei says, "Ladro, you can find me here most nights, but here is my address as well as Miss Geshix's shop."
Poor Hosk. Price of doing business, though. "Lo Sei'Sei, you've been very gracious. If you don't mind, I'll leave the two of you to chat while I seek out Miss Geshix." I stand to go.
"Delightful!" Lo Sei'Sei says, ignoring Hosk's hesitation politely. You get the feeling he's aware of it, though.
We cut ahead to you entering Miss Geshix's shop. It's located in a small prefab building that was probably originally a set of offices, but the place sits at the edge of the commercial district with only a few stores lit. Miss Geshix's is on the corner, with a large glass window displaying some really choice dresses. They would fit in on a Coreworld, not some holovid star's ensemble, no, but they're very pretty.
You enter the shop, which appears empty, but you hear the sounds of a sewing apparatus, probably coming from the one door to the back. This area has a pair of small changing rooms, racks of dresses, and a three-way mirror. There's a high shelf around the wall lined with lots and lots of hats, mostly women's hats. It smells like daisies in here.
After a minute, a woman walks out from the back, poking her head in to see you. She's in her late forties, probably, and dressed in a simple black dress with no frills. Here she is:
She looks at you and gives a nice smile. "Greetings, friend Kiffar. I am Miss Geshix. Are you looking for a dress? For one of your many girlfriends, I assume?" She laughs politely and walks closer, scanning your eyes, your hair, your clothes. She doesn't seem judgmental so much as curious and detail-oriented. You wouldn't want this woman witnessing a crime, she'd be an excellent eye witness.. Or, maybe you would.
What do you do?
"Greetings! My name is Ladro. I'm afraid I'm not here for a dress..." I explain that I'm starting a new business venture and looking to find someone to act as my agent here at the camp. "Lo Sei'Sei recommended that I speak with you. I'd primarily like to have someone trustworthy to act as a mail drop, and occasionally take care of other business that comes up."
She listens with hands clasped together, that near-smile still on her face. "I am interested in working with you, Ladro. Anything I can do to keep my little shop in the black, you know. Do you have an idea of what kind of business might come up?"
"Truly? I don't have any idea. We'll be travelling a lot, sometimes deliveries and sometimes other jobs. Right now, I'm mostly looking for someone on the ground, who knows the people here and can help keep me from making stupid mistakes. That, and a fixed address so a very few people have a way to find me." I think for a minute, then go on. "I'll be honest... the work I do isn't always within the strict boundaries of the law, but I don't intend to involve you directly in any of that."
Miss Geshix ponders that for a moment, then nods, "I'd be glad to give you a head start on Gristone. As long as I'm not involved with... whatever you do, then that's fine. But if I get worried, I reserve the right to protect myself. And my husband."
"Absolutely." I've been watching her reactions, trying to understand what's beneath the surface with this interesting woman.
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 3, 6. Total: 10)
- what does she wish I’d do?
- how could I get her to be a real ally?
- Miss Geshix is elated at the chance for some credits, she's really drowning. She's worried about who sent you here, if it's some sting operation from the Empire or something. She's heard rumors about the II.
- She wishes you'd notice her dresses, she rarely gets customers. Other than that, she wishes you'd pay her well enough that she can get better materials, get her sewing apparatus fixed, maybe... maybe you'd deliver stuff to people off-world for her? She's not sure how she'd set that up, but she's wondering.
- If you're on the level, if you pay her like you say, if say Jojee became a customer or a model, maybe... she'd be thrilled. She's trying to keep from getting overly excited right now, in fact.
Since I feel like we've come to an understanding over the business that brought me here, I'll certainly take a few minutes to look at some of Miss Geshix's lovely dresses. I don't have Jojee's measurements, of course, but I've got a decent eye born of years of appreciation of the female form.
In the end, I choose something I think Jojee will like very much. It's deep purple, trimmed in jewel-toned green. The dress has a tight bodice and fits snugly down to the hips, then flares into a loose skirt slit high on both sides. She'll look stunning in it and it will be comfortable for dancing.
"How much for this one, Miss Geshix? It's really beautiful."
She hovers nearby as you look over the dresses, offering thoughts and suggestions. When you choose the deep purple dress, she beams, "You have a great eye, that's one of my favorites." She shares the price of the dress, which is modest (less than a Cred, by far, about 300 credits). She runs fingers over the silky top, "If you need alterations, they are included in the sale price."
"Excellent. I'll take it, then. If Jojee thinks it needs any work, I'll send her back to you. I'd like for you to meet her and Hosk, anyway. They're my team." I'm feeling very much the businessman right now.
"I look forward to meeting them," Miss Geshix replies. She busies herself with putting the dress in a nice, white box. "Since you would like to know the lay of the land, let's see what we can do for you right now."
"The largest stakeholder in the mine is Maree Deslte. Her husband, Tunin, died recently. There are rumors that he was murdered, but the Security Office ruled it a fall in the mine. She's also serving as the mayor of the town that's grown up to serve the Camp, which includes the spaceport. She's assisted by a Bothan named Lo Sei'Sei. He's a nice enough fellow, but a bit chatty." She sees recognition in your eyes at the names, but continues.
"The Mining Company is run by the CEO, Eekar Barin, a Mon Calamari." Miss Geshix continues. "He's cutthroat, and drives the miners to the brink. My husband has cursed Eekar's name many a night after work. But I understand the mine isn't doing so well, and I don't see Maree stepping in to protect the workers. Eekar's foreman is Jae Mar, a Sullustan. He's a hard worker, good at his job. He cares for his teams, but he's also part of management, so he can't always ride the line."
The box is tied up now, but Miss Geshix keeps it on the small counter where she wrapped it up. "The Security Office is led by Harlan Byrn, an old soldier from the Republic. He retired here, then the last Sheriff died, and everyone looked to him to take over. His right hand is a young lady named Miri Tharen. I think you'd like her. She was a customs checkpoint guard who worked her way up. She has three brothers who work in the mines."
She drums her fingers lightly on the box, "The spaceport is owned by the mine, of course. There are a few administrators who get things done, but the head of the staff is Elvin Lien. Whiting is the old gearhead who keeps the machines running. He knows his stuff, but he's an ornery old cuss."
Miss Geshix has an impressive mind. Her précis is concise, colored by her own experience but fair enough. I owe Lo Sei'Sei for the tip. "It was Lo Sei'Sei that sent me to you, actually, and I can see that he was right to do so. By the way, is 'Miss' your given name, or is it a salutation?" I give her a chip for 500 credits and wave off the change. "A new relationship deserves some recognition."
Her eyes widen slightly at the tip, but she doesn't hesitate to take it. "Thank you, Ladro. Miss is a salutation. People are less interested in buying dresses from an old married lady, but the idea of a Miss adds a bit of allure. My husband isn't thrilled, but at home, I'm Missus Geshix." She laughs a little, then smiles. "Please do send Jojee by as soon as you can. And Hosk, too, but mostly Jojee."
Before I pick up the box with the dress, I take Miss Geshix's hand and bend over it, formally, like I'm greeting a lady at a ball in the Core Worlds. After the lightest touch of lips to skin, I say, "A married lady, perhaps, but hardly an old one. I'll be back before we leave again, and I'll make sure that Jojee, at least, comes to visit, whether she needs alterations or not."
Anywhere else you wish to go this night?
Where are you three staying? Grab a couple rooms at the inn that serves the spaceport (it's small)? Or did someone set up a rental?
Well, the plan was to meet up back at the bar and go from there. Haven't worked out arrangements yet for sleeping, but I'm hoping we'll be sleeping on the ship tomorrow night, so the little inn works for me. But the Rainstick first. It may not be pleasant, clean, or friendly, but it's served me well so far.
"Sithspit that Bothan can talk. Lad, you owe me." He raises a finger to call the bartender over and orders a double.
At the end of the bar, you see Jojee sitting beside a guy you recognize from the miners, in his twenties, strong, dark eyes, long hair. And Amarath is sitting with her, too. They're pretty happy, it seems. Several empty shot glasses, they're each holding drinks now and taking shots, Jojee is talking loudly.
Hosk notices your gaze, "Been keeping an eye on Jojee. I sent Amy over to sit with them."
"Thanks. I guess that's another talk I need to have. Jojee's been 'blowing off steam' more and more often, recently. Hey... since we've got a minute. I'm thinking one and a half K credits for you, Jojee, and Squall, per month. Bonuses when called for, but I'm mostly going to be focused on paying off the ship in the short term. Does that seem fair? If we hump our space heinies, I can pay off the Profit Margin in a year or a little more, and then things change a lot."
I hold for a few seconds, then continue. "And I need to figure out what to do about Sark. Amarath's part of that, too... not sure about the 'job' he sent her to give me, but I need to break the thumb that's pressing down on me. Or cut it off."
Hosk waves a hand about Jojee, "I'm not worried about her steam or whatever, Lad. I'm worried about that blasted miner boy. Amy'll keep Jojee from doing anything too stupid. As long as she can fly when it's time to fly, it's her thing. Right?"
On the subject of pay, he nods, "That's fair. Good credits for this part of the galaxy. Means we need to step up the work, though. That's a big haul to pull in. Not that we can't do it now that we plot our own course instead of riding shotgun with the Libation."
When you bring up Sark, he takes a long drink, lets out a breath at the taste of the hot intoxicant, "Been thinkin' on that. Sark received messages from Purple. And he sent a message to Amy. I wonder if there's some way we can locate his soon-to-be carcass. Or draw him out. What does he care about?"
Thankk goodness for Hosk and his level head. All that's gone on, I might never have remembered to circle back and ask Jojee and Amarath how they got in contact with Sark. "Truthfully, Hosk, the only thing I've ever seen Sark care about is karking me around. I know he's playing a deep, deep game. That run with the explosives? That was him, having me steal from the Empire to give to some backwoods crime boss." I take a sip of my drink.
That gets a raised eyebrow from Hosk, "I wonder if he's playing on their team still?" He looks down at his drink, swirling the ice around. "You think he's got a little side business going? Maybe we flip him to the real II and watch him cook."
It takes me a minute to respond. I'm thinking about the size of Sark's network. I'm certainly not the center of the universe, but he's already touched me three times: whoever tipped him off about the job on Falleen Throne, Jojee, and Amarath. If he's connected to that level, how big must the whole spiderweb be? "I need more data before I can make a plan. He's going down, though, one way or another."
She slams down an empty shotglass onto the bar, "Hahaha! Yeah! I got you, Amy! You LOSE!"
Her hands raised in mock supplication, Amarath answers, "Yeah, yeah. You got me, hotshot. Come on, we need to make that one last call, yeah? Let me walk you home, doll." She seems to be taking it pretty well, really, just having a good time.
That miner who was sitting with Jojee, the one with the dark eyes, he steps up and butts in with, "Hey, you stupid karking 'borg, I got this." He takes Jojee's arm and starts to pull her off her stool. It surprises Jojee a bit, but she seems a little listless.
Amarath steps around Jojee and says, "Let me quiz you something, Darniss. Which one of us can crush a man's bone with one hand? Which one of us has a bounty hunter's license and twenty three confirmed kill-or-captures? Which one of us can hit a womprat with a blaster pistol at forty meters? Are... any of those you?"
He hesitates for a moment, but then you see some miners at a nearby table getting up, starting to come over to butt in, or something.
What do you do?
With a sigh, I push back from table and move to back Amy up, hand on the handle of my blaster. "Is there a problem here?"
(Rolled: 2d6+2. Rolls: 5, 1. Total: 8)
The one that must be Darniss turns around to look at you. He flicks a glance behind you at his mates who are coming up (they're not sneaking up, you're not at a disadvantage). He looks at you with that drunken bravado, but there's something about you. He breaks eye contact, "This scum 'borg here aint gonna take Jo nowhere."
Spending the 1-Hold
I meet Darniss' eyes steadily. "Not your decision. Now, I just got to this little slice of paradise today, and I'd rather make friends than enemies. Understood?"
Dangerous & sexy: when you enter into a charged situation, roll+hot. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7–9, hold 1. Spend your hold1 for 1 to make eye contact with an NPC present, who freezes or flinches and can’t take action until you break it off. On a miss, your enemies identify you immediately as their foremost threat.
Amarath is glaring at the guy's back, but she's holding off right now.
I give a nod to Amarath to get Jojee out, now. Once they're to the door, I follow, knowing Hosk will be right behind. I guess this is what I get for choosing the low-rent bar, but the fancier ones are never any fun.
The night sky is beautiful, Ladro. Jojee's cutting up about "Amy's thirty-three kills", but Amarath corrects her, gently. Hosk lights up a deathstick, keeps a wary eye on the door. Nobody's coming out.
Anything left tonight?
If I can, I coax the time for the inspection from Jojee, then take care of a room at the spaceport inn for everyone. "Lots to do tomorrow. Amarath, can we talk for a little?"
She steps outside, putting her flesh hand in a pocket, looks over at you, "What's up, Vos? There a problem?"
Fortunately, it's dark, so it's just barely possible that Amy doesn't see me wince. "Just... Ladro, please. Family's complicated. And no, I don't want to talk about it." I pause to gather my thoughts. "So... what was it our mutual friend wanted us to do for him?" Not this mining camp, Sark. Please let it not be this mining camp.
She glances over at you with a look of slight confusion, "Vos is written on your face, Ladro. It's in your blood and your soul. It's a great family. You should be proud of it." She sounds a tiny bit jealous. There's no "Shade" family on Kiffar, it's some poodoo pseudonym. What's up with Amarath's family?
Her cybereye shifts from a red light to a softer orange and she looks at you as you walk on the clay street of Gristone. "Mr. Bigshot wants us to head to Apatros and lay waste to their biggest Cortosis mine."
After a few more steps, she asks, "You really gettin' a new ship? That's zeng."
"It is a fine family. That's not the issue. Seems I left once and I'm not welcome back." Amarath's whole family was cut off from the Sho clan three generations ago. Some unfathomable internecine conflict involving a wedding and a murder and someone killing a very important tree. Complicated, even for a Kiffar.
"Cortosis? Why would I.I. want to destroy a source of cortosis? That's..." ...another data point, that's what it is. "Have you ever gotten a scan, to see if that bomb's really in your head? And how do you contact him?"
She grimaces a little, "The Empire is wide and varied and all kinds of kriffed up. Who knows why they kriff each other over?" On the second question, she rolls her head side to side a bit, "Never had a scan, no. Not a fan of med droids. Contact him? I've got a couple places where I reach out to him, but he doesn't respond too quickly."
I can't help but agree with that first statement. "You're going to have to get over your aversion to med droids before we go any farther, Amy. We need to start counting cards in this sabacc game. And you need to share whatever you've got. This is bigger than what we see, and the only way out is through. Forward momentum."
Amarath peers at you for a moment. "I didn't think you wanted to go any farther... Ladro. You seemed eager to be rid of me."
"You know nothing's ever simple, Sho. We're under the same thumb, for now. Interested in getting out from it?"
She swallows once when you call her "Sho". There's a trickle of hope there. She was probably raised on stories of her clan. On the subject of getting out from under his thumb, she nods. "I want the bomb out of my head, and he's not going to give me that willingly. So... we work together? I'm not really, you know, crew material, Ladro."