It's late at night when the truck approaches the ramp to drive up onto Tradertown. You've been closing in on it since dusk. The damn place belches smoke from a dozen pipes and it's nearly as bright at night as day with all the floodlights. Except at night, the shadows are at odd angles.

You're looking for Big Time, the ferryman. Who are you taking with you and who do you leave to protect the truck?
When you go into Tradertown looking for a person or thing, roll +Weird. On a Hit, you find it or them. On a 10+, you find out with no trouble and they don't know you're coming.
On a 7-9, choose 1 to be true:
* You either drop a jingle to find it or fight someone for it
* The bloke who pointed you in the right direction needed a favor from you
On a miss, you run into someone you never expected to find here. They might be looking for you. Name them, and the MC will set up the situation.
(Rolled: 2d6-1. Rolls: 6, 4. Total: 9)
Turns out that Kensitas has set up shop here. He's got the drug trade under his thumb, and has enough muscle and jingle to offer folks protection if they're worth his time. He wants you to carry a package to Boomtown for him, deliver it to Loot. And don't open it. It's about as big as a shoebox, heavy and wrapped in leather.
You find Big Time hanging out at Amiga's little cathouse up on crane three. He's laying in bed with a cute guy that you recognize. Who is it? Did you know he's hooking?
This is Big Time:
BT looks up when you push open the door, which wasn't locked. He's got a sheet over his torso, he's naked. There's a revolver on the metal cabinet beside him. He doesn't recognize you, has he ever even seen you?
"Hey... room's occupado" Big Time says.
What do you do?
I'm surprisingly calm as I walk down the last hall to BT's door — I stand outside it a second, checking my gun to make sure the silencer's on tight, and that there's a bullet in the chamber. Then I turn to the girls and nod, and my game face goes on.
I'm not surprised he doesn't recognize me, but I am surprised that Nova's hooking... Poor boy never was quite right after he saw Fox kill the last Oracle — of course that might come flooding back in a second. I enter the room at a quickened pace, and stick the gun in BT's face.
"Move, and you're both dead." Then without looking back, "Girls, cover the door."
Amazon hangs out in the hall, shuts the door, and Mirage stays just inside the door. Really, this place is over-crowded, but you've got him good.
The gun in his face wakes BT the frak up, "WHOAH now! What the frak? I'm in with Kenz, you can't just drop me! Take my drek, its in my pack, frak!"
I come right up close to me, "Do you know who I am, asshole?"
I move closer, and whisper, "I'm the intended recipient."
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 5. Total: 12)
He swallows, then starts begging, "Listen, I didn't tell you, but I told your granny. She told me she'd tell you and your brother! I've got... I've got her mark! Not my fault, you gotta believe me. You were further down south, she was... drek, don't kill me, alright? I'll show you her mark! It's in my bag, I swear!"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 1, 6. Total: 8)
"Where the frak are my parents?"
I hold my hand out, and wait patiently for him to produce the bill.
"Here. See, it was easy to find because your granny, who's kept herself up quite nicely, she can write." He puts the book up towards you and you see it.
Date -
from Zero
to Kiddo in Boomtown
signed by Jemma
What do you do?
I clock him upside the head, as hard as I can with the butt of my pistol, and spit on him. "When someone's Dad is dying, and you're tasked with delivering a frakking message to them — you deliver the frakking message! Do you hear me, asshole?"
I wait for him to acknowledge me, and holster my gun. On the way over to the door, I add, "I hear tell you shortchanged someone ever again, and I'll nail your balls to your frakking forehead."
I turn to Starburst, and nod to the door. "Let him go. Let's roll."
You head out, the girls are ecstatic. How do you play this?
I turn back to Starburst after a while of thinking to myself, and announce, "I need a bike. Where do I go looking for one in this place?"
She moves quickly to a ladder on the other tower, takes it down to the "ground floor". She leads you towards the main entry hall, where Kodak went to check in. Inside a mobile home is an office. An honest to the gods office with a man sitting at a desk with paper on it. He's well built and very well dressed. He even has a nameplate, that says "Morgan" on it. There are chairs and a couch, a door to the back, too.
What do you do?
I would kill to find a frakking custom job... Ma's old Bull run was so awesome, and it purred like a kitten.
Morgan opens the back door, which leads into a dimly lit tunnel. He locks the door behind you, then leads you down a set of twisting corridors, past huge, grinding engines, a giant furnace with men shoveling red and green bricks of some chalky substance into it. The corridor traverses a number of offshoots, like you're traveling the arteries of some great beast.
Then finally, on what feels like the other side of the entire town, you come to a fire door, which Morgan opens. Inside is a workshop. There ae hubcaps of a hundred different vehicles along with license plates from old Earth all nailed upon the wall. There's a door deeper inside, this seems to be some kind of entry room.
Morgan says, "The mechanic inside should give you a good deal. Ring that bell on the counter there and he, uhm, well, she.....hrm. The mechanic will be along soon." He points to the door to the right, "You can head back out into the thoroughfare through that door. The tunnels take a while to learn. Good luck."
Morgan heads back into the tunnels, leaving you with Starburst, Mirage and Amazon.
What do you do?
I nod to Morgan in thanks, and ring the bell — Ok, I may ring it two or three times. It's so cute!
Starburst rolls her eyes at the pair of them, not impressed, "Dead places on the other side of the universe. This is just their frakkin trash. Who cares?"
You hear sounds of someone coming towards the door, moving at an odd, shambling gait. You recognize the sound, Kiddo. Then you see the robed figure. It's Lemi. He comes limping in, and looks at you, "Greetings, wondrous children. We are Lemieux. This is our shop. How may we please you?"
Lemieux's shamble catches my attention, and I spin around eagerly to meet ... Him? I was never too clear on that. I remember him from the exodus — vaguely. I lean against the shop's counter on my palms, and smirk, "Hi Lemieux — I'm Kiddo." You never know... Maybe it'll ring a bell. "I'm looking for a bike — a four-stroke with enough power to lug two people around. My Ma' had a Bull Run custom job, and I used to love it... Do you have anything like that? Anything with a vintage feel to it?"
Lemi pulls a tablet from the robes Lemi is wearing, and pulls up this picture:
"We can provide this for four barter." Lemieux says with a grin.
The bike is frakking beautiful... I'm already running my fingers over it, and have to keep myself from drooling. I would pay full price for it right now if I had the jingle for it.
"2 barter," I counter, painfully.
"Or..." Lemieux offers as thin fingers come up to touch your hair, "Is there other barter you have to offer us?"
(Rolled: 2d6+1. Rolls: 5, 6. Total: 12)
OOC: hold 1 – How can Kiddo get Lemieux to lower the price?
By the way, this is Lemieux
Robes, visible layers, inner to outer
... I mean, I knew my Ma' had a wild streak – but with Lemieux? And now he wants to be with me? He daughter? It wouldn't surprise me if my Ma' frakked someone for her bike – and I'm not above sleeping with Lemieux – but part of me would rather just spend the barter and get back to Rinny and See.
I look back to him with a curious look, "and what would these nights entail?"
OOC hold 2/3: What does Lemieux wish I'd do?
... Was that guilt? Where the frak did this come from? I mean, we were really vague on the whole don't frak other folks thing, but a creeping tension in my gut tells me I wouldn't feel good doing that to him and Vee.
Damn it... I need this jingle!
I swing my bag onto the shop's counter, and open the flap to dig around for a bit. "You said you'd take 3 in lieu, right?" Looks like I'll be working overtime when we get back to Boomtown... Frakking shit. I produce the jingle Stitch lent me, and two of my own. Before I slide it to him, I whisper, "there's nobody in this weird ass tin can owes you something you're looking to collect on? Maybe someone's giving you some trouble you want to back off? 'cause I've got other skills, Lemieux... I'd pay 2 now, and could deliver the rest in services rendered before we bolt."
(Rolled: 2d6+3. Rolls: 4, 4. Total: 11)