[In and Out] A Time for Visits (4.8)



  • The Real World


    Jack Aubrey chooses that moment to make his ill-tempered appearance. He hisses at both you and Erica, then rubs up against Reggie's calves, twining in and out.


    "Oh, Jack Aubrey, do you wish you could go visit your cousins? So sweet..."

    Erica snorts dismissively, then catches it and turns it into a cough.

  • Trevian
    I give Erica a secret grin, like "solidarity, sister". So sweet, indeed.
  • The Real World

    Erica gives you a return smirk, then you all bundle up and head down to the garage to pile into the Tesla. Pretty sure you're driving, Trev, who is it that squeezes herself into the back seat?

  • Trevian
    Erica tries, but Reggie insists she sit up front. I think she was being nice to Erica, but hey, that's nice to me, too. I give her a look as we pull out of the garage. Has she ever been in a Tesla before, I wonder?
  • The Real World


    As you pull out of the garage and head to the highway so you can let your baby out a bit (have you given her a name, by the way?), Erica smiles. "I've done the test-drive thing, of course, but I've never ridden in a production Tesla before. This is nice..."

  • Trevian
    I call her the Silver Bullet, but Reggie always laughs, says she has "her own silver bullet". I think its one of her toys.

    I show Erica a few creature features. "It has sat radio. You're the DJ, pick out whatever we should listen to."
  • The Real World

    Erica fiddles with the radio until she finds a station playing some upbeat EDM, but keeps the volume fairly low so it doesn't interfere with conversation.


    "This really is a sweet ride. I understand why you're so protective of her." She leans back and watches the scenery as you pass out of the more developed area into something you can almost remember was country, once. When you're about ten minutes out from CTR, Reggie's phone rings and she answers, has a brief conversation.


    After she hangs up, Reggie says, "Would it be awful if I left you two to entertain yourselves tonight? All the research fellows happen to be in town this weekend, and Doctor Carmody just asked if I was available for a working dinner to start divvying up projects."

  • Trevian
    I look up into the rearview mirror, "Sure, Coops, no problem. I'll hang out with Erica while you TCB. It'll be all cool, right, Erica?"
  • The Real World


    "Of course that's fine! You do what you need to, Reggie. Trev and I will eat bonbons and paint each other's toenails."

    Reggie chuckles, and conversation turns to school for a little bit. Erica asks, "Are you excited to start? It's just a week or two until you do, right?"


    Reggie nods. "Yeah. The 10th. It's going to be work, but I'm good at school. I'm more worried about not pulling my weight on the quest, truthfully."

  • Trevian
    I've been worrying about that, too. I rely on her. Big time. But we've made the decision, and I'm not going to make her feel bad about it. "It's cool, ese. We talked it through. We have a plan, right? Gaming's my full-time job, I can pick up the slack on the easy stuff I pawned off on you, and the tougher things I'll catalog for you to handle when you're able. Tandy's happy to partner up when I need her, so I can have her farm and do all the low-level. In a pinch, I can call up Jackie for research. If it's a heavy, I'll ping Shak!ra. I have tons of resources. It's gonna be okay."

    Funny how it takes me three gamers to try and come closer to one of her.
  • The Real World


    Reggie reaches across the back of your seat to put a hand on your cheek. Her voice is soft when she says, "You're too good to me, Trev."

    In the midst of that moment, you almost miss the turnoff for CTR, but you catch it just in time. You pull up to the visitor center and park. It's a medium-cold day, but bright and clear, with lots of sun on the remains of snow from last week.

    A tanned and fit man about your age, blond and wearing a Carolina Tiger Rescue volunteer polo, greets you when you walk in. "Howdy! Looking for a tour?"

  • Trevian
    I nod and smile openly, "We sure are! My friends here have never been, so we should really wow them."
  • The Real World

    The volunteer, whose name tag reads "Brad," smiles back. "To the Tiger-Mobile!" You get the feeling that this isn't shtick, he's genuinely this enthusiastic.

    He bundles up and leads you to a little electric tourmobile with 16 seats that actually has "Tiger-Mobile" stencilled on the side. "We're not too busy in the winter, so you're getting the bus to yourself. I have to stick to the route, but feel free to ask any questions. We can take our time, as long as you're not too cold."

    Reggie sits with you, Erica right behind, leaning forward between you so it's easy to talk.

    Brad says, "We have a dozen different species of wildcats here, some of which I'd never heard of the first time I visited. The cool thing is that each cat has a real distinct personality. You're prolly gonna see just the most social ones, but I have tricks to get a few of the grumpier ones out. Also, a cooler full of meat and fish."

    When was the last time you were here, Trev? Was it a school trip, or did you come on your own steam?

  • Trevian
    School trip. Eighth grade. Jake and I made jokes about leaving Cyndi there. She cried. I got in trouble.
  • The Real World

    As you might expect, Brad gives really good tour. The girls both exclaim over the beauty and grace of the tigers, but it's a sweet-seeming caracal named "Bonnie" that really wins the day, with Erica at least. She (the cat, not Erica) is in a large heated enclosure for the winter, and seems to enjoy showing off. Brad has a really good rapport with Bonnie.


    "Those ears! I know I can't pet her, but I really want to scratch those ears..."

    Reggie smiles and asks a question about Bonnie's diet, which Brad fields without hesitation.

    You finish the tour, which actually takes a few hours since Brad's enthusiastic and knowledgeable and Reggie asks really good questions. Erica, unsurprisingly, is mostly interested in how the animals look, taking lots of pictures with her phone "for reference."

    Erica turns to you, Trev. "Which one was your favorite? They're all so beautiful. Well, except the male lion. He just seemed kind of old and sad."

  • Trevian
    "The caracal was unreal. It looked like a mystical beast." I look over at Erica, "I bet if Zero had seen that, he'd make it for TSol."
  • The Real World

    Erica and Reggie both nod.


    "Unreal, yeah?"

    Brad seems a little taken with Reggie after her thoughtful questions during the tour. Plus, she's Reggie. She hasn't been flirting, really, but the general adorkable thing plus her animal-nerd nature clearly pushed his buttons. When you get back to the Visitor's Center, he hands her a bumper sticker and a key chain. "Thank you all for coming! It was great showing you around... hope you'll come back. The Twilight Tours are best... you get the best of the diurnal and the nocturnal." He tries to divide his attention between the three of you, but finishes with, "And hey, if you have time for it, there's a Vet Internship open."

    Reggie smiles. "I'm going to be pretty busy, but we'll be back."

    You get back in the car. This time Erica insists that Reggie sit up front with you. Reggie chuckles. "Brad was sweet, wasn't he?"

  • Trevian
    I laugh a little, "He was sweet on you, actually. But yeah, he's cool." I glance over at Erica, "Am I right or am I wrong?"
  • The Real World


    Erica chortles. "Oh, he totally wanted to tap some sweet, sexy, smart Reggie ass. Guess he doesn't have an eye for man-flesh, or else he'd have been after your tight butt too, Trev." She strokes both your heads briefly from the back seat. "So, have you met any of the other 'Research Fellows' yet, Reggie? Or is this the first encounter?"


    "Nope. This is the first time. What do you think I should wear? Trev, you too... you're better with people than me?"

  • Trevian
    Awww, she's asking me for clothes advice. "You should wear something nice, but not too dressy. It's a first impression, but you'll be working with them alot, right? So they'll get to know the real and wonderful you. So, dress up a bit. Don't get drunk. And just be you."
  • The Real World


    Reggie nods. "That makes sense. Dress up just a little, don't get crazy. I hope these folks are cool... it would suck to spend that much time with a bunch of tools."


    Erica laughs. "You'll be fine. I'm sure there's going to be at least one asshole... there usually is, but you all have interests and work in common going in."

    The three of you chat for a little while, then, as you're getting close to Reggie's place, Erica says, "Ooh. I have an idea, Trev. What if, instead of painting each other's toenails, we order a pizza and you show me around your game a little? I know I can't make a character, but do you think you could ask someone to let me 'borrow' one?"

  • Trevian
    I look over at Reggie, "You got any alts?" Then, I excitedly add, "Or Tandy. I know she'd loan someone. That's cool, Erica. It could be fun."

    I wonder if fucking Erica without Reggie is off the table? I wonder if even asking is a terrible idea?
  • The Real World


    "That is a great idea, Erica. I only have one alt, and he was an experiment, barely functional. You're welcome to him, but one of Tandy's toons might be a better idea. You can use my gaming gear for sure."

    You can see Erica's grin in the rearview mirror. She seems genuinely pleased at the prospect of learning a little about TSol.


    "I know the game meant a lot to you both even before this contest, this quest happened. It'll be neat to get some perspective on it. Plus, pizza. I don't suppose you like anchovies, do you?"

  • Trevian
    My eyes dart to the rearview, "I. Love. Anchovies. I don't ask for them because nobody ever wants them, but they rock the house down, Erica."
  • The Real World


    Reggie makes a little 'yuck' face, but Erica positively beams. "Great! If we're playing a video game and eating pizza, should we stop and pick up beer? Or should it be Mountain Dew?"

  • Trevian
    "Mountain Dew is the classic." I answer, looking back at the road. "I'd prefer beer and Cheerwine myself."
  • The Real World


    Reggie seems amused. "We need to make a beer run, anyway. Will you be okay parking your car in the grocery store lot, Trev?"

  • Trevian
    "I'll drop you both off at the front and park our car in the back." I answer. I know she's playing, so it doesn't irk me. But this is most def the nicest car I'll ever have.
  • The Real World

    You manage the beer run with no damage to the Tesla and return to the apartment with a mixed case of various brews and a six pack of Cheerwine.


    Reggie flops into a chair. "I don't know why I'm stressing about this dinner... it was just a little out of the blue, I guess. Do you want to use my alt for Erica, Trev, or are you going to call Tandy?"

  • Trevian
    "I'll call Tandy." I answer as I shoot her a quick text.

    To: Tandy Hey, T-Dog, can I borrow your TSol toon for our visitor? She wants to give it a shot. Cool? Trev

    Then I hug Reggie, "Don't fret, Coops. You're the coolest vet in the whole world. And it's nothing formal, right? Just a chance get-together. Don't let it get to you."
  • The Real World

    To: Trevian From: Tandy No problem. You've got the login. Hey, I might drop by Reggie's later. Someone left an envelope for you.

    Reggie gets up to start getting ready, and Erica goes with her to help. They're talking softly... sounds like Erica's trying to reinforce your calming message.

  • Trevian
    I leave Erica to work some magic. I don't want to crowd Reggie. I think half of this is because it's out of her control. An envelope? Interesting. I wonder who it is?

    To: Tandy Cool, stop on by. Erica's around, but Reggie's going out with classmates. We'll be playing TSol. You may have to text me, in case I don't hear the door. Trev
  • The Real World

    In less than a half hour, Reggie and Erica reappear. Reggie's wearing a comfortable but classy gray skirt, one of her favorites, and a long sleeved, buttoned purple top that's fitted to show off her waist. She looks great, of course, but not fancy. She gives you a little twirl, looking for your approval.

  • Trevian
    Of course I beam at my girl. "That's perfect! Pretty, not too dressy, something you really like. Good job. You'll knock 'em dead." I come over to kiss her cheek, careful not to mess up any makeup.
  • The Real World


    Reggie gives you and Erica each a peck on the cheek, then grabs her coat and keys. "I'm off. Have fun being 17-year-old boys tonight."

  • Trevian
    If only I'd drunk some Cheerwine, I'd give her a nice belch as a parting gift. Instead, I just wave, "Hey, Tandy said she might drop by. That's cool, right?" I mean, of course, it's cool. Means no hanky panky with Erica, either.
  • The Real World


    "Of course it's fine. Okay, see you guys later. I'll text if it's going to be late. Have fun!"

    And she's gone.


    "Anchovie pizza time? No one else at Thanatopsis likes 'em, so it's been a while."

  • Trevian
    "Same here. " I agree. "Tandy always makes the sick face when I mention them. It's been, shit, years?" I head over to get gear and start setting up. I figure we should play in the den, more room for two to move around.
  • The Real World

    Pizza's on the way, beer's open and on coasters, and you've got Reggie's gear adjusted to fit Erica. You get the two of you logged in with no problems and coach Erica up on some of the basics in the "Tutorial" area, where she can learn to manipulate the toon, move around, practice using the gloves and such. She's got a lot of fine motor skill control from making her art, and as you know she's very body-aware, so she picks up the skills quickly. Within a half hour, the pizza arrives and you take a quick break to scarf a few slices.

    So, once you're in TSol proper, what's your first goal? What sort of thing do you want to show Erica first?

  • abby-header
    "Guess what? We're going flying. I've got a couple griffons I can pick up at the Stormbringer Peaks. We'll cruise that way. You good to run?" She looks really adorable in Tandy's twee little gelfling-like elf toon.
  • edited January 2015

    Twilight Solstice

    "Flying sounds fun! There's a way to tag along with you, right, since I don't know where I'm going?" You tell her how to "follow" you, and then you're off to the griffon stables at the Stormbringer Peaks.

    The keeper, a gruff dwarf named Drubb, greets you. "Oy, Ladro. Here to abuse the animals again? Try not to get 'em shot or singed this time."

  • abby-header
    I give him a nod of greeting, "We're just sight-seeing today, Drubb. No questing." I head over to check out the mounts, "My friend here is new, give her a gentle ride, alright?" I'll hand him some gold.
  • Twilight Solstice

    Drubb grumbles, but leads Erica to a rather docile-seeming griffon. "This 'ere's Killer. Don'tcha worry none... the name's, whatchacallit... ironic." He nods to you. "You'll be wantin' Wilhelmina again, I assume?"

    Here's the thing about Wilhelmina. She's a fine, fine animal, and one of the fastest in the stable. But she's... how to say this, mean? You've always enjoyed the challenge, but I wonder if she's the right animal for tourism. Do you take your favorite, or choose another mount?

  • abby-header
    Oh man. Willhelmina is such an awesome mount. Took forever to get used to her. But I can't leave Erica in the lurch. "Not today, Drubb. I'll take Alfonse." Alfonse is the advanced trainer mount. Blueish coloring, which is awesome. But pretty obvious to those-in-the-know that it's a trainer. I don't mention it to Erica.
  • Twilight Solstice

    Erica's still getting a handle on facial expressions, but her voice is clearly excited. "So, let's get going, boss! Where are we flying to?"

  • edited January 2015
    I mount up on Alfonse and nudge his flanks to get airborne. "We're going to Kunlun Mountain, my little padawan."
  • edited January 2015

    The Real World

    Erica's mounted up and ready, with Drubb's help. When Alphonse leaps into the air, Killer follows suit. Taking a sedate pace, you pass over a good deal of landscape, lovingly rendered for an aerial view. Villages, towns, forests, lakes... until you see Kunlun Mountain ahead. It's snow-capped, of course, and there is a nine-headed phoenix making lazy circles around the peak.

    You land at your destination, a gorgeous pagoda-like temple formed of ice. Erica practically squees. "Zero did this originally... I've seen the sketches!" Giant Buddhist-style demon statues flank the entrance. Tell me, Trev, why did you bring Erica here? What did you want to show her?

  • abby-header
    I thought she might like to see the wuxia fighters. There are demonstrations here. Lots of NPC stuff, but there are a number of talented players who have maxed out their HTH scores. It's pretty beautiful. On her comment about Zero, I say, "I'd love to see those sketches, next time I'm in PRD!."
  • The Real World

    "You just have to ask. You didn't have much time before your friend got hurt. Zero's got lots more to offer. You know everyone would welcome you back... and Reggie. The cat? Meh."

    You lead the way to the "arena," an area beside the temple that changes frequently, but is always beautiful. A one-on-one match between two highly optimized, high-level PCs is about to start. Bamboo shivers in the wind and a dusting of snow falls from the sky to coat the paving stones of the courtyard. The toons are very customized. One looks remarkably like Michelle Yeoh and the other like Jet Li. They square off, bow, and then the fight begins.

    This is an amazing display, showing off both the skills of the players and the astonishing ability of TSol's programming to adapt on the fly. They run up bamboo, hang suspended in air kicking and punching.

    "This is much cooler than I thought... hey, you want to make a bet on the outcome?"

  • abby-header
    "The cat? Meh." I snicker at that.

    I watch the pair of fighters. I know one of them, the Jet Li one. He's actually pretty cool. IRL he lost his legs to an IUD in the Middle East, got himself wired in. He's really, really good at this. His handle is LtDan. Yes, from the movie. "What are we betting? You can't spend Tandy's in-game gold. She barely has any."
  • Twilight Solstice

    "Hmmm... what do you propose, sensei?"

  • abby-header
    Wow. What do I want? I mean, sexytimes is pretty much assured later, so no need to bet that.

    "I know what I want if I win." I say as my toon grins. "If I win, I want you to flirt with Tandy when she comes over. I'm dying to see how she'll react to an adorable pixie like you. It'll be fun. But what do you want if you win?"
  • Twilight Solstice

    "I can flirt... if I win, I want you to... let me do a 3-D scan of your penis, which I will incorporate into an art piece about fighting the patriarchy. Your cock will be The Man."

  • abby-header
    That is a crazy thing to want. It's so Erica, though.

    "I agree on the condition that my cock is anonymous. At least until this whole quest thing is over. Deal?" I offer her a hand to shake.
  • Twilight Solstice

    Erica-in-Tandy's-toon nods and puts out a hand, missing yours at first, then adjusting. "Agreed. I'll wait until you're a super-famous billionaire to put a face to the... head. Both more on-point and more saleable then... Oh, I'm taking Michelle Yeoh. She's got moves."

    The fight goes on for a while, the two combatants flying at each other in intricate choreography that can't actually have been choreographed, given the situation. Finally, it comes down to a final flurry of blows, both of the toons pushing off thin stalks of bamboo twenty feet up and meeting again in mid-air.

    We'll roll-off for this. Below is my roll for "Michelle Yeoh," then you can roll for Jet Li afterwards.

    Michelle Yeoh

    (Rolled: 3d6. Rolls: 3, 1, 6. Total: 10)

  • abby-header
    LtDan aka Jet Li (plus, I'm spending an XP to boost my odds)
    (Rolled: 4d6. Rolls: 2, 4, 4, 4. Total: 14)
  • Twilight Solstice

    Erica chuckles. "Easy come, easy go... I'll be a flirting machine."

    LtDan comes over to say hello after the bout, but Darcia (Michelle Yeoh) stalks off in a huff. "Yo, Abby! Still rocking the quest? I just don't have the chops for the in-and-out-world lore. Understand there's some travel, too, which is a bit problematic. I hope you win, man. If you need anything, let me know."

    A new bout is starting up. Two NPCs... a pretty, but obviously choreographed match. A stock piece you've seen before.

    As you start to respond to LtDan, your phone buzzes. It's Tandy, at the downstairs security door.

  • edited January 2015
    Poor Darcia. She fought a great fight, why does she have to ruin it by pouting? I shake LtDan's hand, "Thanks for the support, L.T. Yeah, there's been some IRL nuggets. Great fight, as always."

    I get the buzz, and in-game toon does the same thing while I check. I come back under my visor. "Keep up the good work, man. I've got someone at my door. I have to log." I look to Erica, make sure she follows, then bow to LtDan and log out.

    The Real World

    Once we're back-in-body, I buzz in Tandy, strip down out of my gear, and help Erica with hers. "Alright, chica. Looking forward to your magical flirting power. She's dating a guy, but there's nothing serious yet, so, you know, if things escalate, no harm no foul. I mean... if you're into it." I raise a hand, "But I'm not involved. She's like my little sister."
  • The Real World


    Erica looks at you with a twinkle of amusement. "I can probably wait a few hours for my sexytimes, Trev, but if I find I just can't help myself I promise not to get you involved..."


    Tandy's knock on the door comes a few seconds later. When you let her in, she gives you a quick hug, then smiles for Erica as you introduce the two.

    "It's so nice to meet you, Tandy. Trev has talked about you a lot." She takes Tandy's hand and holds it just a second longer than normal, looking her directly in the eye.

  • Trevian
    I wish I could make some popcorn without letting it slip what's going on.

    "What's up, Tandy? How's tricks?" I head over to close the pizza box, "Want something to drink? Heineken or something?"
  • The Real World


    Tandy takes a Heineken and sits down across from Erica, crossing and uncrossing her legs. She's in one of her cute little dresses, of course, pretty short and in a cheerful green-and-purple pattern. She sees the open pizza box with anchovies and predictably makes her cute "stink" face. "Is Trevian forcing anchovies on you, Erica? I can kick him for you if you want."


    Erica chuckles, and it's a little lower and throatier than her usual laugh. "Actually, I like them. They're salty, and they slide down your throat so nicely." She winks.

    Tandy's eyes widen a little and she reaches up to touch her hair.

  • Trevian
    I hide my smile behind my bottle, then remember the present. "Hey, Erica's an artist, did you know that, Tandy? Erica, why don't you tell Tandy about your pieces. T-Dawg's awesome at fashion and has a great eye for color, too! I'll be right back." I head to the bedroom, keeping an ear out, looking for the present I found for Tandy.
  • The Real World

    They continue talking, just a murmur to your ears, while you look around for the box. It takes a minute, but it's tucked in with the bokken display stand.

    When you come back out, Erica is lightly touching Tandy's hand. They're laughing about something, and when they see you, they laugh even harder.


    "It wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true..." She's leaning in toward Erica.

  • Trevian
    I pick up the little box of adorable tiny panda earrings that I found for Tandy and head in to hear the last bit of the conversation. "What's true?" I ask, a smile on my face.
  • The Real World

    They laugh even harder for a second, then get themselves under control.


    "Never mind..." Still smiling broadly, she takes a sip of her beer and winks at Erica. She notices the box in your hand. "What is that? Is it a present? A present for me? I bet it is."

  • Trevian
    With a shake of my head, like "it's not always about you". But she's right, this one's all about her. I set the box on the table in front her . "For my bestie Tandy."
  • The Real World


    Tandy picks up the box, eyes sparkling, and opens it. She giggles when she sees the earrings, takes them out and holds them to her ears. Looking at Erica, she asks, "What do you think?"


    "Pretty. Not as pretty as you, of course, but very pretty. I guess Trev's got you... pegged, huh?"

    Tandy casts her eyes over to you and giggles nervously.

  • Trevian
    "Glad you like them." I sit by Tandy, so it doesn't look like Erica and I are teaming up on her. "Erica, did you tell Tandy about some of your recent installations and art pieces?" I elbow Tandy gently, "This is really cool stuff."

    I could sell tickets to this, man. Erica is a pro. I think I'm going to let her get her side of wager as a bonus. Guess I'll be giving her a tip, right? heh, I kill me.
  • The Real World

    Erica continues the game for a while. She doesn't show Tandy the video of her "performance art," but does hint around the subject pretty broadly. Tandy's got all the signs now. Her nostrils are a little flared, she's touching her face and hair regularly, she's clearly watching Erica's mouth as she speaks.


    "Oh... oh, you mean... wow. So, how is that? I mean, do you have fun or are you just doing it, you know, for the art?"


    Erica leans forward and puts her hand on Tandy's knee. "Oh, sweetie. I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it. Art may be a bitch of a mistress, but I'm certainly not going to let her spank me unless it feels good."

  • Trevian
    I stand up, "You want some more beers?" I figure if I'm in and out, Erica can work on her without Tandy feeling abandoned. I really didn't imagine this going as far as it has. This is fucking hot, that's what it is.
  • The Real World


    "Sure, another beer would be good." Tandy just nods.

    When you come back out with the beers, Tandy manages to disengage from Erica's onslaught for a second and dig into her purse.


    "Oh, before I forget. This was taped to the door." It's a manilla envelope, 11x14. "TREVIAN MARKS" is printed on it in block capitals. Fairly thin.

  • Trevian
    "Thanks, Tandy." I take the envelope after handing off beers, then sit down. I figure Tandy needs a little break, so I open the letter right there. No big drama, just something to let her switch focus.
  • The Real World

    You slip open the flap, which is taped, rather than "licked" shut. Inside you find three photos on glossy paper. One is a capture of you and Reggie from one of your online interviews. The second is a candid shot... you and Reggie on stage at the Black Marlin "holiday event" where you met Tiffany and Jackie. The third is... well, ominous. It's a side-by-side "before and after" print of Emmett Till.


  • Trevian
    I sit up, immediately, putting the photo back in the envelope. "When was it taped to the door, Tandy?" I ask in as smooth a tone as I can manage. I'm pulling out my phone, dialing Oliver's number and standing up. They don't need to see this.
  • edited January 2015

    The Real World


    "It was there when I came back from work today, at like four o'clock? What's up, Trev?"


    Oliver picks up on the second ring. "What's up, Trevian?"

  • Trevian
    To Tandy, "Not sure. Just something weird." I stand up, walk out of the room quickly to answer Oliver in the bedroom. "Oliver, a letter was taped to the front door of my apartment today. Had pictures of me and Reggie, then a picture of Emmett Till. Which is pretty scary."
  • edited January 2015

    The Real World


    "Where are you now, and who are you with? Heading to my car."

  • Trevian
    "I'm at Reggie's apartment, the one supplied by Black Marlin. Erica, a visitor from PRD, is here. So is Tandy, my roomie."
  • edited January 2015

    The Real World


    "And where is Reggie? Trev, I need you to focus down for a second. Based on what you're looking at, is the threat to you, or to the two of you? Seems likely you're the target, but I'd like your thoughts. Keep on the line. Anyone in particular you noticed at the event that might have a personal reason, and is twisted enough to pull the race card in this day and age? We won't call the police until I get there. Fifteen minutes out."

  • Trevian
    Oh shit! Reggie! It just now hits me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "It has a couple pictures of us, one from a website, another from that live event we did. Shit, Oliver. Reggie's out for drinks with some of her friends from the vet school. They just called her out of the blue. The professor. I didn't think anything of it! I don't... I don't know where she went. I'm. I'm going to call her now, ok?" My voice is rising, I'm sure they can hear. Oh shit, where's Reggie. I'm still talking to him, but I pull down a virtual keyboard and text her.

    To: Reggie Where are you? Call me right now. Please! Please! Trev

  • The Real World


    "On the way, as I've said. Patch me in with Reggie when you get in touch."

    There's no response to your message to Reggie, Trev. Erica and Tandy are both standing now, looking at you.


    "Trev, what's going on? What's happening?"

  • Trevian
    As soon as I hang up with Oliver, I'm calling Reggie. Maybe she'll answer it quicker than the text. "Erica, did Reggie mention where she was going tonight?" I don't really answer her question, I know. I'm sort of in overdrive now. I'm thinking about getting in the Tesla and driving to. Fuck, I don't know where.
  • The Real World


    "Ah, Doctor Whoosiewhatsit's house? Focus, Trev. What the fuck is going on?" She moves up to you, right up in your face, and Tandy comes along with her.



    Reggie's phone rings. No answer. "Hello, this is Regina Cooper. I'm either playing with my cat, or my boyfriend, or I'm out saving the world. Please leave a message at the beep." Beeeep.

    So, let's roll some dice. This is a big hit, right? Here's the deal. <9 = 4hp; 9-13 = 2hp; 13+ = 1hp. There's absolutely some damage to your psyche here. How is that reflected? We'll work that out. So, roll me 3d6 and see what happens.

  • Trevian
    (Rolled: 3d6. Rolls: 4, 3, 1. Total: 8)
  • Trevian
    I look at Tandy first, then Erica. "Something's happened. It might be bullshit, it might be something awful, I don't know." I swallow, eyes glassy. Fuck. I want to leave, but I don't know where to find her. "I think that letter is a threat. And, and, Reggie got a call, out of nowhere, you know?" I'm looking at Erica. "I don't know WHERE she is! And I called the security team who was assigned to us, so you need to stay here, ok?"

    I start for the door, I'm not thinking straight. "Erica, did she say where she was going tonight?"
  • The Real World


    "The research director's house. I think it was Dr. Carmichael? No, Carmody. He was the one that called, I think? Trev, don't you think you should wait for the security guy? I mean, if someone threatened you..."


    Tandy comes up and puts an arm around you. "It's going to be okay, Trey-Trey."

  • Trevian
    I pull Tandy into a hug. Then I've got my phone up, searching for a Dr. Carmody. I'm trying to find one near the university, then calling right away.
  • The Real World

    It takes you a few minutes to narrow down the Carmodys to the correct one. Carmody, Charles V., DVM, PhD. You dial the number, and a woman's voice answers. "Good evening?"

  • Trevian
    After a moment to take a breath, I say, "Hi. My name's Trevian Marks. My girlfriend is Reggie Cooper, she's starting the vet program. She said she was going to a party there tonight. She's had a family emergency, can I speak with her, please?" I hope the desperation in my voice works with the story I just cooked up.

    I'm straining to hear voices in the background. my stomach is doing flip-flops.
  • The Real World

    "Just a moment, they're all in the den." She walks with the phone. You can hear her heels on a hardwood floor, and the sound of voices once a door opens. Speaking to the room, she says, "Chuck, I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a phone call for Regina?" Clearly changing the direction she's speaking, she continues, "Regina, it's your boyfriend. An emergency, he said."

    A few seconds later, Reggie's on the phone.


    "Trev? What's going on?" She sounds worried, of course.

  • Trevian
    I exhale sharply. "Oh thank God, Reggie." It takes me a second to think. "Okay, I am going to be completely up front with what's just happened. Someone sent me a letter today at the apartment, taped it to my door. It had pictures of me and you both and some... like a dead kid. I have no idea what the hell it is, but I called Oliver. He's on his way to your apartment, but now I know where you are, I'll ask him to check on you. Or send a cop. Or the fucking military. Just. DO NOT leave the group. Okay? Please. It's probably nothing, but I got really scared. I love you."
  • The Real World


    "Are you okay, Trev? Was Tandy home?" Her voice stays calm, but you can picture her grabbing the phone tightly.

  • Trevian
    I wish she was right here. I should text Oliver. I pull the phone away and do that, answering, "No, she found it when she got home from work. Brought it over. She's still here. She's safe." I look to Erica and Tandy. "Reggie's alright."

    To: Oliver Reggie is at the home of Professor Carmody. I'm on the phone with her. She's okay. She won't leave until you say so. Her address is pinned in attachment map. Trev
  • The Real World


    "Okay, if everyone's good I'll just sit tight and wait for word. I'll be here, and I'll get my own phone from my purse. Okay? Trev, I love you. Be careful."

    From: Oliver To: Trevian I'll swing by and follow her back. Almost to the apartment now, so that means about half an hour. Stay chilly.
  • Trevian
    "Love you, too." I answer. "So glad you're aright. I'll probably be texting you back and forth. I promise to use adorable emoji."

    To: Oliver I can wait. Thank you for prioritizing her. Trev
  • The Real World

    It's a fraught wait, and you text back and forth with Reggie quite a bit, but eventually she opens the door, with Oliver behind her.


    "Okay. Trevian, who all has touched the envelope?" He pulls out a pair of latex gloves and slides them on, walking to the table where you put the manilla envelope. He opens the envelope, pulls out the photos. When he comes to the third, the two images of Emmett Till, anger wins over concern in his face.

  • Trevian
    I answer him without thinking. "Tandy and me, that's it." Oh shit. I want to hug Reggie. I'm halfway to hugging her, but I stop.
  • The Real World

    Reggie saves you the few intervening steps, moving into your arms for a quick but intense hug. Erica stays where she is, a few steps away.


    "Everyone, please sit. " He introduces himself to Tandy and Erica, then sits as well, still holding the photos. "I know this is awful, but I'm going to walk you through some questions. First of all, Tandy and Trevian, have you seen anyone unusual hanging around the apartment complex recently?"

  • Trevian
    I shake my head no. I have been here or online most of the time, really.
  • The Real World

    Tandy says the same.


    Changing focus to include Reggie, Oliver goes on. "Can either of you think of anyone that might want to harm or frighten you? This..." he waves the photos "...seems personal."


    Reggie shakes her head. "Really, most of the people I know here are friends of Trev's, and I don't think I've done anything to make them upset with me."

    Oliver turns to you.

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