Alright everybody, settle down. It's a new week, and it's bright and early. People are shuffling into the cramped, windowless classroom. The teacher is nowhere to be seen just yet, likely out taking care of some pre-bell duties.
Berto, you've been here in school since the start of this semester. Of course Officer Ramos is a recent arrival in your life, and so you've undergone quite the physical transformation since then. You see two classmates, the defacto clique you fell into when you got here, chatting away. They haven't noticed you came in yet. Who are they, and where do you sit?
Mandi, it's been a while since you've been in this room. A few days at least. If people cared more about you, they might have noticed, or cared. You spot them — the two bitches who beat you up, and the asshole who toyed your heart. He's stealing a kiss with the prettier one — if she can so be called — up at the front of the room, in the corner. Do you know their names, Mandi? Nobody seems to be paying any mind. They haven't noticed you're there ... yet.
Lali, an inner-city school in LA is a far cry from the upper crust of Barcelona. Let alone to be in such a cramped classroom, surrounded by people who can barely afford lunch on their own. You see a few of the Oh-niners, as they're called, sitting near the front of the class. They're ... Less poor. The blonde girl in the middle of the classroom has her head on her desk, and her $600 Louis Vuitton sunglasses on. She looks hungover. The clean-cut boys sitting next to her are discussing some party they went to over the weekend. You've been introduced, haven't you? What are their names? Which one of the boys made a pass at you? Why didn't the girl like that?
OOC: The seating chart below can be subject to change as we discuss.
OOC: Lali is sitting at desk B2
The little blonde tramp is Brittany, of course. One of a dozen disposable little plastic dolls that think their mass-produced brand-name accessories mean more than the fine stitches of a bespoke blouse stitched by hands that actually care about the fit. Brad and Todd babble on about the "kegger" they went to last night. Apparently Brittany went, too, by the looks of the bags under her eyes and the dullness of her skin. Brad invited me to the party, of course, which Brittany took as a personal insult, since she'd just finished giving him una mamada in the janitor's closet. I didn't go, needless to say.
Elizabeth is the one who sits next to me. First girl in class who I thought was being nice. The prettier girl, Marina, who sits in the other corner is the worst of them and seeing her sitting there kissing Freddie just makes crystal clear what I should have realized... none of it was real. From the first moment, I was never anything but a joke to them. To everyone.
I have to stop in the doorway, seeing them just takes the breath out of me and I almost turn back. I'm remembering this right, aren't I? What they did to me. I just have to be here. I have to be here. I have to.
I sit at A3 on the chart, right beside Brittany.
Chase and Abby are my clique, I guess. They're foster brother and sister. Abby's the foster. Neither of them noticed me until after I changed, but that's okay. I'm probably going to get with Abby soon. She's damaged goods, you know? Broken homes make great pornstars, and she's definitely on that path. I might introduce her to Officer Ramos, he's interested in helping some other people who aren't happy.
Of course, Chase is one of those guys who think they can fix people. He thinks he can fix me, too, but whatever. Chase sits right behind me, and Abby's right beside him. Sometimes, when she wears the right kind of skirt, I can see a shitton of leg.
Mandi, the girl in B4, Abby, she does laps on the track after school, and often is the last one out of the girl's locker room at night. You caught her alone in there one night, when she couldn't see you. She was crying. Why was she crying, Mandi? Did you approach her?
Staggering in last, and with a borderline ridiculous swagger, is the class Goth. Pierced to high hell, egg-white in her spiked, foot-long hair, shiny silver chains jingling with every step. Even the stars tattoed on the back of her neck all scream "trying too hard". You can practically hear the Swedish Industrial Death Metal blasting through her earbuds. She takes a seat in A5. What's her name? People used to make fun of her, back in the day, but now she's untouchable. Why is that?
Lali, the girl next to you, Marina, is a conniving bitch. Most people know not to fuck with her, because they couldn't handle her. You probably could. Of all the people in here, she's the one in this class who shows any promise to you — why is that? On the topic of people fearing Marina, she's scary, but she doesn't hold a candle to the young man who just walked in and sat down in B5. He's tall, dark, and handsome. He rarely talks to anyone, and he's smart — crazy smart. Most people here ignore him, but you know better. You can feel his eyes burning a hole through the back of your head when classes start. You swear you've seen him following you around the school, and sometimes even on your way home. Why are you afraid of him? What's his name?
Berto, The guy who sits next to Abby is an oh-niner. His dad was a doctor from Mexico before immigrating, and he's started up a rather successful practice here. He's usually pretty stand up, but Abby acts really weird around him. You had a chance to chat with him when he was spotting for you during gym. Chase doesn't like him. Why do you think Abby is all weird around him? What's his name? On the subject of oh-niners, Brad was kind of an asshole to you when you first showed up. He made fun of your acne, and general lack of physique. What did Todd say to you when Brad wasn't looking that helped redeem him in your eyes?
That oh-niner? That's Frankie. His dad uses his given name, Francisco. Abby doesn't like him because he hit her. "Just once," he told me. I believe him. I mean, it's not cool, but she did call him an asshole in front of, like, everyone. I talk a bunch of shit about him to Abby, but other than the one punch, he's not so bad. Some people can't get along, you know?
Yeah, Brad. I would love to pound that guy. You know, curb stomp him and mess him up. Todd, he was pretty cool, though. Encouraged me, said I had a "good frame", gave me some tips on proper form for lifting. And then a few weeks ago, when Brad just ignored me in the gym, he told me I was looking good. Not in a gay way, ese.
Abby is kind of nice. She was crying about how the other girls were treating me... ok. no. Seriously she wasn't. But she told me that she "just got a major cramp from running," and she didn't admit it but I think she may be pregnant. Well, ok before she noticed me I saw the box of test kits sitting in her gym locker. You know... the kind you pee on. She left the used one in the trash. Funny, you know it has a smiley face. She's supposed to be happy.
Eventide, (pretty sure that's not her real name) the goth girl. Well, I haven't made friends with her. (no surprise) She's not the kind of person I make friends with. She's been popular since everyone found out her big brother is an honest to goodness rock star. He's the drummer in some weird death-themed band where they dress up like zombies and there's fake blood spraying everywhere. She got dropped off at school in his ridiculous sports car which even I have to admit was kind of cool. It had those kind of doors that go up when you open them. She left a big stack of ticket vouchers to one of his shows at the front of class, and the teacher actually handed them out until the vice principal came along and declared them "inappropriate" and demanded everyone hand them back. I'm sure they didn't all come back.
I smile to myself, thinking about Marina. To most of these people, any girl with some steel in her spine is frightening, and Marina isn't just conniving. She's got the skills and determination to back it up. Let the others be afraid. I'll use her or I'll end her. Or both.
The boy in B5 calls himself "Seth," but his real name is Jason. His eyes follow me everywhere. I'm used to "those" looks from boys, I've been getting them since I was twelve, but his eyes are different. Dark and somehow knowing. The way he watches, like a scientist studying an insect under a magnifying lens... I wonder if he knows what I am, or if he's still trying to figure it out.
Seat C5 is normally occupied by a young man named Agni. His father owns a huge tech support firm in India, and they moved here to better serve their American clientele. He's a kind-hearted kid who's probably a little too innocent for his own good. He's been sick the last couple of days... You didn't have anything to do with that, did you Lali?
Let's move away from the people in your class and talk about how you guys know each other.
Berto, Officer Ramos promised he would text you back today about that deal you wanted to make last night... What did Lali have to do with that deal? Have you talked to Mandi about Officer Ramos at all?
Amandine, standing here in this classroom with a bunch of people who were complicit in your death. That can't be easy. That said, why do you feel drawn to Lali? Is it gratitude for her effort? A desire for revenge? Something else entirely? You were in the gym with Freddie that night. Why did you wish Berto could be there with you?
Lali, the weirdest feeling is coming over you here, a chill that runs down your spine. Images of the scene with Mandi where she slipped away in your arms come to mind... What were you doing in the girls' locker room, anyway? Why did you leave the "study" group with Berto and some other members of your class?
Yeah. That's not easy and I'm honestly having trouble getting any further than the door. All these confusing thoughts race through my head as I hesitate.
They haven't seen me yet but something inside tells me I need to be here... I haven't been home... I don't know if I can go home... I don't know how long it's been, I don't know what day it is... "was there homework?" I'm surprised to wonder for a moment... I realize that I'm still wearing the same clothes.
You know, those girls didn't kill me right... Freddy didn't kill me, but they beat me and left me in the bathroom bloody. But Lali... I saw her face. After I cut myself I felt sad... not scared, just so very, very sad... and I was waiting and waiting for the end and it seemed like such a long time. Then Lali was there and... she was beautiful. She stayed with me... right? She stayed with me until the end. She was there for me like nobody else. My memory is a little off, because she... she couldn't have right? She couldn't have done what my memory tells me... but I know she was there. I'm so happy someone was there when I... when...
Berto? You know. When Freddy first slapped my across the face for some reason i thought of Berto. Like... he would protect me or something like that. Something silly. I know he barely knows me.
Truthfully, it was the smell that led me away from the study group. The smell of sweat and the musk of those young peasants... students... confined in a small room, was just too much for me. I wandered the halls, feeling as if I was watched, but never seeing anyone when I turned to look behind me. My head was full of the need to feed, to prove to my tia and tio that I could hunt on my own, not relying on the Family for my sustenance. They had threatened to let me starve, "For your own good, chica. For your own good."
Yes, my sense of smell is heightened since I was made vampir, but I'm particularly sensitive to the scent of blood. Of course. I followed it to the girl's locker room and saw poor, weak Amandine lying there, battered and bruised and bleeding from her self-inflicted cuts.
I am not given to pity, never was. Even as a young girl I was more likely to have one of the servants put down a cat that had been injured in the fields than I was to coddle it, but something in Amandine's - Mandi's - face struck a note with me, like the lowest, trembling tones of an expertly played flute. She was ready to die, and her blood filled my nostrils so that I could almost taste it on my tongue. An answered prayer, yes, but I didn't just take. I held her eyes, stroked her hair, muttered soothing words that she couldn't possibly understand. I think, maybe, that returning home with blood on my breath saved my life. But the gratitude in her eyes... it was a dagger aimed at my weakest point, the... hill of Achilles? No, heel.
As to Agni, no, that wasn't me, although I can only assume that he would be delicious, vegetable-fed and tastily spiced. I watched Brad put beef broth in his thermos when he wasn't looking, and laughed. Rumor is he just couldn't bear the shame of tasting the "sacred cow". Me? I think he liked it, and that was the shame.
I turn, see Amandine in the doorway, and suddenly the chill down my spine becomes fear. What? How?
Lali wants to get out from under her family's thumb. She lives with her aunt and uncle and they're really controlling. If Officer Ramos gets me a slick new ride, I offered to pick Lali up. I mean, sure, I'll see if I can get in her pants. Because even though she's an ice queen and I mostly hate her, madre di dios, she is hot.
No, haven't talked to Mandi about Officer Ramos at all. I almost brought it up once, but she didn't seem the least bit interested. She's that way.
That prompts pretty much the whole class to turn and look at the door — Marina, Freddie, and Elizabeth included. Marina glares at you for a moment before turning her attention back to Freddie. She's whispering something to him, but she doesn't look like she's going to make a big deal of this... Yet.
Mandi, are you just going to stand there? Seems like you worked up the courage to get this far...
Lali, after a second, you hear Marina whisper, "looks like the little puta came back," to nobody in particular, she adds, "you think she could at least get some new clothes, ya? Hey Lali, maybe you should give that girl a lesson in fashion."
Berto, Chase and Abby looked over to the door, but didn't really seem to care much that Mandi came in. Chase pats you on the arm as you sit down, "you hear that the janitors found a positive pregnancy test in the girls' locker room? That's whack man. I mean, why would you go and throw your life away like that? Messing around without protection and shit..."
Abby does not look impressed. She tries to abruptly change the subject. "You get officer hot-stuff to drop you off again, Berto?"
For a moment Lali looks at me and probably catches the smallest hint of a smile on my face. I'm strangely happy to see her.
But then Brad and Todd notice me and I try to answer and all that coms out is, "but, I..." and I realize it's the first time I've heard my own voice in who knows how long.
When Marina and the others turn to see me I take a sharp breath as the attention is suddenly on me and for a second I have to rest a hand on the back of Agni's empty seat to balance myself. But I try and keep it together, glance at my desk which seems so far away.. I can't help but notice the hushed whispers of the girls who clearly have always hated me.
No doubt they've got everyone in on the joke.
I lose Lali's eyes in the moment and take a step, then another down the aisle along the wall past the three boys and I'm all to conscious of the fact that I haven't changed, or showered, or anything. Am still I supposed to do those things?
And yeah, I watch to see if Berto's laughing with the others.
Why the hell are these guys laughing at Mandi? Man, they're all so much assholes. I think about telling them to shut up, but then Chase starts talking and I turn to him.
"Pregnancy test? Aw, man. Another bites the dust!" That's a shame, girls getting stretch marks and having kids, usually dropping out.
To Abby, I smirk, "Yeah, but it might be the last time. My moms is helping me get a new ride. I'll be driving in no time!" I give her a grin, "We can all go out for food and shit. It'll be great."
I know Chase would be super pissed, but Abby's wild child shit has gotten her in trouble with his parents before. I'm pretty sure they'd probably send her back to the home. I mean, raising a teenager is one thing, but it's not like Chase has a lot of money, so a new baby. Damn.
When Marina makes her comment about teaching Mandi to dress, it snaps me out of my shock. I have no idea why... how Mandi is standing there. This said, once a girl realizes she's going to be drinking blood for the rest of her very, very long life, she does learn to... how do they say it? roll with the punches.
I turn to Marina with a predatory grin. "Perhaps I shall, chica. Perhaps I shall."
I pass Frankie, deliberately keeping my eyes forward as I pass Brad and Todd. My eyes are on my desk, up in the corner near the teacher. But being up front just makes me feel like everyone's laughing behind my back.
You know, maybe I'm just imagining all this stuff, right? I mean I'm here. I'm here in class and everything seems kind of bad... but kind of normal. Right? I reach up to pull the strap of my backpack off my shoulder and realize it's still sitting there on my chair where I left it during gym... and I look at my hand, and my wrist.
I feel the sharp pain of the blade through my skin and warm blood flowing from the wound. Feel Lali gently caress my hair as I fade, cold and dark into blackness...
My eyes open again with a start... and it's fine. And quickly take the last step to my desk.
Even Chase looks impressed. He gives you a playful punch on the arm, "that's awesome, cause Abby here's been begging me to go to In 'n Out, like every day." He smirks, leaning back in his chair, "A man's gotta keep his girlish physique, you know? I don't know how you do it."
Abby was drooling at the mention of In 'n Out, but now she's blushing, "not every day, you narc. Geez."
Mandi, you take your seat next to Elizabeth, and after a pregnant pause, you hear her whisper while looking down at her sheet, "nice job with the makeup, Mandi — you look like a fucking ghost. Learn how to pick your foundation..." She stops, and looks up at you, malice in her eyes, "just keep your fucking mouth shut. Got it? No-one wants shit on their fucking record..."
Lali, being a vampire certainly does have its advantages, doesn't it? I suppose one of the drawbacks is that you know things about the world now... Things that change the way you view it. The fact is, you never know when you're going to encounter a creature such as yourself. Marina smiles conspiratorially, "I was going to go shopping after school today. You should come... We could get her something a little more interesting to look at."
My mom lets me hang out with Officer Ramos, but I'm not saying that in class.
I laugh at Chase's comment, "I'll take both of you to In 'n Out, tons of times. It'll be cool." I wonder if Abby would blow me for a burger? That'd would be really cool. Man, I've really got to get that car now.
Glance over at Mandi, watching her sort of freak out. At least Brad and them shut up. Assholes.
I pull my backpack out of the way and sit, then set it on the desk and start to look for my things. Elizabeth whispers harshly at me, which makes me stop and turn my head just a bit towards her.
She says that last bit, about keeping my mouth shut and I turn to look at her, "well I wasn't..." Then I see the malice in her eyes and suddenly look back down at my bag. For some reason her first little quip about my face bothers me more and I can't help but reach up to touch my cheek with my fingertips.
It takes me a few seconds to say something, which seems much longer. I say it while looking down at my bag, my voice a bit shaky as I try not to lose it.
"You didn't need to do that... to me..." I shoot glances over with my eyes. Yeah, it's all I can manage right now, ok? At least I said something right?
I can't help but notice what's going on between Amandine, whatever she is, and Elizabeth. Directly in front of me, si? In a tone meant to be heard by Marina, Elizabeth and... Mandi, I do my best (not very good) impression of these tramps I'm surrounded by. "Am... Mandi, would you like to spend some time together after school today? Perhaps we could go..." It's hard for me to even say this, but I must know what is going on. "...to the mall?" Si, chica, join me in Purgatorio. In more ways than one.
Seems like Lali and Mandi are chatting with Marina's gang. Who did Officer Ramos set you up with a few weeks back? Marina, or Elizabeth? Do you still keep in touch with them?
Mandi, Elizabeth's face crumples up in disgust, "get over yourself, bitch. You're still alive, aren't you?" Then she goes back to working on some assignment she didn't do last night. That's when Lali calls out for you.
My hands tighten on the backpack on my desk as Eliabeth hits me with another insult. My head is spinning as I think and think of what I should say. Telling someone doesn't seem like an option, after all even the cut Marina made on my cheek is gone... she slashed me with a scissors just in front of my ear down to my neckline on the left side of my face... but now there's not even a scratch.
Lali startles me, I turn half towards her and my eyes flicker from Elizabeth to Lali , back... Lali sees a little softness come over my face as I look at her and I feel it. She remembers!
I just nod a quick little nod to Lali, like hoping Elizabeth doesn't notice and quietly say, "Okay." Before I turn my attention back to my desk.
I like Abby when she's practically drooling. Makes me say "Oh my dayum". Wish I could snap a pic of that. She makes that crack about "doing anything for a burger" and I smirk, "Keep that in mind later, chica." I'm so gonna tap that. Hope Chase didn't hear that exchange, though. He'll be annoyed. He doesn't get "angry".
Officer Ramos set me up with Elizabeth. She's not as pretty as Marina, but she's still cute. The cute girls are more appreciative, you know? I text her a bit, mostly at night. Keeping her on the leash a little. Fallback options, you know? Gotta have 'em.
Speaking of class, it's obvious you guys have the same first period. Probably something mandatory. There's no reason you guys would all have the same class schedule though. What do your schedules look like? What classes do you have together?
Seven-period day schedule
Probability and Statistics
English 3
Biology 2
US History
I've got all those with most of the homeroom, really.
Then, it's lunch and my fuck around electives that mom made me take to "fill out my college entrance transcripts" or whatever
Painting (ok, I wanted to draw naked girls)
Study Hall (which is basically "text friends" and "maybe sneak around with someone")
Probability and Statistics
English 3
Biology 2
US History
Chamber Choir (It would be a shame to withhold my gifts)
French 4 (The family insisted)
Art History (It's amusing to see them put up grainy slides of paintings my family owns)
Here is my class schedule:
Probability and Statistics
English 3
Biology 2
US History
Painting with Humberto
P.E. Gymnastics (We rotate through the skills, five or six girls on each station per week)