"A fellow I know, clerical support at the Downtown LoneStar station, says that Matteo's been seen a few places with the Old Lady's grand-daughter, Olivine. Her address is in that building."
"...but there are vacant units, too, if he's not holed up in her apartment. Vishnevskaya keeps the utilities on even in vacant units, apparently. There are three with no tenants registered. That's no guarantee no one's there, of course. I can get us in past the door security. Either a con at the door, or we use the Tunnels."
The Tunnels that underlie the PRD happened about 25 years ago, as far as anyone knows, during the worst parts of the magical reconfiguration of the North American landscape. You've heard that similar ones appeared in Los Angeles at some point, but the Detroit tunnels are pretty scary. Goblinized offshoots, Awakened-era animals, giant rats, albino alligators, the like. So, risk Vishnevskaya's security, or the Tunnels?
Either way, you have an Aspect, "Assaulting the Love Shack," that you can tag twice for free during the run.
"Con at the door." I answer. I want Mat's handy escape route ready, and Tunnels introduce too many variables. I think Nizoni can sneak in while I create a distraction outside, then open up one of the vacants for me.
Anything else? Special equipment or preparations? Let's assume you can go subvocal to communicate through your commlinks. Nizoni's better hand-to-hand than she is with a gun, and Mat's the other way around.
Silencers, if we have them. If we have any stealth equipment, we'll bring it along, too. Make sure BD has our comm frequencies to keep in contact. Then, Lindo goes astral to ride shotgun, and we go.
Nizoni changes into tight black pants and top that give her freedom of movement without leaving anything loose to catch or snag. She carefully assembles her kit, considering the public blueprints and estimates of on-site security. Picks, of course, and a multimodal maglock spoofer. A listening device. Other bits and pieces, including a Bust-a-Move toy walker drone that Cybele reprogrammed for reconnaissance use. She's got the physical bits in there, too. Climbing harness, rope, carabiners. Chameleon suit, just in case.
Once she's done and you've checked your weapons and picked up spare ammo, you're ready to go. The van (a Ford Bulldog that Mat calls "Maisie") is in a garage across the alley behind Second Chance. She's a real beauty, with all Mat's considerable love and skill having gone into customization. Maisie's armored, and obviously so, but that's really just where things begin. The paint-job is a nano-particulate resin suspension that can be reprogrammed on the fly to change the color, add logos, even turn the whole thing into a giant mirror if you're really feeling pretty. Concealed gunports, extra fuel tank.
[OOC] If there's a particular function you'd like Maisie to have in a given situation, we'll roll using Mat's "Driver" at "Good (+3)" to Create an Advantage for that Mission. Target will be how ridiculous or difficult we agree the mod to be. There will be a cost (tbd) if you want it to be available ACROSS missions without a roll.
You're in the van, crossing under the freeway on Dragoon Street toward Great Circus Park, when Mat asks, "So, if the kid doesn't want to come with us, you knock him out? What?"
"I'm assuming he won't want to come with us, so we'll knock him out most likely. We're professionals, and his father hired us." I answer calmly. "Truth be told, there's a small part of me that's considering pushing the panic button for the Old Lady once we're in position and then we could save him. It might keep him from being tempted to wander off again, like a dumb kid."
I sit back in my seat, "I don't want to make an enemy out of him. He may end up being the next don, so that would be ugly."
You reach the building without incident. It's an old eight-story apartment building with a facade that has somehow survived all the city's economic and magical cataclysms. You can see from the first drive-past, though, that only the facade is original. Nizoni lists off various security features.
"Cameras, one-way refraction on the windows, full emergency Faraday cage for data emergencies, sniper on the roof, two at least reasonably well-trained guards visible through the doors." She gives a manic grin. "This will be fun!"
When Mat pulls the van to a stop, I step out first. I plan on heading to the opposite side of the building and dropping a flash bang near the stoop. That should stir up some drek while Nizoni gets to work. I'm hoping to blend in after dropping the grenade, but I'm rather sure my thick coat will only hide my weapons for so long. Hopefully long enough.
Mat pulls over and Nizoni heads toward the back as you move up to the main entrance. The street's not empty, but it is quiet, this time of day. Sweat from the heat trickles down your collar underneath you "runner coat", but it's doing the job of concealing your arsenal for now.
Let's see a Stealth roll, Jubilex. You can certainly get the flashbang off without being noticed, but the hanging around after, looking inconspicuous? I'd say that's a Fair (+2) challenge.
I'd like to tap a FP for a re-roll using my Haunted by Failure aspect. The fear of getting in a big firefight when I'm trying to be Nizoni's backup will motivate me to keep it cool. OOC: I'll re-roll below to save time, but if you don't like the Aspect use, I can delete, it no problem.
The flashbang goes off and it has to be said that the security response is impressive. Two very large orcs appear at the door within a few seconds, one slender human female within half a minute after that. You'd guess the orcs to be lobby guards and the human to be somewhat higher up the food chain.
They scan the area, the orcs writing you off as having stopped to see the commotion. The human, however lingers on you with a touch of suspicion before moving on. She's clearly linked, you can see the tell-tale tight jaw of subvocal communication going on.
You hear British Dave through the link. ||Patched in to building security through the relay in the van. Two more security in a monitoring room on the first floor, total of five on-site, but there's an open line, looks like they could get reinforcements quick-quick.||
A large shadowy black dog eases into view and walks through the closed front door, unnoticed by the three security personnel. You can see it, you know, because of the small totem you wear that gives you a connection to Lindo and his workings. Through the link, you hear, ||Looking for supernatural opposition. There are significant wards, won't be able to stay in long.||
Nizoni reports in. ||Spoofed the camera by the service door in the back. Give me ninety seconds, then meet me. Got it?||
"Understood. On my way." I reply through my subvocal mic. I'll pull a fade, move down the building, then turn to head towards the service door, being mindful of any cams on the side of the building and playing it cagey until I can join Nizoni.
You manage the fade, barely, but the slender human clocks you as you do it, you'll be remembered later, but only later.
Nizoni has the service door open, waiting for you. "Okay, we need to be good. First target is the girlfriend's flat, yes? The Old Lady's grand-daughter?"
British Dave: ||Lots of cameras. Easiest route isn't the most direct. I can loop the cameras as you hit them, in real time, but you'll have to let me drive, tell you when to stop and go. You'll wind up on the second floor, towards the back. 209. First segment is through the door to your right, travel at a walk for seventeen feet, pause for five seconds, quick-run to the bottom of the service stairwell, and wait for me to give the go-ahead. Go in five, four, three, two, one, now.||
Nizoni grunts, seems impressed in spite of herself.
British Dave will continue to walk you through the stops and starts and backtracks and sidetracks.
Let's see a team "Authority" roll. You've got a plan, and the team is trying to stick to it. This is a roll to Overcome the building's security, which is Good (+3). You've got two free invokes of the "Assaulting the Love Shack" Aspect you created in the Planning phase. (Only one can be used per roll.)
As a reminder, the possible outcomes of an Overcome roll are as follows:
When you fail an overcome action, you have two options. You can simply fail, which means you don't attain your goal or get what you were after, or you can succeed at a serious cost.
When you tie an overcome action, you attain your goal or get what you were after, but at a minor cost.
When you succeed (target +1 or +2) at an overcome action, you attain your goal without any cost.
When you succeed with style (target +3 or more) at an overcome action, you get a boost in addition to attaining your goal.
A boost is a temporary Aspect, usable one time (for free) for a reroll or +2 on a subsequent action to which it applies. It then goes away.
[OOC: you have a boost, usable once, called Ghost in the Machine. As long as BD's still in the system, you can use this for a +2 or reroll when dealing with security.]
You're outside Olivine's apartment. Nizoni pulls out an "ExtEar" and puts it against the door. You can grab the signal through your wireless, but you know that your crazy thief is already on it.
Nizoni whispers, "Two voices. Guessing it's our pigeon and the girl."
She pulls out her kit and gets to work on the door, unless you'd rather knock?
No knocking, no. I'll let Niz do her work. I'm pulling a scarf up around my mouth and nose, since we're going to knock out or subdue Olivine. There really is no good way for this to play out if he doesn't see a threat forcing this extraction. Subvocal to BD, "I need some alerts going down as we start to move. He needs to think he's under threat, that we aren't some frakking nannies out to bring him home to poppa. Get me, BD?"
||Got it, boss. I'll salt his mesh with all the big-bad-wolf I can invent. I think you'll be yak out to score a prize for some oyabun.||
...and easier than getting into a drunk office-girl's panties, Nizoni has the door unlocked. She pulls a mask up from the neck of her suit to cover her face, then gives you the nod.
Sounds like you're pretending to be someone/something you're not, and Matteo has met you in less fraught circumstances. Why don't you give me a Deceive roll to Overcome Matteo's Mediocre (+0) ability to see through your ruse. (That's Empathy, btw.)
Actually, I assume Matteo will know me, but I want to seem like I'm hiding to help foster the con that this is a rescue mission. I am trying to fool Olivine, however.
As Matteo registers who you really are, Olivine's eyes widen. "Do you know who I am? Do you know who my grandmother is? You'll never get away with this!" Matteo hushes her with a glance and a gesture.
"Jubilex," he says, "Get us both out without the Yaks taking us, and I'll make sure you get rewarded." He seems equally concerned for Olivine, glances at the nearly-packed bags on the floor between them. "We're starting our own life, together."
Drek. What I figured, but hoped wasn't true. "I'm bringing you back to the barrio, or your dad will have my head. She'll be alright, Matteo. Let's go, we don't have time."
Matteo glares at you. "Frag that, Jubilex. Olivine and me leave together, or you have to take us, separate." He pulls a handgun, a small Ares pistol. A model with a wireless link. Olivine smiles and a mono-edge blade slips out from between her index and middle fingers. She slips into a clearly combat-ready stance.
I let out a single, sharp sigh, like "do I really have to deal with this?" Then I'm all business. "I'm here to get you back safe, Matteo. As long as Olivine plays along, she can come along. We're in Mat's ride, or soon will be. Niz, let's diddy mao."
Matteo says, "Not going back, chummer. Daddy-O won't give us a pass... would stir up trouble with the Old Lady he can't support. I can give you 10K to get us out, then look the other way. Otherwise, dilligaff?" He brandishes his pistol.
I give him a look like ten K is worth considering, just to get him to relax, then I shoot him. The girl, too. Rubber bullets. I just hope daddy isn't too peeved.
Two experienced runners, two lovelorn kids. It's not really a contest, is it? Let's have a roll, just to make sure you don't do more damage than you intend (rubber bullets can still frak a body up, chummer). Roll that Shoot for me, Sammie. Static challenge is another Mediocre (+0).
I drop Olivine with a shot, then Matteo. Nothing permanent, just something to stun them. I really should think about a stun baton or something else non-lethal. What's done is done. I leave the girl and snatch up Matteo. He'll be pissed regardless, and my employer is his dad, who wouldn't want Olivine along. I put Matteo over my shoulder, look to Niz, "Now... let's go."
I look at Nizoni and answer, "You think the don wants to deal with her like a hostage? What good does that do to Matteo? He won't understand, but I'm saving them both a world of hurt this way." I look at her, checking for understanding, making sure she agrees when I ask, "Right?"
So, this might be a cake-walk. You're dragging Matteo out to the van, with a team-mate balls-deep in the security. Think it's going to be easy? Nope. The Old Lady's home and monitoring the feeds, as it happens. There's an Orc facing you, talismans clearly loaded and ready, as you walk out the door, Matteo over your shoulder.
(You've got that boost on hand, for your team's connection to the security here.) Let's see an Attack roll of whatever flavor you choose. This Orc dude will defend with his magic-y shit.
You're too close for the orc to even attempt to dodge the bullet. He's relying on the talismans and spells already in place for protection. But let's face it: when you want to shoot an orc in his fetish-loving face, you generally do it.
The shaman has time for a quick look of dismay before the rubber bullet from your gun hits him square in the middle of the forehead, knocking him back several feet and leaving him unconscious on the floor. He's going to have a hell of a headache tomorrow, but he'll live and your way is clear for now.
You jog forward, following British Dave's curt directions. At one point, you duck into a vacant apartment for a few seconds as feet tramp past outside the door. Nizoni moves like a shadow, smooth and graceful as she scouts around corners, and eventually you make it back out the door and to the van. Mat is peeling off just as the trio of guards you saw at the front pounds out the service entrance.
I wish I had something to drug Matteo. I look up at Mat, then over at Nizoni, "Anyone got a stun gun?" If they don't, I'll bind his hands. He did aim a gun at me. Oh yeah, and I shot him.
I give Matteo a zap to knock him back out. No reason we need to have another unhappy conversation. I look at Nizoni, "I thought about frakking up a little, just so you'd have fun. But then, I figured, hey, this works, too." Nizoni is in this for all the wrong reasons. Thrill seeking means increasing risk. Risk means things go wrong. When things go wrong, people die. On both sides.
"You're full of drek, Jubilex." Nizoni smiles, though, and starts humming some of that atonal electronic stuff she listens to.
"Back to the bar, or straight to the Fortress of Doom?"
Outside it starts raining. Big fat drops start drumming on the roof of the van. Maybe it will relieve some of the mugginess outside. Probably not, though. Matteo apparently snores, by the way.
"Let's drop him off," I indicate snoring boy beauty there, "Before I have to stun him again. Then, the bar." And I'm counting on a reward from Jessi, since I saved her little brother. Yes, indeed. There's a reason I haven't tapped Sprite yet, and it's got Jessi written on it.
You call ahead, so the guards at the gate to Don Gobbi's compound are ready when you arrive. He's certain enough of his security that you're even allowed to drive a van full of weapons all the way up the drive to park right in front of the genuine Eyetalian villa that the Don had imported from the Old Country and rebuilt, stone-by-stone. (You know that's not true, but it's the story people tell.)
Do Nizoni and Mat go in with you, or do you carry the boy to the door by yourself?
Nizoni's with me. If there's blowback, I want Mat around for back-up, not taking the full brunt. I don't expect blowback, but Matteo will be pissed. I know this.
The doors open as you carry Matteo up the wide steps. Don Gobbi is waiting in the marble-floored foyer. "What happened to my boy, Jubilex? Did the Old Lady hurt him? Where was she keeping him?"
I put Matteo down gently, then answer, "He was trying to run away, or elope, maybe. With the Old Lady's granddaughter Olivine. I duped him into thinking the Yaks were coming, then tried to extract him. He wouldn't go without Olivine, and I knew you didn't want the Old Lady's kid here, so I told him he was leaving without her. He drew on me, so I knocked him out. And brought him home."
"My only son, trying to run off with a little Vory princess? Does he think this is Shakespeare, I wonder? Or some sort of sim drama? He could have started a war. Almost did. Jubilex, I am glad I came to you. I assume that you and your team know not to tell anyone about this."
He pauses, considering something probably far above your paygrade, then surprises you by asking with a fair amount of tenderness, "Was she at least pretty, this Olivine?"
Don Gobbi nods, then grabs you by the shoulders and kisses you on both cheeks. "Thank you for returning my boy to me, Jubilex." He turns his head to catch the attention of a young functionary hanging in the background, who rushes forward and produces five credsticks. Don Gobbi continues, "This is rather generous for the time you spent, but it is what we agreed on, and you saved me from entering into conflict with the Vory."
He pauses, looks at you with piercing eyes. "I know you and Jessica are close. I also know that you have... troubles. Is there anything I can do to help you with those troubles, fanciullo mio?"
That's... one hell of an offer. It's a first step to being welcomed into the family. Still, I knew messing with a don's daughter could lead this way. Not like I had much of a choice, with Jessi. I answer as easily as I can, "As long as there are no problems with you, Don Gobbi, then I'm sure things will work out. She's a special girl." I think about saying more, but I figure I should hold my tongue.
He holds you with those eyes, Jubilex. "I have associates who specialize in... renormalization... for those with issues like yours. Shall I make a call? It is the least I can do."
You know that Gobbi's "enterprises" include intoxicants of both the chemical and cortical sort, but he has a strict "No-Touch" policy for his subordinates. There's no question that he's sincere. It's not a threat, it's an offer.
Whoah, hey. A couple flaws make you human. Or, whatever species you turn into. I force a smile, "Thank you, Don Gobbi. I appreciate your offer. I'd... I've seen enough stuff in the field to have concerns about people getting in my head. Let me, ah, let me think about it?"
It might be my one way out. I really like Jessi, no lie. But the idea of being part of her frakked up family doesn't exactly appeal to a free spirit like yours truly.
Don Gobbi nods, but his eyes are intense. "You understand, if I think your... predilections... become a threat to my daughter, I will intervene, yes?"Intervene is clear to you. It means he will end you. Got it?
This... is why we're only dating. Maybe I should be moving on.
"I would never threaten your daughter. I actually like her." I hold up a hand anticipating he doesn't like that bit of runner humor, "I understand, Don Gobbi. You're a good father to protect your familia."
Don Gobbi nods and is about to speak, but another of his people comes down the stairs in rather a hurry. "Excuse me, Don, but you're needed. Mr. Buffardo says it's urgent." The Don gives you a shrug and an apologetic almost-smile as he turns toward the stairs. "Always business. Give your team my thanks, Jubilex."
You hand out the credsticks, for which everyone is appropriately grateful. Does Marcus Wellby have any post-run traditions? Do you have anything to say to the team?
Circe and I would always buy the team a bottle of Numb, which is a Szechuan pepper-infused vodka, plus a bottle of whiskey for Mat. I do the same, but I'm not feeling up to getting wasted with the team. I hang out, then beg off.
Oh, my speech. "Good work, team. BD, I appreciate your effort today. That was a quick run, but it could've been very sticky. Enjoy the night. We'll find some more work tomorrow."
"G...good run, yeah? I really l...liked w...working with you g...guys." British Dave blinks a few times, then signals for another shot of Numb. That can't help with the stutter.
Nizoni, Mat and Lindo give you the traditional nod. Mat raises his glass to you.
"Might have been a kitten run, boyo, but we did it. Thanks to your unfortunate entanglements, that was a fine payday."
"It sure was, Mat." I agree. It was a mighty fine payday. "MArcus Wellby is in the black for a bit longer. I'm heading out, but feel free to enjoy yourselves here, of course. Good night."
The early show at Banana Peelz doesn't start for a few hours, so it's pretty calm when you walk in. A few people, most of whom you recognize as open mic night regulars, sit on their stools, chatting quietly. Chuck-Chuck the ork bartender gives you a nod. "She's in the office, Jubilex. Need a drink?"
You overhear one of the customers. "So, two ghouls are eating a clown. One of 'em looks at the other and says, 'Does this taste funny to you?'"
"You've asked me that question seventy-three times." He puts your drink on the bar in front of you. "Tricks are good, Jubilex. How about you? Had any decent work recently, or are you going on government soy?"
Evidently he hates routine or likes counting. "Just finished some work today, Chuck Chuck. Was going to take your boss out to celebrate." I take a drink, he makes a good mix. "How's her mood today?" I expect she's worried sick for her brother, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
He shrugs. "Was pretty worried about something when she got here, then about an hour ago, I heard her yelling something about killing her fragging brother when she sees him next. Then she came out and got a cup of tea. Been pretty quiet since then." He puts a little banana-shaped dish of wasabi peas and rice crackers in front of you.
I carefully put a few peas on a cracker and munch on it while Chuck Chuck talks. Then I drink some more of my Sunrise. "Good. Hope it's not the calm before the storm, yeah?"
You're about halfway through your drink when Jessi walks out of the office.
She comes up and hugs you around the neck, planting a small flurry of kisses on your cheek. "Thank you for pulling my idiot brother out of his harebrained adolescent mistake before something really bad happened."
Ah, yes, this was exactly what I hoped for. A hero's welcome. Or something like it. I slip an arm around her and keep her close, smile into the kisses. "He's got it bad for Olivine, Jessi. I pulled his ass out of the fire this time, but it'll happen again. I just hope he doesn't consider me an enemy now." I plant my feet and stand into her, a hand sliding up to her neck, looking into her pretty, pretty eyes.
Jessi sighs. "He's basically a good kid. He'll be mad at you for a while, but he's got to know that you started off thinking he was in serious trouble." She steals a sip of your drink. "So, are we doing something fun tonight? You're paying, by the way. I'm sure daddy paid well."
I hope she's right about Matteo. Nothing can be done now, though. Stealing my drink? She's lucky I like her. I normally take offense at that kind of behavior. "I would love to do something fun tonight. Want to get a bite to eat and go dancing?"
Jessi nods. "Let's go to that new Mongolian place downtown. Genghis? Maybe someplace quiet after, instead of a club, though? I just heard that Queen Lili's in town, and she sometimes drops in at the Laughing Leprecaun with her ukulele when she doesn't have a concert."
Just as you ask that question, Jessi's night manager, Langley, walks in. "Konban Wa, boss, Jube. Sorry I'm a little late. My brat room-mate borrowed my scoot without telling me. I swear I'm going to knock him over the head and sell his body to organleggers some day."
Jessi nods. "Not a problem, Langley. Not like it happens all the time. We're going out tonight, so only get in touch for an emergency, okay?" She turns to you. "We're good to go. You want to change out of work clothes or anything? I mean, you look good but it's a little hot for that coat." Jessi looks great, of course. A purple synthsilk tank that shows off her midriff and tight black pants that shimmer through the spectrum like oil on a night-time puddle.
I look down at my get-up. "Yeah, I should've changed." No blood on me or anything, but I was in a couple firefights. "Come with me, Jess. Run by my flat, I'll change, then we go out. Cool?" I step away from her, pulling her hand if she lets me.
"That works." She follows your tug, waving to Langley and Chuck Chuck with a grin.
Swipe cut from your exit from Banana Peelz to the interior of a cab, driving through the streets of the PRD.
Even now, some blocks are completely rubble, and some are worse even than that. One area has a big handpainted warning sign that says, "GHOULS."
The cabbie, an animatronic gorilla that calls itself, "Donkey K," for some reason has the voice of a famous female Japanese news announcer and bikini model. "It is this one's pleasure to drive you to dinner. May I say you are both looking very attractive this evening?"
"You may," I answer to the AI, if it is that advanced. Doubtful. "In her case, you aren't lying." I look over at Jessi. "That outfit is amazing on you, Jess. I mean it, really smoking."
Jessi gives you that crooked little smile and pats your knee. "You clean up pretty wiz, too, koibito" Another few blocks and you pass a few exotic prostitutes. You have to wonder what kind of business a transvestite troll picks up in a mostly human neighborhood, but hey, different strokes, right?
Eventually, the cab pulls up outside the brightly lit Genghis. This is not a franchise, but rather a full-on upscale Mongolian restaurant. Rumor has it that it's equal parts theater and dining, with a lot of really sophisticated AR. Even to the naked eye, it's impressive, but when you put on your glasses, the whole thing looks like a psychedelic yurt, swirling with color. Jessi giggles a little as the cab stops.
The driver says, "That will be fifty nuyen. Have a lovely evening, sir and madam." Definitely an expert system, not full AI.
I pay fifty, no tip. It's a system, why tip? Then take Jessi's arm and lead her. "This place is pretty nice. Better than some diner on the corner." I smirk.
You walk into the restaurant. The AR overlay is truly impressive. Silk pillows, low tables, richly textured hangings surround a giant circular grill at the center of the restaurant, with a platoon of cooks veritably dancing around each other as they toss ingredients around with precision and showmanship.
A hostess gives you a quick bow, hands together in front of her. "Table for two?"
The hostess nods. "Ah. Indeed. Do you want a ringside seat?" She clearly wants to see that tip now, Jubilex. Once she passes you off to a server, she's only going to see tip-out. A token at best.
The young lady takes your tip with an appreciative nod, and leads you to a four-top in the inner circle of tables, where you can see the show best. It's low, with cushions rather than chairs, but, you can watch the dramatics of the grill-masters and the smell is amazing. Your waiter approaches. "Anything to drink? The ingredient line is off to your left, and we charge by the ounce for what comes off the grill. We have salads, of course, and our special soup tonight is vat-grown horse meat hot and sour."
At the grill, two of the cooks back-flip around each other and swap stations. Your AR shows several access points, for a full drink menu and the dinner listing. Jessi seems captivated by the spectacle.
"What's the house special?" I ask, referring to the drink order.
I settle on a cushion near Jessi, sliding a hand back to the back of the pillow so I can lean back and enjoy the spectacle. These cooks are wild! I enjoy Jessi's reaction as much as the dinner show. "Looking forward to the food here, it smells divine."
"Truth? We have lots of fancy drinks with punny names, but the best thing to do is order a bottle of vodka. We have the real deal, and it's a million percent better than any of the sweet synthetic stuff in the house drinks."
"Great. Feel free to wander down the ingredient line. We are an 'Interactive Dining Experience,' which, of course, means that you get to do some of the work." With a wink and a nod, the server heads off to the bar to get your vodka.
There is so much stuff on the line, Jubilex. Real beef, chicken, shrimp, pork. Various flavored soy products. Several kinds of onions, cabbage, vegetables you've never seen before. About a dozen sauces. Everything has an access point that responds to your attention with information about where it came from, what sort of flavor it brings to the table, suggested combinations. Jessi goes wild, taking just a little bit of a lot of things. Anything catch your eye in particular, Jubilex?
Lamb. I haven't had lamb in ten years. I want a plate full of it. I try to keep cool, but the idea of a rack of it makes my mouth water like Niagara. Watching Jess sample away is really great, happy she's into it.
The two of you have your big bowls o' stuff assembled, and you take them to one of the stations circling the giant metal slab grill. Close up, the cooks are even more impressive, and you realized they must have some sort of mutual consensus AR going through their wireless datalinks in order to coordinate so closely.
One takes your bowl and another Jessi's, with a respectful nod of the head, then they turn back and go into their dance, adding ingredients to the grill and acrobatically working as a team to cook your food. Within a few minutes, every last scrap is spatulaed into fresh bowls and handed back to you.
When you return to the table, a very cold bottle of vodka with a label in Cyrillic is waiting, along with a bucket of ice, two short glasses, and a selection of citrus wedges and hot sauces, in case you care to flavor it a bit.
Jessi's eyes are sparkling. "This is wiz, J. A little high energy for every night, but fun! Thanks."
This meal. This date. This is what I've missed about Running. The good life. Even if a taste. A big, meaty bite of it.
Hell yes, I spice up my first few bites. Why not? Wash it down with the real stuff, lean over to canoodle with my date. "Your idea, Jess. I'm glad to be here."
Jessi smiles and continues to eat, watching the spectacle. You make some light chit-chat, talking about Banana Peelz regulars and employees. Do you talk about Marcus Wellby much, Jubilex?
As you near the end of your bowl, and about the halfway point on the vodka, your waitress comes over. "Pretty good night for you. Lady in the hat just picked up your tab." She nods toward a woman sitting at the bar, who starts to walk over as you notice her.
I don't. Jessi talks about Peelz, I talk about barrio politics. But she doesn't talk about her dad's activities, and I don't talk about Marcus Wellby. Circe used to be around, and we would grab a smoke and chat, but Jessi was firewalled. Always firewalled. It's just smart, you know?
I peer at the waiter for a moment, confused. Then I look around at the woman at the bar. Do I know her? I look closer. If I don't know her, I'm going to head over to thank her, for sure.
Planning Roll:
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 5. Rolls: +, +, +, -)
"A fellow I know, clerical support at the Downtown LoneStar station, says that Matteo's been seen a few places with the Old Lady's grand-daughter, Olivine. Her address is in that building."
"...but there are vacant units, too, if he's not holed up in her apartment. Vishnevskaya keeps the utilities on even in vacant units, apparently. There are three with no tenants registered. That's no guarantee no one's there, of course. I can get us in past the door security. Either a con at the door, or we use the Tunnels."
The Tunnels that underlie the PRD happened about 25 years ago, as far as anyone knows, during the worst parts of the magical reconfiguration of the North American landscape. You've heard that similar ones appeared in Los Angeles at some point, but the Detroit tunnels are pretty scary. Goblinized offshoots, Awakened-era animals, giant rats, albino alligators, the like. So, risk Vishnevskaya's security, or the Tunnels?
Either way, you have an Aspect, "Assaulting the Love Shack," that you can tag twice for free during the run.
"Con at the door." I answer. I want Mat's handy escape route ready, and Tunnels introduce too many variables. I think Nizoni can sneak in while I create a distraction outside, then open up one of the vacants for me.
Anything else? Special equipment or preparations? Let's assume you can go subvocal to communicate through your commlinks. Nizoni's better hand-to-hand than she is with a gun, and Mat's the other way around.
Silencers, if we have them. If we have any stealth equipment, we'll bring it along, too. Make sure BD has our comm frequencies to keep in contact. Then, Lindo goes astral to ride shotgun, and we go.
Nizoni changes into tight black pants and top that give her freedom of movement without leaving anything loose to catch or snag. She carefully assembles her kit, considering the public blueprints and estimates of on-site security. Picks, of course, and a multimodal maglock spoofer. A listening device. Other bits and pieces, including a Bust-a-Move toy walker drone that Cybele reprogrammed for reconnaissance use. She's got the physical bits in there, too. Climbing harness, rope, carabiners. Chameleon suit, just in case.
Once she's done and you've checked your weapons and picked up spare ammo, you're ready to go. The van (a Ford Bulldog that Mat calls "Maisie") is in a garage across the alley behind Second Chance. She's a real beauty, with all Mat's considerable love and skill having gone into customization. Maisie's armored, and obviously so, but that's really just where things begin. The paint-job is a nano-particulate resin suspension that can be reprogrammed on the fly to change the color, add logos, even turn the whole thing into a giant mirror if you're really feeling pretty. Concealed gunports, extra fuel tank.
[OOC] If there's a particular function you'd like Maisie to have in a given situation, we'll roll using Mat's "Driver" at "Good (+3)" to Create an Advantage for that Mission. Target will be how ridiculous or difficult we agree the mod to be. There will be a cost (tbd) if you want it to be available ACROSS missions without a roll.
You're in the van, crossing under the freeway on Dragoon Street toward Great Circus Park, when Mat asks, "So, if the kid doesn't want to come with us, you knock him out? What?"
"I'm assuming he won't want to come with us, so we'll knock him out most likely. We're professionals, and his father hired us." I answer calmly. "Truth be told, there's a small part of me that's considering pushing the panic button for the Old Lady once we're in position and then we could save him. It might keep him from being tempted to wander off again, like a dumb kid."
I sit back in my seat, "I don't want to make an enemy out of him. He may end up being the next don, so that would be ugly."
You reach the building without incident. It's an old eight-story apartment building with a facade that has somehow survived all the city's economic and magical cataclysms. You can see from the first drive-past, though, that only the facade is original. Nizoni lists off various security features.
"Cameras, one-way refraction on the windows, full emergency Faraday cage for data emergencies, sniper on the roof, two at least reasonably well-trained guards visible through the doors." She gives a manic grin. "This will be fun!"
When Mat pulls the van to a stop, I step out first. I plan on heading to the opposite side of the building and dropping a flash bang near the stoop. That should stir up some drek while Nizoni gets to work. I'm hoping to blend in after dropping the grenade, but I'm rather sure my thick coat will only hide my weapons for so long. Hopefully long enough.
Mat pulls over and Nizoni heads toward the back as you move up to the main entrance. The street's not empty, but it is quiet, this time of day. Sweat from the heat trickles down your collar underneath you "runner coat", but it's doing the job of concealing your arsenal for now.
Let's see a Stealth roll, Jubilex. You can certainly get the flashbang off without being noticed, but the hanging around after, looking inconspicuous? I'd say that's a Fair (+2) challenge.
Stealth Roll (at Fair +1)
(Rolled: 4df+1. Total: -1. Rolls: 0, -, -, 0)
I'd like to tap a FP for a re-roll using my Haunted by Failure aspect. The fear of getting in a big firefight when I'm trying to be Nizoni's backup will motivate me to keep it cool.
OOC: I'll re-roll below to save time, but if you don't like the Aspect use, I can delete, it no problem.
Stealth re-roll:
(Rolled: 4df+1. Total: 2. Rolls: 0, 0, 0, +)
The flashbang goes off and it has to be said that the security response is impressive. Two very large orcs appear at the door within a few seconds, one slender human female within half a minute after that. You'd guess the orcs to be lobby guards and the human to be somewhat higher up the food chain.
They scan the area, the orcs writing you off as having stopped to see the commotion. The human, however lingers on you with a touch of suspicion before moving on. She's clearly linked, you can see the tell-tale tight jaw of subvocal communication going on.
You hear British Dave through the link. ||Patched in to building security through the relay in the van. Two more security in a monitoring room on the first floor, total of five on-site, but there's an open line, looks like they could get reinforcements quick-quick.||
A large shadowy black dog eases into view and walks through the closed front door, unnoticed by the three security personnel. You can see it, you know, because of the small totem you wear that gives you a connection to Lindo and his workings. Through the link, you hear, ||Looking for supernatural opposition. There are significant wards, won't be able to stay in long.||
Nizoni reports in. ||Spoofed the camera by the service door in the back. Give me ninety seconds, then meet me. Got it?||
"Understood. On my way." I reply through my subvocal mic. I'll pull a fade, move down the building, then turn to head towards the service door, being mindful of any cams on the side of the building and playing it cagey until I can join Nizoni.
You manage the fade, barely, but the slender human clocks you as you do it, you'll be remembered later, but only later.
Nizoni has the service door open, waiting for you. "Okay, we need to be good. First target is the girlfriend's flat, yes? The Old Lady's grand-daughter?"
"Yes." I answer. Then on subvocal, I say, "BD, directions?"
British Dave: ||Lots of cameras. Easiest route isn't the most direct. I can loop the cameras as you hit them, in real time, but you'll have to let me drive, tell you when to stop and go. You'll wind up on the second floor, towards the back. 209. First segment is through the door to your right, travel at a walk for seventeen feet, pause for five seconds, quick-run to the bottom of the service stairwell, and wait for me to give the go-ahead. Go in five, four, three, two, one, now.||
Nizoni grunts, seems impressed in spite of herself.
British Dave will continue to walk you through the stops and starts and backtracks and sidetracks.
Let's see a team "Authority" roll. You've got a plan, and the team is trying to stick to it. This is a roll to Overcome the building's security, which is Good (+3). You've got two free invokes of the "Assaulting the Love Shack" Aspect you created in the Planning phase. (Only one can be used per roll.)
As a reminder, the possible outcomes of an Overcome roll are as follows:
A boost is a temporary Aspect, usable one time (for free) for a reroll or +2 on a subsequent action to which it applies. It then goes away.
Authority roll:
(Rolled: 4df+2. Total: 5. Rolls: 0, +, +, +)
[OOC: you have a boost, usable once, called Ghost in the Machine. As long as BD's still in the system, you can use this for a +2 or reroll when dealing with security.]
You're outside Olivine's apartment. Nizoni pulls out an "ExtEar" and puts it against the door. You can grab the signal through your wireless, but you know that your crazy thief is already on it.
Nizoni whispers, "Two voices. Guessing it's our pigeon and the girl."
She pulls out her kit and gets to work on the door, unless you'd rather knock?
No knocking, no. I'll let Niz do her work. I'm pulling a scarf up around my mouth and nose, since we're going to knock out or subdue Olivine. There really is no good way for this to play out if he doesn't see a threat forcing this extraction.
Subvocal to BD, "I need some alerts going down as we start to move. He needs to think he's under threat, that we aren't some frakking nannies out to bring him home to poppa. Get me, BD?"
||Got it, boss. I'll salt his mesh with all the big-bad-wolf I can invent. I think you'll be yak out to score a prize for some oyabun.||
...and easier than getting into a drunk office-girl's panties, Nizoni has the door unlocked. She pulls a mask up from the neck of her suit to cover her face, then gives you the nod.
I miss office-girls.
No, really.
I kick the door open, mostly for show, gun out. I've got rubber bullets in, just in case I need to shoot the girl. Nizoni will watch my six.
The door bangs open and you see these two:
Matteo's just in the midst of saying, "...fucking Yak coming, Olivine. Got to finish packing..." He looks at you and says, "Shit."
"Matteo, come with us." He may know my voice. He can't help but see my guns. I'm not making eye contact with Olivine.
Sounds like you're pretending to be someone/something you're not, and Matteo has met you in less fraught circumstances. Why don't you give me a Deceive roll to Overcome Matteo's Mediocre (+0) ability to see through your ruse. (That's Empathy, btw.)
Matteo: (Rolled: 4dF. Total: -1. Rolls: 0, -, +, -)
Actually, I assume Matteo will know me, but I want to seem like I'm hiding to help foster the con that this is a rescue mission. I am trying to fool Olivine, however.
(Rolled: 4df+3. Total: 2. Rolls: +, -, -, 0)
As Matteo registers who you really are, Olivine's eyes widen. "Do you know who I am? Do you know who my grandmother is? You'll never get away with this!" Matteo hushes her with a glance and a gesture.
"Jubilex," he says, "Get us both out without the Yaks taking us, and I'll make sure you get rewarded." He seems equally concerned for Olivine, glances at the nearly-packed bags on the floor between them. "We're starting our own life, together."
Drek. What I figured, but hoped wasn't true. "I'm bringing you back to the barrio, or your dad will have my head. She'll be alright, Matteo. Let's go, we don't have time."
Matteo glares at you. "Frag that, Jubilex. Olivine and me leave together, or you have to take us, separate." He pulls a handgun, a small Ares pistol. A model with a wireless link. Olivine smiles and a mono-edge blade slips out from between her index and middle fingers. She slips into a clearly combat-ready stance.
I let out a single, sharp sigh, like "do I really have to deal with this?" Then I'm all business. "I'm here to get you back safe, Matteo. As long as Olivine plays along, she can come along. We're in Mat's ride, or soon will be. Niz, let's diddy mao."
Bags packed or no, we're gonna GTFO.
Matteo says, "Not going back, chummer. Daddy-O won't give us a pass... would stir up trouble with the Old Lady he can't support. I can give you 10K to get us out, then look the other way. Otherwise, dilligaff?" He brandishes his pistol.
Fragging snot-nosed brat.
I give him a look like ten K is worth considering, just to get him to relax, then I shoot him. The girl, too. Rubber bullets. I just hope daddy isn't too peeved.
Two experienced runners, two lovelorn kids. It's not really a contest, is it? Let's have a roll, just to make sure you don't do more damage than you intend (rubber bullets can still frak a body up, chummer). Roll that Shoot for me, Sammie. Static challenge is another Mediocre (+0).
He'll feel this in the morning, I'm sure.
(Rolled: 4df+4. Total: 6. Rolls: +, +, +, -)
I drop Olivine with a shot, then Matteo. Nothing permanent, just something to stun them. I really should think about a stun baton or something else non-lethal. What's done is done. I leave the girl and snatch up Matteo. He'll be pissed regardless, and my employer is his dad, who wouldn't want Olivine along.
I put Matteo over my shoulder, look to Niz, "Now... let's go."
Subvocal: "Mat, BD, we're on our way out."
Nizoni looks at you, then at Olivine.
"But... young love?
She gives you a grin that's equal parts predatory and questioning.
I look at Nizoni and answer, "You think the don wants to deal with her like a hostage? What good does that do to Matteo? He won't understand, but I'm saving them both a world of hurt this way." I look at her, checking for understanding, making sure she agrees when I ask, "Right?"
So, this might be a cake-walk. You're dragging Matteo out to the van, with a team-mate balls-deep in the security. Think it's going to be easy? Nope. The Old Lady's home and monitoring the feeds, as it happens. There's an Orc facing you, talismans clearly loaded and ready, as you walk out the door, Matteo over your shoulder.
(You've got that boost on hand, for your team's connection to the security here.) Let's see an Attack roll of whatever flavor you choose. This Orc dude will defend with his magic-y shit.
I'm going to shoot this orc in his fetish-loving face. I know Nizoni is moving to my right so he's going to have to choose between two targets.
(Rolled: 4df+4. Total: 2. Rolls: 0, 0, -, -)
You're too close for the orc to even attempt to dodge the bullet. He's relying on the talismans and spells already in place for protection. But let's face it: when you want to shoot an orc in his fetish-loving face, you generally do it.
The shaman has time for a quick look of dismay before the rubber bullet from your gun hits him square in the middle of the forehead, knocking him back several feet and leaving him unconscious on the floor. He's going to have a hell of a headache tomorrow, but he'll live and your way is clear for now.
You jog forward, following British Dave's curt directions. At one point, you duck into a vacant apartment for a few seconds as feet tramp past outside the door. Nizoni moves like a shadow, smooth and graceful as she scouts around corners, and eventually you make it back out the door and to the van. Mat is peeling off just as the trio of guards you saw at the front pounds out the service entrance.
Matteo starts coming to with a painful groan.
What do you do?
I wish I had something to drug Matteo. I look up at Mat, then over at Nizoni, "Anyone got a stun gun?" If they don't, I'll bind his hands. He did aim a gun at me. Oh yeah, and I shot him.
"Buzzer wand's on the rack next to the ammo chest, choombata. Should be charged up."
The van takes a corner at speed, but Mat's skill is such that you hardly feel a shimmy.
"That was hardly anything. Disappointing."
I give Matteo a zap to knock him back out. No reason we need to have another unhappy conversation. I look at Nizoni, "I thought about frakking up a little, just so you'd have fun. But then, I figured, hey, this works, too." Nizoni is in this for all the wrong reasons. Thrill seeking means increasing risk. Risk means things go wrong. When things go wrong, people die. On both sides.
Not today, though.
"You're full of drek, Jubilex." Nizoni smiles, though, and starts humming some of that atonal electronic stuff she listens to.
"Back to the bar, or straight to the Fortress of Doom?"
Outside it starts raining. Big fat drops start drumming on the roof of the van. Maybe it will relieve some of the mugginess outside. Probably not, though. Matteo apparently snores, by the way.
"Let's drop him off," I indicate snoring boy beauty there, "Before I have to stun him again. Then, the bar." And I'm counting on a reward from Jessi, since I saved her little brother. Yes, indeed. There's a reason I haven't tapped Sprite yet, and it's got Jessi written on it.
You call ahead, so the guards at the gate to Don Gobbi's compound are ready when you arrive. He's certain enough of his security that you're even allowed to drive a van full of weapons all the way up the drive to park right in front of the genuine Eyetalian villa that the Don had imported from the Old Country and rebuilt, stone-by-stone. (You know that's not true, but it's the story people tell.)
Do Nizoni and Mat go in with you, or do you carry the boy to the door by yourself?
Nizoni's with me. If there's blowback, I want Mat around for back-up, not taking the full brunt. I don't expect blowback, but Matteo will be pissed. I know this.
I put Matteo down gently, then answer, "He was trying to run away, or elope, maybe. With the Old Lady's granddaughter Olivine. I duped him into thinking the Yaks were coming, then tried to extract him. He wouldn't go without Olivine, and I knew you didn't want the Old Lady's kid here, so I told him he was leaving without her. He drew on me, so I knocked him out. And brought him home."
He pauses, considering something probably far above your paygrade, then surprises you by asking with a fair amount of tenderness, "Was she at least pretty, this Olivine?"
I take a moment, thinking through it. There's no harm in being honest, right? "She's very pretty. Launch a thousand ships pretty, sir."
He pauses, looks at you with piercing eyes. "I know you and Jessica are close. I also know that you have... troubles. Is there anything I can do to help you with those troubles, fanciullo mio?"
That's... one hell of an offer. It's a first step to being welcomed into the family. Still, I knew messing with a don's daughter could lead this way. Not like I had much of a choice, with Jessi. I answer as easily as I can, "As long as there are no problems with you, Don Gobbi, then I'm sure things will work out. She's a special girl." I think about saying more, but I figure I should hold my tongue.
You know that Gobbi's "enterprises" include intoxicants of both the chemical and cortical sort, but he has a strict "No-Touch" policy for his subordinates. There's no question that he's sincere. It's not a threat, it's an offer.
Whoah, hey. A couple flaws make you human. Or, whatever species you turn into.
I force a smile, "Thank you, Don Gobbi. I appreciate your offer. I'd... I've seen enough stuff in the field to have concerns about people getting in my head. Let me, ah, let me think about it?"
It might be my one way out. I really like Jessi, no lie. But the idea of being part of her frakked up family doesn't exactly appeal to a free spirit like yours truly.
This... is why we're only dating. Maybe I should be moving on.
"I would never threaten your daughter. I actually like her." I hold up a hand anticipating he doesn't like that bit of runner humor, "I understand, Don Gobbi. You're a good father to protect your familia."
I duck my head, "Yessir." Then I nod to Nizoni to follow me out and get the hell out.
Cut to "the office" at Second Chance.
You hand out the credsticks, for which everyone is appropriately grateful. Does Marcus Wellby have any post-run traditions? Do you have anything to say to the team?
Circe and I would always buy the team a bottle of Numb, which is a Szechuan pepper-infused vodka, plus a bottle of whiskey for Mat. I do the same, but I'm not feeling up to getting wasted with the team. I hang out, then beg off.
Oh, my speech. "Good work, team. BD, I appreciate your effort today. That was a quick run, but it could've been very sticky. Enjoy the night. We'll find some more work tomorrow."
Nizoni, Mat and Lindo give you the traditional nod. Mat raises his glass to you.
"Might have been a kitten run, boyo, but we did it. Thanks to your unfortunate entanglements, that was a fine payday."
"It sure was, Mat." I agree. It was a mighty fine payday. "MArcus Wellby is in the black for a bit longer. I'm heading out, but feel free to enjoy yourselves here, of course. Good night."
Then I'm heading to that damn comedy club.
The early show at Banana Peelz doesn't start for a few hours, so it's pretty calm when you walk in. A few people, most of whom you recognize as open mic night regulars, sit on their stools, chatting quietly. Chuck-Chuck the ork bartender gives you a nod. "She's in the office, Jubilex. Need a drink?"
You overhear one of the customers. "So, two ghouls are eating a clown. One of 'em looks at the other and says, 'Does this taste funny to you?'"
I slide onto a stool in front of Chuck Chuck. "Tequila Sunrise. How's tricks?"
Chuck Chuck starts on your Tequila Sunrise and says, "Seventy-three."
Everyone's a frakking comedian here. "What's that?"
"You've asked me that question seventy-three times." He puts your drink on the bar in front of you. "Tricks are good, Jubilex. How about you? Had any decent work recently, or are you going on government soy?"
Evidently he hates routine or likes counting. "Just finished some work today, Chuck Chuck. Was going to take your boss out to celebrate." I take a drink, he makes a good mix. "How's her mood today?" I expect she's worried sick for her brother, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
He shrugs. "Was pretty worried about something when she got here, then about an hour ago, I heard her yelling something about killing her fragging brother when she sees him next. Then she came out and got a cup of tea. Been pretty quiet since then." He puts a little banana-shaped dish of wasabi peas and rice crackers in front of you.
I carefully put a few peas on a cracker and munch on it while Chuck Chuck talks. Then I drink some more of my Sunrise. "Good. Hope it's not the calm before the storm, yeah?"
You're about halfway through your drink when Jessi walks out of the office.
She comes up and hugs you around the neck, planting a small flurry of kisses on your cheek. "Thank you for pulling my idiot brother out of his harebrained adolescent mistake before something really bad happened."
Ah, yes, this was exactly what I hoped for. A hero's welcome. Or something like it. I slip an arm around her and keep her close, smile into the kisses. "He's got it bad for Olivine, Jessi. I pulled his ass out of the fire this time, but it'll happen again. I just hope he doesn't consider me an enemy now." I plant my feet and stand into her, a hand sliding up to her neck, looking into her pretty, pretty eyes.
Jessi sighs. "He's basically a good kid. He'll be mad at you for a while, but he's got to know that you started off thinking he was in serious trouble." She steals a sip of your drink. "So, are we doing something fun tonight? You're paying, by the way. I'm sure daddy paid well."
I hope she's right about Matteo. Nothing can be done now, though. Stealing my drink? She's lucky I like her. I normally take offense at that kind of behavior. "I would love to do something fun tonight. Want to get a bite to eat and go dancing?"
Jessi nods. "Let's go to that new Mongolian place downtown. Genghis? Maybe someplace quiet after, instead of a club, though? I just heard that Queen Lili's in town, and she sometimes drops in at the Laughing Leprecaun with her ukulele when she doesn't have a concert."
"Genghis and the Leprecaun it is." I answer. I glance around, "Can you go now?"
Jessi nods. "Not a problem, Langley. Not like it happens all the time. We're going out tonight, so only get in touch for an emergency, okay?" She turns to you. "We're good to go. You want to change out of work clothes or anything? I mean, you look good but it's a little hot for that coat." Jessi looks great, of course. A purple synthsilk tank that shows off her midriff and tight black pants that shimmer through the spectrum like oil on a night-time puddle.
I look down at my get-up. "Yeah, I should've changed." No blood on me or anything, but I was in a couple firefights. "Come with me, Jess. Run by my flat, I'll change, then we go out. Cool?" I step away from her, pulling her hand if she lets me.
"That works." She follows your tug, waving to Langley and Chuck Chuck with a grin.
Swipe cut from your exit from Banana Peelz to the interior of a cab, driving through the streets of the PRD.
Even now, some blocks are completely rubble, and some are worse even than that. One area has a big handpainted warning sign that says, "GHOULS."
The cabbie, an animatronic gorilla that calls itself, "Donkey K," for some reason has the voice of a famous female Japanese news announcer and bikini model. "It is this one's pleasure to drive you to dinner. May I say you are both looking very attractive this evening?"
"You may," I answer to the AI, if it is that advanced. Doubtful. "In her case, you aren't lying." I look over at Jessi. "That outfit is amazing on you, Jess. I mean it, really smoking."
Jessi gives you that crooked little smile and pats your knee. "You clean up pretty wiz, too, koibito" Another few blocks and you pass a few exotic prostitutes. You have to wonder what kind of business a transvestite troll picks up in a mostly human neighborhood, but hey, different strokes, right?
Eventually, the cab pulls up outside the brightly lit Genghis. This is not a franchise, but rather a full-on upscale Mongolian restaurant. Rumor has it that it's equal parts theater and dining, with a lot of really sophisticated AR. Even to the naked eye, it's impressive, but when you put on your glasses, the whole thing looks like a psychedelic yurt, swirling with color. Jessi giggles a little as the cab stops.
The driver says, "That will be fifty nuyen. Have a lovely evening, sir and madam." Definitely an expert system, not full AI.
I pay fifty, no tip. It's a system, why tip? Then take Jessi's arm and lead her. "This place is pretty nice. Better than some diner on the corner." I smirk.
You walk into the restaurant. The AR overlay is truly impressive. Silk pillows, low tables, richly textured hangings surround a giant circular grill at the center of the restaurant, with a platoon of cooks veritably dancing around each other as they toss ingredients around with precision and showmanship.
A hostess gives you a quick bow, hands together in front of her. "Table for two?"
"Yes. And it's a special night." I give her the look of a tipper who wants the best for his date.
The hostess nods. "Ah. Indeed. Do you want a ringside seat?" She clearly wants to see that tip now, Jubilex. Once she passes you off to a server, she's only going to see tip-out. A token at best.
I'll tip her 100 nuyen right here and now. "Ringside sounds good."
The young lady takes your tip with an appreciative nod, and leads you to a four-top in the inner circle of tables, where you can see the show best. It's low, with cushions rather than chairs, but, you can watch the dramatics of the grill-masters and the smell is amazing. Your waiter approaches. "Anything to drink? The ingredient line is off to your left, and we charge by the ounce for what comes off the grill. We have salads, of course, and our special soup tonight is vat-grown horse meat hot and sour."
At the grill, two of the cooks back-flip around each other and swap stations. Your AR shows several access points, for a full drink menu and the dinner listing. Jessi seems captivated by the spectacle.
"What's the house special?" I ask, referring to the drink order.
I settle on a cushion near Jessi, sliding a hand back to the back of the pillow so I can lean back and enjoy the spectacle. These cooks are wild! I enjoy Jessi's reaction as much as the dinner show. "Looking forward to the food here, it smells divine."
"Truth? We have lots of fancy drinks with punny names, but the best thing to do is order a bottle of vodka. We have the real deal, and it's a million percent better than any of the sweet synthetic stuff in the house drinks."
I like this waiter. "Bottle of vodka, then, two glasses."
"Great. Feel free to wander down the ingredient line. We are an 'Interactive Dining Experience,' which, of course, means that you get to do some of the work." With a wink and a nod, the server heads off to the bar to get your vodka.
There is so much stuff on the line, Jubilex. Real beef, chicken, shrimp, pork. Various flavored soy products. Several kinds of onions, cabbage, vegetables you've never seen before. About a dozen sauces. Everything has an access point that responds to your attention with information about where it came from, what sort of flavor it brings to the table, suggested combinations. Jessi goes wild, taking just a little bit of a lot of things. Anything catch your eye in particular, Jubilex?
Lamb. I haven't had lamb in ten years. I want a plate full of it. I try to keep cool, but the idea of a rack of it makes my mouth water like Niagara. Watching Jess sample away is really great, happy she's into it.
The two of you have your big bowls o' stuff assembled, and you take them to one of the stations circling the giant metal slab grill. Close up, the cooks are even more impressive, and you realized they must have some sort of mutual consensus AR going through their wireless datalinks in order to coordinate so closely.
One takes your bowl and another Jessi's, with a respectful nod of the head, then they turn back and go into their dance, adding ingredients to the grill and acrobatically working as a team to cook your food. Within a few minutes, every last scrap is spatulaed into fresh bowls and handed back to you.
When you return to the table, a very cold bottle of vodka with a label in Cyrillic is waiting, along with a bucket of ice, two short glasses, and a selection of citrus wedges and hot sauces, in case you care to flavor it a bit.
Jessi's eyes are sparkling. "This is wiz, J. A little high energy for every night, but fun! Thanks."
This meal. This date. This is what I've missed about Running. The good life. Even if a taste. A big, meaty bite of it.
Hell yes, I spice up my first few bites. Why not? Wash it down with the real stuff, lean over to canoodle with my date. "Your idea, Jess. I'm glad to be here."
Jessi smiles and continues to eat, watching the spectacle. You make some light chit-chat, talking about Banana Peelz regulars and employees. Do you talk about Marcus Wellby much, Jubilex?
As you near the end of your bowl, and about the halfway point on the vodka, your waitress comes over. "Pretty good night for you. Lady in the hat just picked up your tab." She nods toward a woman sitting at the bar, who starts to walk over as you notice her.
I don't. Jessi talks about Peelz, I talk about barrio politics. But she doesn't talk about her dad's activities, and I don't talk about Marcus Wellby. Circe used to be around, and we would grab a smoke and chat, but Jessi was firewalled. Always firewalled. It's just smart, you know?
I peer at the waiter for a moment, confused. Then I look around at the woman at the bar. Do I know her? I look closer. If I don't know her, I'm going to head over to thank her, for sure.