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High Concept: Human Magical Support Expert (Shaman)
Trouble: Too Old for this Shit
Aspect: In it for my family
Jubilex says, "Circe hired Lindo. He told me Lindo worked with his uncle. The guy’s kind of crusty, but he knows his drek, so I don’t frak with him. He’s a wiz shaman, but he hates when I say that."
High Concept: Dwarf Investigation and Transportation Expert
Trouble: Hormones are Expensive
Aspect: Former Clan Magistrate
Jubilex says, "Matilda comes from a line of well-respected dwarves. The problem is that “he” was born a “she”. Also, “she” was in an arranged marriage, which after the gender reassignment, was null and void. So he’s cut off from his clan, and these hormones are frakking expensive. Naturally, Mat became a drek-hot driver, and Circe hired him. I like Mat. He’s smart, great instincts and reflexes, is a helluva drinker, too."
High Concept: Native American/Elf Infiltration Expert
Trouble: Batshit Crazy
Aspect: You don’t know until you try
Jubilex says, "I hired on Nizoni after seeing her take out three Renraku security thugs. It wasn’t head up fighting, she led them on a merry chase and picked them off. She’s the craziest little lady I’ve ever met."
Recurring Characters