I just found out I'm pregnant – you think I might be a little shocked? I walked right over to Loot's and ordered a double of the stiffest drink on the menu. I've been sitting here staring into the untouched glass since I found out.
The North Candies come waltzing in behind Spree, er Omo. Starburst you know, of course, she's not far behind Spree. You barely recognize Payday, since she's wearing a mask and also, you know, not dying from appendicitis. She's right beside a redhead who has a nice little distrustful sneer. That's Mr. Goodbar. They're besties. Here they are:
Hanging out near the door is Mamba, the oldest girl in the gang. You recognize her from Salt, she has to be like ten years older than you, and time hasn't been too kind:
Evidently, these girls ran out of food, I mean, look at poor Spunk here: She'd probably be cuter, and happier, if someone snuck her a hamburger or something.
Sporting a gun that weighs nearly as much as she does (which doesn't have any bullets in it) is wide-eyed Chunky. She's sort of blown away by all the scribblings on the walls here:
Last in the door, chewing gum and snapping it, twitching and look around with a hint of madness in her eyes is Whopper:
They come in, Spree-Omo sits down on one side, Starburst on the other. Spree says, "Hey Kiddo. Star said you got work or somethin. The north is dead, man. We almost ran outta gas comin down here. So... what's the haps?"
Omo's voice snaps me out of the haze, and I spin around on my stool to face them with a look like I got caught with a hand in the cookie jar. "Huh? Oh. Hey O... Spree. Yeah, let your girls grab a table or something..."
I wait for people to get comfortable, and try to get my head in the game. "So I've got a proposition for you... You girls wanna eat, and be Candies, and I've got jobs, and good ties with the originals. I wanna go up north to find my parents at the Ascendant... How can we work together to make everyone happy?"
Spree grins wide, "Music to my adorable little ears, Kiddo. Star prepped me for this, and I think it's great! So, you feed us jobs, we do 'em and get paid, then we go up north, right?"
Whopper walks up to the bar, "Gimmie a bottle o' anything. It's on her." She gestures towards you, Kiddo.
I turn to Loot without hesitation, and bark, "you give that bitch anything before I say so, and I'll shoot her dead right here on the bar." I turn back to Spree, not worried about Whopper in the slightest, and give her a serious look. "The girls are gunna work Spree — no free rides — and I'm not working with anyone I think can't get the job done, yeah?"
These bitches need frakking food over liquor. Gods, what the frak were they doing up North?
Loot snorts a laugh, but you don't catch Whopper's reaction, of course. Spree notices you're using her Candy name, and she gives you a serious look, "No free rides, o' course, Kiddo. My girls are survivors. We just do things our own way, is all. But we're good to get it done. You'll see."
Whopper mumbles a bit, but she isn't demanding anything, yet.
I look around the motley group of girls that just came into Loot's place. I'm surprised they made it at all... Frak...
I turn back to Loot, "Feed them, yeah? I'll cover it." No way they could work in their current state.
I turn back to Spree and nod, "Let's start with a quick scav retrieval job tomorrow, something Rinny and me ran into out on the road, and start getting you in on caravan security with Logitech and his boy Kodak. You won't be hurting for work after that. Once I'm happy with how your girls operate, we can make that ride up together..."
Of course Spree brought her kids. They're outside in the station wagon.
The girls, except Spree, crowd the bar as soon as you give Loot your blessing. They're eating with their hands, whatever Loot hands them. Spree heads outside to fetch Abba and Zabba, brings them in, one in each arm. They're a little sunburned and fussy, but the Candies make room for the babies. Payday crushed up some banana-like fruit and she dips pieces into the babes' mouths.
Spree looks to Spunk as she's gobbling some dates, asks her, "You got any milk in there, bitch?"
Spunk shakes her head, "Naw, bitch. Let me eat up, get some water. I'll be good soon, I think."
So I might have been staring at the babies a bit too long when Spree comes in with them... I look confused between Spunk and Spree for a second, then ask Spree, "I thought Abba and Zabba were your kids... How does Spunk fit into the picture?"
Spree hands over Zabba to Payday, and answers without a hint of shame, "They're mine. I got the stretch marks to show for em, the big little bitches. I tried to give em my milk, but they weren't getting enough. But my bitch Spunk, she came in and saved my little ones. And I owe her big time!" Spunk whoops in response.
I give her a confused look, "were you frakking starving yourself or something? My Ma' used to wake Hump and Vicky up from naps to feed them she was in so much pain." I shake my head, "what are you gunna do with 'em when you're out on the road?"
Spree shifts uncomfortably, "It was rough times then. Guess the gods didn't bless me with milk. I dunno, Kiddo. You make do, you know? And as for runs, I'll keep a girl back as long as we got a place to crash. If that don't work, I'll figure it out. Where there's a will, there's a way, am I right?"
Whopper is eating olives out of a jar, no chaser, the other girls are scarfing down food. Loot is looking at you like she wants to make sure you can afford it. You can, but damn, these girls are eating like crazy.
This bitch is too frakking optimistic for my liking... I catch Loot's gaze and draw my finger across my throat in a slashing motion. I remember when Vee first came into my life, like as a part of my family, she was so starved she would eat anything to the point of pain. We had to bring her to Kim once 'cause she almost killed herself with food... The key to making her healthy again was controlled portions.
I call out over the crowd, "Alright bitches, meal's over! Anyone still eating by the time I step out of this bar doesn't eat tomorrow!" I should probably ask Stitch to check everyone out... Y'know, get everyone onto the right track.
I look back to Spree over my shoulder, but my eyes are on those kids of hers. "I'll make sure your kids are looked after... " I jostle my bag on my shoulder, "C'mon, you can stay at my place."
Whopper start stuffing her mouth with olives, making her cheeks puff out comically, while Chunky seems to think you're supposed to be outside the bar first, so she puts down the crackers and runs outside. Mamba grabs a fistful of stalky vegetables and trudges out, while Payday puts her mask back down and waits for Goodbar, who takes a long drink of water, draining the glass, then they walk out together.
By the time you make it out of Loots, they're all either out there with you or following and not eating. Spree throws her free arm around your shoulder, "I knew it! I knew you an me meetin up was a sign. A roof over my head that don't involve suckin some fool's pecker, that is a helluva good sign. Thanks, Kiddo. You're good people." She turns to the North Candies, "You hear that, bitches, we're crashin at Kiddo's!" There are a number of whoops and "hell yeahs".
... I'm gunna need a bigger place. I look to Spree and sigh when she mentions sucking dick for a roof over her head — how hard did these girls have it? "This is just for tonight," I whisper, "tomorrow morning we're gunna ride out to the old freighter Upper converted into his home before he ... well, y'know... Before him and Virginia died..."
I let Spree keep her hand there a second, and face the group. "Ground rules: back room is off frakking limits, no frakking on the premises, the garage, and the old man down below are not to be frakked with, and no giving my crew shit!" Then I add, "tomorrow, we'll get you girls set up with a proper home."
"No... I think I got it, Whopps." Chunky says with a grin. "I'll keep you straight!"
"First time for everything, hunh?" Spunk jokes.
Whopper laughs a big "ha ha ha" at that, then grabs her left breast, "You just want some. Heh. Or maybe, you want some MORE! Spunk rolls her eyes.
Chunky screws up her face in frustration, still stuck on keeping Whopper straight with the rules, "Seriously! I'm pretty helpful and stuff."
"Chill it, bitches," Starburst cuts in. "Kiddo's gonna put us up to start, but we gotta earn our way, or we're out on our asses."
"Easy for you to say, Star," Goodbar snipes, "You got a safety net with that Kodak frakker."
Starburst moves quick and hard and kicks Goodbar in the gut. She doubles over in pain, drops to a knee. Payday reaches for the pistol she has stuffed in the front of her pants, but Starburst punches her in her right breast, hard. "Shut the frak up, bitches, or I will beat both your..."
"Frakkin stop it!" Spree shouts as she lets go of you to move over and try and get in the way. But Payday stops reaching for her gun, they pause for a moment, and Spree adds, "Bitches... we got a real chance right now. And this is our frakkin audition here. Stow this drek and we can sort it later. Frak!" She turns to smile a pretty tooth-missing smile at you, mouthing the word "sorry".
These girls are going to be a lot of work. I shake my head, kind of amused at the shit that just went down, sort of worried they might not be worth the trouble... What's more — I have no frakking idea how someone as... Pleasant? Yeah, as pleasant as Omo decided to start a frakking gang like this. She doesn't strike me as the kind of woman to cap some frakker if it needed doing.
That's got its advantages, but it sure frakking doesn't out in the wastes. I smile back at her, if only to show I understood her, and follow them upstairs — I only stop a minute at the door when I realize Vee and Rinny might be up there... I put a hand on my tummy, and my breathing picks up a bit. I dunno how long I can keep this secret...
... I wouldn't be too upset if Vee and Rinny were out on a run again — I guess I just gotta keep myself occupied for a bit.
The girls pile around behind you until you open the door. They've grabbed their bags and whatnot off their bikes, they're looking forward to a night indoors. You open up, and Chunky whispers up to you, "Do you have a shower, Kiddo?" while the rest walk in around you. Looks like they're chatting about who has what couch or whatever, and the mood is much more upbeat now.
Then Whopper, standing by the door to the back room, says, "I thought you said no frakkin on the premises! Ha ha!"
"She meant us, Whopps." Spunk says with a sigh.
Whopper snorts, then explains "Good for the goose, good for the gander... oh heyyyy, think Ima gander through that keyhole!" She turns to bend down and look through the keyhole, all dramatic-like.
I shake my head at the shower question, "no, but there's a bath-house next to Loot's. Tech and Dad insisted it was better for water stores." I slip her a little bit of change, "don't tell nobody."
That's when Whopper starts whooping and hollering about people frakking, and I slap her away from the door. "C'mon bitch! Respect for my crew, yeah? You wanna get laid, go find someone down at Loot's and pay for a frakking room."
Is that Vee and Rinny in there? Can I even hear who it is? Once I've pushed Whopper away, I slip into the back room all quiet like to fill in Rinny and Vee.
Whopper jokingly stays in your way for a beat before moving, then she stares over your shoulder as you open the door. She whoops something fierce when the first sight you see in the back room is Rinso's tanned and toned ass. He's got VB on all, as she calls it, on all three and a thirds, and the two of them are covered in sweat. Vee is doing her little puppy-dog whine she does when she's enjoying the sex but really wants to be submissive. Rinso's got both hands on her hips and you can hear the catch in his breath, he's about to climax.
You step in and Rinso says, "Vee, I'm gonna..."
VB says quick, gasping, "Pull out! Pull out, you frakker!" She is about to crawl away when he complies, and well, he's probably going to make a bit of a mess.
Oh frak... The smell of sweat and sex fills my nostrils, and that — combined with the B.O. of the girls in the front room — just kind of overwhelms me. I must turn a wicked shade of green as I turn and shut the door behind me, bringing a hand to my face to cover my mouth.
I don't puke this time though — so that's something. I guess that ginger's doing its job.
I stand there, my hand on the door, my back to the pair on the bed, and close my eyes to compose myself. I wait for Rinny to finish, and them to notice me in some way before turning back around. "Gods," I mumble to myself, turning around to Rinny and Vee, "some of those girls smell like they frakked a goat."
I give Vee an annoyed, but patient look, "It's just temporary Hon — I'm bringing 'em out to Upper's old place tomorrow. I have no idea how they made it this long without a frakking roof over their heads, but here we are..."
I give Rinny a kiss on the cheek and shake my head, "No, I saw her. She gave me some weak ass herbal remedy though, so it looks like I'll be toughing it out for a while. The next few days are gunna be busy — you two got anything to keep you occupied while I whip these ladies into shape?"
Rinso shrugs, "Not really. If you, uh, if you want help, I'm there for you." He totally doesn't want to deal with the North Candies.
VB, who is putting on "the leg" and slipping into a very cute, short silk robe, says, "If you want me to run their flabby asses off, I've got your back. You know how I love to make fun of girls who are out of shape, and I think they all qualify... but I'm still working on Butter Nut. I swear, I'm this close to getting in good enough for her to teach me a thing or two."
Some of my original color returns to my face, and I shake my head, "I think working on Butter is a better use of your time. I don't know if half of these girls could run with you just yet anyway — half of them are starving. I'm sure you'll get 'em on their feet soon enough though, Hon."
I put a hand on Rinny's chest and nod, "why don't you come with me? I want the girls to know you're off limits."
I smirk at Vee's comment, and give her a playful tap. Rinny asks if he can throw some clothes on, and I nod, "You're lucky I love you." I give him another kiss and turn to leave, but stop at the door. "Let's play it by ear with the gang... I want to let them frak up once or twice — y'know, play with fire so they know what it feels like."
Rinso kisses you back, and you taste VB on him. Then he breaks off to go pick up his clothes from the floor and throw them on. You catch VB watching him, just caught in a moment watching him when he's focused on something else, not her.
When you talk about letting the Candies frak up, Rinso nods, "I get it. Cherry let me burn a few times. Pain is a good teacher." He shrugs into a v-neck shirt that shows off his tribal tat and says, "Let's go, captain."
The Northern Candies find me there.
Hanging out near the door is Mamba, the oldest girl in the gang. You recognize her from Salt, she has to be like ten years older than you, and time hasn't been too kind:
Evidently, these girls ran out of food, I mean, look at poor Spunk here:
She'd probably be cuter, and happier, if someone snuck her a hamburger or something.
Sporting a gun that weighs nearly as much as she does (which doesn't have any bullets in it) is wide-eyed Chunky. She's sort of blown away by all the scribblings on the walls here:
Last in the door, chewing gum and snapping it, twitching and look around with a hint of madness in her eyes is Whopper:
They come in, Spree-Omo sits down on one side, Starburst on the other. Spree says, "Hey Kiddo. Star said you got work or somethin. The north is dead, man. We almost ran outta gas comin down here. So... what's the haps?"
I wait for people to get comfortable, and try to get my head in the game. "So I've got a proposition for you... You girls wanna eat, and be Candies, and I've got jobs, and good ties with the originals. I wanna go up north to find my parents at the Ascendant... How can we work together to make everyone happy?"
Whopper walks up to the bar, "Gimmie a bottle o' anything. It's on her." She gestures towards you, Kiddo.
These bitches need frakking food over liquor. Gods, what the frak were they doing up North?
Whopper mumbles a bit, but she isn't demanding anything, yet.
I turn back to Loot, "Feed them, yeah? I'll cover it." No way they could work in their current state.
I turn back to Spree and nod, "Let's start with a quick scav retrieval job tomorrow, something Rinny and me ran into out on the road, and start getting you in on caravan security with Logitech and his boy Kodak. You won't be hurting for work after that. Once I'm happy with how your girls operate, we can make that ride up together..."
Did Spree bring her kids? Was she that stupid?
The girls, except Spree, crowd the bar as soon as you give Loot your blessing. They're eating with their hands, whatever Loot hands them. Spree heads outside to fetch Abba and Zabba, brings them in, one in each arm. They're a little sunburned and fussy, but the Candies make room for the babies. Payday crushed up some banana-like fruit and she dips pieces into the babes' mouths.
Spree looks to Spunk as she's gobbling some dates, asks her, "You got any milk in there, bitch?"
Spunk shakes her head, "Naw, bitch. Let me eat up, get some water. I'll be good soon, I think."
Whopper is eating olives out of a jar, no chaser, the other girls are scarfing down food. Loot is looking at you like she wants to make sure you can afford it. You can, but damn, these girls are eating like crazy.
I call out over the crowd, "Alright bitches, meal's over! Anyone still eating by the time I step out of this bar doesn't eat tomorrow!" I should probably ask Stitch to check everyone out... Y'know, get everyone onto the right track.
I look back to Spree over my shoulder, but my eyes are on those kids of hers. "I'll make sure your kids are looked after... " I jostle my bag on my shoulder, "C'mon, you can stay at my place."
By the time you make it out of Loots, they're all either out there with you or following and not eating. Spree throws her free arm around your shoulder, "I knew it! I knew you an me meetin up was a sign. A roof over my head that don't involve suckin some fool's pecker, that is a helluva good sign. Thanks, Kiddo. You're good people." She turns to the North Candies, "You hear that, bitches, we're crashin at Kiddo's!" There are a number of whoops and "hell yeahs".
Now what do you do?
I let Spree keep her hand there a second, and face the group. "Ground rules: back room is off frakking limits, no frakking on the premises, the garage, and the old man down below are not to be frakked with, and no giving my crew shit!" Then I add, "tomorrow, we'll get you girls set up with a proper home."
... Though that might be an ongoing affair...
"No... I think I got it, Whopps." Chunky says with a grin. "I'll keep you straight!"
"First time for everything, hunh?" Spunk jokes.
Whopper laughs a big "ha ha ha" at that, then grabs her left breast, "You just want some. Heh. Or maybe, you want some MORE! Spunk rolls her eyes.
Chunky screws up her face in frustration, still stuck on keeping Whopper straight with the rules, "Seriously! I'm pretty helpful and stuff."
"Chill it, bitches," Starburst cuts in. "Kiddo's gonna put us up to start, but we gotta earn our way, or we're out on our asses."
"Easy for you to say, Star," Goodbar snipes, "You got a safety net with that Kodak frakker."
Starburst moves quick and hard and kicks Goodbar in the gut. She doubles over in pain, drops to a knee. Payday reaches for the pistol she has stuffed in the front of her pants, but Starburst punches her in her right breast, hard. "Shut the frak up, bitches, or I will beat both your..."
"Frakkin stop it!" Spree shouts as she lets go of you to move over and try and get in the way. But Payday stops reaching for her gun, they pause for a moment, and Spree adds, "Bitches... we got a real chance right now. And this is our frakkin audition here. Stow this drek and we can sort it later. Frak!" She turns to smile a pretty tooth-missing smile at you, mouthing the word "sorry".
That's got its advantages, but it sure frakking doesn't out in the wastes. I smile back at her, if only to show I understood her, and follow them upstairs — I only stop a minute at the door when I realize Vee and Rinny might be up there... I put a hand on my tummy, and my breathing picks up a bit. I dunno how long I can keep this secret...
... I wouldn't be too upset if Vee and Rinny were out on a run again — I guess I just gotta keep myself occupied for a bit.
Then Whopper, standing by the door to the back room, says, "I thought you said no frakkin on the premises! Ha ha!"
"She meant us, Whopps." Spunk says with a sigh.
Whopper snorts, then explains "Good for the goose, good for the gander... oh heyyyy, think Ima gander through that keyhole!" She turns to bend down and look through the keyhole, all dramatic-like.
That's when Whopper starts whooping and hollering about people frakking, and I slap her away from the door. "C'mon bitch! Respect for my crew, yeah? You wanna get laid, go find someone down at Loot's and pay for a frakking room."
Is that Vee and Rinny in there? Can I even hear who it is? Once I've pushed Whopper away, I slip into the back room all quiet like to fill in Rinny and Vee.
You step in and Rinso says, "Vee, I'm gonna..."
VB says quick, gasping, "Pull out! Pull out, you frakker!" She is about to crawl away when he complies, and well, he's probably going to make a bit of a mess.
What do you do?
I don't puke this time though — so that's something. I guess that ginger's doing its job.
I stand there, my hand on the door, my back to the pair on the bed, and close my eyes to compose myself. I wait for Rinny to finish, and them to notice me in some way before turning back around. "Gods," I mumble to myself, turning around to Rinny and Vee, "some of those girls smell like they frakked a goat."
Rinso is, well, wiping himself down and comes over, "You still look sick, Kiddo. Was Stitch too busy to see you?"
I give Rinny a kiss on the cheek and shake my head, "No, I saw her. She gave me some weak ass herbal remedy though, so it looks like I'll be toughing it out for a while. The next few days are gunna be busy — you two got anything to keep you occupied while I whip these ladies into shape?"
VB, who is putting on "the leg" and slipping into a very cute, short silk robe, says, "If you want me to run their flabby asses off, I've got your back. You know how I love to make fun of girls who are out of shape, and I think they all qualify... but I'm still working on Butter Nut. I swear, I'm this close to getting in good enough for her to teach me a thing or two."
Some of my original color returns to my face, and I shake my head, "I think working on Butter is a better use of your time. I don't know if half of these girls could run with you just yet anyway — half of them are starving. I'm sure you'll get 'em on their feet soon enough though, Hon."
I put a hand on Rinny's chest and nod, "why don't you come with me? I want the girls to know you're off limits."
VB says, "Be careful she doesn't pee on you, Rinnie. hee hee."
He just rolls his eyes, then looks down at himself, "Mind if I throw on something before we have the "look but don't touch" speech?"
When you talk about letting the Candies frak up, Rinso nods, "I get it. Cherry let me burn a few times. Pain is a good teacher." He shrugs into a v-neck shirt that shows off his tribal tat and says, "Let's go, captain."