With Mandi dealt with, you head out into the evening towards "home". Do you usually walk home? Take transit? Drive? Or are you picked up? You have the odd sensation of feeling watched as you leave the building, but you don't spot anyone. The feeling follows you all the way home, and doesn't leave you until you cross the threshold into your Aunt and Uncle's home.
What does their place look like, by the way? What do your aunt and uncle do during the day?
I drive a white MX-5 Miata convertible.

This sensation of being watched, I keep turning around at lights, expecting to see Seth behind me. But he isn't, or I don't see him, at least. When I get to the house, I park in my usual spot along the circular drive and crunch across the gravel to the door.The house? A big (for the area) hacienda-style home with an open courtyard, numerous big palm trees, and a swimming pool in the back. Of course, it's nothing like what I grew up in, but it's pleasant enough.
My aunt is probably in her own workroom, doing research for her next book, a biography of Helena Blavatsky. Once inside, though, I find my uncle first. He is still in his study in front of five monitors, four of which display financial news and various data feeds. On the fifth are three trading windows. "Buenas tardes, Tio," I say and give him a peck on the cheek. He works from this dark room most days.
"Si, tio. My feed, you remember? She came back. As a ghost." I have no idea how Tio Alberto will react to that.
I swallow and nervously touch my ear. "I had not planned on banishing her, Tio. I thought she might be useful."
He waves a hand, signaling he's done discussing the matter.
That is not what I expected, but I know it's useless to argue, at least for now. I nod and leave to find Tia Constance. Her workroom is more a library with a desk. Floor to ceiling bookshelves cover every available bit of wall. This, of course, is where the books I shouldn't have told Eventide about are.
"Tia, I am sorry to be late."
"Lali. Come, sit with me." What's your relationship with Tia Constance like?
Tia Constance is the one that really tries to act like a parent, mostly. She asks about the day-to-day things, speculates about boys. For the most part, she is the one that concerns herself with my "integration," for whatever that's worth. She's also the disciplinarian, though. I sit, of course. I do what Tia Constance tells me.
She checks your reaction, waiting and expecting you to fall in line.
I nod. "Si, Tia. But... my last feed, the girl? She is back. A ghost, it seems. I think she might be a useful ally."
"Tia, you tell me to play the game for advantage. The ajedrez. Mandi... Amandine, is a piece that needs not follow the rules, and she feels indebted to me, I think. Si? I eased her first death... I do not feel she poses a threat to the lineage, and may be an asset."
She pauses, but there's a hint of something in her eyes that goes beyond just a lesson here. There's something personal behind it. She brushes her perpetually perfect hair back, and looks you square in the eye. "Have you told Tio Alberto yet?"
"Si, Tia." I give her a rare defiant look. "I will not banish her, Tia. It is not right, and it is not... practical. I can play the long game. You are here to teach me this, yes?"
She sizes you up a moment, her eyes narrow again, "do you love this feed, Lali?"
"When she was alive? No. She was a mouse, hiding in plain sight. But her taste... There was pepper in her blood, Tia. Strength hidden away within her little-girl, home-schooled, home-spun self. There was something there, I think. She would have been a worthy second-line, if I was not too young to make... one of us."
She comes back over, picking up a glass of red wine from the table, probably spiked with some beef blood. "If you are so eager to find a companion, I would advise you first find something that makes this long life you have inherited worth while — and that you hide it well, young lady. Your lineage does not look kindly on those who forge their own path."
This conversation took an unexpected turn. I hadn't been thinking about Amandine as a "companion", just as someone I had a connection with, that I would regret "banishing".
"Yes, Tia. So, what am I to do now? If nothing else, I don't think Amandine poses a threat." Eventide, on the other hand... but I will cross that bridge when it comes to me, or however that is said.
I nod. A servant is responsibility, and it would distract Alberto. "I will do that, Tia. Thank you."